
+ 目次

種族特徴 Race Traits


〔悪を出し抜く〕(ティーフリング) Anticipate Evil

出典 Blood of Fiends 30ページ

〔アズラントの後継者〕(アズラント人*) Azlanti Inheritor

出典 Bastards of Golarion 29ページ、Humans of Golarion 30ページ

〔頭でっかち〕(ゴブリン) Balloon Headed

出典 Goblins of Golarion 16ページ、We Be Goblins! 12ページ

〔暴れ役〕(オーク) Brute

出典 Orcs of Golarion 23ページ

〔阿諛追従〕(フェッチリング) Adaptable Flatterer

出典 Bastards of Golarion 28ページ

〔荒れ狂う暴風〕(オーク、ハーフオーク) Rage of Storms

出典 Orcs of Golarion 23ページ

〔暗黒魔法への親和性〕(ティーフリング) Dark Magic Affinity

出典 Blood of Fiends 30ページ

〔遺跡学者〕(タルドール人) Scholar of Ruins

出典 Ultimate Campaign 62ページ、Taldor, Echoes of Glory 14ページ、Advanced Player's Guide 1ページ
 あなたが見聞きできるようになった瞬間から、遺跡にあなたの心は奪われた。あなたは知る限り全ての探検にExplorer Societyのポーターとしてボランティアで参加した。また、できる範囲で自分自身の遺跡探検も手掛けた。そんな訳で、あなたは特定の地域の地理に関する特別な洞察力を持っているだけではなく、遺跡を探検する際の専門知識を持っている。

〔悪戯っ子〕(ノーム) Rapscallion

出典 Ultimate Campaign 62ページ、Taldor, Echoes of Glory 14ページ、Advanced Player's Guide 1ページ

〔一族の縁故〕(ティーフリング) Family Connections

出典 Blood of Fiends 30ページ

〔市場ネズミ〕(ケレッシュ人) Market Rat

出典 Humans of Golarion 30ページ

〔猪の回復力〕(ワーボアキン) Boar Resilience

出典 Blood of the Moon 13ページ

〔威風堂々〕(シェリアックス人) Masterful Demeanor

出典 Cheliax, Empire of Devils 19ページ

〔忌まわしき犬の臭い〕(ゴブリン) Dog-Sniff-Hate

出典 Goblins of Golarion 16ページ

3.5 Material〔意欲的なバード〕(タルドール人) Aspiring Bard

出典 Taldor, Echoes of Glory 14ページ

〔イローリの掌〕(ヴードラ人) Open Palm of Irori

出典 Humans of Golarion 30ページ

〔色泥棒〕(ゴブリン) Color Thief

出典 Goblins of Golarion 16ページ

〔腕きき〕(カサーサ) Adroit

出典 People of the Stars 9ページ

〔運命の開拓者〕(タルドール人) Destined Pioneer

出典 People of the River 20ページ

〔えげつない戦法〕(オーク)  Dirty Fighter

出典 Orcs of Golarion 23ページ

3.5 Material〔エクジャエの如き反応〕(ハーフエルフ) Ekujae Reflexes

出典 Legacy of Fire Player's Guide 8ページ

〔大口叩き〕(オーク) Big Mouth

出典 Orcs of Golarion 22ページ

〔多くの街の言葉〕(ガルーンド人) Tongue of Many Towns

出典 Humans of Golarion 31ページ

〔大耳〕(ゴブリン) Big Ears

出典 Goblins of Golarion 16ページ

〔お飾りの恍惚〕(ラットフォーク) Bauble Fascination

出典 Dirty Tactics Toolbox 23ページ

〔驚くべき醜さ〕(オーク) Amazingly Ugly

出典 Orcs of Golarion 22ページ

〔カーネーションの鱗〕(コボルド) Carnation Scales

出典 Kobolds of Golarion 19ページ
 利益:君は〈生存〉に+1のボーナスを得、〈生存〉は君のクラス技能となる。カーネーションの鱗を持つ多くのコボルドはday raiderの代替種族特性を持つ。

〔歌劇団〕(シェリアックス人) Operatic

出典 Humans of Golarion 31ページ

〔影の刺客〕(ティーフリング) Shadow Stabber

出典 Blood of Fiends 31ページ

〔片目〕(オーク) Deadeye

出典 Orcs of Golarion 23ページ

〔かつての故郷〕(ガルーンド人) Ever Home

出典 Humans of Golarion 30ページ

〔神への嘲笑〕(デモダンド血統ティーフリング) God Scorn

出典 Blood of Fiends 20ページ

〔ガラクタ漁り〕(ハーフリング) Scrounger

出典 Halflings of Golarion 30ページ

〔官能的魅力〕(モロイ血統ダンピール) Sensual Graces

出典 Blood of the Night 20ページ

〔完璧な召使い〕(ハーフリング) Perfect Servant

出典 Halflings of Golarion 30ページ

〔奇襲の達人〕(ティエン人) Master of the Sudden Strike

出典 Humans of Golarion 30ページ

〔吉兆のタトゥー〕(ショアンティ) Auspicious Tattoo

出典 Humans of Golarion 30ページ

〔牙〕(オーク) Tusked

出典 Orcs of Golarion 23ページ

〔騎馬王〕(ケレッシュ人) Horse Lord

出典 Humans of Golarion 30ページ

〔強靱な肌〕(ラークシャサ血統ティーフリング) Tough Skin

出典 Blood of Fiends 23ページ

〔狂的発明家〕(オーク) Demented Inventor

出典 Orcs of Golarion 23ページ

〔臭いげっぷ〕(ゴブリン) Foul Belch

出典 Goblins of Golarion 16ページ
 利益:1日1回、標準アクションで君は5フィート以内の対象1体に特に不愉快なげっぷを浴びせかけることができる。影響を受けた対象はDC 12の頑健セーヴを行い、失敗すると1d6ラウンドの間不調状態に陥る。このセーヴDCは【耐久力】修正値に基づいて算出されている。

〔鎖の達人〕(キュトン血統ティーフリング) Chain Master

出典 Blood of Fiends 22ページ

〔苦痛の芸術家〕(キュトン血統ティーフリング) Pain Artist

出典 Blood of Fiends 22ページ

〔苦難の人生〕(エルフ) Forlorn

出典 Ultimate Campaign 62ページ、Legacy of Fire Player's Guide 8ページ、Advanced Player's Guide 1ページ

〔クロコダイルの泳ぎ〕(ワークロコダイルキン) Crocodile Swim

出典 Blood of the Moon 15ページ

〔系図の守り手〕(ティエン人) Keeper of the Ancestral Scrolls

出典 Humans of Golarion 30ページ

〔啓発された闘士〕(アガシオン血統アアシマール) Enlightened Warrior

出典 Blood of Angels 21ページ

〔獣の悪縁〕(ウールフェン人) Animalistic Affliction

出典 Humans of Golarion 30ページ

〔獣の乗り手〕(オーク) Beast Rider

出典 Orcs of Golarion 23ページ

〔獣への脅迫〕(ティーフリング) Beast Bully

出典 Blood of Fiends 30ページ

〔言語学的才能〕(キョンシー血統ダンピール) Linguistic Genius

出典 Blood of the Night 20ページ

〔幸運な乗客〕(ハーフリング) Providential Passenger

出典 Halflings of Golarion 30ページ

〔好都合な移り気〕(ゴブリン) Advantageous Distraction

出典 Goblins of Golarion 15ページ

〔傲慢な気質〕(ティーフリング) Prideful Temper

出典 Blood of Fiends 31ページ

〔荒野の言葉〕(アガシオン血統アアシマール) Speech of the Wilds

出典 Blood of Angels 21ページ

〔心捕らえる者〕(モロイ血統ダンピール) Mind Trapper

出典 Blood of the Night 20ページ

〔心無き残虐〕(オーク) Mindlessly Cruel

出典 Orcs of Golarion 23ページ

〔ゴブリンの蛮勇〕(ゴブリン) Goblin Foolhardiness

出典 Goblins of Golarion 16ページ

〔コロニーの支配層〕(シェリアックス人またはサルガーヴァ・コロニー出身) Colonial Entitlement

出典 Sargava, the Lost Colony 23ページ

〔コロニーへの同調者〕(ムワンギ) Colonial Sympathizer

出典 Sargava, the Lost Colony 23ページ

〔最期の抱擁〕(ダンピール) Final Embrace

出典 Blood of the Night 19ページ

〔残虐〕(ハーフオーク) Brute


〔残虐な激怒者〕(ハーフオーク) Cruel Rager

出典 Agents of Evil 25ページ

〔三百代言〕(シェリアックス人) Glib Barrister

出典 Humans of Golarion 30ページ

〔次元界の交渉者〕(アアシマール) Planar Negotiator

出典 Blood of Angels 30ページ

〔地獄の使者〕(シェリアックス人) Infernal Influence

出典 Cheliax, Empire of Devils 19ページ

〔自然渡り〕(エルフ) Wild Stride

出典 Heroes of the Wild 6ページ

〔下っ端〕(ティーフリング) Underling

出典 Blood of Fiends 31ページ

〔死の代行者〕(ダイモン血統ティーフリング) Death's Deputy

出典 Blood of Fiends 19ページ

〔自由の戦士〕(ハーフリング) Freedom Fighter

出典 Ultimate Campaign 62ページ、Advanced Player's Guide 1ページ、Legacy of Fire Player's Guide 8ページ

〔深遠を覗くもの〕(ドワーフ) Deep Marker

出典 Dwarves of Golarion 10ページ

〔信仰の癒し手〕(アアシマール) Faith Healer

Faith healer may be used for Day Job checks
出典 Blood of Angels 30ページ

〔親切〕(ハーフリング) Helpful

出典 Halflings of Golarion 30ページ

〔数秘術の恩恵〕(キョンシー血統ダンピール) Numerological Gift

出典 Blood of the Night 20ページ

〔優れた体幹〕(ドワーフ) Grounded

出典 Dwarves of Golarion 10ページ

〔優れた握り手〕(オニ血統ティーフリング) Superior Clutch

出典 Blood of Fiends 22ページ

3.5 Material〔砂の民の遺産〕(ハーフオーク) Legacy of Sand

出典 Legacy of Fire Player's Guide 8ページ

〔頭脳明晰〕(ドワーフ) Clearheaded

出典 Dwarves of Golarion 10ページ

〔聖職者の一員〕(アアシマール) Clergy Member

Clergy member is useable once per scenario instead of once per week
出典 Blood of Angels 30ページ

〔世界を旅するもの〕(ヴァリシア人) World Traveler

出典 Ultimate Campaign 62ページ、Advanced Player's Guide 1ページ、Legacy of Fire Player's Guide 8ページ

〔責任転嫁〕(ディヴ血統ティーフリング) Shift the Blame

出典 Blood of Fiends 21ページ

〔切なさ〕(チェンジリング) Bitter Heart


3.5 Material〔潜在的なサイオン〕(ヴードラ人) Latent Psion

出典 Legacy of Fire Player's Guide 8ページ

〔選択性の健康〕(アアシマール) Selective Health

出典 Blood of Angels 31ページ

〔戦闘狂〕(ドワーフ) Zest for Battle

出典 Dwarves of Golarion 10ページ

〔戦闘血統〕(ショアンティ) Bred for War

出典 Humans of Golarion 30ページ

〔煽動者〕(ティーフリング) Inciter

出典 Blood of Fiends 30ページ

3.5 Material〔戦闘商人〕(ドワーフ) Militant Merchant

Applies to Perception checks and the Perception skill
出典 Taldor, Echoes of Glory 14ページ

