

大東亜戦争への経緯・上級編 - (2010/06/14 (月) 01:21:19) の編集履歴(バックアップ)


■『大東亜戦争への道』(中村粲 著)紹介

中村 粲(なかむら あきら:獨協大名誉教授)(著)


【第1回】 日本の開国と朝鮮

+ ...
The Opening of Japan to the World and Korea① The Opening of Japan to the World and Korea②
The Opening of Japan to the World and Korea③ The Opening of Japan to the World and Korea④
The Opening of Japan to the World and Korea⑤

【第2回】 日清戦争 1894 - 1895

+ ...
First Sino-Japanese War① First Sino-Japanese War②
First Sino-Japanese War③ First Sino-Japanese War④
First Sino-Japanese War⑤ First Sino-Japanese War⑥

【第3回】 三国干渉 1895

+ ...
The Tripartite Intervention on 23 April 1895① The Tripartite Intervention on 23 April 1895②
The Tripartite Intervention on 23 April 1895③ The Tripartite Intervention on 23 April 1895④
The Tripartite Intervention on 23 April 1895⑤ The Tripartite Intervention on 23 April 1895⑥

【第4回】 ロシアの満韓侵略

+ ...
Boxer Rebellion (1899) and Invasion by Russia① Boxer Rebellion (1899) and Invasion by Russia②
Boxer Rebellion (1899) and Invasion by Russia③ Boxer Rebellion (1899) and Invasion by Russia④
Boxer Rebellion (1899) and Invasion by Russia⑤ Boxer Rebellion (1899) and Invasion by Russia⑥

【第5回】 日露戦争(1) 1904-1905

+ ...
Rosso-Japanese War(1)-① Rosso-Japanese War(1)-②
Rosso-Japanese War(1)-③ Rosso-Japanese War(1)-④
Rosso-Japanese War(1)-⑤

【第6回】 日露戦争(2) 1904-1905

+ ...
Rosso-Japanese War(2)-① Rosso-Japanese War(2)-②
Rosso-Japanese War(2)-③ Rosso-Japanese War(2)-④
Rosso-Japanese War(2)-⑤

【第7回】 日露戦争(3) 1904-1905

+ ...
Rosso-Japanese War(3)-① Rosso-Japanese War(3)-②
Rosso-Japanese War(3)-③ Rosso-Japanese War(3)-④
Rosso-Japanese War(3)-⑤

【第8回】 韓国併合 1910

+ ...
The Annexation of Korea① The Annexation of Korea②
The Annexation of Korea③ The Annexation of Korea④
The Annexation of Korea⑤ The Annexation of Korea⑥

【第9回】 日米抗争の源流

+ ...
Onset of Hostility between the U.S. and Japan① Onset of Hostility between the U.S. and Japan②
Onset of Hostility between the U.S. and Japan③ Onset of Hostility between the U.S. and Japan④
Onset of Hostility between the U.S. and Japan⑤ Onset of Hostility between the U.S. and Japan⑥

【第10回】 第一次世界と日本(1)

+ ...
大東亜戦争への道 Twenty-One Demands in 1915 Jan 18① 大東亜戦争への道 Twenty-One Demands in 1915 Jan 18②
大東亜戦争への道 Twenty-One Demands in 1915 Jan 18③ 大東亜戦争への道 Twenty-One Demands in 1915 Jan 18④
大東亜戦争への道 Twenty-One Demands in 1915 Jan 18⑤

【第11回】 第一次世界と日本(2)

+ ...
The Siberia Intervention and the Nikolayevsk Massacre① The Siberia Intervention and the Nikolayevsk Massacre②
The Siberia Intervention and the Nikolayevsk Massacre③ The Siberia Intervention and the Nikolayevsk Massacre④
The Siberia Intervention and the Nikolayevsk Massacre⑤ The Siberia Intervention and the Nikolayevsk Massacre⑥

【第12回】 国際協調の幻想

+ ...
Illusions of International Cooperation① Illusions of International Cooperation②
Illusions of International Cooperation③ Illusions of International Cooperation④
Illusions of International Cooperation⑤ Illusions of International Cooperation⑥

