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ACG/装備/冒険用装備 - (2015/06/08 (月) 22:29:30) の1つ前との変更点



*&aname(advanced-class-guide-adventuring-gear)冒険用装備 &small(){[[Adventuring Gear>]]} &b(){冒険用装備} |~アイテム|~市価|~重量|h |[[Animal call>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#animal-call]]|1sp|―| |[[アーケイニスト用具>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#arcanist-s-kit]]|21gp|39ポンド[[*>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#asterisk]]| |[[ブラッドレイジャー用具>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#bloodrager-s-kit]]|9gp|29ポンド[[*>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#asterisk]]| |[[Book lariat>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#book-lariat]]|3sp|1/2ポンド| |[[Book of puzzles>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#book-of-puzzles]]|50gp|1ポンド| |[[Book of war prayers>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#book-of-war-prayers]]|50gp|1/2ポンド| |[[点字腕輪>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#braille-bracelet]]|25gp|―| |[[ブローラー用具>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#brawler-s-kit]]|9gp|26ポンド[[*>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#asterisk]]| |[[カルメット>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#calumet]]|20gp|―| |[[Cheat sheath>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#cheat-sheath]]|100gp|2ポンド| |[[暗号指輪>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#cipher-rings]]|10gp|―| |[[折畳み式トランポリン>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#collapsible-trampoline]]|50gp|10ポンド| |[[コルク入りベスト>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#cork-vest]]|25gp|1ポンド| |[[高級売春婦用具>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#courtesan-s-kit]]|10gp|5ポンド[[*>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#asterisk]]| |[[消化ポンプ>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#fire-pump]]|200gp|500ポンド| |[[足跡帖>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#footprint-book]]|2gp|1ポンド| |[[格闘家の油>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#grappler-s-grease]](一壺)| 5gp|1/2ポンド| |[[手回し式ひき臼>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#hand-rotary-quern]]|10gp|20ポンド| |[[ハンター用具>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#hunter-s-kit]]|9gp|28ポンド[[*>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#asterisk]]| |[[狩猟用照準器>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#hunter-s-sight]]|100gp|―| |[[インヴェスティゲーター用具>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#investigator-s-kit]]|40gp|24ポンド[[*>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#asterisk]]| |[[Marlinspike>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#marlinspike]]|8sp|1/2ポンド| |[[可搬式救護設備>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#mobile-hospital]]|1,000gp|500ポンド| |[[麝香用具>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#musk-kit]]|25gp|1ポンド| |[[Obals>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#obals]](12)|12gp|1/2ポンド| |[[携帯用牢獄>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#potable-prison]]|200gp|300ポンド| |[[Roperunner>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#roperunner]]|50gp|3ポンド| |[[Scavenger beetle colony>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#scavernger-beetle-colony]]|3gp|1ポンド| |[[シャーマン用具>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#shaman-s-kit]]|9gp|29ポンド[[*>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#asterisk]]| |[[スカルド用具>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#skald-s-kit]]|32gp|32.5ポンド[[*>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#asterisk]]| |[[スレイヤー用具>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#slayer-s-kit]]|22gp|30ポンド[[*>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#asterisk]]| |[[Sleeve holster>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#sleeve-holster]]|100gp|1ポンド| |[[嗅ぎ煙草入れ>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#snuffbox]](骨製またはべっ甲製)|25gp |―| |[[嗅ぎ煙草入れ>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#snuffbox]](象牙または貴金属製) |300gp |―| |[[嗅ぎ煙草入れ>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#snuffbox]](錫製または木製) |5gp |―| |[[飴ガラス瓶>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#suger-glass-bottle]]|1gp|―| |[[スワッシュバックラー用具>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#swashbuckler-s-kit]]|9gp|29ポンド[[*>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#asterisk]]| |[[Tome of epics>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#tome-of-epics]]|50gp|3ポンド| |[[移動式養蜂巣箱>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#traveling-bee-hive]]|10gp|10ポンド| |[[移動式庭園>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#traveling-garden]]|200gp|500ポンド| |[[ウォープリースト用具>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#warpriest-s-kit]]|11gp|29ポンド[[*>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#asterisk]]| |>|>|&aname(asterisk)*これらのアイテムの重量は、小型キャラクター用に作られたものであれば、おおよそ4分の3となる。小型キャラクター用の容器は通常の4分の1しか運べない。| ---- ***&aname(animal-call)Animal call &small(){[[Animal Call>]]} &b(){市価} 1sp; &b(){重量} ―  These reed or bamboo whistles mimic the calls of various wild animals. Each whistle is keyed to a specific type of animal and a specific call (usually signaling the availability of food or a mate to draw the animal closer). Using the correct whistle gives you a +2 bonus on Survival checks to track animals of the specific animal type or to get along in the wild. ---- ***&aname(arcanist-s-kit)アーケイニスト用具 &small(){[[Arcanist's Kit>]]} &b(){市価} 21gp; &b(){重量} 39ポンド  This kit includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, ink, an inkpen, an iron pot, a mess kit, soap, a spell component pouch, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin. The kit does not contain a spellbook because an arcanist begins play with a spellbook and does not need to purchase one. ---- ***&aname(bloodrager-s-kit)ブラッドレイジャー用具 &small(){[[Bloodrager's Kit>]]} &b(){市価} 9gp; &b(){重量} 29ポンド  This kit includes a backpack, a blanket, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, an iron pot, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin. ---- ***&aname(book-lariat)Book lariat &small(){[[Book Lariat>]]} &b(){市価} 3sp; &b(){重量} 1/2ポンド  This braided metal cord comes with a clasp that affixes to the lock of a standard spellbook. The other end of the cord attaches to a belt or belt loop. The cord is 10 feet long and retractable. If you drop your spellbook while it's attached to the lariat, you can recover the spellbook as a standard action. While attached to you, the book can never be farther than 10 feet from you. Unclasping the book requires a move action, or the cord can be cut to free the book (hardness 5, hp 10). ---- ***&aname(book-of-puzzles)Book of puzzles &small(){[[Book of Puzzles>]]} &b(){市価} 50gp; &b(){重量} 1ポンド  Each book contains 10 puzzles made to test the mind and stir the intellect. Solving a single puzzle requires at least an hour and a successful DC 10 Intelligence check, though every 5 points by which you exceed the check reduces the amount of time you need to solve the puzzle by 10 minutes (to a minimum of 10 minutes to solve an individual puzzle). Once you solve a puzzle, for the next 24 hours you can choose to roll twice on a single Disable Device, Knowledge, or Sense Motive skill check and take the higher result. Once all the puzzles are solved, the book is useless, though you can purchase another puzzle book with different puzzles. ---- ***&aname(book-of-war-prayers)Book of war prayers &small(){[[Book of War Prayers>]]} &b(){市価} 50gp; &b(){重量} 1/2ポンド  This small, leather-bound collection of war prayers features pages of fine vellum. If you have a Charisma of 13 or higher, or at least 1 rank in Perform (oratory), you can read aloud prayers from the book before battle to hearten others for the trials to come. Reading prayers for this effect takes 10 minutes. You grant those who hear your prayers a +2 morale bonus on the next saving throw against fear they attempt, as long as that saving throw is made in the next 