〔創造的な操作〕(チェンジリング) Creative Manipulator

出典 Bastards of Golarion 28ページ

〔粗暴な歌〕(ゴブリン) Rude Songs

出典 Goblins of Golarion 16ページ

〔空の観察者〕(シルフ) Aerial Observer

出典 Bastards of Golarion 29ページ

〔隊商の移動〕(ハーフオーク) Caravan Drover

出典 People of the Sands 14ページ

〔大胆不敵な冒険者〕(ソンギョ) Adventurous Explorer

出典 Sargava, the Lost Colony 23ページ

〔ダウジング〕(スリ) Dowsing

出典 People of the Sands 15ページ

〔戦う鍛冶〕(ドワーフ) Warsmith

出典 Dwarves of Golarion 10ページ

〔盾持ち〕(ウールフェン人) Shield Bearer

出典 Humans of Golarion 31ページ

〔魂喰らい〕(ダイモン血統ティーフリング) Soul Eater

出典 Blood of Fiends 19ページ

3.5 Material〔探検家魂〕(ムワンギ人) Spirits in the Stone

出典 Legacy of Fire Player's Guide 8ページ

〔弾力性〕(ゴブリン) Bouncy

出典 Goblins of Golarion 16ページ、We Be Goblins! 15ページ

3.5 Material〔知識の探求者〕(エルフ) Seeker of Brightness

出典 Elves of Golarion 15ページ

〔血のアルゴリズム〕(アンドロイド) Blood Algorithm

出典 People of the River 19ページ

〔血の追跡者〕(デヴィル血統ティーフリング) Blood Stalker

出典 Blood of Fiends 21ページ

〔血の呪い〕(スキンウォーカー) Curse in the Blood

出典 Bastards of Golarion 29ページ

〔致命的な突進〕(デーモン血統ティーフリング) Deadly Rush

出典 Blood of Fiends 20ページ

〔ちょっとした術〕(ヴァリシアの放浪者、ヴァリシア人の人間) Trifler

出典 Faction Guide 63ページ

〔追放者〕(ハーフオーク) Outcast

出典 Ultimate Campaign 62ページ、Orcs of Golarion 23ページ、Advanced Player's Guide 1ページ

〔常に用心深い〕(ティーフリング) Ever Wary

出典 Blood of Fiends 30ページ

〔罪の反射〕(クリフォト血統ティーフリング) Repel Sin

出典 Blood of Fiends 23ページ

3.5 Material〔ディレッタント・アーティスト〕(エルフ) Dilettante Artist

出典 Taldor, Echoes of Glory 14ページ

〔天蓋の散歩者〕(キャットフォーク) Canopy Prowler

出典 Dirty Tactics Toolbox 22ページ

〔天上の追跡者〕(エンジェル血統アアシマール) Celestial Tracker

出典 Blood of Angels 21ページ

〔道徳的な指導者〕(アアシマール) Ethical Leader

出典 Blood of Angels 30ページ

〔動物の友〕(ノーム) Animal Friend

出典 Ultimate Campaign 62ページ、Advanced Player's Guide 1ページ、Legacy of Fire Player's Guide 7ページ

〔逃亡奴隷〕(ベルフラワー・ネットワーク、ハーフリング) Freed Slave

出典 Faction Guide 63ページ

3.5 Material〔得意の秘術〕(エルフ) Arcane Dabbler

出典 Elves of Golarion 15ページ

〔友無し〕(ティーフリング) Friendless

出典 Blood of Fiends 30ページ

〔奴隷商人〕(オンボ) Slaver

出典 Sargava, the Lost Colony 23ページ

〔奴隷の監視者〕(ノスフェラトゥ血統ダンピール) Thrall Spotter

出典 Blood of the Night 21ページ

〔トンネル・ファイター〕(ドワーフ) Tunnel Fighter

出典 Ultimate Campaign 62ページ、Advanced Player's Guide 1ページ、Dwarves of Golarion 10ページ

〔長引く魔法〕(ティーフリング) Prolong Magic

出典 Blood of Fiends 30ページ

〔ナンタンブの学徒〕(ムワンギ人) Student of Nantambu

出典 Humans of Golarion 31ページ

〔抜きがたい憎悪〕(オーク) Unbreakable Hate

出典 Orcs of Golarion 23ページ

〔抜け師〕(ハーフリング) Successful Shirker

出典 Cheliax, Empire of Devils 19ページ

〔沼地の悪党〕(コボルド、ブラック・スケイル族) Bog Scamp

出典 Kobolds of Golarion 18ページ

〔膿疱性〕(ゴブリン) Pustular

出典 Goblins of Golarion 16ページ、We Be Goblins! 13ページ

〔呪われた出自〕(ティーフリング) Born Damned

出典 Blood of Fiends 30ページ

〔破壊の才能〕(デーモン血統ティーフリング) Flair for Destruction

出典 Blood of Fiends 20ページ

〔博識〕(ハーフリング) Well-Informed

出典 Ultimate Campaign 62ページ、Taldor, Echoes of Glory 14ページ、Advanced Player's Guide 1ページ

〔昼中での出生〕(ダンピール) Born in the Light

出典 Blood of the Night 19ページ

〔薄明の熱狂〕(ティーフリング) Twilight Zeal

出典 Blood of Fiends 31ページ

〔母無し子〕(ティーフリング) Motherless

出典 Blood of Fiends 30ページ

〔破滅的〕(ティーフリング) Suicidal

出典 Blood of Fiends 31ページ

〔ハロウ生まれ〕(ヴァリシア人) Harrow Born

出典 Humans of Golarion 30ページ

〔美術愛好家〕(タルドール人) Artistic Dilettante

出典 Humans of Golarion 30ページ

〔失敗した見習い〕(ハーフエルフ) Failed Apprentice

出典 Ultimate Campaign 62ページ、Advanced Player's Guide 1ページ、Taldor, Echoes of Glory 14ページ
 小さい頃、あなたの両親は、あなたが秘術の術を学べるように、遠方のウィザードの塔に見習いとして送り出した。 残念ながらあなたには、秘術の才能が全くなかったが、秘術の力の流れとそれらに抗う術に関して、多く学んだ。

〔秘術の非凡の才〕(ドラウ) Arcane Prodigy

出典 Agents of Evil 25ページ

〔人々の中で〕(キツネ) Among Humans

出典 Dirty Tactics Toolbox 23ページ

3.5 Material〔アズラントのビブリオマニア〕(アズラント人) Azlant Fanatic

出典 Taldor, Echoes of Glory 14ページ

〔秘宝への嗅覚〕(ドワーフ) Goldsniffer

出典 Ultimate Campaign 61ページ、Dwarves of Golarion 10ページ、Advanced Player's Guide 1ページ

〔氷上を歩む者〕(ケーリド人) Ice Walker

出典 Humans of Golarion 30ページ

〔漂泊者〕(アアシマール) Adrift

出典 Blood of Angels 30ページ

〔ビロードの声〕(ヴードラ人) Voice of Velvet

出典 Humans of Golarion 31ページ

〔不快感〕(デモダンド血統ティーフリング) Repulsive

出典 Blood of Fiends 20ページ

〔不快な接吻〕(クリフォト血統ティーフリング) Vile Kiss

出典 Blood of Fiends 23ページ

〔武具の達人〕(アスラ血統ティーフリング) Arms Master


〔部族愛〕(オーク) Tribal

出典 Orcs of Golarion 23ページ

〔部族を捨てしもの〕(ムワンギ) Assimilated Native

出典 Sargava, the Lost Colony 23ページ

〔ゾルケットの子〕(ドワーフ) Child of Zolurket

出典 Legacy of Fire Player's Guide 7ページ

〔ブラッスルワークの商人〕(ノーム) Brastlewark Businessman

出典 Cheliax, Empire of Devils 19ページ

〔プラネターの幻視〕(エンジェル血統アアシマール) Planetar's Visions

出典 Blood of Angels 21ページ

〔ブララニの歩み〕(アザータ血統アアシマール) Bralani's Step

出典 Blood of Angels 22ページ

〔古強者〕(エルフ) Warrior of Old

出典 Ultimate Campaign 62ページ、Advanced Player's Guide 1ページ、Elves of Golarion 15ページ

〔蛇を憎む者〕(ガルダ血統アアシマール) Snake Hater

出典 Blood of Angels 23ページ

〔ベンチャー企業家〕(ラットフォーク) Business Venturer

出典 Dirty Tactics Toolbox 23ページ

〔牧歌的〕(バジョ) Nomadic

出典 Sargava, the Lost Colony 23ページ

〔星見〕(ヴァリシア人) Stargazer

出典 Humans of Golarion 31ページ

〔骨太〕(オニ血統ティーフリング) Big Boned

出典 Blood of Fiends 22ページ

〔炎の使い手〕(ペリ血統アアシマール) Pyromancer

出典 Blood of Angels 23ページ

〔掘り起こされる秘密〕(デヴィル血統ティーフリング) Unearth Secrets

出典 Blood of Fiends 21ページ

〔曲がった身体〕(ラークシャサ血統ティーフリング) Bent Body

出典 Blood of Fiends 23ページ

〔磨かれた肌〕(ペリ血統アアシマール) Burnished Skin

出典 Blood of Angels 23ページ

〔水の子〕(イジョ) Born to the Water

出典 Sargava, the Lost Colony 23ページ

〔認められた子孫〕(ダンピール) Acknowledged Scion

出典 Inner Sea Races 198ページ

〔醜い豚〕(ゴブリン) Ugly Swine

出典 Goblins of Golarion 16ページ

〔向う見ずの剣士〕(タルドール人) Blade Bravado

出典 Humans of Golarion 30ページ

〔無邪気〕(アアシマール) Innocent

出典 Blood of Angels 30ページ

〔ムワンギとしての誇り〕(ムワンギ) Proud Tribesman

出典 Sargava, the Lost Colony 23ページ

〔名状し難い魅力〕(ヴェータラ血統ダンピール) Unidentifiable Appeal

出典 Blood of the Night 21ページ

〔迷信家〕(ケーリド人) Superstitious

出典 Humans of Golarion 31ページ

〔文字の素養〕(ハーフリング) Lettered

出典 Halflings of Golarion 30ページ

〔森歩き〕(ムワンギ人) Trailblazer

出典 Humans of Golarion 31ページ

3.5 Material〔闇の一族〕(ケレッシュ人) Carefully Hidden

出典 Taldor, Echoes of Glory 14ページ

〔闇の加護〕(ティーフリング) Blessing of Darkness

出典 Blood of Fiends 30ページ

〔弓の名手〕(ガルダ血統アアシマール) Toxophilite

出典 Blood of Angels 23ページ

〔用心深い〕(アアシマール) Wary

出典 Blood of Angels 31ページ

3.5 Material〔妖霊の血〕(ケレッシュ人) Genie Blood

出典 Legacy of Fire Player's Guide 8ページ

〔良き影響〕(アルコン血統アアシマール) Good Influence

出典 Blood of Angels 22ページ

〔抑制された不安〕(ディヴ血統ティーフリング) Buried Anxiety

出典 Blood of Fiends 21ページ

〔ランタンの精霊〕(アルコン血統アアシマール) Lantern Spirit

出典 Blood of Angels 22ページ

〔リレンドの竪琴〕(アザータ血統アアシマール) Lillend's Harp

出典 Blood of Angels 22ページ

〔冷酷〕(ドワーフ) Ruthless

出典 Dwarves of Golarion 10ページ

〔礼拝の破壊者〕(アスラ血統ティーフリング) Prayer Breaker

出典 Blood of Fiends 19ページ

3.5 Material〔歴史家〕(ガルーンド人) Historian

出典 Legacy of Fire Player's Guide 8ページ

〔錬金術師のブレス〕(コボルド、グリーンスケイル族) Alchemical Breath

出典 Kobolds of Golarion 19ページ

3.5 Material〔若さゆえの過ち〕(エルフ) Youthful Mischief

出典 Elves of Golarion 15ページ

〔若年寄〕(ノスフェラトゥ血統ダンピール) Old Before Your Time

出典 Blood of the Night 21ページ

〔忘れかけられた秘密〕(ヴェータラ血統ダンピール) Half-Forgotten Secrets

出典 Blood of the Night 21ページ

〔興奮状態〕(ノーム) Adrenaline Rush

出典 Inner Sea Races 194ページ
 利益:君は漂白化をさけ、ネガティブな感情を経験すること余儀なくされることから特定のスリルを得る決心をしている。1日1回[感情]の補足説明(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic参照)を持つ呪文に対するセーヴィング・スローに失敗すると、1d6ポイントの一時的ヒット・ポイントを得る。この一時的ヒット・ポイントは1分間の間持続する。

〔空中戦〕(ストリックス) Aerial Harrier

出典 Inner Sea Races 199ページ
 利益:君はは飛べない敵と戦うことに慣れている。 飛行中、地上のクリーチャーからの近接攻撃に対してACに+1の特性ボーナスを得る。

〔祖先の地〕(ドワーフ) Ancestral Grounds

出典 Heroes of the Darklands 7ページ
 利益:君は、Quest for Skyの最中にドワーフが直面した危険を思い出す。Quest for Skyに関連する〈知識:ダンジョン探検〉判定に+1の特性ボーナスと〈知識:歴史〉判定に+2の特性ボーナスを獲得する。これらの技能のうち1つはクラス技能となる。

〔動物泥棒〕(オーク) Animal Rustler

出典 Inner Sea Races 197ページ

〔毒呪文増強〕(ヴィシュカニャ) Augmented Spell Poisons

出典 Inner Sea Races 199ページ
 利益:君が発動した呪文を増強するために君の肉体の毒を使うことができる。[毒]の補足説明(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic参照)をもつ呪文の物質構成要素として君の毒々しい唾液や血を少し使い、有毒の種族特徴の使用回数を費やすことで、呪文のセーヴDCを1増加させることができる。

〔アズラント工学〕(アズラント人) Azlanti Engineering

出典 Inner Sea Races 195ページ
 利益:あなたはアズラントの建築と工芸のスタイルを訓練した。 〈知識:工学ダンジョン探検〉判定に+1の特性ボーナスを得る。加えて、君が作成する高品質のアイテムは硬度と破壊DCを1増加させる。この増加は強化ボーナスである。

〔アズラントの継承者〕(ギルマン) Azlanti Inheritor

出典 Bastards of Golarion 29ページ、Humans of Golarion 30ページ

〔ベキアールの奴隷の巨匠〕(Bekyar Tribe or Shoanti Clan) Bekyar Slave Maestro

出典 Advanced Class Origins 19ページ

〔Bellflower Contact〕(ハーフリング) Bellflower Contact

出典 Inner Sea Races 194ページ
 利益:Before you were old enough to be a Bellflower Network member, you kept an ear out for information useful to slave liberators. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Perception checks, Sense Motive checks to understand secret messages, and Bluff checks to send secret messages.

