B2 > アニメイト・ドリーム


B2/アニメイト・ドリーム - (2012/01/02 (月) 00:24:40) の1つ前との変更点



// BEGIN_OF-animateDream.html // ORIGINAL-http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/additionalMonsters/animateDream.html * アニメイト・ドリーム &small(){[[Animate Dream>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/additionalMonsters/animateDream.html]]} >This indistinct figure suddenly takes on a nightmarish shape, not quite human or animal or fiend. *** アニメイト・ドリーム 脅威度8 &small(){Animate Dream} &b(){経験点 4,800} &b(){NE}/中型サイズの来訪者(他次元界、非実体状態) &b(){イニシアチブ} +4;&b(){感覚} 暗視60フィート;〈知覚〉+17 **** 防御データ &b(){AC} 20、接触20、立ちすくみ15(+5反発、+4【敏】、+1回避) &b(){hp} 90(12d10+24) &b(){頑健} +10、&b(){反応} +8、&b(){意志} +12 &b(){防御的能力} 非実体状態;&b(){呪文抵抗} 19 **** 攻撃データ &b(){移動速度} 飛行40フィート(完璧) &b(){近接} 非実体の接触=+16(6d8負のエネルギー、加えて“nightmare curse”) &b(){擬似呪文能力} (術者レベル12レベル;精神集中+17) #divclass(statsindent){ 3回/日:&i(){ディープ・スランバー}(DC18)、&i(){ディメンジョン・ドア}、&i(){ナイトメア}(DC20) 1回/日:&i(){コンフュージョン}(DC19)、&i(){ファンタズマル・キラー}(DC19)、&i(){フィアー}(DC19) } **** 一般データ &b(){【筋】} ―、&b(){【敏】} 18、&b(){【耐】} 15、&b(){【知】} 10、&b(){【判】} 15、&b(){【魅】} 21 &b(){基本攻撃} +12;&b(){CMB} +16;&b(){CMD} 32 &b(){特技} 《回避》、《かすめ飛び攻撃》、《強行突破》、《戦闘発動》、《鋼の意志》、《無視界戦闘》 &b(){技能} 〈威圧〉+20、〈隠密〉+19、〈真意看破〉+17、〈知覚〉+17、〈知識:次元界〉+15、〈はったり〉+20、〈飛行〉+12 &b(){言語} テレパシー100フィート **** 生態 &b(){出現環境} 気候問わず/地形問わず(エーテル界) &b(){編成} 単体 &b(){宝物} なし **** 特殊能力 &b(){Nightmare Curse(変則)} An animate dream’s touch puts horrifying visions in the target’s mind. Curse—incorporeal touch; &i(){セーヴ} 頑健 DC 21; &i(){頻度} 1回/日; &i(){効果} 1d4【判断力】吸収および対象は疲労状態になる; &i(){キュア} 3回連続のセーヴ成功または&i(){ディスペル・イーヴル}, &i(){ドリーム},または&i(){リムーヴ・カース}。  From time to time, when a powerfully imaginative sleeper wakes from a particularly vivid or unusual dream, a fragment of that dream lingers on the Ethereal Plane. To survive, this animate dream needs the power of living will, imagination, and emotion to sustain it. An animate dream seeks out mortal minds, appearing as a shadowy and often frightful dream figure. Its true appearance is vague and nebulous, but it reacts to the fears and emotions of those around it, taking on a nightmarish appearance that differs for each viewer.  An animate dream can find satisfaction and sustenance by passing one of its ghostly limbs through a mortal’s body—the act infusing the mortal with negative energy that sates the animate dream’s unnatural hunger. But by forcing a creature into a state of sleep, terror, or both, the animate dream can gain a much more satisfying meal, feeding on the emotions released in such states. It uses its spell-like abilities to this end, for each creature it harms with its nightmares, drives temporarily insane with &i(){コンフュージョン} or &i(){フィアー}, or outright slays with &i(){ファンタズマル・キラー} provides the monster with more nourishment. An animate dream forced to go for a long period of time without feeding does not starve to death, but does grow increasingly feral and violent in nature.  Animate dreams sometimes associate with other creatures from the Ethereal Plane or that have associations with dreams and nightmares, such as night hags, phase spiders, and xills. Sometimes these alliances are mutually beneficial, but in many cases the animate dreams are treated as slaves. Night hags in particular like enslaving animate dreams, and sometimes use their essence as a component in creating heartstones. