B2 > ソウル・イーター


B2/ソウル・イーター - (2011/07/10 (日) 04:14:51) の1つ前との変更点



// BEGIN_OF-soulEater.html // ORIGINAL-http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/additionalMonsters/soulEater.html * ソウル・イーター &small(){[[Soul Eater>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/additionalMonsters/soulEater.html]]} >Two elongated and deathly pallid arms protrude from this creature’s smoky body as it slithers silently through the air. *** ソウル・イーター 脅威度7 &small(){Soul Eater} &b(){経験点 3,200} &b(){NE}/中型サイズの来訪者(悪、他次元界) &b(){イニシアチブ} +10;&b(){感覚} 暗視60フィート、全周囲視覚;〈知覚〉+14 **** 防御データ &b(){AC} 21、接触17、立ちすくみ14(+6【敏】、+1回避、+4外皮) &b(){hp} 82(11d10+22) &b(){頑健} +5、&b(){反応} +13、&b(){意志} +7 &b(){DR} 10/魔法;&b(){完全耐性} クリティカル・ヒット、麻痺、毒、睡眠、stunning **** 攻撃データ &b(){移動速度} 30フィート、飛行100フィート(完璧) &b(){近接} 爪(×2)=+18(1d6+1/19~20、加えて1d6【判断力】ダメージ) &b(){特殊攻撃} 目標発見、soul drain **** 一般データ &b(){【筋】} 13、&b(){【敏】} 22、&b(){【耐】} 14、&b(){【知】} 12、&b(){【判】} 11、&b(){【魅】} 11 &b(){基本攻撃} +11;&b(){CMB} +12;&b(){CMD} 29(足払いされない) &b(){特技} 《イニシアチブ強化》、《回避》、《かすめ飛び攻撃》、《クリティカル強化》(爪)、《武器熟練》(爪)、《武器の妙技》 &b(){技能} 〈威圧〉+14、〈隠密〉+20(暗闇または煙の中では+28)、〈軽業〉+20(跳躍+8)、〈脱出術〉+20、〈知覚〉+14、〈知識:次元界〉+15、〈飛行〉+28 &b(){言語} 奈落語、地獄語 &b(){その他の特殊能力} caster link **** 生態 &b(){出現環境} 気候問わず/外方次元界(アバドン) &b(){編成} 単体 &b(){宝物} なし **** 特殊能力 &b(){Caster Link(変則)} When a soul eater is summoned, it creates a mental link between itself and its conjurer. If the soul eater’s assigned target (see find target ability) dies before the soul eater can drain its soul, or if the soul eater is defeated by its target (but not slain), it returns to its conjurer at full speed and attacks her. While the soul eater and the conjurer are on the same plane (regardless of plane-traveling interruptions), it can use its find target ability to locate its conjurer. &b(){目標発見(超常)} When a soul eater’s conjurer orders it to find a creature, it can do so unerringly, as though guided by a &i(){ロケート・クリーチャー} spell that has no maximum range and is not blocked by running water. The conjurer must have seen the desired target and must speak the target’s name. &b(){Soul Drain(超常)} If the Wisdom damage from a soul eater’s claw attacks equals or exceeds an opponent’s actual Wisdom score, rendering the victim helpless, the soul eater can devour that creature’s soul as a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. This attack kills the victim. The dead victim can resist having her soul eaten by making a (DC17) Fortitude save; success means she is still dead, but can be restored to life normally. If she fails this save, her soul is consumed by the soul eater. A victim slain in this manner cannot be returned to life with &i(){クローン}, &i(){レイズ・デッド}, or &i(){リインカーネイト}. She can be restored to life via &i(){リザレクション}, &i(){トゥルー・リザレクション}, &i(){ミラクル}, or &i(){ウィッシュ}, but only if the caster can succeed on a DC 30 caster level check. If the soul eater is killed within 120フィート of its victim’s corpse, and the victim has been dead for no longer than 1 minute, the victim’s soul returns to her body and restores her to life, leaving her unconscious and at -1 hit point. This is a death effect. このセーヴ難易度は【耐久力】に基づいている。 &b(){【判断力】ダメージ(超常)} A creature hit by a soul eater’s claw must succeed on a DC 17 Fortitude save or take 1d6 points of Wisdom damage. このセーヴ難易度は【耐久力】に基づいている。  Summoned forth from the inky swamps of Abaddon, a soul eater is an extraplanar entity devoid of emotion or reason and possessing a hunger that may only be sated by devouring the souls of the living. The very nature of a soul eater makes it an ideal and terrifyingly efficient tool of death, and it is for this reason they are often conjured by vile spellcasters pursuing morbid agendas. Even when not seeing to the heinous commands of a sinister magic user, the soul eater prowls and hunts, constantly seeking living souls upon which to gorge itself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