〔Bifurcated Magic〕(ハーフエルフ) Bifurcated Magic

出典 Inner Sea Races 194ページ
 利益:You’ve studied the methods of both elven and human spellcasters. Pick two classes when you gain this trait—your caster level in each of those classes is treated as 1 higher as long as this doesn’t raise your caster level above your total Hit Dice. This doesn’t stack with any similar increase from traits such as Magical Knack.

〔Brimstone Seer〕(オーク) Brimstone Seer

出典 Inner Sea Races 198ページ
 利益:You were exposed to vision-granting caustic vapors by the oracles of the Brimstone Haruspex, whether because you had a pressing question or because a parent or chieftain considered you an expendable proxy. The vapors left scars that impose a –1 penalty on Charismabased checks, but once per day you gain a flash of insight that allows you to roll twice on a Knowledge skill check or Intelligence check and take the better result. You must choose to use this trait before rolling.

〔Bully Burner〕(ゴブリン) Bully Burner

出典 Inner Sea Races 197ページ
 利益:You were forced to serve cruel hobgoblins at some point, much to your abject humiliation and frustration, and memories of this inspire a rage that lends you strength. Against creatures with the goblinoid subtype, you gain a +1 trait bonus on combat maneuver checks and a +1 trait bonus to CMD.

〔Bureaucracy Navigator〕(ティエン人) Bureaucracy Navigator

出典 Inner Sea Races 196ページ
 利益:Accustomed to wading through governmental bureaucracy, you gain a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks against bureaucrats and on Knowledge (local) checks related to laws and their enforcers.

〔Calculated Risk〕(キョンシー血統ヴァンパイア) Calculated Risk

出典 Blood of the Night 7ページ
 利益:Once per day, you may voluntarily fail a saving throw against a harmful spell or effect. After using this ability, for the next minute you may add a +4 trait bonus on one saving throw, after which the bonus is expended. You may use this bonus on an additional saving throw against the spell or effect you voluntarily failed (such as a recurring poison save or a follow-up save against hold person). If you do not use this bonus within 1 minute, it is lost.

〔Canopy Shooter〕(グリプリー) Canopy Shooter

出典 Inner Sea Races 199ページ
 利益:Growing up in a dangerous jungle, you learned to take advantage of your mobility relative to larger predators and elusive prey. You gain a +1 trait bonus on ranged weapon damage rolls when you are on higher ground than your target and are within 30 feet.

〔Carrying Voice〕(シルフ) Carrying Voice

出典 Inner Sea Races 197ページ
 利益:You grew up amid powerful storms and mimicked the rolling thunder with your voice. Treat your caster level as 2 higher to determine the range of sonic spells and effects. Others do not suffer a penalty on Perception checks to hear your voice due to wind.

〔Castrovel Gatekeeper〕(ラシュンタ) Castrovel Gatekeeper

出典 Inner Sea Races 199ページ
 利益:You helped maintain the interplanetary portals used for trade with other worlds. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Spellcraft checks to identify teleportation magic and a +1 trait bonus on caster level checks when casting teleportation spells. You know the proper commands to operate a particular interplanetary portal (it is up to the GM as to where it is and how it operates).

〔Celestial Community〕(アアシマール) Celestial Community

出典 Distant Shores 23ページ
 利益:Having been raised among other aasimars, you have a stronger connection to your planar heritage than most of your kind, and have more thoroughly explored your magical talent. You may expend your once per day spell-like ability to spontaneously cast cure light wounds (CL equal to your character level), but doing so is draining and you take an amount of nonlethal damage equal to half the number of hit points you heal.

〔Celestial Contact〕(アアシマール) Celestial Contact

出典 Inner Sea Races 197ページ
 利益:Witnessing a celestial intervention by your ancestor or a similar being inspired you with the power of good. Treat your caster level as 1 higher when you cast spells with the good descriptor.

〔Cellular Match〕(アンドロイド) Cellular Match

出典 People of the Stars 7ページ
 利益:Whenever you are affected by a polymorph spell or effect, your nanites adjust completely at a molecular level. For the duration of the polymorph effect, you are treated as only a humanoid for the purpose of effects that target creatures by type. For example, a ranger’s favored enemy bonus against constructs wouldn’t apply to you while you are polymorphed, but nor would spells such as make whole. This trait modifies part of the android’s constructed racial trait, but otherwise that trait is unchanged (a polymorphed android still can’t gain morale bonuses, is still immune to fear, and so on).

〔Child of Two Peoples〕(ハーフエルフ、ハーフオーク、人間) Child of Two Peoples

出典 People of the Stars 7ページ
 利益:Your parents come from two visibly different cultures that maintain distinct identities regardless of their physical proximity (such as Tians and Ulfen). The tug of conflicting expectations has strengthened your sense of individuality and given you a gift for languages. You receive a +2 trait bonus on Will saves against charm and compulsion effects, and you automatically know the racial or ethnic languages of both your parents.

〔Cold Fortitude〕(コボルド、ホワイトスケイル族) Cold Fortitude

出典 Kobolds of Golarion 19ページ
 利益:The perpetually chilly environment of your youth made you exceptionally resilient in arctic climes. You gain a +4 trait bonus on Fortitude saving throws against nonlethal cold damage.

〔Commanding〕(ケレッシュ人) Commanding

出典 Inner Sea Races 195ページ
 利益:Your family taught you that you always deserve respect. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks. Add a +1 trait bonus to the save DC of any language-dependent compulsion spells you cast.

〔Covered Sniper〕(カサーサ) Covered Sniper

出典 Inner Sea Races 195ページ
 利益:You were attacked by strangers that threatened to expose your existence to dangerous forces and you defended yourself using cover. You gain a +1 trait bonus on ranged weapon damage rolls as long as you have cover from your opponent.

〔Creative Reality〕(Ganzi) Creative Reality

出典 Distant Shores 23ページ
 利益:Straightforward answers bore you, for they only encourage people to depend on others rather than find out for themselves. You have grown adept over the years at convincing people of falsehoods and couching your honest answers in so much doublespeak they may as well be lies. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff checks, which increases to +5 when attempting to convince someone an honest answer is a falsehood.

〔Creepy〕(チェンジリング) Creepy

出典 Inner Sea Races 198ページ
 利益:Your strange bearing unsettles others. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks and Intimidate is a class skill for you. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks when interacting with hags.

〔Cruel Child〕(チェンジリング) Cruel Child

出典 Blood of the Coven 3ページ
 利益:Your wicked bloodline shines through, manifesting as a sadistic bloodlust in battle. When you make a full-round attack with your claws, you gain a +1 trait bonus on the attack rolls.

〔Deathkeeper〕(Dwarf—Pahmet) Deathkeeper

出典 People of the Sands 13ページ
 利益:You have lived for a time deep inside the necropolises of the pharaohs. Your exposure to undead creatures and their necromantic energies has strengthened your ability to resist the powers of the unliving. You gain a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against the supernatural abilities of undead creatures.

〔Disciplined Body〕(ヴードラ人) Disciplined Body

出典 Inner Sea Races 196ページ
 利益:You respect your mind’s mastery over your body’s full potential. Once per day, you can use your Wisdom modifier instead of either your Strength or Dexterity modifier on an attack roll, a combat maneuver check, a Strength or Dexterity-based skill check, a Strength check, a Dexterity check, or a Reflex save. You must choose to use this trait before rolling.

〔Divine the Mystery〕(ケーリド人) Divine the Mystery

出典 People of the River 18ページ
 利益:Your time spent exploring the ruins of Silver Mount has taught you much about the strange ways of the metal creatures from the stars. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Knowledge (engineering) checks to identify creatures with the robot subtype and relics of Numerian technology. When using Bluff to feint against an intelligent construct, you do not take a penalty for feinting against a non-humanoid.

〔Draconic Echo〕(Kobold—Blue-Scaled) Draconic Echo

出典 Kobolds of Golarion 18ページ
 利益:Like the blue dragons your tribe reveres, you have a touch of illusory magic. You are able to cast ghost sound twice per day as a spell-like ability. The caster level for this effect is equal to your character level. This spell-like ability’s save DC is Intelligence-based.

〔Dragon Friend〕(Triaxian) Dragon Friend

出典 Inner Sea Races 199ページ
 利益:You know how dragons move and how they perceive body language. You gain a +1 trait bonus to your CMD against dragons, and whenever you encounter a particular dragon for the first time, you can make a Diplomacy check to improve its attitude toward you by a maximum of one step as a full-round action as long as you have not acted in a hostile manner toward it.

〔Dualborn〕(スリ) Dualborn

出典 Blood of the Elements 11ページ
 利益:You were not born of a janni—your non-human heritage can instead be traced back to some dualistic power between elemental realms. Choose two energy types other than sonic (acid, cold, electricity, or fire). Once made, this choice cannot be changed. You gain racial energy resistance only to the energy types you choose, and not to others. When using your elemental assault ability, you can only sheath your arms in the energy types selected, but you can choose to sheath your primary hand with one of the selected energy types and your off-hand with the other. Attacks made with each hand (or a weapon held in each hand) deal bonus energy damage of the selected type. While wielding a two-handed weapon, half of the bonus energy damage is one energy type and half is the other.

〔Durable Change〕(ワーベアキン) Durable Change

出典 Blood of the Moon 11ページ
 利益:When you use your change shape ability, you can choose to gain the benefits of the Endurance feat rather than gaining a special ability.

〔Earthsense〕(オレイアス) Earthsense

出典 Blood of the Elements 9ページ
 利益:You were inexplicably transformed in the womb by elemental forces, making your connection to the earth exceptionally strong. As a swift action, you can gain tremorsense to a range of 60 feet until the beginning of your next turn. You can use this ability once per day at 1st level, plus one additional time per day at 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, to a maximum of five times per day at 20th level.

〔Efficient Packer〕(ノーム) Efficient Packer

出典 Inner Sea Races 194ページ
 利益:You were once delighted to discover an object that could be the crown jewel of your collection, only to be thwarted by its weight. Thereafter, you trained yourself to pack items in the most efficient ways possible. Treat your Strength score as 2 points higher when calculating your carrying capacity.

〔Effortless Aid〕(ガルーンド人) Effortless Aid

出典 Inner Sea Races 195ページ
 利益:You naturally observe others, and move to complement them. Once per day as a move action, you can select an adjacent ally. For the next minute, you can take 10 on attack rolls and skill checks to use the aid another action to aid that ally, even if you are distracted.

〔Elaborate Trapper〕(コボルド、ブルースケイル族) Elaborate Trapper

出典 Kobolds of Golarion 18ページ
 利益:You’re blessed with a devious mind, and the more elaborate your traps are, the more effective they become. When creating a trap, if your Craft (trap) roll exceeds the DC of the check by 5 or more, that trap’s Disable Device DC increases by 2.

〔Elemental Caller〕(スリ) Elemental Caller

出典 Inner Sea Races 197ページ
 利益:You learned conjuration magic in close contact with friendly elemental beings. Treat your caster level as 1 higher to determine the duration of spells you cast that call or summon genies or outsiders with the elemental subtype.

〔Elven Serenity〕(Half-Elf—Elf-Raised) Elven Serenity

出典 Bastards of Golarion 5ページ
 利益:You embody the peace of the elven way of life, and apply this philosophy in your interactions with others. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy and Handle Animal checks to calm other creatures. You need not speak the same language to attempt a Diplomacy check in this manner.

