B3 > チチミトル


B3/チチミトル - (2012/02/16 (木) 02:04:07) の1つ前との変更点



// BEGIN_OF-tzitzimitl.html // ORIGINAL-http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary3/tzitzimitl.html *&spanid(Tzitzimitl){チチミトル} &small(){[[Tzitzimitl>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary3/tzitzimitl.html#_tzitzimitl]]} >Crusted with rock, this immense skeletal figure flies swiftly through the air, strange gasses clinging to its nightmarish form. ***チチミトル 脅威度19 &small(){Tzitzimitl} &b(){経験点 204,800} &b(){NE}/巨大サイズのアンデッド &b(){イニシアチブ} +9; &b(){感覚} &i(){アーケイン・サイト}、暗視60フィート、&i(){トゥルー・シーイング};〈知覚〉+31 ****防御 &b(){AC} 35、接触11、立ちすくみ30(+5【敏】、+24外皮、-4サイズ) &b(){hp} 319(22d8+220);高速治癒15 &b(){頑健} +17、&b(){反応} +14、&b(){意志} +19 &b(){防御的能力} エネルギー放出への抵抗+4、light to dark; &b(){DR} 15/殴打および善; &b(){完全耐性} [冷気]、[電気]、アンデッドの種別特徴; &b(){抵抗} [火]15; &b(){SR} 30 ****攻撃 &b(){移動速度} 50フィート、飛行60フィート(良好) &b(){近接} 噛みつき=+26(2d8+14、加えて3d6[電気]および“生命力吸収”)、爪(×2)=+27(2d6+14/19~20、加えて3d6[電気]) &b(){遠隔} eye beam=+17接触(10d6[電気]および10d6[力場]) &b(){接敵面} 20フィート; &b(){間合い} 20フィート &b(){特殊攻撃} eclipse、生命力吸収(2レベル、DC31) &b(){擬似呪文能力} (術者レベル19レベル;精神集中+29) #divclass(statsindent){ 常時:&i(){アーケイン・サイト}、&i(){トゥルー・シーイング}、&i(){フライ} 回数無制限:&i(){ディーパー・ダークネス}、&i(){ビストウ・カース}(DC24) 3回/日:&i(){アニメイト・デッド}、&i(){グレーター・テレポート}、&i(){コンテイジョン}(DC23)、&i(){ヘイスト} 1回/日:&i(){ウェイル・オヴ・ザ・バンシー}(DC29)、&i(){クリエイト・アンデッド}、&i(){テンポラル・ステイシス}(DC28) } ****基本データ &b(){【筋】}39、&b(){【敏】}21、&b(){【耐】}―、&b(){【知】}20、&b(){【判】}23、&b(){【魅】}30 &b(){基本攻撃} +16; &b(){CMB} +29; &b(){CMD} 44 &b(){特技} 《イニシアチブ強化》、《強打》、《近距離射撃》、《クリティカル強化:爪》、《渾身の一打》、《神速の反応》、《精密射撃》、《突き飛ばし強化》、《武器熟練:爪》、《ふっとばし攻撃》、《迎え討ち》 &b(){技能} 〈真意看破〉+31、〈生存〉+21、〈知覚〉+31、〈知識:次元界〉+25、〈知識:自然〉+27、〈知識:宗教〉+30、〈知識:神秘学〉+28、〈呪文学〉+23、〈飛行〉+35、〈魔法装置使用〉+30 &b(){言語} アクロ語、共通語、天上語、奈落語 ****生態 &b(){出現環境} 気候問わず/地形問わず &b(){編成} 単体 &b(){宝物} 標準 ****特殊能力 &b(){Eclipse(超常)} Anytime a tzitzimitl casts &i(){deeper darkness}, any creatures in the area of darkness when it is created take 8d6 points of cold damage (DC31 Fortitude for half). Any creature that takes damage from this effect becomes staggered as long as it remains in the area of darkness and for 1d4 rounds after it leaves that area. The save DC is Charisma-based. &b(){Eye Beam(超常)} As a standard action, a tzitzimitl can fire a glowing beam of force from its eyes at a range of 100 feet as a ranged touch attack dealing 10d6 points of force damage and 10d6 points of electricity damage. &b(){Light to Dark(超常)} As an immediate action up to three times per day, a tzitzimitl can convert a positive energy effect that affects it into negative energy. Doing so transforms the entire effect, such that it affects other creatures as well. A tzitzimitl can transform channeled positive energy in this way even if the positive energy would not otherwise harm it.  Enigmatic creatures of darkness, some cultures claim tzitzimitls attack and consume entire suns to “shut down worlds” in preparation for the end of days. Sages say that these creatures come from the cold, dark places between the stars, and that in the darkness of any eclipse, one can see their immense, world-darkening shadows.  Some claim ancient and forgotten deities of death and destruction created the first tzitzimitls as instruments of apocalypse, while others speculate they come from faraway worlds where immense planets teem with creatures of this scale, and that the immortal dead of these dark globes are banished to other worlds to spread devastation.  Tzitzimitls as a whole offer neither affirmation nor denial for these claims, and in fact seem to glory in such legends. Certainly, the arrival of a tzitzimitl upon a world heralds the advent of a time of great trouble, although whether or not the tzitzimitl actually presages such dark times or is the cause of them is a matter of debate. On some planets, tzitzimitls have already arrived, yet they lie dormant in ancient tombs, imprisoned ages ago by heroes who are long forgotten today.  A tzitzimitl is 50 feet tall. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