24 hours. ---- ***&aname(braille-bracelet)点字腕輪 &small(){[[Braille Bracelet>]]} &b(){市価} 25gp; &b(){重量} ―  This bracelet contains 10 small clay beads, each carved with a raised symbol. The beads can be removed from the bracelet cord and rearranged in any order. Once arranged, the carvings can be felt with the fingers to determine the symbols' meaning and decipher any message the bracelet is meant to convey. A single bead could impart a simple message, or multiple beads can be strung together to form more complicated messages. Interpreting the beads allows individuals to communicate in absolute silence, even in complete darkness or otherwise unable to see. To use the beads properly, you and your allies must assign each bead a meaning prior to using the bracelet in this way. Recalling the meaning of a single bead requires a successful DC 10 Intelligence check. Conveying more complicated messages increases this check by 2 for each additional bead used. Deciphering the message is practically impossible for a creature that doesn't know the meanings assigned to the beads, increasing the DC by 20. ---- ***&aname(brawler-s-kit)ブローラー用具 &small(){[[Brawler's Kit>]]} &b(){市価} 9gp; &b(){重量} 26ポンド  This kit includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, rope, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin. ---- ***&aname(calumet)カルメット &small(){[[Calumet>]]} &b(){市価} 20gp; &b(){重量} ―  A calumet is a two-piece ceremonial smoking pipe with a bowl shaped from stone or clay and an intricately carved wooden stem decorated with dangling fetishes. The pipe is typically carried in a special leather pouch festooned with beads, patterns, and trinkets. The pipe is used to smoke various herbal mixtures required for certain rituals. The communal smoking of a calumet is sometimes incorporated into diplomatic meetings as a sign of solidarity between various parties. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy checks against anyone you share your calumet with in this way. ---- ***&aname(cheat-sheath)Cheat sheath &small(){[[Cheat Sheath>]]} &b(){市価} 100gp; &b(){重量} 2ポンド  This ornate leather sheath is covered in tables of magical notation and arcane formulae, as well as common spell triggers and reagents. Referring to these handy bits of notation grants you a +2 circumstance bonus on Spellcraft checks made to learn a spell from a spellbook or scroll, prepare a spell from a borrowed spellbook, identify the properties of a magic item using detect magic, or decipher a scroll. ---- ***&aname(cipher-rings)暗号指輪 &small(){[[Cipher Rings>]]} &b(){市価} 10gp; &b(){重量} ―  This set of bulky wooden rings is the key to a substitution code set at the rings' creation. A base set comes with two identical rings. Additional rings can be made for 4 gp apiece. Using the cipher rings' code enables you to create or decode a written message (no check required). Deciphering the message without the correct ring requires a DC 25 Linguistics check. ---- ***&aname(collapsible-trampoline)折畳み式トランポリン &small(){[[Collapsible Trampoline>]]} &b(){市価} 50gp; &b(){重量} 10ポンド  This compact trampoline comes apart and rolls up like a tent for easy transport. Setting up or taking apart the trampoline takes 1 minute. When operated by two creatures, the collapsible trampoline confers a +5 bonus on all Acrobatics checks made to jump. If a falling creature lands on the trampoline, it ignores the first 10 feet of falling damage. ---- ***&aname(cork-vest)コルク入りベスト &small(){[[Cork Vest>]]} &b(){市価} 25gp; &b(){重量} 1ポンド  This fabric vest contains pockets full of cork, providing the wearer additional buoyancy. Originally worn by fishers and sailors, it protects against drowning. While wearing a cork vest, you take a -2 penalty on Dexterity and Swim checks, but instead of going underwater after failing the check by 5 or more, you go underwater only if you fail by 10 or more. Additionally, you gain a +4 bonus on Swim checks to avoid damage from fatigue. The cork vest can be worn under