B4 > プーカ


B4/プーカ - (2014/12/06 (土) 00:00:48) の1つ前との変更点



*&aname(pooka)プーカ &small(){[[Pooka>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary4/pooka.html#pooka]]} >This creature combines the features of a sprightly girl and a black rabbit. A wicked, whimsical grin gleams on her face. ***プーカ 脅威度2 &small(){Pooka} &b(){経験点 600} CN/超小型サイズのフェイ &b(){イニシアチブ} +7; &b(){感覚} 暗視60フィート、夜目;〈知覚〉+8 ****防御 &b(){AC} 16、接触15、立ちすくみ13(+3【敏】、+1外皮、+2サイズ) &b(){hp} 18(4d6+4);高速治癒2 &b(){頑健} +2、&b(){反応} +7、&b(){意志} +5 &b(){DR} 5/冷たい鉄または銀; &b(){SR} 13 ****攻撃 &b(){移動速度} 30フィート、飛行60フィート(良好) &b(){近接} ダガー=+7(1d2/19~20) &b(){接敵面} 2・1/2フィート; &b(){間合い} 0フィート &b(){特殊攻撃} 毒 &b(){擬似呪文能力} (術者レベル6;精神集中+7) #divclass(statsindent){ 回数無制限:&i(){インヴィジビリティ}(自身のみ)、&i(){ディテクト・マジック} 3回/日:&i(){スリープ}(DC12)、&i(){マイナー・イメージ}(DC13) 1回/日:&i(){サジェスチョン}(DC13) } ****一般データ &b(){【筋】}10、&b(){【敏】}16、&b(){【耐】}13、&b(){【知】}11、&b(){【判】}12、&b(){【魅】}13 &b(){基本攻撃} +2; &b(){CMB} +3; &b(){CMD} 13 &b(){特技} 《イニシアチブ強化》、《武器の妙技》 &b(){技能} 〈隠密〉+18、〈交渉〉+8、〈真意看破〉+6、〈知覚〉+8、〈はったり〉+8、〈飛行〉+18、〈魔法装置使用〉+6 &b(){言語} 共通語、森語;テレパシー(接触時のみ) &b(){その他の特殊能力} 変身(2 of the following forms:キャット、ゴート、ラビット[ラクーンのデータを使用]、またはレイヴン; &i(){ポリモーフ}) ****生態 &b(){出現環境} 気候問わず &b(){編成} 単体、2体、または策謀の一味(3~9) &b(){宝物} 標準 ****特殊能力  &b(){毒(超常)/Poison} As a standard action, a pooka can blow across her palm and create a 5-foot-diameter cloud of intoxicating dust. The pooka decides when she uses this ability whether the dust acts as an inhaled poison or a mild intoxicant (equivalent to 1–2 glasses of beer).  &i(){Pooka Dust(超常)/Pooka Dust}: 吸入型; &i(){セーヴ} 頑健・DC13; &i(){頻度} 1回/ラウンド(6ラウンド間); &i(){効果} 1d2【判】および1d2【魅】(or intoxication); &i(){治療} 2 回連続のセーヴ成功。  Capricious in nature, pookas are always in search of fun, though they don’t often care who they inconvenience with their antics—they’re just in it for the whimsy. Always chaotic in nature, some pookas are cruel, some are good-natured, and others are slightly unhinged. There’s no way to tell which kind one is just by looking at it; only by interacting with a pooka does its nature become clear.  However, having a conversation with a pooka isn’t easy. Though they’re intelligent, pookas speak in choppy, simple sentences filled with obscure metaphors and nonsensical references. Most creatures who converse with a pooka usually misunderstand it the first time and have to ask the creature to repeat itself. Even their telepathy is filled with strange images and references, such as representing the word "elf" with the face of an elf it knew long ago, colloquialisms that only make sense to native speakers of Sylvan, and so on.  Pookas thrive when in the company of others, and they frequently find companionship in a particular individual whether the camaraderie is wanted or not. Pookas prefer creatures of chaotic alignments, don’t trust those with lawful alignments, and find most people with neutral alignments boring.  Pookas pull pranks to get to know a person and stay near them to observe the results, invisibly perched on a shoulder or clinging to an article of clothing. As they usually communicate with their unlucky target (whom they call "friend") using telepathy, the person’s erratic reactions to the unseen pooka’s pranks and mental "voice" can make the target appear insane. The pooka doesn’t mind a little rough retaliation, but flees any attempts to kill it.  Some pookas can be helpful, and farmers often leave a portion of their harvest behind as a tribute for any resident pookas. A pooka who is satisfied with such a gift may leave that farmer alone for an entire year, while a pooka who feels slighted by the offering may relentlessly mock the farmer and cause minor accidents on the farm.  A pooka measures 1 to 2 feet from eartips to tail and weighs up to 15 pounds.  A non-lawful spellcaster of at least 7th level who takes the Improved Familiar feat can select a pooka as a familiar.