〔Enduring Heritage〕(ティーフリング) Enduring Heritage

出典 Agents of Evil 25ページ
 利益:You can channel your evil ancestry to take advantage of any effects for which such an identity would matter (such as detect evil). You detect as an evil outsider with the same number of HD as you possess. You can begin or end this effect as a swift action. You can maintain this effect for a number of rounds per day equal to your HD.

〔Enduring Spellcraft〕(アズラント人) Enduring Spellcraft

出典 Inner Sea Races 195ページ
 利益:You have studied the enduring spells of ancient Azlant. Treat your caster level as 1 higher for the purpose of determining duration only.

〔Experimental Escapee〕(アンドロイド) Experimental Escapee

出典 Inner Sea Races 198ページ
 利益:You escaped an organization interested in finding out how your body works. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Escape Artist and Strength checks to break free of bonds, grapples, and the like.

〔Experimental Rebel〕(ハーフエルフ) Experimental Rebel

出典 Inner Sea Races 194ページ
 利益:Your elven relatives were cold to you and you took to rebelling simply to get attention. You gain a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against spells and abilities created by elves.

〔Expert Distractor〕(イフリット) Expert Distractor

出典 Blood of the Elements 7ページ
 利益:Whenever you damage an opponent that is casting a spell with a melee attack that deals fire damage (such as a flaming weapon or a torch), the DC of the concentration check for your opponent to cast the spell is equal to 10 + the non-fire damage dealt + double the fire damage dealt + the spell’s level (instead of just 10 + the damage dealt + the spell’s level).

〔Eyes of the Sun〕(ガルーンド人) Eyes of the Sun

出典 People of the Sands 9ページ
 利益:You are inured to the bright glare of the hot desert sun, and its dazzling rays pose little danger to you. You gain a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against effects that would cause you to become dazzled or blinded, and once per day when you would be dazzled or blinded by an effect, you can reduce the duration of that effect by half (minimum 1 round). You cannot use this ability if you are already dazzled or blinded or if you have the light sensitivity or light blindness special quality.

〔Favored Champion〕(ショアンティ人) Favored Champion

出典 Inner Sea Races 195ページ
 利益:Omens from the spirits indicated you would be a great champion against your tribe’s enemies. Once per day as an immediate action when you fail a combat maneuver check, you can reroll it. You must take the second result even if it is worse.

〔Feline Instinct〕(ワータイガーキン) Feline Instinct

出典 Blood of the Moon 23ページ
 利益:When your weretiger heritage first manifested, you spent a period of time living off what you could catch, developing a sharp instinct to act when your foes were most vulnerable. In any combat in which you act during the surprise round, you gain a +3 trait bonus on your initiative check.

〔Fiendish Sniper〕(ティーフリング) Fiendish Sniper

出典 Dirty Tactics Toolbox 23ページ
 利益:You instinctively hide after you shoot your opponents, waiting for an opportune moment to strike again. You gain a +5 trait bonus on Stealth checks following a sniping attack.

〔Fierce Flanker〕(ワヤン) Fierce Flanker

出典 Inner Sea Races 199ページ
 利益:You were bullied in your youth but supported by one or more good friends, impressing upon you the importance of teamwork. You gain a +1 trait bonus on damage rolls against foes you flank.

〔Fiery Glare〕(イフリット) Fiery Glare

出典 Bastards of Golarion 29ページ
 利益:You can use your unearthly nature to frighten others. You can always take 10 on Intimidate checks, even in combat.

〔Fight with the Flock〕(ワーバットキン) Fight with the Flock

出典 Blood of the Moon 9ページ
 利益:You have always been most comfortable in a group. Since awakening to your werebat powers, this feeling has only grown. As long as you are within 10 feet of at least two allies, you gain a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks and attack rolls to make attack of opportunity.

〔Finish the Fight〕(Half-Orc—Orc-Raised) Finish the Fight

出典 Bastards of Golarion 11ページ
 利益:You’re at the bottom of the pecking order, so when you challenge that order, your victory must be absolute. You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls against opponents you already injured in the past 24 hours.

〔Firebug (Kobold)〕(コボルド、レッドスケイル族) Firebug (Kobold)

出典 Kobolds of Golarion 19ページ
 利益:Like the red dragons that inspire your tribe, you’re blessed with a small spark of incendiary magic. You are able to cast spark three times per day as a spell-like ability. The caster level is equal to your character level. This spell-like ability’s save DC is Intelligence-based.

〔Fire-Tongued〕(コボルド、レッドスケイル族) Fire-Tongued

出典 Kobolds of Golarion 19ページ
 利益:The sorcerers of your tribe are adept at summoning and binding outsiders from the Elemental Plane of Fire. In order to communicate with their thralls, many in your tribe learned the rudiments of the outsiders’ language. In addition to speaking Draconic, you begin play with the ability to speak Ignan.

〔Fleshwarp Exposure〕(ドラウ) Fleshwarp Exposure

出典 Inner Sea Races 197ページ
 利益:Your body responds strongly to transmutations because you were exposed to fleshwarping magic. You gain a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against transmutation spells and effects. Transmutations you willingly accept affect you as though they were cast at 1 caster level higher for the purpose of determining duration.

〔Following Breeze〕(シルフ) Following Breeze

出典 People of the Sands 15ページ
 利益:You always seem to be chased by drafts of moving air, and know exactly the right moment and method to lift yourself upon the breezes. As long as you get a running start, you gain a +2 trait bonus on Acrobatics checks made to jump. Your speed increases by 5 feet when you use the run action.

〔Forest Senses〕(ノーム) Following Breeze

出典 People of the Sands 15ページ
 利益:When in any unsettled, uncivilized terrain, you gain a +2 trait bonus on Perception checks to act during a surprise round, and take no penalty on Perception checks while sleeping.

〔Friend to Animals〕(人間) Friend to Animals

出典 Inner Sea Races 194ページ
 利益:You grew up in close proximity to animals and relate with them intuitively. You gain a +1 bonus on Handle Animal and Ride checks, and one of those skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.

〔Frost Spitter〕(コボルド、ホワイトスケイル族) Frost Spitter

出典 Kobolds of Golarion 19ページ
 利益:The icy breath of a white dragon fills your lungs. Once per day, you can quickly exhale to produce a frigid cloud of dense fog that quickly sinks to the ground. This freezing mist covers a 10-foot-square area with slippery ice that’s as difficult to traverse as an ice sheet (Core Rulebook 430).

〔Frustrating〕(ガスレイン) Frustrating

出典 Inner Sea Races 198ページ
 利益:You can get anyone’s attention, even when they are focused elsewhere. You can make Bluff checks to create a diversion for allies within 30 feet to hide (provided they readied an action to hide), and you can make Bluff checks to feint for one adjacent ally of your choice. Either use of this ability is a standard action.

〔Fungal Brewing〕(ドワーフ) Fungal Brewing

出典 Heroes of the Wild 6ページ
 利益:You gain a +2 trait bonus on Craft checks to create alchemical items, and can create nonmagical alchemical materials in 20% less time than normal.

〔Generous〕(タルドール人) Generous

出典 Inner Sea Races 196ページ
 利益:Your neighbors gained your respect with their generosity, and you emulate their example. Whenever you give to a creature a gift or service worth at least 25 gold pieces × the creature’s CR, you gain a +2 trait bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks against that creature for the next 24 hours.

〔Genie Heir〕(ジンニーキン) Genie Heir

出典 Inner Sea Races 197ページ
 利益:You once met one of your genie ancestors, who taught you the ways of her race and their allies. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Charisma checks and Charisma-based skill checks to influence outsiders from the home plane of your genie ancestor.

〔Glint-Tongued〕(ウールフェン人) Glint-Tongued

出典 People of the North 10ページ
 利益:You have a gift for poetic turns of phrase and vicious streams of insults. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Charisma-based skill checks made to impress or persuade other Ulfen (or, at the GM’s option, other poetically-minded people), and a +2 trait bonus on Intimidate checks.

〔Goblin Bravery〕(ゴブリン) Goblin Bravery

出典 We Be Goblins! 14ページ
 利益:You have a worrying propensity for overconfidence in combat. When facing an enemy that's larger than you, if you have no allies in any adjacent squares, your posturing, bravado, and cussing grant a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls with non-reach melee weapons.

〔Golden Scales〕(コボルド) Golden Scales

出典 Kobolds of Golarion 19ページ
 利益:Your distinctive golden scales strongly ref lect the light, making other kobolds mistrust you, but aboveground races favor you. You take a –1 penalty on Bluff checks and Diplomacy checks when dealing with other kobolds, but a +2 bonus on Bluff checks and Diplomacy checks when dealing with non-reptilian humanoids.

〔Gruff Watcher〕(ウールフェン人) Gruff Watcher

出典 Inner Sea Races 196ページ
 利益:Having grown up among headstrong sailors and bloodthirsty raiders, you learned to keep quiet and pay attention. You gain a +1 trait bonus on initiative checks and Perception checks.

〔Guarded〕(マーフォーク) Guarded

出典 Inner Sea Races 199ページ
 利益:You grew up believing air-breathers are not to be trusted. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Bluff and Sense Motive checks against non-aquatic humanoids.

〔Gunworker〕(ドワーフ) Gunworker

出典 Inner Sea Races 194ページ
 利益:You lived among the dwarven alchemists who work with firearm technology in Dongun Hold. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Craft checks involving firearms, explosives, and alchemical weapons that deal fire damage.

〔Hard to Pin Down〕(ティーフリング) Hard to Pin Down

出典 Inner Sea Races 198ページ
 利益:Only more pressing dangers kept bullies from victimizing you. You gain a +2 trait bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity made by opponents whom you flank and opponents denied their Dexterity bonus to AC against you.

〔Harrow Chosen〕(ヴァリシア人) Harrow Chosen

出典 Varisia, Birthplace of Legends 8ページ
 利益:All your life you’ve been drawn to the mysteries surrounding your family’s harrow deck. You begin play with your family’s heirloom harrow deck. If you use this specific harrow deck as an additional focus component when you cast a divination spell, your caster level is treated as being 2 levels higher. Additionally, twice per week, you can spend 10 minutes consulting this harrow deck on a particular action to gain the effects of the spell augury as a spellcaster of your character level. No one other than you gains these benefits from this harrow deck. If your harrow deck is destroyed, it cannot be replaced. However, by returning to your family, paying 300 gp on materials, and spending 1 week immersed in the songs and stories of your people, you can create a new harrow deck that grants half the benefits of the lost heirloom.

〔Heat Fortitude〕(コボルド、レッドスケイル族) Heat Fortitude

出典 Varisia, Birthplace of Legends 8ページ
 利益:You grew up close to sulfurous volcanic vents, which steeled you against heat dangers. You gain a +4 trait bonus on Fortitude saving throws against nonlethal damage from heat.

〔Honor-Driven〕(ウールフェン人) Honor-Driven

出典 People of the North 11ページ
 利益:Your honor is such a part of you that you can sense it (or its lack) in others. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Sense Motive checks, and Sense Motive is always a class skill for you.

〔Honored Provider〕(ゴーラン) Honored Provider

出典 Inner Sea Races 198ページ
 利益:Nex depends upon the food produced by ghorans, and you inspire gratitude in creatures you feed. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive checks to interact with a person to whom you have given needed food in the past 24 hours.

〔Hot Headed〕(イフリット) Hot Headed

出典 Inner Sea Races 197ページ
 利益:The constant threat of slavers in your youth taught you to attack first and ask questions later. Whenever you charge, you gain a +1 trait bonus on your damage roll.

〔Icy Mementos〕(コボルド、ホワイトケイル族) Icy Mementos

出典 Kobolds of Golarion 19ページ
 利益:As a parting gift, the shaman of your tribe gave you an alchemical concoction as a reminder of your icy home. You begin play with three bottles of liquid ice (Ultimate Equipment 108). These don’t count against your starting character wealth.

〔Idealized Campaigner〕(アアシマール) Idealized Campaigner

出典 Inner Sea Races 197ページ
 利益:Your celestial bloodline leads others to idealize you from afar. You gain a +1 trait bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks to interact with good-aligned creatures who have never met you before.

〔Illusion Obsession〕(ノーム) Illusion Obsession

出典 Dirty Tactics Toolbox 22ページ
 利益:After realizing the great potential of illusions—particularly figments—for use in pranks, you became obsessed with studying their properties and better methods to cast them. You gain a +1 trait bonus to your caster level when casting illusions in the figment subschool.

〔In Tune with Language〕(Vampire—Jiang-Shi) In Tune with Language

出典 Blood of the Night 7ページ
 利益:Your keen ear for language grants you a +2 trait bonus on skill checks when decoding secret messages or finding hidden meaning in overheard conversations.