armor. ---- ***&aname(courtesan-s-kit)高級売春婦用具 &small(){[[Courtesan's Kit>]]} &b(){市価} 10gp; &b(){重量} 5ポンド  This kit contains items to assist a courtesan in soothing the body and mind. For the body, the kit contains a razor, scented oils and salves, fragrances, a warming pot, and a variety of appealing outfits. Books of poetry, literature, and plays――often focusing on salacious topics and full of double entendres――entertain the mind. ---- ***&aname(fire-pump)消化ポンプ &small(){[[Fire Pump>]]} &b(){市価} 200gp; &b(){重量} 500ポンド  This kit for a heavy wagon provides a water tank, platform pump, and a rotating nozzle. If the operator succeeds at a DC 20 Strength check, the fire pump releases a stream of water that reaches up to 30 feet away. Each person assisting with the pump lowers the DC by 5. Operating or assisting is a full-round action. The pump extinguishes 5 square feet of nonmagical fire per round. The water tank holds enough water for 10 rounds of pumping and takes 10 minutes to refill from a stream, pond, lake, or other body of water. ---- ***&aname(footprint-book)足跡帖 &small(){[[Footprint Book>]]} &b(){市価} 2gp; &b(){重量} 1ポンド  This book contains hundreds of hand-drawn images of the footprints of common animals and humanoids. By consulting the book for 5 minutes while studying a set of tracks, you can attempt a DC 10 Knowledge (local) check for humanoids or a DC 10 Knowledge (nature) check for animals to identify the animal or humanoid that made the tracks. ---- ***&aname(grappler-s-grease)格闘家の油 &small(){[[Grappler's Grease>]]} &b(){市価} 5gp; &b(){重量} 1/2ポンド  When applied to your body, this pale grease made from animal fat makes you more difficult to grapple. While covered in the grease, you gain a +4 bonus to CMD against grapple combat maneuvers. Applying the grease takes 1 minute, and once applied, its effects last for 10 minutes. You can't be wearing armor to gain the benefit of grappler's grease. Grappler's grease is usually sold in small clay jars that hold five applications. ---- ***&aname(hand-rotary-quern)手回し式ひき臼 &small(){[[Hand Rotary Quern>]]} &b(){市価} 10gp; &b(){重量} 20ポンド  This pair of small grindstones allows a user to grind a number of substances into a fine powder. The amount of powder the quern produces varies depending on the substance, but you can grind 8 pounds of flour in an hour. ---- ***&aname(hunter-s-kit)ハンター用具 &small(){[[Hunter's Kit>]]} &b(){市価} 9gp; &b(){重量} 28ポンド  This kit includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, rope, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin. ---- ***&aname(hunter-s-sight)狩猟用照準器 &small(){[[Hunter's Sight>]]} &b(){市価} 100gp; &b(){重量} ―  This complicated lens fits over one eye and takes up the eyes slot when in use. When using it in conjunction with a ranged weapon, you reduce any range penalty on your attacks by 2. Objects within 100 feet become difficult to see, however, and you take a -2 penalty on Perception checks based on sight while wearing the hunter's sight. ---- ***&aname(investigator-s-kit)インヴェスティゲーター用具 &small(){[[Investigator's Kit>]]} &b(){市価} 40gp; &b(){重量} 24ポンド  This kit includes an alchemy crafting kit, a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, ink, an inkpen, an iron pot, a mess kit, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin. The kit does not contain a formula book because an investigator begins play with a formula book and does not need to purchase one. ---- ***&aname(marlinspike)Marlinspike &small(){[[Marlinspike>]]} &b(){市価} 8sp; &b(){重量} 1/2ポンド  These polished metal spikes can aid you in performing a variety of rope work, including tying and untying knots, untangling things, splicing rope, or tensioning ropes. A typical spike is somewhere between 6 inches to a foot in length, has a slender and almost needle-like taper, and is blunted at both ends. Smaller spikes are worn on lanyards while a larger spike is kept in a sheath. A marlinspike grants you a +2 circumstance bonus on Skill checks involving the use of a rope. ---- ***&aname(mobile-hospital)可搬式救護設備 &small(){[[Mobile Hospital>]]} &b(){市価} 1,000gp; &b(){重量} 500ポンド  This kit for a wagon provides all the equipment needed to care for up to 10 sick or injured people at a time. It includes two large tents, 10 cots with bedrolls, a sturdy table, a chirurgeon's kit, and five healer's kits. It grants anyone using it a +2 bonus on Heal checks to provide first aid, can be used to treat deadly wounds with a single use of a healer's kit instead of two, and doubles the rate at which patients recover in long-term care. ---- ***&aname(musk-kit)麝香用具 &small(){[[Musk Kit>]]} &b(){市価} 25gp; &b(){重量} 1ポンド  A musk kit consists of a dozen vials of concentrated fluids, prepared animal glands, and plant compounds. You can use the distinctly scented musks to mark possessions, locations, and trails which can then be identified or followed by scent. Some hunters dip their arrows or other weapons in the musk in order to use them to mark and track injured prey.  Alternatively, you can use up four vials from the musk kit at once to attract 2d6 Tiny animals to the location you marked with musk. The animals arrive in approximately 1 hour, and the group consists of those animals most common to the immediate area. ---- ***&aname(obals)Obals &small(){[[Obals>]]} &b(){市価} 12gp; &b(){重量} 1/2ポンド  Obals are small silver or gold coins that are embossed with a holy symbol and blessed by a priest of a god of war or death. Inquisitors and warpriests traditionally place the coins on the corpses of those slain in battle, usually one over each eye or one in the mouth. The cost is for a batch of 12 obals. ---- ***&aname(portable-prison)携帯用牢獄 &small(){[[Portable Prison>]]} &b(){市価} 200gp; &b(){重量} 300ポンド  This kit for a wagon provides a set of metal bars with a door for transporting imprisoned people or creatures. Though portable prisons were originally developed by traveling acts to hold ferocious animals, city guards commonly use them to round up criminals, and some bounty hunters hire them to transport large groups of prisoners. Most prisons come with locks; add the cost of the desired lock to the cost of the portable prison. A cage meant for people includes benches and rails for manacles. One meant for animals contains a trough for water and a smaller door for providing food. ---- ***&aname(roperunner)Roperunner &small(){[[Roperunner>]]} &b(){市価} 50gp; &b(){重量} 3ポンド  You can place this metal contraption onto a taut section of a rope connecting a high point to a lower one, allowing you to slide down the length of the rope with ease. Using a roperunner requires only one hand, leaving the other hand free during the descent. Attaching the roperunner to a rope is a move action. Beginning the descent is a swift action. You slide down the rope at a rate of 60 feet per round. This requires no action on your part, but you must move along the length of the rope in the downward direction. Retrieving the roperunner once you have come to a stop at the end of the rope is a move action. You can let go of the roperunner as a free action. ---- ***&aname(scavener-beetle-colony)Scavenger beetle colony &small(){[[Scavenger Beetle Colony>]]} &b(){市価} 3gp; &b(){重量} 1ポンド  This glass jar contains a colony of carnivorous scavenger beetles. The beetles must be fed at least a quarter pound of meat per day or they die. When released on a dead organism, they break it down and devour its flesh in 1d4 days, leaving only bones. Scavenger beetles eat only dead flesh, and can't harm living creatures. Once released, the beetles can't be returned to the jar. ---- ***&aname(shamman-s-kit)シャーマン用具 &small(){[[Shaman's Kit>]]} &b(){市価} 9gp; &b(){重量} 29ポンド  This kit includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, candles (10), a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, rope, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin. ---- ***&aname(skald-s-kit)スカルド用具 &small(){[[Skald's Kit>]]} &b(){市価} 32gp; &b(){重量} 32・1/2ポンド  This kit includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a