B4 > トータス


B4/トータス - (2016/05/12 (木) 00:11:02) の1つ前との変更点



*&aname(tortoise-giant)トータス:ジャイアント・トータス &small(){&link(Tortoise, Giant){http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary4/tortoise.html#tortoise-giant}} >This tortoise is half the height of a human, and has a domed shell, leathery skin, and a long neck. ***ジャイアント・トータス 脅威度1 &small(){Giant tortoise} &b(){経験点 400} N/中型サイズの動物 &b(){イニシアチブ} -2; &b(){感覚} 夜目;〈知覚〉+7 ****防御 &b(){AC} 16、接触8、立ちすくみ16(-2【敏】、+8外皮) &b(){hp} 22(3d8+9) &b(){頑健} +8、&b(){反応} +1、&b(){意志} +2 ****攻撃 &b(){移動速度} 10フィート &b(){近接} 噛みつき=+4(1d6+3) ****一般データ &b(){【筋】}14、&b(){【敏】}7、&b(){【耐】}16、&b(){【知】}2、&b(){【判】}13、&b(){【魅】}9 &b(){基本攻撃} +2; &b(){CMB} +4; &b(){CMD} 12(対足払い16) &b(){特技} 《頑健無比》、《持久力》 &b(){技能} 〈知覚〉+7(音に基づく判定は+3); &b(){種族修正} -4音に基づく判定での〈知覚〉 &b(){その他の特殊能力} buoyant、甲羅、ゆっくり着実 ****生態 &b(){出現環境} 暑熱/砂漠または島 &b(){編成} 単体、2体、または群れ(6~12) &b(){宝物} なし ****特殊能力  &b(){Buoyant(変則)/Buoyant} A tortoise that fails a Swim check by 5 or more does not sink.  &b(){甲羅(変則)/Shell} As a move action, a tortoise can pull its extremities and head into its shell. It can't move or attack as long as it remains in this state, but its armor bonus from natural armor increases by 4 as long as it does. It may end this state as a move action.  &b(){ゆっくり着実(変則)/Slow and Steady} A tortoise's speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance.  Giant tortoises typically live on tropical islands without large predators. Despite their impressive shells, their slow speed makes them easy prey, especially for vermin and other creatures that consume their eggs. Tortoises are herbivores, and can survive for months or even years without food or water. Despite being poor swimmers, their buoyancy and long necks capable mean they can survive for significant periods at sea.  A typical giant tortoise is 3-1/2 feet tall to the top of the shell and weighs 500 pounds. *&aname(tortoise-immense)トータス:イメンス・トータス &small(){&link(Tortoise, Immense){http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary4/tortoise.html#tortoise-immense}} >Plants and even trees grow atop the shell of this massive tortoise, which gazes about with dull, placid eyes. ***イメンス・トータス 脅威度8 &small(){Immense Tortoise} &b(){経験点 4,800} N/超巨大サイズの動物 &b(){イニシアチブ} -2; &b(){感覚} 夜目;〈知覚〉+14 ****防御 &b(){AC} 25、接触0、立ちすくみ25(-2【敏】、+25外皮、-8サイズ) &b(){hp} 126(11d8+77) &b(){頑健} +16、&b(){反応} +5、&b(){意志} +3 ****攻撃 &b(){移動速度} 20フィート &b(){近接} 噛みつき=+15(4d6+22/19~20) &b(){接敵面} 30フィート; &b(){間合い} 30フィート &b(){特殊攻撃} 蹂躙(2d8+22、DC30) ****一般データ &b(){【筋】}40、&b(){【敏】}7、&b(){【耐】}24、&b(){【知】}2、&b(){【判】}11、&b(){【魅】}9 &b(){基本攻撃} +8; &b(){CMB} +31; &b(){CMD} 39(対足払い43) &b(){特技} 《頑健無比》、《頑健無比強化》、《強打》、《クリティカル強化:噛みつき》、《クリティカル熟練》、《持久力》 &b(){技能} 〈知覚〉+14(+10 for sound-based checks); &b(){種族修正} -4〈知覚〉 for sound-based checks &b(){その他の特殊能力} buoyant、甲羅、ゆっくり着実(see giant tortoise) ****生態 &b(){出現環境} 暑熱/島 &b(){編成} 単体 &b(){宝物} なし These immense, ancient tortoises never stop growing.