〔Inciter〕(ホブゴブリン) Inciter (Hobgoblin)

出典 Inner Sea Races 199ページ
 利益:You witnessed or were part of a feud that turned close friends into hateful enemies. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Bluff checks to convince others that their allies have wronged them and on Diplomacy checks to persuade others to betray their allies’ trust.

〔Industrious〕(ノーム) Industrious

出典 People of the River 21ページ
 利益:You are helpful and hardworking. When you successfully use the aid another action to aid an ally’s Craft or Profession check, that character gains an additional +1 trait bonus on the check (in addition to the +2 bonus normally granted for successfully aiding another). If you have a racial bonus on that skill, your ally gains a +2 trait bonus instead.

〔Ingratiating〕(シェリアックス人) Ingratiating

出典 Inner Sea Races 195ページ
 利益:Someone close to you was removed from her position and replaced after losing the government’s favor, and you had to quickly prove your loyalty to her replacement or face your own disgrace. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks when interacting with people in positions of authority over you.

〔Inquisitive Banterer〕(キャットフォーク) Inquisitive Banterer

出典 Dirty Tactics Toolbox 22ページ
 利益:You are able to learn information by bombarding others with questions that come across as conversational. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks. In addition, you can use Diplomacy to gather information in 1d2 hours instead of 1d4.

〔Instant Friendship〕(スリ) Instant Friendship

出典 Blood of the Elements 11ページ
 利益:You inherited your janni parent’s knack for reversing a tense situation. Once per day, you can treat an Intimidate roll to improve a creature’s attitude toward you as if you had used Diplomacy instead. You must use this ability after making the check but before the GM has revealed the result. If you continue threatening the target after making the check, the check automatically fails.

〔Insular〕(ドワーフ) Insular (Dwarf)

出典 People of the North 15ページ
 利益:You hail from one of the remote dwarven holds of the North, and have learned that the people of these harsh lands are as fickle as the weather. Experience has taught you that outsiders are not to be trusted. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Sense Motive checks, and Sense Motive is always a class skill for you, but you take a –1 penalty on Diplomacy checks with non-dwarves.

〔Insular〕(エルフ) Insular (Elf)

出典 Inner Sea Races 194ページ
 利益:After living among non-elves for a time, you developed a dismissive attitude toward rash, shorter-lived races. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Will saving throws against charm, compulsion, and fear effects created by humanoids other than elves.

〔Intrepid Volunteer〕(ハーフリング) Intrepid Volunteer

出典 Inner Sea Races 194ページ
 利益:Like many free half lings, you volunteered readily for military service or an adventuring career and met other half lings who showed you how to make up for your small size. Choose one Strengthbased skill or one combat maneuver. You can use your Dexterity modifier in place of your Strength modifier to calculate your total modifier for that skill check or combat maneuver check.

〔Inured to Disease〕(ワーラットキン) Inured to Disease

出典 Blood of the Moon 19ページ
 利益:The first sign of your wererat heritage was your seeming imperviousness to disease. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Fortitude saving throws against diseases.

〔Iron Control〕(Half-Orc—Human-Raised) Iron Control

出典 Bastards of Golarion 10ページ
 利益:You learned the hard way that expressing the rage you inherited from your orc blood exacerbates humans’ fearful and hostile reactions to you; after years of effort, you’ve mastered self-control and buried your anger deep. Whenever you’re confused and roll to determine behavior in a given round, subtract 10 from the result.

〔Irritable Diplomat〕(ハーフオーク) Irritable Diplomat

出典 People of the North 15ページ
 利益:Most people expect half-orcs to be savage and violent, and you’re used to working a little harder to overcome their assumptions. Unfortunately, you’re still working on keeping patient when they ignore your efforts. Once per day, you may choose to gain a +5 trait bonus on any Diplomacy check, but if it fails, you take a –2 penalty on all Charisma-based checks for the next 10 minutes.

〔Jadwiga Scion〕(ヤドヴィガ) Jadwiga Scion

出典 People of the North 13ページ
 利益:You come from a family that commands respect. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks, and Intimidate is always a class skill for you. In addition, you gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (nobility) checks related to the Irrisen aristocracy.

〔Jungle Opportunist〕(キャットフォーク) Jungle Opportunist

出典 Inner Sea Races 198ページ
 利益:You trained with your clan to hunt large prey such as the dinosaurs of the Valashmai Jungle. When you grant an ally a bonus on an attack roll against a foe of Large or larger size due to flanking or the aid another action, that ally gains a +1 trait bonus on weapon damage rolls against that creature as well.

〔Kami Respect〕(キツネ) Kami Respect

出典 Inner Sea Races 199ページ
 利益:Close contact with kami has given you an intuition for how to stay on their good side. Kami automatically have a starting attitude one step friendlier toward you, to a maximum of Friendly.

〔Keeper of the Secret Shame〕(エルフ) Keeper of the Secret Shame

出典 Heroes of the Darklands 7ページ
 利益:You are a member of the Lantern Bearers or an agent of the Winter Council, tasked with ensuring that knowledge of the elves’ secret shame—the drow—never reaches the surface. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Knowledge checks pertaining to drow and drow settlements.

〔Kobold Faith〕(コボルド) Kobold Faith

出典 Kobolds of Golarion 13ページ
 利益:You are one of the diehard kobold faithful, respected in your kobold community. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks when dealing with other kobolds. Additionally, if your deity grants the Artifice, Earth, or Trickery domain, then your kobold faith unlocks a corresponding subdomain: Trap, Radiation, or Ambush.

〔Kobold Herbalist〕(コボルド、グリーンスケイル族) Kobold Herbalist

出典 Kobolds of Golarion 19ページ
 利益:You are familiar with the flora of your native forest and have rudimentary skill as an herbalist. Once per day, you can attempt a DC 20 Survival check instead of a Craft (alchemy) check to create a single dose of scent cloak (Ultimate Equipment 105) without paying any cost for raw materials. Any scent cloak created using this method must be used within 24 hours, or it becomes inert.

3.5 Material〔Lapsed Faith〕(エルフ) Lapsed Faith

出典 Elves of Golarion 15ページ
 利益:You still remember a few prayers from your past experience serving in a temple. Once per day you may cast cure minor wounds as a spell-like ability at caster level 1. The save DC is Wisdom-based.

〔Lasting Ferociousness〕(ハーフオーク) Lasting Ferociousness

出典 Agents of Evil 25ページ
 利益:Increase the number of rounds you can act as disabled from your orc ferocity racial trait to 2 rounds.

〔Lightning Blessed〕(コボルド、ブルースケイル族) Lightning Blessed

出典 Kobolds of Golarion 18ページ
 利益:You’re favored by the lightning shaman of your tribe, and he gifted you several sacred items as a reminder of your origins. You begin play with three vials of bottled lighting (Ultimate Equipment 106). These don’t count against your starting character wealth.

〔Liquid-Tongued〕(コボルド、ブルースケイル族) Liquid-Tongued

出典 Kobolds of Golarion 18ページ
 利益:The magic-users in your tribe pride themselves on their ability to control the forces of water. Integral to this practice is the ability to study and communicate with visitors from the Elemental Plane of Water. In addition to speaking Draconic, you begin play with the ability to speak Aquan.

〔Loner of the Rocks〕(オレイアス) Loner of the Rocks

出典 Inner Sea Races 197ページ
 利益:Feeling harried by flighty non-oreads, you chose to embrace the life of a hermit with few contacts beyond your rocky home. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Heal and Survival checks. Your bonus on Survival checks increases by 1 in underground or mountain environments.

〔Longlung〕(モンキー・ゴブリン) Longlung

出典 Inner Sea Races 197ページ
 利益:You have spent long hours scouring shipwrecks and shoreline tide pools during low tide for shiny treasure. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Perception checks while underwater and can hold your breath for a number of rounds equal to three times your Constitution score before you risk drowning.

〔Lycanthropic Bloodlust〕(ワーウルフキン) Lycanthropic Bloodlust

出典 Blood of the Moon 25ページ
 利益:When your lycanthropic heritage awakened, you thrilled at any excuse for violence. Although you might have learned to focus or suppress this urge, it still gives you energy in a fight. Once per day, when you deal damage to a foe with a natural attack, you may gain 1d6 temporary hit points as an immediate action. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute.

〔Magaambyan Arcana〕(ムワンギ人) Magaambyan Arcana

出典 Inner Sea Races 195ページ
 利益:Your study of Magaambyan magic traditions allows you to add one spell with the good descriptor from the druid or cleric spell list to the spell list of an arcane spellcasting class of your choice, at the same spell level as it appears on the cleric or druid list. Pick the spell when you choose this trait.

〔Magic in the Blood〕(チェンジリング) Magic in the Blood

出典 Agents of Evil 25ページ
 利益:You possess natural magical ability. Select one of the following spells: bleed, create water, dancing lights, detect good, ghost sound, putrefy food and drinkAYou can cast this spell three times per day as a spell-like ability.

〔Magic Survivor〕(トロックス) Magic Survivor

出典 Inner Sea Races 199ページ
 利益:You fought off devious magic in order to escape duergar captors. Choose two of Fortitude, Reflex, or Will saves. You gain a +1 trait bonus on saves of the types you chose against spells and spell-like abilities, and you take a –1 penalty on all saves of the remaining type.

〔Malign Instrument〕(ティーフリング) Malign Instrument

出典 Agents of Evil 25ページ
 利益:Select a good-aligned deity. Add 1 to the DCs of your spells’ saves when targeting a good-aligned outsider or divine spellcaster who serves that deity.

〔Marid's Fury〕(ウンディーネ) Marid's Fury

出典 Blood of the Elements 15ページ
 利益:Your marid ancestry is particularly strong, and magic runs thick through your veins. When you use your hydraulic push spell-like ability, it can extinguish magical fires as well as nonmagical fires as long as you succeed at an opposed caster level check (the DC is equal to 11 + the magical fire’s caster level).

〔Marked by Nature's Magic〕(スキンウォーカー) Marked by Nature's Magic

出典 Inner Sea Races 199ページ
 利益:You hail from a community—perhaps in Arcadia or the Lands of the Linnorm Kings—that encouraged you to interact with fey. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (nature) checks involving fey and on Diplomacy checks to influence fey. Knowledge (nature) is always a class skill for you.

〔Martyr's Blood〕(アアシマール) Martyr's Blood

出典 Bastards of Golarion 28ページ
 利益:You carry the blood of a self-sacrificing celestial, and strive to live up to your potential for heroism. As long as your current hit point total is less than half of your maximum hit points possible, you gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls against evil foes.

〔Mastery of Form〕(スキンウォーカー) Mastery of Form

出典 Blood of the Moon 7ページ
 利益:You’ve never had trouble changing shape between beast and humanoid, and your ability to control your form is unparalleled. You gain a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against polymorph effects.

〔Memory Mastery〕(ギルマン) Memory Mastery

出典 Inner Sea Races 198ページ
 利益:You can suppress your own memories to help tell more convincing lies. Once per day as an immediate action, you can cause yourself to forget a single event or fact for a period of 10 minutes. Enemies reading your mind cannot learn the information. Until the memory returns, you gain a +10 trait bonus on Bluff checks to convince others that you do not know the information.

〔Minor Wishcraft〕(ジンニーキン) Minor Wishcraft

出典 Inner Sea Races 197ページ
 利益:You gained some power of wishcraft from a genie ancestor. You can spend a use of a racial spell-like ability or your elemental assault racial trait for the day to instead use any 0-level spell as a spelllike ability. The spell must be used to produce an effect requested aloud by a humanoid within 30 feet since the end of your last turn.

〔Mistrusted〕(ハーフオーク) Mistrusted

出典 Inner Sea Races 194ページ
 利益:Choose humans or orcs. You learned during your earliest interactions with that race that some automatically consider you a threat because of your hybrid nature, and they can’t be easily placated. Against foes of the chosen race, you gain a +1 trait bonus on attacks of opportunity and a +1 trait bonus to your CMD.

〔Murky Allegiance〕(フェッチリング) Murky Allegiance

出典 Inner Sea Races 198ページ
 利益:You came of age in a place where fetchlings serve dark forces. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Bluff checks to send secret messages and to imply you serve a powerful sinister conspiracy, evil authority figure, or shadow government. You also gain a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks when interacting with such entities.

〔My Word Is My Bond〕(タルドール人) My Word Is My Bond

出典 Inner Sea Races 196ページ
 利益:Your reliability is a core part of your self-image. Once per day, you can gain a +1 trait bonus on an attack roll, saving throw, or skill check if success on that check is directly relevant to fulfilling a verbal or written agreement you have made. You must choose to use this trait before rolling, and this ability does not work if you initiated the agreement for the purpose of activating this ability.