common musical instrument, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, a mirror, rope, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin. ---- ***&aname(slayer-s-kit)スレイヤー用具 &small(){[[Slayer's Kit>]]} &b(){市価} 22gp; &b(){重量} 30ポンド  This kit includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, an iron pot, manacles, a mess kit, rope, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin. ---- ***&aname(sleeve-holster)Sleeve holster &small(){[[Sleeve Holster>]]} &b(){市価} 100gp; &b(){重量} 1ポンド  When worn inside voluminous sleeves, this leather holster allows you to draw a concealed hand crossbow or coat pistol as a move action. The weapon sits on sliders and is drawn directly into the hand. Unlike a wrist sheath, a sleeve holster is bulky enough that it is obvious on close inspection, though under a loose enough garment it might not provoke a reactive Perception check. An individual sleeve holster fits for either a hand crossbow or a coat pistol, but not both. ---- ***&aname(snuffbox)Snuffbox &small(){[[Snuffbox>]]} &b(){市価} さまざま; &b(){重量} ―  &b(){Tin or wood} 5 gp; &b(){Bone or tortoise shell} 25 gp; &b(){Ivory or precious metal} 300 gp  This tiny, ornamented box's hinged lid latches in place to form a tight seal. The box is used to hold various snuffs, powders, tobacco, and similar substances. The box can be made from any number of materials, from wood to ivory to precious metals inlaid with gemstone. ---- ***&aname(sugar-glass-bottle)飴ガラス瓶 &small(){[[Sugar Glass Bottle>]]} &b(){市価} 1gp; &b(){重量} ―  This bottle looks like it's made of glass, but is more fragile and doesn't cause damage when it strikes a creature or object. Highly prized by theater performers, sugar glass bottles grant a +2 circumstance bonus on Bluff and Perform checks involving the creation of seemingly realistic fights. ---- ***&aname(swashbuckler-s-kit)スワッシュバックラー用具 &small(){[[Swashbuckler's Kit>]]} &b(){市価} 9gp; &b(){重量} 29ポンド  This kit includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, rope, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin. ---- ***&aname(tome-of-epics)Tome of epics &small(){[[Tome of Epics>]]} &b(){市価} 50gp; &b(){重量} 3ポンド  This hefty book is bound in oilskin and decorated with scenes of glorious combat between ancient heroes and ferocious monsters. It contains several tales of valor, defeat, and victory, all with brightly colored illustrations. After consulting the book for 1 hour, for the next 24 hours you gain a +2 bonus on Perform (oratory) and Perform (vocal) checks and a +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge (nobility) checks pertaining to heroic lineages. ---- ***&aname(traveling-bee-hive)移動式養蜂巣箱 &small(){[[Traveling Bee Hive>]]} &b(){市価} 10gp; &b(){重量} 10ポンド  These straw baskets provide a portable home for bees. They are dome shaped, with a hole in the top that a smaller woven basket covers as a cap. This hole allows for the harvesting of small amounts of honey without destroying the entire hive. Believing that certain bees provide for a superior crop yield, some farmers pay beekeepers to travel to their farms with the bees.  Destroying a traveling bee hive causes the bees to swarm, creating a 5-foot-radius cloud. A creature is blinded and for as long as it remains in the cloud, and must succeed at a DC 12 Fortitude saving throw or become sickened for 1 minute. The sickened condition is a poison effect. ---- ***&aname(traveling-garden)移動式庭園 &small(){[[Traveling Garden>]]} &b(){市価} 200gp; &b(){重量} 500ポンド  This kit for a heavy wagon includes specialized boxes and pots for growing a wide range of plants, in addition to space for a couple of animals, such as goats, and their feed. A traveling garden provides food and healing herbs. It functions similar to a healer's kit, providing up to five uses per day, and is never exhausted. In addition, those who ingest a daily variety of fresh herbs and vegetables from the garden gain a +1 bonus on saving throws against disease. ---- ***&aname(warpriest-s-kit)ウォープリースト用具 &small(){[[Warpriest's Kit>]]} &b(){市価} 11gp; &b(){重量} 29ポンド  This kit includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a cheap holy text, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, rope, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), a waterskin, and a wooden holy symbol.
