B3 > サイクロプス


B3/サイクロプス - (2012/03/04 (日) 00:19:47) の1つ前との変更点



// BEGIN_OF-cyclops.html // ORIGINAL-http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary3/cyclops.html *&spanid(GreatCyclops){サイクロプス:グレート・サイクロプス} &small(){[[Cyclops, Great>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary3/cyclops.html#_cyclops,-great]]} >This misshapen but incredibly muscular humanoid has a single huge bloodshot eye set under a short, jagged horn on its brow. ***グレート・サイクロプス 脅威度12 &small(){Great Cyclops} &b(){経験点 19,200} &b(){CE}/超大型サイズの人型生物(巨人) &b(){イニシアチブ} +1; &b(){感覚} 夜目;〈知覚〉+22 ****防御 &b(){AC} 26、接触9、立ちすくみ25(+4鎧、+1【敏】、+13外皮、-2サイズ) &b(){hp} 195(17d8+119) &b(){頑健} +12、&b(){反応} +6、&b(){意志} +14 ****攻撃 &b(){移動速度} 50フィート &b(){近接} 高品質のグレートクラブ=+24/+19/+14(3d8+19)、突き刺し=+17(1d8+6)または突き刺し=+23(1d8+13)、叩きつけ(×2)=+23(2d6+13) &b(){遠隔} 岩=+11(2d6+19) &b(){接敵面} 15フィート; &b(){間合い} 15フィート &b(){特殊攻撃} 強力突撃(突き刺し、4d8+24)、岩投げ(120フィート) ****基本データ &b(){【筋】}36、&b(){【敏】}13、&b(){【耐】}25、&b(){【知】}7、&b(){【判】}14、&b(){【魅】}8 &b(){基本攻撃} +12; &b(){CMB} +27; &b(){CMD} 38 &b(){特技} 《強打》、《クリティカル熟練》、《持久力》、《突き飛ばし強化》、《薙ぎ払い》、《鋼の意志》、《不屈の闘志》、《ふっとばし攻撃》、《よろめき化クリティカル》 &b(){技能} 〈知覚〉+22 &b(){言語} 共通語、巨人語、サイクロプス語 &b(){その他の特殊能力} flash of brutality ****生態 &b(){出現環境} 気候問わず/温暖または熱帯 &b(){編成} 単体、共棲集団(2~5)、または部族(6~14) &b(){宝物} 標準(高品質のグレートクラブ、ハイド・アーマー、その他の宝物) ****特殊能力 &b(){Flash of Brutality(超常)} Once per day as a swift action, a great cyclops can gain a burst of savage of inspiration. When it does, it doubles the threat range of all weapons, natural attacks, and rock attacks it makes until the start of its next turn. Furthermore, once per day, when the great cyclops reaches 0 or fewer hit points and is conscious because of its Diehard feat, this ability recharges, allowing it to use the ability a second time that same day.  Degenerate giants of cyclops-kind, the legendary great cyclopes embody the rage and dark doom of this race of uncanny seers. In their eyes blaze endless possibilities for bloodshed and terror, their myopic gazes seeming to witness the potential for infinite deaths and devastations hidden within each moment. Gigantic but dull-witted, these massive savages are usually loners, but occasionally either need or fate drives them to rampages from which few are safe. Such undeniable force brings with it a dread that, in many instances, grows to reverence, giving rise to strange cults that cloak these cyclopes with veils of menace and dark legends.  Denizens of remote and primeval parts of the world, great cyclopes typically dwell in lands where none might intrude upon them—deserted islands, high craggy mountains, and stoic hill countries often provide the great caves they favor as lairs. While most avoid well-traveled or populated lands, spending much of their time hunting megafauna and even monstrous prey in the wilds, some, driven by hunger or a desperation to wander, seek out the paths and settlements of humanoids, finding that their fragile buildings are easily shattered and that the mewling creatures make savory meals.  The average great cyclops stands approximately 30 feet tall and weighs upward of 4 tons, though individuals of significantly greater size are known. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// BEGIN_OF-cyclops.html // ORIGINAL-http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary3/cyclops.html *&spanid(GreatCyclops){サイクロプス:グレート・サイクロプス} &small(){[[Cyclops, Great>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary3/cyclops.html#_cyclops,-great]]} >This misshapen but incredibly muscular humanoid has a single huge bloodshot eye set under a short, jagged horn on its brow. ***グレート・サイクロプス 脅威度12 &small(){Great Cyclops} &b(){経験点 19,200} CE/超大型サイズの人型生物(巨人) &b(){イニシアチブ} +1; &b(){感覚} 夜目;〈知覚〉+22 ****防御 &b(){AC} 26、接触9、立ちすくみ25(+4鎧、+1【敏】、+13外皮、-2サイズ) &b(){hp} 195(17d8+119) &b(){頑健} +12、&b(){反応} +6、&b(){意志} +14 ****攻撃 &b(){移動速度} 50フィート &b(){近接} 高品質のグレートクラブ=+24/+19/+14(3d8+19)、突き刺し=+17(1d8+6)または突き刺し=+23(1d8+13)、叩きつけ(×2)=+23(2d6+13) &b(){遠隔} 岩=+11(2d6+19) &b(){接敵面} 15フィート; &b(){間合い} 15フィート &b(){特殊攻撃} 強力突撃(突き刺し、4d8+24)、岩投げ(120フィート) ****基本データ &b(){【筋】}36、&b(){【敏】}13、&b(){【耐】}25、&b(){【知】}7、&b(){【判】}14、&b(){【魅】}8 &b(){基本攻撃} +12; &b(){CMB} +27; &b(){CMD} 38 &b(){特技} 《強打》、《クリティカル熟練》、《持久力》、《突き飛ばし強化》、《薙ぎ払い》、《鋼の意志》、《不屈の闘志》、《ふっとばし攻撃》、《よろめき化クリティカル》 &b(){技能} 〈知覚〉+22 &b(){言語} 共通語、巨人語、サイクロプス語 &b(){その他の特殊能力} flash of brutality ****生態 &b(){出現環境} 気候問わず/温暖または熱帯 &b(){編成} 単体、共棲集団(2~5)、または部族(6~14) &b(){宝物} 標準(高品質のグレートクラブ、ハイド・アーマー、その他の宝物) ****特殊能力 &b(){Flash of Brutality(超常)} Once per day as a swift action, a great cyclops can gain a burst of savage of inspiration. When it does, it doubles the threat range of all weapons, natural attacks, and rock attacks it makes until the start of its next turn. Furthermore, once per day, when the great cyclops reaches 0 or fewer hit points and is conscious because of its Diehard feat, this ability recharges, allowing it to use the ability a second time that same day.  Degenerate giants of cyclops-kind, the legendary great cyclopes embody the rage and dark doom of this race of uncanny seers. In their eyes blaze endless possibilities for bloodshed and terror, their myopic gazes seeming to witness the potential for infinite deaths and devastations hidden within each moment. Gigantic but dull-witted, these massive savages are usually loners, but occasionally either need or fate drives them to rampages from which few are safe. Such undeniable force brings with it a dread that, in many instances, grows to reverence, giving rise to strange cults that cloak these cyclopes with veils of menace and dark legends.  Denizens of remote and primeval parts of the world, great cyclopes typically dwell in lands where none might intrude upon them—deserted islands, high craggy mountains, and stoic hill countries often provide the great caves they favor as lairs. While most avoid well-traveled or populated lands, spending much of their time hunting megafauna and even monstrous prey in the wilds, some, driven by hunger or a desperation to wander, seek out the paths and settlements of humanoids, finding that their fragile buildings are easily shattered and that the mewling creatures make savory meals.  The average great cyclops stands approximately 30 feet tall and weighs upward of 4 tons, though individuals of significantly greater size are known. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