〔Nagaji Nationalist〕(ナガジ) Nagaji Nationalist

出典 Inner Sea Races 199ページ
 利益:Your loyalty to the nagaji nation of Nagajor is powerful. You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls and saving throws against foes that directly threaten the safety of Nagajor.

〔Nanite Revival〕(アンドロイド) Nanite Revival

出典 People of the Stars 7ページ
 利益:You can instinctively activate your nanites to save your life. Once per day as an immediate action, you can command your nanites to stabilize you while you are dying, even while unconscious or helpless. This does not count as a use of your nanite surge ability.

〔Nearly Blinded〕(ティエン人) Nearly Blinded

出典 Inner Sea Races 196ページ
 利益:After a close call with snow blindness on the Crown of the World or the scouring winds of Hongal, you honed your instincts to protect your eyes. You gain a +2 trait bonus on saving throws to avoid being blinded or dazzled.

〔Neutralizing Gut〕(ティーフリング) Neutralizing Gut

出典 People of the Wastes 25ページ
 利益:Your fiendish heritage has made you more resilient to the many poisonous threats in wastelands. You gain a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against contact and inhaled poisons, and a +3 trait bonus on saving throws against ingested poisons.

〔Nine-Tailed Scion〕(キツネ) Nine-Tailed Scion

出典 Dirty Tactics Toolbox 23ページ
 利益:You are talented with kitsune magic. You gain a +1 trait bonus on caster level checks for your racial spell-like abilities as well as those from the Magical Tail feat (Advanced Race Guide 193). Additionally, you can select Magical Tail as a bonus feat whenever your favored class grants you a bonus bloodline feat, combat feat, or metamagic feat instead of the normal type of feat granted by that class. You cannot exchange specific feats granted by a class or race for Magical Tail in this manner; for instance, a monk cannot exchange his Stunning Fist feat for Magical Tail.

〔Obscure Traditions〕(Elf—Snowcaster) Obscure Traditions

出典 People of the North 8ページ
 利益:You confound those who think they know about elves. Any creature attempting to make a Knowledge check about your people, a Sense Motive check to determine whether you are lying, or a Survival check to track you takes a –2 penalty on the check. Additionally, any character or creature that normally gains a bonus on attack or damage rolls against elves (such as a ranger’s favored enemy ability) has such a bonus reduced by 1 (minimum 0).

〔Obsessed with Success〕(シェリアックス人) Obsessed with Success

Obsessed with Success does not function for Day Job checks.
出典 Inner Sea Races 195ページ
 利益:A Chelaxian without a visible degree of success is marked as pathetic, and so you grew up careful not to let failure stick. Once per day, when you re-attempt a skill check you have previously failed within the last minute, you can add a +4 trait bonus to that check.

〔Ooze Defense〕(コボルド、ブラックスケイル族) Ooze Defense

出典 Kobolds of Golarion 18ページ
 利益:The murky tunnels of your tribal home were infested with voracious oozes, which were a constant threat to your tribe. To protect yourselves, you and your tribespeople never strayed far without anti-ooze acid. You begin play with three alkali flasks (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment 106). These don’t count against your starting character wealth.

〔Oral Historian〕(ショアンティ人) Oral Historian

出典 Inner Sea Races 195ページ
 利益:You learned numerous mnemonic devices to more easily recall information imparted by your quah’s master storyteller. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (history) and Perform (oratory) checks, and one of those skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.

〔Pearl Diver〕(ハーフエルフ) Pearl Diver

出典 People of the Sands 14ページ
 利益:You are skilled at finding treasures in the warm coastal waters near the desert. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Perception checks while underwater and can hold your breath for a number of rounds equal to three times your Constitution score before you risk drowning.

〔Persecuted Expatriate〕(ティーフリング) Persecuted Expatriate

出典 Inner Sea Races 198ページ
 利益:You were born in a nation that persecuted you for your heritage. Although you were under terrible duress, you escaped either with the aid of family or by your own cunning. You gain a +1 bonus on one skill depending on your fiendish heritage: asura (Knowledge [local]), daemon (Sleight of Hand), demodand (Intimidate), demon (Perception), devil (Sense Motive), div (Diplomacy), kyton (Escape Artist), oni (Disguise), qlippoth (Survival), or rakshasa (Sense Motive). That skill is always a class skill for you.

〔Plague Survivor〕(人間) Plague Survivor

出典 Inner Sea Races 194ページ
 利益:You survived an encounter with disease in a slum or contagion-prone area. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Fortitude saving throws against diseases and on Constitution checks to stabilize while dying.

〔Planetary Traveler〕(エルフ) Planetary Traveler

出典 Inner Sea Races 194ページ
 利益:You take every opportunity to learn about or visit far-off planets. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (local), and Knowledge (nature) checks regarding other planets.

〔Poisonous Upbringing〕(ドラウ) Poisonous Upbringing

出典 Agents of Evil 25ページ
 利益:There were a few touchy moments in your education in the use of poisons. You gain a +2 trait bonus on all saves to resist poison effects.

〔Practiced Gambler〕(ヴァリシア人) Practiced Gambler

出典 Inner Sea Races 196ページ
 利益:Your upbringing around the Sczarni has exposed you to games with cards and dice. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff and Sleight of Hand checks; for the purpose of gambling, these bonuses increase by 1.

〔Practiced Impression〕(スリ) Practiced Impression

出典 Bastards of Golarion 29ページ
 利益:You traveled constantly in your youth, and were forced to practice making a good first impression until you could do so effortlessly. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks made against NPCs whom you have known for less than 1 hour.

〔Pragmatic Polytheist〕(ケーリド人) Pragmatic Polytheist

出典 People of the River 20ページ
 利益:You pray to whatever local deity will answer your prayers—and if they won’t, to hell with them. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (religion) checks and can make Knowledge (religion) checks as if trained. Once per day, you can cast resistance on yourself as a spell-like ability cast at your highest caster level (CL 1st if you have no caster level).

〔Prankster〕(ノーム) Prankster

出典 Dirty Tactics Toolbox 22ページ
 利益:You always have a great idea for a prank. You gain a +1 trait bonus on dirty trick combat maneuver checks. You also gain a +1 trait bonus to your CMD when an opponent attempts a dirty trick combat maneuver check against you. If you succeed at a dirty trick combat maneuver check against a flatfooted opponent, increase the duration of the condition caused by 1 round.

〔Precision Hearing〕(ワーバットキン) Precision Hearing

出典 Blood of the Moon 9ページ
 利益:You have long relied on your enhanced hearing to warn you of those who would persecute you for your nature. Whenever you succeed at a Perception check to hear a creature you can’t see and your check exceeds the DC by 10 or more, you can pinpoint the exact square where the sound originated.

〔Pride of the Diamond Empire〕(ケレッシュ人) Pride of the Diamond Empire

出典 People of the Sands 11ページ
 利益:Your pride is so strong and your confidence so sure that you can shake off magical attempts to shatter your resolve. If you succeed at a Will saving throw against a fear effect that would result in a lesser effect on a successful save (such as causing you to become shaken instead of panicked), you are instead unaffected.

〔Promising Peacemaker〕(ハーフオーク) Promising Peacemaker

出典 Inner Sea Races 194ページ
 利益:You were raised by a mix of human and orc family members, or by accommodating half-orc parents, and many people expected you to act as a flawless peacemaker. Whether these hopes saw fruition or met with frustration, you learned a great deal about both cultures. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Knowledge (local) checks involving orcs, half-orcs, and humans, and a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks against members of those races.

〔Proud Progenitor〕(Vampire—Moroi) Proud Progenitor

出典 Blood of the Night 9ページ
 利益:Your loneliness drove you to build your coven, and you zealously attack any who would harm it. You gain a +1 trait bonus on damage rolls against creatures you have seen attack or harm any of your vampire spawn.

〔Purple Scales〕(コボルド) Purple Scales

出典 Kobolds of Golarion 19ページ
 利益:Your outlandish purple scales made you an outcast from your tribe and forced you to survive in isolation at the edges of kobold society. While wandering alone through the Darklands, you contacted several other underground races and expanded your linguistic repertoire. In addition to speaking Draconic, you begin play with the ability to speak one of the following: Aklo, Dwarven, Goblin, or Undercommon.

〔Rapid Drain〕(Vampire—Nosferatu) Rapid Drain

出典 Blood of the Night 11ページ
 利益:The ferocity of your hunger grants you the ability to draw life from your victims faster. When you use your blood drain ability, you gain 7 temporary hit points instead of 5.

〔Rat Squeeze〕(ワーラットキン) Rat Squeeze

出典 Blood of the Moon 19ページ
 利益:You first discovered your wererat-related abilities while escaping someone, whether the authorities or a rival, and ever since you have honed your ability to squeeze out of tight situations. Whenever you use your skinwalker ability to change shape into your bestial form, you can squeeze through narrow spaces at least half as wide as your normal space without slowing your movement; each move into or through a narrow space counts as 1 square, though you still take all the normal penalties associated with squeezing.

〔Ratfolk Avenger〕(ラットフォーク) Ratfolk Avenger

出典 Inner Sea Races 199ページ
 利益:You protect your own. You gain a +1 trait bonus on weapon damage rolls against opponents you have witnessed dealing damage to one of your allies.

〔Relic Hunter〕(ガルーント人) Relic Hunter

出典 People of the Sands 9ページ
 利益:You have made a study of the ancient lands and ruins of Garund and are familiar with the relics and artifacts their inhabitants left behind. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Appraise and Knowledge (history) checks made to examine ruined buildings more than 1,000 years old as well as any ruined objects found in them. If such an item is magical, you gain a +1 trait bonus on Spellcraft checks to identify its properties and Use Magical Device checks to activate it.

〔Resilient Construction〕(ウィルウッド) Resilient Construction

出典 Inner Sea Races 199ページ
 利益:You spent a great deal of time around magical workshops, and the power of magic sustains you. Once per day, if you would be reduced to 0 or fewer hit points while under the effects of an ongoing spell you cast with a range of personal, you are not destroyed by the attack, but instead become inactive and helpless for 1 round, at negative hit points. If you take damage again during that time, or if you are still below 0 hit points at the end of that round, you are destroyed.

〔Reviving Rest〕(ワーベアキン) Reviving Rest

出典 Blood of the Moon 11ページ
 利益:When you first demonstrated your werebear ancestry, you slept for a week and awoke feeling more refreshed than ever before. Whenever you undergo complete bed rest for 24 hours, you recover an amount of hit points equal to three times your character level.

〔River Trader〕(ムワンギ人) River Trader

出典 Inner Sea Races 195ページ
 利益:You have learned to ply the rivers and the markets with equal ease. You gain a +1 bonus on Appraise and Swim checks, and one of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.

〔Sandy Ambush〕(オレイアス) Sandy Ambush

出典 People of the Sands 15ページ
 利益:You are skilled at blending in with the desert terrain and attacking creatures as they pass by. When prone in desert terrain, you gain a +2 trait bonus on Stealth checks and take only a –2 penalty on attack rolls (rather than –4) when attacking from prone.

〔Scamper〕(ラットフォーク) Scamper

出典 People of the Wastes 24ページ
 利益:In desperate times, your adrenaline kicks in to help you avoid danger. During the first round of combat in which you can act, you ignore difficult terrain and gain an additional 5 feet of movement. This benefit does not apply when you are carrying a medium or heavier load.

〔Scheming Survivor〕(ドラウ) Scheming Survivor

出典 Inner Sea Races 197ページ
 利益:You survived a close relative’s betrayal only through quick wits and a strong stomach. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Sense Motive checks and on saving throws against poison.

〔Seafaring Slayer〕(テング) Seafaring Slayer

出典 Inner Sea Races 199ページ
 利益:At a vulnerable age, you survived an encounter with a monstrous sea creature. You reduce any foe’s cover bonus to AC from water by 2.

〔Secret-Keeper〕(スヴァーフネブリン) Secret-Keeper

出典 Inner Sea Races 199ページ
 利益:You trained from birth to never reveal secrets and never betray anyone’s trust. You gain a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against divinations or enchantments that would compel you to reveal a secret or allow anyone to read your mind.

〔Self-Aware〕(Vampire—Vetala) Self-Aware

出典 Blood of the Night 13ページ
 利益:Wisdom stolen from an enlightened mortal has opened your own mind. Knowing yourself helps you to understand others. You gain a +1 trait bonus on all Sense Motive checks, and Sense Motive becomes a class skill for you.