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// BEGIN_OF-animateDream.html // ORIGINAL-http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/additionalMonsters/animateDream.html * アニメイト・ドリーム &small(){[[Animate Dream>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/additionalMonsters/animateDream.html]]} >This indistinct figure suddenly takes on a nightmarish shape, not quite human or animal or fiend. *** アニメイト・ドリーム 脅威度8 &small(){Animate Dream} &b(){経験点 4,800} &b(){NE}/中型サイズの来訪者(他次元界、非実体状態) &b(){イニシアチブ} +4;&b(){感覚} 暗視60フィート;〈知覚〉+17 **** 防御データ &b(){AC} 20、接触20、立ちすくみ15(+5反発、+4【敏】、+1回避) &b(){hp} 90(12d10+24) &b(){頑健} +10、&b(){反応} +8、&b(){意志} +12 &b(){防御的能力} 非実体状態;&b(){SR} 19 **** 攻撃データ &b(){移動速度} 飛行40フィート(完璧) &b(){近接} 非実体の接触=+16(6d8負のエネルギー、加えて“nightmare curse”) &b(){擬似呪文能力} (術者レベル12レベル;精神集中+17) #divclass(statsindent){ 3回/日:&i(){ディープ・スランバー}(DC18)、&i(){ディメンジョン・ドア}、&i(){ナイトメア}(DC20) 1回/日:&i(){コンフュージョン}(DC19)、&i(){ファンタズマル・キラー}(DC19)、&i(){フィアー}(DC19) } **** 一般データ &b(){【筋】} ―、&b(){【敏】} 18、&b(){【耐】} 15、&b(){【知】} 10、&b(){【判】} 15、&b(){【魅】} 21 &b(){基本攻撃} +12;&b(){CMB} +16;&b(){CMD} 32 &b(){特技} 《回避》、《かすめ飛び攻撃》、《強行突破》、《戦闘発動》、《鋼の意志》、《無視界戦闘》 &b(){技能} 〈威圧〉+20、〈隠密〉+19、〈真意看破〉+17、〈知覚〉+17、〈知識:次元界〉+15、〈はったり〉+20、〈飛行〉+12 &b(){言語} テレパシー100フィート **** 生態 &b(){出現環境} 気候問わず/地形問わず(エーテル界) &b(){編成} 単体 &b(){宝物} なし **** 特殊能力 &b(){Nightmare Curse(変則)} An animate dream’s touch puts horrifying visions in the target’s mind. Curse—incorporeal touch; &i(){セーヴ} 頑健 DC 21; &i(){頻度} 1回/日; &i(){効果} 1d4【判断力】吸収および対象は疲労状態になる; &i(){キュア} 3回連続のセーヴ成功または&i(){ディスペル・イーヴル}, &i(){ドリーム},または&i(){リムーヴ・カース}。  From time to time, when a powerfully imaginative sleeper wakes from a particularly vivid or unusual dream, a fragment of that dream lingers on the Ethereal Plane. To survive, this animate dream needs the power of living will, imagination, and emotion to sustain it. An animate dream seeks out mortal minds, appearing as a shadowy and often frightful dream figure. Its true appearance is vague and nebulous, but it reacts to the fears and emotions of those around it, taking on a nightmarish appearance that differs for each viewer.  An animate dream can find satisfaction and sustenance by passing one of its ghostly limbs through a mortal’s body—the act infusing the mortal with negative energy that sates the animate dream’s unnatural hunger. But by forcing a creature into a state of sleep, terror, or both, the animate dream can gain a much more satisfying meal, feeding on the emotions released in such states. It uses its spell-like abilities to this end, for each creature it harms with its nightmares, drives temporarily insane with &i(){コンフュージョン} or &i(){フィアー}, or outright slays with &i(){ファンタズマル・キラー} provides the monster with more nourishment. An animate dream forced to go for a long period of time without feeding does not starve to death, but does grow increasingly feral and violent in nature.  Animate dreams sometimes associate with other creatures from the Ethereal Plane or that have associations with dreams and nightmares, such as night hags, phase spiders, and xills. Sometimes these alliances are mutually beneficial, but in many cases the animate dreams are treated as slaves. Night hags in particular like enslaving animate dreams, and sometimes use their essence as a component in creating heartstones. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