*&aname(tortoise-giant)トータス:ジャイアント・トータス &small(){&link(Tortoise, Giant){http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary4/tortoise.html#tortoise-giant}} >This tortoise is half the height of a human, and has a domed shell, leathery skin, and a long neck. ***ジャイアント・トータス 脅威度1 &small(){Giant tortoise} &b(){経験点 400} N/中型サイズの動物 &b(){イニシアチブ} -2; &b(){感覚} 夜目;〈知覚〉+7 ****防御 &b(){AC} 16、接触8、立ちすくみ16(-2【敏】、+8外皮) &b(){hp} 22(3d8+9) &b(){頑健} +8、&b(){反応} +1、&b(){意志} +2 ****攻撃 &b(){移動速度} 10フィート &b(){近接} 噛みつき=+4(1d6+3) ****一般データ &b(){【筋】}14、&b(){【敏】}7、&b(){【耐】}16、&b(){【知】}2、&b(){【判】}13、&b(){【魅】}9 &b(){基本攻撃} +2; &b(){CMB} +4; &b(){CMD} 12(対足払い16) &b(){特技} 《頑健無比》、《持久力》 &b(){技能} 〈知覚〉+7(音に基づく判定は+3); &b(){種族修正} -4音に基づく判定での〈知覚〉 &b(){その他の特殊能力} buoyant、甲羅、ゆっくり着実 ****生態 &b(){出現環境} 暑熱/砂漠または島 &b(){編成} 単体、2体、または群れ(6~12) &b(){宝物} なし ****特殊能力  &b(){Buoyant(変則)/Buoyant} A tortoise that fails a Swim check by 5 or more does not sink.  &b(){甲羅(変則)/Shell} As a move action, a tortoise can pull its extremities and head into its shell. It can't move or attack as long as it remains in this state, but its armor bonus from natural armor increases by 4 as long as it does. It may end this state as a move action.  &b(){ゆっくり着実(変則)/Slow and Steady} A tortoise's speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance.  Giant tortoises typically live on tropical islands without large predators. Despite their impressive shells, their slow speed makes them easy prey, especially for vermin and other creatures that consume their eggs. Tortoises are herbivores, and can survive for months or even years without food or water. Despite being poor swimmers, their buoyancy and long necks capable mean they can survive for significant periods at sea.  A typical giant tortoise is 3-1/2 feet tall to the top of the shell and weighs 500 pounds. *&aname(tortoise-immense)トータス:イメンス・トータス &small(){&link(Tortoise, Immense){http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary4/tortoise.html#tortoise-immense}} >Plants and even trees grow atop the shell of this massive tortoise, which gazes about with dull, placid eyes. ***イメンス・トータス 脅威度8 &small(){Immense Tortoise} &b(){経験点 4,800} N/超巨大サイズの動物 &b(){イニシアチブ} -2; &b(){感覚} 夜目;〈知覚〉+14 ****防御 &b(){AC} 25、接触0、立ちすくみ25(-2【敏】、+25外皮、-8サイズ) &b(){hp} 126(11d8+77) &b(){頑健} +16、&b(){反応} +5、&b(){意志} +3 ****攻撃 &b(){移動速度} 20フィート &b(){近接} 噛みつき=+15(4d6+22/19~20) &b(){接敵面} 30フィート; &b(){間合い} 30フィート &b(){特殊攻撃} 蹂躙(2d8+22、DC30) ****一般データ &b(){【筋】}40、&b(){【敏】}7、&b(){【耐】}24、&b(){【知】}2、&b(){【判】}11、&b(){【魅】}9 &b(){基本攻撃} +8; &b(){CMB} +31; &b(){CMD} 39(対足払い43) &b(){特技} 《頑健無比》、《頑健無比強化》、《強打》、《クリティカル強化:噛みつき》、《クリティカル熟練》、《持久力》 &b(){技能} 〈知覚〉+14(+10 for sound-based checks); &b(){種族修正} -4〈知覚〉 for sound-based checks &b(){その他の特殊能力} buoyant、甲羅、ゆっくり着実(see giant tortoise) ****生態 &b(){出現環境} 暑熱/島 &b(){編成} 単体 &b(){宝物} なし These immense, ancient tortoises never stop growing.