〔Shadow Stalker〕(フェッチリング) Shadow Stalker

出典 Agents of Evil 25ページ
 利益:You are dedicated to mastering the art of hiding in the shadows. Increase the miss chance gained from your shadow blending ability by 5%.

〔Shared Curse〕(ワーウルフキン) Shared Curse

出典 Blood of the Moon 25ページ
 利益:A portion of your ancestor’s fell curse still courses through your blood. Once per day as a standard action, you can share a portion of your accursed heritage with a willing ally by dealing 1 point of damage to that ally with a natural weapon. The ally gains a natural bite attack, as if from your skinwalker ability, for 2 rounds.

〔Sharkchild〕(ワーシャークキン) Sharkchild

出典 Blood of the Moon 20ページ
 利益:In your youth, you swam into the ocean as deep as you could, and had it not been for your wereshark ancestry you would have surely drowned. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Swim checks. As long as you have a swim speed (such as that granted by your bestial form), you can use the run action to move up to five times your swim speed while swimming straight down from or straight up toward the surface of the water.

〔Sharp Wits〕(ヴードラ人) Sharp Wits

出典 Inner Sea Races 197ページ
 利益:You were raised with a daily regimen to keep your mind sharp and your words fluid. You gain a +1 trait bonus on concentration checks and on Bluff checks.

〔Shoanti Spirit-singer〕(Bekyar Tribe or Shoanti Clan) Shoanti Spirit-singer

出典 Advanced Class Origins 19ページ
 利益:The spirit voices of your ancestors sing to you of the world around you. Once per day, you can act in the surprise round even if you aren’t aware of your attackers; you can use this action only to start a bardic song or raging song, and you’re still considered flat-footed until you act in the first normal round of combat.

〔Shoanti Steed〕(ショアンティ人) Shoanti Steed

出典 Varisia, Birthplace of Legends 6ページ
 利益:Your nomadic culture gives you a profound knowledge of and respect for the horses that roam your homelands. You begin play with a combat trained light horse (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 177). While riding this horse bareback, you are treated as though you were riding it with a riding saddle (placing any actual saddle upon the horse negates this benefit). The horse can fend for itself outside of settlements in all but the most hostile environments. If whistled for outside of a community, the horse typically arrives within 1d6 minutes. If your horse is slain, you may receive a new horse by returning to your clan and performing a vigil for its spirit (a rite that costs 100 gp in rare herbs and incense).

〔Shoanti Tattoo〕(ショアンティ人) Shoanti Tattoo

出典 Varisia, Birthplace of Legends 6ページ
 利益:Upon reaching adulthood, you received a tribal tattoo, marking you with the symbols of your quah and totem spirits (see the inside back cover for suggestions and designs for Shoanti tattoos). You gain a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against fear effects. Additionally, you are proficient with earth breakers, klars, and Shoanti bolas.

〔Shoreline Skirmisher〕(ワーシャークキン) Shoreline Skirmisher

出典 Blood of the Moon 21ページ
 利益:You were raised without many toys or possessions, but you made do exploring every detail of the nearby seashore, and know how to spot potential tools or obstacles. You gain a +2 trait bonus on combat maneuver checks as long as you or your opponent is on sand or in water at least 6 inches deep.

〔Skater's Balance〕(コボルド、ホワイトスケイル族) Skater's Balance

出典 Blood of the Moon 21ページ
 利益:You grew up stalking across the frozen pools of water that dot your tribe’s Darklands home. You don’t need to spend extra movement to enter a square of an ice sheet (Core Rulebook 430), and the DCs of your Acrobatics checks on ice sheets don’t increase by 5.

〔Skilled Telepath〕(ラシュンタ) Skilled Telepath

出典 People of the Stars 11ページ
 利益:Requirement(s) Lashunta
The range of your limited telepathy racial ability increases by 5 feet.

〔Sky Quester〕(ドワーフ) Sky Quester

出典 Inner Sea Races 194ページ
 利益:You grew up hearing stories of the lost Sky Citadels, and have sworn to find and reclaim one. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (geography) and Knowledge (history) checks. One of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.

〔Slave Smuggler〕(ハーフリング) Slave Smuggler

出典 People of the Sands 14ページ
 利益:You know how to get contraband across borders. When hiding a Medium or smaller creature from an opponent actively searching you or your cargo, both you and the creature to be smuggled can attempt Stealth checks and select the higher of the two results for your smuggled ally to use while hiding.

〔Slippery Step〕(ウンディーネ) Slippery Step

出典 People of the Sands 15ページ
 利益:You are used to walking on wet and slippery surfaces. You are always considered to have firm footing when fighting underwater (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 433), and you gain a +2 trait bonus on Acrobatics checks and Climb checks on wet surfaces or in wet terrain, including bogs, standing or running water, or a storm-tossed ship.

〔Slithering Stride〕(コボルド、グリーンスケイル族) Slithering Stride

出典 Kobolds of Golarion 19ページ
 利益:You were raised as a forest trapper, and are adept at moving quickly through underbrush. For 3 rounds per day, you can move through light or heavy undergrowth at full speed. This ability doesn’t work in terrain that has been magically manipulated to impede motion.

〔Smoke Resistant〕(コボルド、レッドスケイル族) Smoke Resistant

出典 Kobolds of Golarion 19ページ
 利益:You’ve spent so much of your life around fires that smoke no longer affects you the way it does other creatures. Your vision isn’t impaired by nonmagical smoke, and you gain a +5 trait bonus on Fortitude saves to avoid coughing and choking because of smoke inhalation (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 426). This trait confers no benefits against magically created smoke, such as that produced by pyrotechnics.

〔Snap Ignition〕(イフリット) Snap Ignition

出典 People of the Sands 15ページ
 利益:You are a pyromaniac by nature and love nothing more than setting fires. As a full-round action, you can produce a small flame at the end of your finger that ignites combustible materials as a tindertwig. Alternatively, you can maintain a flame equivalent to a candle by spending a standard action each round to concentrate on it.

〔Sneaky Swimmer〕(コボルド、ブラックスケイル族) Sneaky Swimmer

出典 Kobolds of Golarion 18ページ
 利益:Swimming comes naturally to you, as does hunting marsh vipers and other aquatic creatures. Increase the number of rounds you can hold your breath underwater by an amount equal to your Constitution score. You gain a +2 bonus on Stealth checks in swamps and in underwater environments.

〔Snowblooded〕(Elf—Snowcaster) Snowblooded

出典 People of the North 9ページ
 利益:Your family has a long tradition of producing excellent sentries and twilight speakers. You gain a +4 trait bonus on Fortitude saving throws made to avoid nonlethal damage from cold environments, and gain a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against spells with the cold descriptor.

〔Snowstepper〕(ノーム) Snowstepper

出典 People of the North 15ページ
 利益:As a native of the North, you have acquired the ability to tread lightly on snow. You ignore difficult terrain caused by snow, and it costs you only 2 squares of movement to enter a square covered in heavy snow, rather than 4 squares of movement. This benefit only applies when you are not carrying a medium or heavier load.

〔Sovyrian Intellectual〕(エルフ) Sovyrian Intellectual

出典 People of the North 15ページ
 利益:Having grown up in one of the intellectual centers of Castrovel, you speak precisely and persuasively, especially among elves. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks. This bonus increases to +3 against creatures with the elf subtype.

〔Spellcaster's Anathema〕(ドワーフ) Spellcaster's Anathema

出典 People of the Wastes 23ページ
 利益:You see arcane magic as untrustworthy and its use as a calamity waiting to happen. You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls against arcane spellcasters.

〔Sphinxfriend〕(Dwarf—Pahmet) Sphinxfriend

出典 People of the Sands 13ページ
 利益:You were raised near the lair of a proud sphinx. Well known for their wisdom, sphinxes are greatly respected by your people, and in times of uncertainty and crisis, their counsel has been invaluable. When you came of age, you were chosen to be the emissary between your settlement and the sphinx. Luckily for you, the proud creature enjoyed your company, and in addition to bartering for information, you learned to enjoy the riddles of your noble friend. As a result of your experiences, you gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks, Linguistics skill checks made to decipher writing in an unfamiliar language, and Sense Motive checks made to discern secret messages.

〔Spidery Climber〕(カサーサ) Spidery Climber

出典 People of the Stars 9ページ
 利益:More hands means more handholds. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Climb checks. In addition, as long as you have two hands free, the DC to catch yourself on a wall while falling is equal to the wall’s DC + 10, and the DC to catch yourself on a slope is equal to the slope’s DC + 5.

〔Spirit Lodge Dreamer〕(Erutaki) Spirit Lodge Dreamer

出典 People of the North 12ページ
 利益:You have experienced visions of the unseen spirit world, and bear the marks of the spirits upon your flesh. You gain a +1 trait bonus on saves against illusions, and reduce any miss chance you would take from concealment by 10%.

〔Statuesque〕(オレイアス) Statuesque

出典 Blood of the Elements 9ページ
 利益:You inherited the statuesque physical features of your shaitan parent. Disguise becomes a class skill for you, and you gain a +2 trait bonus on Disguise checks to disguise yourself as a statue made of a specific type of stone, such as marble, sandstone, or alabaster. Furthermore, you take none of the penalties normally associated with disguising yourself as a different type of creature. You must choose the type of stone you resemble when you take this trait; once chosen, it cannot be changed.

〔Stoic Dignity〕(オレイアス) Stoic Dignity

出典 Bastards of Golarion 29ページ
 利益:You are an unmoving rock for those who see you as an authority figure. As long as you are conscious, you and all allies within 10 feet gain a +1 bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects you are not already suffering from. This is a trait bonus for you and a morale bonus for your allies.

〔Storied Scars〕(ケーリド人) Storied Scars

出典 People of the North 6ページ
 利益:You proudly bear the numerous scars of your life on your body, and each one tells a tale of your experiences. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks made to interact with other Kellids, and a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks when dealing with non-Kellid peoples.

〔Strength of Body〕(ワーボアキン) Strength of Body

出典 Blood of the Moon 13ページ
 利益:You took longer than most to learn control over your transforming abilities, but in that time you learned a trick to make the most of your strength. Once per day, you can use your Strength modifier in place of your Constitution modifier on a single Fortitude saving throw. You must announce that you are using this ability before you roll the saving throw.

〔Stubborn〕(Vampire—Vetala) Stubborn

出典 Blood of the Night 13ページ
 利益:The angry child inside bolsters your will, and you often prove utterly defiant. You gain a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against attempts to control you, such as command undead, halt undead, or channeled energy to turn or control undead.

〔Survivalist〕(人間) Survivalist

出典 Heroes of the Wild 7ページ
 利益:You gain a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against natural environmental hazards.

〔Switched at Birth〕(チェンジリング) Switched at Birth

出典 Blood of the Coven 3ページ
 利益:You were traded for another child in infancy and remained unaware of your origin as a changeling until some recent tragedy revealed the truth. Now the guilt of knowing you live because another child met a horrible fate haunts you and drives you to push forward in that child’s name. Once per day, you can attempt a Will saving throw in place of a Fortitude saving throw against a spell, effect, or condition.

〔Tactile Telekinesis〕(ラシュンタ) Tactile Telekinesis

出典 People of the Stars 11ページ
 利益:Once per day as a swift action, you can add a trait bonus equal to your Intelligence modifier on Strength checks and Strength-based skill checks you attempt before the beginning of your next turn.

〔Tattooed Focus〕(ヴァリシア人) Tattooed Focus

出典 Inner Sea Races 196ページ
 利益:You possess an intricate tattoo that proclaims your skill at your chosen vocation. Choose a Craft, Perform, or Profession skill. You gain a +2 trait bonus on checks with that skill, and it is always a class skill for you.

〔Telekinetic Dependence〕(Vampire—Nosferatu) Telekinetic Dependence

出典 Blood of the Night 11ページ
 利益:Your body is so ancient you fear damaging it with exertion. You gain a +1 trait bonus to your caster level when casting (or using as a spell-like ability) fly, levitate, mage hand, telekinesis, and similar spells that move objects through sheer will.

〔Tempestuous Combatant〕(ケレッシュ人) Tempestuous Combatant

出典 Inner Sea Races 195ページ
 利益:You move confidently in the face of danger. Once per day as a swift action, you can choose one opponent. You and your mount (if any) do not provoke attacks of opportunity from that opponent for moving within or exiting his threatened area.

〔Tempter's Tongue〕(ティーフリング) Tempter's Tongue

出典 Bastards of Golarion 29ページ
 利益:The blood of crafty, bargain-making fiends runs in your veins, and you have a talent for brokering deals of your own. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks and on opposed Charisma checks to influence creatures you have charmed (such as with charm person).