【第13回】 北伐途上の排日運動

+ ...
Comintern and CCP, Jinan Incident by Chiang Kai-shek① Comintern and CCP, Jinan Incident by Chiang Kai-shek②
Comintern and CCP, Jinan Incident by Chiang Kai-shek③ Comintern and CCP, Jinan Incident by Chiang Kai-shek④
Comintern and CCP, Jinan Incident by Chiang Kai-shek⑤ Comintern and CCP, Jinan Incident by Chiang Kai-shek⑥

【第14回】 満州事変(1)

+ ...
Manchurian Incident in 1931 Sep 18(1)-① Manchurian Incident in 1931 Sep 18(1)-②
Manchurian Incident in 1931 Sep 18(1)-③ Manchurian Incident in 1931 Sep 18(1)-④
Manchurian Incident in 1931 Sep 18(1)-⑤ Manchurian Incident in 1931 Sep 18(1)-⑥

【第15回】 満州事変(2)

+ ...
Manchurian Incident in 1931 Sep 18(2)-① Manchurian Incident in 1931 Sep 18(2)-②
Manchurian Incident in 1931 Sep 18(2)-③ Manchurian Incident in 1931 Sep 18(2)-④
Manchurian Incident in 1931 Sep 18(2)-⑤ Manchurian Incident in 1931 Sep 18(2)-⑥

【第16回】 満州事変(3)

+ ...
Manchurian Incident in 1931 Sep 18(3)-① Manchurian Incident in 1931 Sep 18(3)-②
Manchurian Incident in 1931 Sep 18(3)-③ Manchurian Incident in 1931 Sep 18(3)-④
Manchurian Incident in 1931 Sep 18(3)-⑤ Manchurian Incident in 1931 Sep 18(3)-⑥

【第17回】 動揺する北支

+ ...
Unsettled Northern Chian① Unsettled Northern Chian②
Unsettled Northern Chian③ Unsettled Northern Chian④
Unsettled Northern Chian⑤ Unsettled Northern Chian⑥

【第18回】 西安事件

+ ...
The Sian Incident① The Sian Incident②
The Sian Incident③ The Sian Incident④
The Sian Incident⑤ The Sian Incident⑥

【第19回】 盧溝橋事件(1)

+ ...
The Marco Polo Bridge Incident(1)-① The Marco Polo Bridge Incident(1)-②
The Marco Polo Bridge Incident(1)-③ The Marco Polo Bridge Incident(1)-④
The Marco Polo Bridge Incident(1)-⑤ The Marco Polo Bridge Incident(1)-⑥

【第20回】 盧溝橋事件(2)

+ ...
The Marco Polo Bridge Incident(2)-① The Marco Polo Bridge Incident(2)-②
The Marco Polo Bridge Incident(2)-③ The Marco Polo Bridge Incident(2)-④
The Marco Polo Bridge Incident(2)-⑤

【第21回】 日本の和平努力(1)

+ ...
The Tongzhou Incident① The Tongzhou Incident②
The Tongzhou Incident③ The Tongzhou Incident④
The Tongzhou Incident⑤ The Tongzhou Incident⑥

【第22回】 日本の和平努力(2)

+ ...
The 2nd. Sino-Japanese War(1)-① The 2nd. Sino-Japanese War(1)-②
The 2nd. Sino-Japanese War(1)-③ The 2nd. Sino-Japanese War(1)-④
The 2nd. Sino-Japanese War(1)-⑤ The 2nd. Sino-Japanese War(1)-⑥

【第23回】 国民政府を対手とせず

+ ...
The 2nd. Sino-Japanese War(2)-① The 2nd. Sino-Japanese War(2)-②
The 2nd. Sino-Japanese War(2)-③ The 2nd. Sino-Japanese War(2)-④
The 2nd. Sino-Japanese War(2)-⑤ The 2nd. Sino-Japanese War(2)-⑥



(1) ロシアの東アジア侵食~日露戦争による頓挫 (1858-1905)

(2) 中国近代化の失敗:清末~民国初期の混迷 (1905-1919)

(3) 共産主義の東アジア侵食~日本敗戦~赤化完了へ (1919-1949)

(4) アメリカv.s.共産主義陣営 (1950-1968)

(5) 中ソ紛争~米中提携~ソ連崩壊まで (1969-1991)

(6) 中国の民主化なき膨張 (1992-現在)


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