*&aname(pooka)プーカ &small(){[[Pooka>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary4/pooka.html#pooka]]} >This creature combines the features of a sprightly girl and a black rabbit. A wicked, whimsical grin gleams on her face. ***プーカ 脅威度2 &small(){Pooka} &b(){経験点 600} CN/超小型サイズのフェイ &b(){イニシアチブ} +7; &b(){感覚} 暗視60フィート、夜目;〈知覚〉+8 ****防御 &b(){AC} 16、接触15、立ちすくみ13(+3【敏】、+1外皮、+2サイズ) &b(){hp} 18(4d6+4);高速治癒2 &b(){頑健} +2、&b(){反応} +7、&b(){意志} +5 &b(){DR} 5/冷たい鉄または銀; &b(){SR} 13 ****攻撃 &b(){移動速度} 30フィート、飛行60フィート(良好) &b(){近接} ダガー=+7(1d2/19~20) &b(){接敵面} 2・1/2フィート; &b(){間合い} 0フィート &b(){特殊攻撃} 毒 &b(){擬似呪文能力} (術者レベル6;精神集中+7) #divclass(statsindent){ 回数無制限:&i(){インヴィジビリティ}(自身のみ)、&i(){ディテクト・マジック} 3回/日:&i(){スリープ}(DC12)、&i(){マイナー・イメージ}(DC13) 1回/日:&i(){サジェスチョン}(DC13) } ****一般データ &b(){【筋】}10、&b(){【敏】}16、&b(){【耐】}13、&b(){【知】}11、&b(){【判】}12、&b(){【魅】}13 &b(){基本攻撃} +2; &b(){CMB} +3; &b(){CMD} 13 &b(){特技} 《イニシアチブ強化》、《武器の妙技》 &b(){技能} 〈隠密〉+18、〈交渉〉+8、〈真意看破〉+6、〈知覚〉+8、〈はったり〉+8、〈飛行〉+18、〈魔法装置使用〉+6 &b(){言語} 共通語、森語;テレパシー(接触時のみ) &b(){その他の特殊能力} 変身(2 of the following forms:キャット、ゴート、ラビット[ラクーンのデータを使用]、またはレイヴン; &i(){ポリモーフ}) ****生態 &b(){出現環境} 気候問わず &b(){編成} 単体、2体、または策謀の一味(3~9) &b(){宝物} 標準 ****特殊能力  &b(){毒(超常)/Poison} As a standard action, a pooka can blow across her palm and create a 5-foot-diameter cloud of intoxicating dust. The pooka decides when she uses this ability whether the dust acts as an inhaled poison or a mild intoxicant (equivalent to 1~2 glasses of beer).  &i(){Pooka Dust(超常)/Pooka Dust}: 吸入型; &i(){セーヴ} 頑健・DC13; &i(){頻度} 1回/ラウンド(6ラウンド間); &i(){効果} 1d2【判】および1d2【魅】(or intoxication); &i(){治療} 2 回連続のセーヴ成功。  Capricious in nature, pookas are always in search of fun, though they don’t often care who they inconvenience with their antics――they’re just in it for the whimsy. Always chaotic in nature, some pookas are cruel, some are good-natured, and others are slightly unhinged. There’s no way to tell which kind one is just by looking at it; only by interacting with a pooka does its nature become clear.  However, having a conversation with a pooka isn’t easy. Though they’re intelligent, pookas speak in choppy, simple sentences filled with obscure metaphors and nonsensical references. Most creatures who converse with a pooka usually misunderstand it the first time and have to ask the creature to repeat itself. Even their telepathy is filled with strange images and references, such as representing the word "elf" with the face of an elf it knew long ago, colloquialisms that only make sense to native speakers of Sylvan, and so on.  Pookas thrive when in the company of others, and they frequently find companionship in a particular individual whether the camaraderie is wanted or not. Pookas prefer creatures of chaotic alignments, don’t trust those with lawful alignments, and find most people with neutral alignments boring.  Pookas pull pranks to get to know a person and stay near them to observe the results, invisibly perched on a shoulder or clinging to an article of clothing. As they usually communicate with their unlucky target (whom they call "friend") using telepathy, the person’s erratic reactions to the unseen pooka’s pranks and mental "voice" can make the target appear insane. The pooka doesn’t mind a little rough retaliation, but flees any attempts to kill it.  Some pookas can be helpful, and farmers often leave a portion of their harvest behind as a tribute for any resident pookas. A pooka who is satisfied with such a gift may leave that farmer alone for an entire year, while a pooka who feels slighted by the offering may relentlessly mock the farmer and cause minor accidents on the farm.  A pooka measures 1 to 2 feet from eartips to tail and weighs up to 15 pounds.  A non-lawful spellcaster of at least 7th level who takes the Improved Familiar feat can select a pooka as a familiar.