〔Terrifying Lunge〕(ワークロコダイルキン) Terrifying Lunge

出典 Blood of the Moon 15ページ
 利益:Once badly bitten by a stronger werecrocodile-kin, you learned the importance of showing your strength. Once per day, when you hit a flat-footed foe with a melee attack, you can make an Intimidate check to demoralize that foe as a swift action. Intimidate becomes a class skill for you.

〔Thoroughbred〕(ケレッシュ人) Thoroughbred

出典 People of the Sands 11ページ
 利益:The blood of the early horse tribes is strong in your family. Breeding, riding, selecting, and training the best horses are all part of your legacy, and you know how to pick out the best of the lot when selecting a suitable mount. If you gain a horse as an animal companion or mount as one of your class abilities, its base speed increases by 5 feet and it gains a bonus trick that does not count against the normal limit of tricks known by the animal.

〔Thunderborn〕(シルフ) Thunderborn

出典 Blood of the Elements 13ページ
 利益:The rumble in your voice and the spark in your eyes hint at a lineage of lightning and thunder, possibly tracing back to lightning elementals from the Plane of Air, or else to a magic-touched birth during a powerful thunderstorm. Once per day when you cast a spell that deals electricity damage, you can choose to make half of the damage electricity damage and the other half sonic damage.

〔Tiger's Claw〕(ワータイガーキン) Tiger's Claw

出典 Blood of the Moon 23ページ
 利益:Your feline agility helps you inflict a devastating blow at the end of a charge. Whenever you use the charge action, you gain a +1 trait bonus on your weapon damage roll.

〔Trade Talk〕(Half-Elf—Human-Raised) Trade Talk

出典 Bastards of Golarion 4ページ
 利益:You picked up not only the basics of your human parent’s profession, but also the lingo typical of the craft. Choose a Craft or Profession skill. You gain a +1 trait bonus on checks with the chosen skill, and a +1 trait bonus on Bluff and Sense Motive checks when dealing with people in the context of that craft or profession.

〔Transitional〕(Triaxian) Transitional

出典 People of the Stars 13ページ
 利益:As a Transitional Triaxian, you are attuned to the weather no matter what world you stand upon. Once per day when you attempt a Survival check to predict the weather, you can add a trait bonus equal to 3 + 1/2 your character level. In addition, you gain a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude saves against the effects of cold and hot weather.

〔Traumatic Shift〕(スキンウォーカー) Traumatic Shift

出典 Blood of the Moon 7ページ
 利益:Your first transformation was in a public place, observed by loved ones who later shunned you or townsfolk who chased you away. You have become good at hiding your nature. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff checks, and Bluff becomes a class skill for you.

〔Triaxian Dragonslayer〕(Triaxian) Triaxian Dragonslayer

出典 People of the Stars 13ページ
 利益:You receive a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against the spells and spell-like abilities of dragons and a +1 trait bonus on caster level checks to overcome dragons’ spell resistance.

〔Tribal Guide〕(コボルド) Tribal Guide

出典 Inner Sea Races 197ページ
 利益:You were trained to guide the movements of larger creatures, perhaps travelers from Ilizmagorti or transports under Absalom. You provide food and water or a bonus against severe weather for two additional creatures whenever you succeed at the appropriate Survival check, and Survival is a class skill for you.

〔Trickster〕(ヴァナラ) Trickster

出典 Inner Sea Races 199ページ
 利益:You learned early that in order to get what you want, sometimes you have to act secretly. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff and Stealth checks, and one of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.

〔Tropical Botanist〕(エルフ) Tropical Botanist

出典 People of the Sands 14ページ
 利益:You are familiar with beneficial and dangerous plants. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (nature) checks to locate or identify plants and on saving throws against the extraordinary abilities of plants.

〔Undead Slayer〕(ダンピール) Undead Slayer

出典 Bastards of Golarion 28ページ
 利益:Filled with wrath against the monsters whose unclean blood makes you an outcast, you gain a +1 trait bonus on attack and damage rolls against undead creatures.

〔Undine Loyalty〕(ウンディーネ) Undine Loyalty

出典 Bastards of Golarion 28ページ
 利益:You learned early on that teamwork can help keep you safe from troublemakers. Choose one teamwork feat (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 150) that requires an ally with the same feat to be adjacent to you. You may benefit from that teamwork feat as long as you have an ally within 10 feet of you (though your ally does not benefit from the teamwork feat unless it also has this trait or a similar ability).

〔Unflappable Arrogance〕(イフリット) Unflappable Arrogance

出典 Blood of the Elements 7ページ
 利益:You laugh in the face of your aggressors. The DC to demoralize you with the Intimidate skill increases by 5. If an opponent’s Intimidate check would be high enough to cause you to become demoralized for more than 1 round, you are instead demoralized for only 1 round.

〔Varisian Tattoo〕(ヴァリシア人) Varisian Tattoo

出典 Varisia, Birthplace of Legends 8ページ
 利益:You bear the elaborate tattoos of your people, marking you as a free son or daughter of the road. You gain a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against charm and compulsion effects. Additionally, you are proficient with bladed scarves and starknives.

〔Varki Landspeaker〕(ヴァーキ族) Varki Landspeaker

出典 People of the North 15ページ
 利益:You are deeply attuned to the lands your people call home and the spirits that live there. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Survival checks in arctic or cold terrain. In addition, while in such terrain, you may query the spirits of the land once per day to gain a +5 trait bonus on a single skill check to follow tracks, forage, or find shelter.

〔Vermin Driver〕(ドゥエルガル) Vermin Driver

出典 Inner Sea Races 198ページ
 利益:You were instructed in the subtle magic of enslaving vermin, and can train mindless vermin with the Handle Animal skill as if they were animals with an Intelligence score of 1.

〔Vermin Wrangler〕(ノーム) Vermin Wrangler

出典 People of the Sands 14ページ
 利益:In gathering ingredients necessary for mind-altering drugs and other concoctions, you have become intimately familiar with the desert’s many-legged pests. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Knowledge (dungeoneering) checks to identify vermin and on saving throws against vermin’s extraordinary abilities.

〔Vexed〕(コボルド) Vexed

出典 Inner Sea Races 197ページ
 利益:You had multiple narrow escapes from gremlin saboteurs and learned to avoid their magic. You gain a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against curses and fear effects.

〔Walls of Half-Truths〕(サンサーラン) Walls of Half-Truths

出典 Inner Sea Races 199ページ
 利益:As soon as you made contact with other samsarans, they encouraged your talent for magic that befuddles foes. Treat your caster level as 1 higher for the purpose of determining duration of your figment and glamer spells.

〔Wary of Danger〕(ケーリド人) Wary of Danger

出典 People of the North 6ページ
 利益:Your people are beset on all sides by threats, and you have developed a keen sense for danger. You gain a +2 trait bonus on initiative checks.

〔Wasteland Hunter〕(ケーリド人) Wasteland Hunter

出典 People of the River 18ページ
 利益:You are an expert hunter among your tribe. Whenever you throw a club, shortspear, spear, or javelin, reduce the penalty for throwing the weapon beyond its initial range increment by 2 (to a minimum penalty of 0). For example, a club (with a range of 10 feet) thrown at a target 25 feet away would incur only a –2 penalty with this trait.

〔Water Lurker〕(ワヤン) Water Lurker

出典 Inner Sea Races 199ページ
 利益:You grew up in a secretive community by the water, perhaps among the rivers of Shenmen or the islands of Minata. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Swim checks and a +2 bonus on Stealth checks on watercraft and when at least half-submerged in water.

〔Water Shaping〕(ウンディーネ) Water Shaping

出典 Inner Sea Races 197ページ
 利益:Your tight-knit undine community helped you practice your water magic safely. Whenever you cast a spell or use a spell-like ability that has the cold or water descriptor and affects an area, you can choose one square within the area. The spell or spell-like ability does not affect that square or creatures in it.

〔Weapon Training〕(ウールフェン人) Weapon Training

出典 Inner Sea Races 196ページ
 利益:As soon as you were old enough to hold it, you were trained to defend yourself with traditional Ulfen weapons. You gain a +1 trait bonus on damage rolls with the following weapons: bastard sword, battleaxe, greataxe, greatsword, handaxe, light hammer, longbow, longsword, shortbow, short sword, throwing axe, and warhammer.

〔Weathered〕(フェッチリング) Weathered

出典 Agents of Evil 25ページ
 利益:Because of your natural resistances, you gain a +2 trait bonus on saves to resist cold or electricity effects and hazards.

〔Weathered Patience〕(ケーリド人) Weathered Patience

出典 Inner Sea Races 195ページ
 利益:You had to learn to control your attention to survive in the wilds. Once per day, when you ready an action to make a ranged or melee weapon attack, you can add a +4 trait bonus on the attack.

〔Weatherworn〕(Vampire—Moroi) Weatherworn

出典 Blood of the Night 9ページ
 利益:Lairing in desolate mountains or on coastal cliff tops has taught you to deal with the effects of strong winds. You gain a +2 trait bonus against the effects of spells that create wind or move air, such as gust of wind. You treat natural weather conditions as one step weaker. These abilities also apply when you are in gaseous form.

〔Whiteout〕(ウンディーネ) Whiteout

出典 Blood of the Elements 15ページ
 利益:When the air is full of water, your elemental blood allows you to blend with your surroundings and become one with the precipitation. In areas of nonmagical fog, rain, snow, or similar conditions (such as the spray of a waterfall), you gain the effects of concealment, but with a miss chance of 10%. If the precipitation would already grant you concealment, the miss chances stack.

〔Wild Domesticator〕(ハーフエルフ) Wild Domesticator

出典 Heroes of the Wild 6ページ
 利益:Handle Animal is always a class skill for you. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Handle Animal checks to train an animal, and can teach a trained animal one additional trick beyond its normal maximum.

〔Wild Ferocity〕(ハーフオーク) Wild Ferocity

出典 Heroes of the Wild 7ページ
 利益:Select one terrain type from the ranger’s favored terrain list. While in this terrain type, taking a standard action while disabled does not cause you to take the normal 1 point of damage. You can use this trait when acting as if disabled despite having a negative hit point total as a result of orc ferocity or the Diehard feat.

〔Wild Shadow〕(ハーフリング) Wild Shadow

出典 Heroes of the Wild 7ページ
 利益:Select one terrain type from the ranger’s favored terrain list. You can attempt Stealth checks in this terrain in normal light without having cover or being invisible. You still can’t attempt Stealth checks in areas of bright light without invisibility or cover.

〔Wind-Carried Voices〕(シルフ) Wind-Carried Voices

出典 Blood of the Elements 13ページ
 利益:You are a master of seeing through falsehoods and sharing secrets—the wind itself seems to carry your voice to those you trust. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Sense Motive checks to tell when someone is lying to you. Additionally, at will, as long as you are outdoors or in an area where there is noticeable air movement, you can whisper to any creature from up to 30 feet away. You can only designate one person in sight to hear your voice, and nearby creatures can hear these messages with a successful DC 20 Perception check. This is an extraordinary ability that otherwise functions as message.

〔Winged Aloofness〕(シュリンクス) Winged Aloofness

出典 Inner Sea Races 199ページ
 利益:You learned from your syrinx elders that your race is better than non-winged races and you take care to keep above them physically as well. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Fly checks. This bonus increases to +4 on checks to avoid losing altitude when damaged.

〔Witness to Nature's Cruelty〕(シュリンクス) Witness to Nature's Cruelty

出典 Inner Sea Races 195ページ
 利益:You saw firsthand the terrible toll of starvation and the elements, and refuse to allow even your worst enemy to suffer that way. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Heal and Survival checks made on behalf of others. One of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.

〔Zealous〕(ガルーンド人) Zealous

出典 Inner Sea Races 195ページ
 利益:You felt lost and aimless in your youth until a patron’s emotional intervention showed you the power of throwing yourself completely into what you do. Once per day, you can add a +2 trait bonus on any attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. You must choose to apply this bonus before rolling the die. When you use this ability, you take a –2 penalty to your AC and on saving throws until the end of your next turn.

〔恐ろしい変容〕(スキンウォーカー) Frightening Transformation

出典 Wayfinder#13

〔ゴミ漁り〕(スキンウォーカー) Trash Scavenger

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〔解放〕(スキンウォーカー) Unfettered

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〔鋼の精神〕(スキンウォーカー) Iron Spirit

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〔もはや餌食ではない〕(スキンウォーカー) Not the Prey Anymore

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〔野生の心〕(スキンウォーカー) Feral Heart

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〔夜の孤児〕(スキンウォーカー) Night's Orphan

出典 Wayfinder#13
最終更新:2023年11月27日 19:33