B3 > クラブ


B3/クラブ - (2012/03/03 (土) 12:32:00) の1つ前との変更点



// BEGIN_OF-crab.html // ORIGINAL-http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary3/crab.html *&spanid(SharkEatingCrab){クラブ:シャークイーティング・クラブ} &small(){[[Crab, Shark-Eating>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary3/crab.html#_crab,-shark-eating]]} >This spiny, long-legged crab towers over its surroundings. Its quick and powerful claws thrash wildly, eager for prey. ***シャークイーティング・クラブ 脅威度7 &small(){Shark-Eating Crab} &b(){経験点 3,200} &b(){N}/超大型サイズの蟲(水棲) &b(){イニシアチブ} +2; &b(){感覚} 暗視60フィート;〈知覚〉+5 ****防御 &b(){AC} 20、接触10、立ちすくみ18(+2【敏】、+10外皮、-2サイズ) &b(){hp} 84(8d8+48) &b(){頑健} +12、&b(){反応} +4、&b(){意志} +3 &b(){完全耐性} [精神作用]効果 ****攻撃 &b(){移動速度} 30フィート、水泳60フィート &b(){近接} 爪(×2)=+13(1d8+9、加えて“つかみ”) &b(){接敵面} 15フィート; &b(){間合い} 15フィート &b(){特殊攻撃} 締め付け(1d8+9)、darting claw ****基本データ &b(){【筋】}29、&b(){【敏】}14、&b(){【耐】}22、&b(){【知】}―、&b(){【判】}12、&b(){【魅】}2 &b(){基本攻撃} +6; &b(){CMB} +17(組みつき+21); &b(){CMD} 29(対足払い41) &b(){技能} 〈水泳〉+17、〈知覚〉+5;&b(){種族修正} +4〈知覚〉 &b(){その他の特殊能力} 水への依存 ****生態 &b(){出現環境} 気候問わず/水 &b(){編成} 単体または漁場(2~8) &b(){宝物} なし ****特殊能力 &b(){Darting Claw(変則)} Evolved for snatching fast prey, a shark-eating crab is exceptionally quick with its claws. When making a full attack, if a shark-eating crab misses with both of its claw attacks, it can make an additional claw attack at a -2 penalty against any creature within its reach.  Extremely fast and agile for such a large creature, the shark-eating crab preys on predators of the sea. Not limiting its consumption to just sharks, these crabs feed on fast-moving fish like barracudas and tuna, and even mollusks like giant squid. Their hunting skills have evolved over the ages to track the movements of fast creatures swimming above them as the crabs blend into their surroundings.  The typical shark-eating crab stands 16 feet tall and weighs just over 4,000 pounds. *&spanid(ShipwreckerCrab){クラブ:シップレッカー・クラブ} &small(){[[Crab, Shipwrecker>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary3/crab.html#_crab,-shipwrecker]]} >Claws the size of rowboats dominate the form of this massive crab. Barnacles and sea grass cling to the creature’s thick shell. ***シップレッカー・クラブ 脅威度13 &small(){Shipwrecker Crab} &b(){経験点 25,600} &b(){N}/超巨大サイズの蟲(水棲) &b(){イニシアチブ} +3; &b(){感覚} 暗視60フィート;〈知覚〉+10 ****防御 &b(){AC} 27、接触5、立ちすくみ24(+3【敏】、+22外皮、-8サイズ) &b(){hp} 189(14d8+126) &b(){頑健} +18、&b(){反応} +7、&b(){意志} +6 &b(){完全耐性} [精神作用]効果 ****攻撃 &b(){移動速度} 30フィート、水泳40フィート &b(){近接} 爪(×2)=+16(2d8+21、加えて“つかみ”) &b(){接敵面} 30フィート; &b(){間合い} 30フィート &b(){特殊攻撃} 締め付け(2d8+21) ****基本データ &b(){【筋】}38、&b(){【敏】}16、&b(){【耐】}28、&b(){【知】}―、&b(){【判】}14、&b(){【魅】}5 &b(){基本攻撃} +10; &b(){CMB} +32(組みつき+36); &b(){CMD} 45(対足払い61) &b(){技能} 〈水泳〉+22、〈知覚〉+10 &b(){その他の特殊能力} powerful claws ****生態 &b(){出現環境} 気候問わず/水 &b(){編成} 単体または漁場(2~12) &b(){宝物} なし ****特殊能力 &b(){Powerful Claws(変則)} A shipwrecker crab’s claw attacks deal damage equal to 1-1/2 times its Strength modifier. In addition, a shipwrecker crab ignores up to 5 points of hardness when damaging objects.  A bane to all vessels traveling the seas, shipwrecker crabs can ruin the career of a merchant captain in minutes, destroying her ship, dumping its cargo into the waters below, and plucking her drowning crew from the wreckage for food.  Shipwrecker crabs live most of their lives in shallow seas, coming near the coast or surface to hunt and feed.  A shipwrecker crab measures 50 feet across, with two long arms capable of extending a further 30 feet each, and weighs 6 tons. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// BEGIN_OF-crab.html // ORIGINAL-http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary3/crab.html *&spanid(SharkEatingCrab){クラブ:シャークイーティング・クラブ} &small(){[[Crab, Shark-Eating>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary3/crab.html#_crab,-shark-eating]]} >This spiny, long-legged crab towers over its surroundings. Its quick and powerful claws thrash wildly, eager for prey. ***シャークイーティング・クラブ 脅威度7 &small(){Shark-Eating Crab} &b(){経験点 3,200} N/超大型サイズの蟲(水棲) &b(){イニシアチブ} +2; &b(){感覚} 暗視60フィート;〈知覚〉+5 ****防御 &b(){AC} 20、接触10、立ちすくみ18(+2【敏】、+10外皮、-2サイズ) &b(){hp} 84(8d8+48) &b(){頑健} +12、&b(){反応} +4、&b(){意志} +3 &b(){完全耐性} [精神作用]効果 ****攻撃 &b(){移動速度} 30フィート、水泳60フィート &b(){近接} 爪(×2)=+13(1d8+9、加えて“つかみ”) &b(){接敵面} 15フィート; &b(){間合い} 15フィート &b(){特殊攻撃} 締め付け(1d8+9)、darting claw ****基本データ &b(){【筋】}29、&b(){【敏】}14、&b(){【耐】}22、&b(){【知】}―、&b(){【判】}12、&b(){【魅】}2 &b(){基本攻撃} +6; &b(){CMB} +17(組みつき+21); &b(){CMD} 29(対足払い41) &b(){技能} 〈水泳〉+17、〈知覚〉+5;&b(){種族修正} +4〈知覚〉 &b(){その他の特殊能力} 水への依存 ****生態 &b(){出現環境} 気候問わず/水 &b(){編成} 単体または漁場(2~8) &b(){宝物} なし ****特殊能力 &b(){Darting Claw(変則)} Evolved for snatching fast prey, a shark-eating crab is exceptionally quick with its claws. When making a full attack, if a shark-eating crab misses with both of its claw attacks, it can make an additional claw attack at a -2 penalty against any creature within its reach.  Extremely fast and agile for such a large creature, the shark-eating crab preys on predators of the sea. Not limiting its consumption to just sharks, these crabs feed on fast-moving fish like barracudas and tuna, and even mollusks like giant squid. Their hunting skills have evolved over the ages to track the movements of fast creatures swimming above them as the crabs blend into their surroundings.  The typical shark-eating crab stands 16 feet tall and weighs just over 4,000 pounds. *&spanid(ShipwreckerCrab){クラブ:シップレッカー・クラブ} &small(){[[Crab, Shipwrecker>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary3/crab.html#_crab,-shipwrecker]]} >Claws the size of rowboats dominate the form of this massive crab. Barnacles and sea grass cling to the creature’s thick shell. ***シップレッカー・クラブ 脅威度13 &small(){Shipwrecker Crab} &b(){経験点 25,600} N/超巨大サイズの蟲(水棲) &b(){イニシアチブ} +3; &b(){感覚} 暗視60フィート;〈知覚〉+10 ****防御 &b(){AC} 27、接触5、立ちすくみ24(+3【敏】、+22外皮、-8サイズ) &b(){hp} 189(14d8+126) &b(){頑健} +18、&b(){反応} +7、&b(){意志} +6 &b(){完全耐性} [精神作用]効果 ****攻撃 &b(){移動速度} 30フィート、水泳40フィート &b(){近接} 爪(×2)=+16(2d8+21、加えて“つかみ”) &b(){接敵面} 30フィート; &b(){間合い} 30フィート &b(){特殊攻撃} 締め付け(2d8+21) ****基本データ &b(){【筋】}38、&b(){【敏】}16、&b(){【耐】}28、&b(){【知】}―、&b(){【判】}14、&b(){【魅】}5 &b(){基本攻撃} +10; &b(){CMB} +32(組みつき+36); &b(){CMD} 45(対足払い61) &b(){技能} 〈水泳〉+22、〈知覚〉+10 &b(){その他の特殊能力} powerful claws ****生態 &b(){出現環境} 気候問わず/水 &b(){編成} 単体または漁場(2~12) &b(){宝物} なし ****特殊能力 &b(){Powerful Claws(変則)} A shipwrecker crab’s claw attacks deal damage equal to 1-1/2 times its Strength modifier. In addition, a shipwrecker crab ignores up to 5 points of hardness when damaging objects.  A bane to all vessels traveling the seas, shipwrecker crabs can ruin the career of a merchant captain in minutes, destroying her ship, dumping its cargo into the waters below, and plucking her drowning crew from the wreckage for food.  Shipwrecker crabs live most of their lives in shallow seas, coming near the coast or surface to hunt and feed.  A shipwrecker crab measures 50 feet across, with two long arms capable of extending a further 30 feet each, and weighs 6 tons. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