*&aname(advanced-class-guide-adventuring-gear)冒険用装備 &small(){[[Adventuring Gear>]]} &b(){冒険用装備} |~アイテム|~市価|~重量|h |[[動物笛>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#animal-call]]|1sp|―| |[[アーケイニスト用具>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#arcanist-s-kit]]|21gp|39ポンド[[*>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#asterisk]]| |[[ブラッドレイジャー用具>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#bloodrager-s-kit]]|9gp|29ポンド[[*>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#asterisk]]| |[[本止め紐>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#book-lariat]]|3sp|1/2ポンド| |[[パズル本>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#book-of-puzzles]]|50gp|1ポンド| |[[戦場の祈祷書>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#book-of-war-prayers]]|50gp|1/2ポンド| |[[点字腕輪>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#braille-bracelet]]|25gp|―| |[[ブローラー用具>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#brawler-s-kit]]|9gp|26ポンド[[*>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#asterisk]]| |[[カルメット>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#calumet]]|20gp|―| |[[メモ付きブックカバー>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#cheat-sheath]]|100gp|2ポンド| |[[暗号指輪>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#cipher-rings]]|10gp|―| |[[折り畳み式トランポリン>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#collapsible-trampoline]]|50gp|10ポンド| |[[コルク入りベスト>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#cork-vest]]|25gp|1ポンド| |[[高級売春婦用具>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#courtesan-s-kit]]|10gp|5ポンド[[*>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#asterisk]]| |[[消化ポンプ>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#fire-pump]]|200gp|500ポンド| |[[足跡帖>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#footprint-book]]|2gp|1ポンド| |[[格闘家の油>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#grappler-s-grease]](一壺)| 5gp|1/2ポンド| |[[手回し式ひき臼>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#hand-rotary-quern]]|10gp|20ポンド| |[[ハンター用具>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#hunter-s-kit]]|9gp|28ポンド[[*>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#asterisk]]| |[[狩猟用照準器>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#hunter-s-sight]]|100gp|―| |[[インヴェスティゲーター用具>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#investigator-s-kit]]|40gp|24ポンド[[*>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#asterisk]]| |[[網通しスパイク>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#marlinspike]]|8sp|1/2ポンド| |[[可搬式救護設備>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#mobile-hospital]]|1,000gp|500ポンド| |[[麝香用具>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#musk-kit]]|25gp|1ポンド| |[[祝福硬貨>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#obals]](12)|12gp|1/2ポンド| |[[携帯用牢獄>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#potable-prison]]|200gp|300ポンド| |[[Roperunner>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#roperunner]]|50gp|3ポンド| |[[シデムシ瓶>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#scavernger-beetle-colony]]|3gp|1ポンド| |[[シャーマン用具>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#shaman-s-kit]]|9gp|29ポンド[[*>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#asterisk]]| |[[スカルド用具>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#skald-s-kit]]|32gp|32.5ポンド[[*>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#asterisk]]| |[[スレイヤー用具>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#slayer-s-kit]]|22gp|30ポンド[[*>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#asterisk]]| |[[ホルスター付き袖>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#sleeve-holster]]|100gp|1ポンド| |[[嗅ぎ煙草入れ>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#snuffbox]](骨製またはべっ甲製)|25gp |―| |[[嗅ぎ煙草入れ>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#snuffbox]](象牙または貴金属製) |300gp |―| |[[嗅ぎ煙草入れ>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#snuffbox]](錫製または木製) |5gp |―| |[[飴ガラス瓶>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#suger-glass-bottle]]|1gp|―| |[[スワッシュバックラー用具>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#swashbuckler-s-kit]]|9gp|29ポンド[[*>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#asterisk]]| |[[叙述書>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#tome-of-epics]]|50gp|3ポンド| |[[移動式養蜂巣箱>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#traveling-bee-hive]]|10gp|10ポンド| |[[移動式庭園>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#traveling-garden]]|200gp|500ポンド| |[[ウォープリースト用具>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#warpriest-s-kit]]|11gp|29ポンド[[*>ACG/装備/冒険用装備#asterisk]]| |>|>|&aname(asterisk)*これらのアイテムの重量は、小型キャラクター用に作られたものであれば、おおよそ4分の3となる。小型キャラクター用の容器は通常の4分の1しか運べない。| ---- ***&aname(animal-call)動物笛 &small(){[[Animal Call>]]} &b(){市価} 1sp; &b(){重量} ―  この葦もしくは武で作られた笛は、様々な野生の動物の鳴き声を真似たものだ。笛はそれぞれ特定の動物の種別の特別な鳴き声(通常は近くの動物を引き寄せる、食糧の可能性を示す信号か交尾を示す信号)に調整している。適切な笛を使用する江波、特定の[[動物>クリーチャー種別#type-animal]]の種別を追跡したり自然の中でうまく凌ぐために行う[[〈生存〉>技能の詳細#Survival]]判定に+2のボーナスを得る。 ---- ***&aname(arcanist-s-kit)アーケイニスト用具 &small(){[[Arcanist's Kit>]]} &b(){市価} 21gp; &b(){重量} 39ポンド  この用具には背負い袋、携帯用寝具、ベルトポーチ、火打ち石と打ち金、インク、ペン、鉄の深鍋、携帯食器一式、石鹸、呪文構成要素ポーチ、松明(10本)、保存食(5日分)、水袋が含まれている。[[アルケミスト>ACG/クラス/アルケミスト]]は呪文書を持った状態でゲームを開始し購入する必要がないことから、この用具には呪文書は含まれていない。 ---- ***&aname(bloodrager-s-kit)ブラッドレイジャー用具 &small(){[[Bloodrager's Kit>]]} &b(){市価} 9gp; &b(){重量} 29ポンド  この用具には背負い袋、毛布、ベルトポーチ、火打ち石と打ち金、鉄の深鍋、石鹸、松明(10本)、保存食(5日分)、水袋が含まれている。 ---- ***&aname(book-lariat)本止め紐 &small(){[[Book Lariat>]]} &b(){市価} 3sp; &b(){重量} 1/2ポンド  この金属製の編み紐には留め具がついており、一般的な呪文書1冊の鍵を取り付けることができる。紐の逆側の端をベルトや腰紐に結びつける。この紐は10フィートの長さがあり、長さの調整ができる。この紐につけている間に呪文書を落とした場合、標準アクションで呪文書を拾い上げることができる。取り付けている間、呪文書は持ち主から10フィート以上離れることはない。本を紐から取り外すのは標準アクションだが、本から取り去るために紐を切ることもできる(硬度10、hp10)。 ---- ***&aname(book-of-puzzles)パズル本 &small(){[[Book of Puzzles>]]} &b(){市価} 50gp; &b(){重量} 1ポンド  この本はそれぞれ精神を試し知性を呼び覚ますパズルが10問含まれている。パズル1つを解くには最低でも1時間が必要で、DC10の【知力】判定に成功しなければならない。【知力】判定の達成値がDCを5ポイント上回る毎に、パズルをとくために必要な時間が10分ずつ短くなる(ここのパズルを解くには、最低でも10分は必要となる)。パズル1つを解くと、以降24時間の間、[[〈真意看破〉>技能の詳細#Sense Motive]]、[[〈装置無力化〉>技能の詳細#Disable Device]]、[[〈知識〉>技能の詳細#Knowledge]]技能判定のいずれかを1回行う際、2回ロールしてより高い結果を用いることができる。全てのパズルを解いてしまうとこの本は価値の無いものとなる。しかし別のパズルが掲載されたパズル本を買うことができる。 ---- ***&aname(book-of-war-prayers)戦場の祈祷書 &small(){[[Book of War Prayers>]]} &b(){市価} 50gp; &b(){重量} 1/2ポンド  この革で装丁された、戦場の祈祷を集めた小さい本の各ページは、素晴らしい上質皮紙で作られている。持ち主の【魅力】が13以上であるか、持ち主が[[〈芸能:朗唱〉>技能の詳細#Perform]]に1ランク以上割り振っているならば、持ち主はこの本の祈祷を声高に読み上げることで、戦闘の前に来たる試練に備える者達を勇気づけることができる。効果を得るために祈祷を読み上げるには10分かかる。祈祷を聞いたものは、次に試みる[恐怖]に対するセーヴィング・スローに+2の士気ボーナスを得る。ただしこのセーヴィング・スローは祈祷後24時間以内に行われるものでなければならない。 ---- ***&aname(braille-bracelet)点字腕輪 &small(){[[Braille Bracelet>]]} &b(){市価} 25gp; &b(){重量} ―  この腕輪には小さな粘土製のビーズが10個埋め込まれており、それぞれが隆起した印として彫り込まれている。ビーズは腕輪から取り除くことができ、それぞれ好きな順番に並べ替えることができる。並べ替えると、彫刻を指で触れることで、印の意味を理解し、腕輪が伝えたい内容を解読することができる。ビーズ1つでも単純な短文を持ちうるが、複数のビーズを組み合わせれば互いに連続性を持ち、より複雑な文を編みあげることができる。ビーズを通訳として介することで、全く音を発することなく意志を疎通することができるし、完全な暗闇の中であってもよく、ものを見ることができなくてもよい。この腕輪を用いて適切にビーズを使用するには、使用者と仲間は互いにビーズの意味を最初に取り決めて置かなければならない。ビーズ1つの意味を思い出すには、DC10の【知力】判定に成功しなければならない。より複雑な文章を伝えるには、追加でビーズを1つ使用するたびに、判定のDCが2ずつ増加する。ビーズに取り決められた意味を知らないクリーチャーが文章の翻訳をするのは事実上不可能で、DCが20だけ増加する。 ---- ***&aname(brawler-s-kit)ブローラー用具 &small(){[[Brawler's Kit>]]} &b(){市価} 9gp; &b(){重量} 26ポンド  この用具には背負い袋、携帯用寝具、ベルトポーチ、火打ち石と打ち金、ロープ、松明(10本)、保存食(5日分)、水袋が含まれている。 ---- ***&aname(calumet)カルメット &small(){[[Calumet>]]} &b(){市価} 20gp; &b(){重量} ―  カルメットは2つのパーツで構成された儀礼に用いられる喫煙用パイプで、石や粘土から作られた椀が付いており、複雑に曲がった木製の柄には呪物がぶら下げられている。このパイプはビーズや布、安い宝石で飾られた特殊な革製のポーチに入れて運ばれる。このパイプでは特定の儀式には不可欠の、様々な薬草の混合物による煙を用いる。共同体におけるカルメットでの喫煙は、様々な集団の間の結束を表す印として、外交の席で利用されることもある。このようにしてカルメットを共有したものに対しては、[[〈交渉〉>技能の詳細#Diplomacy]]判定に+1の状況ボーナスを得る。 ---- ***&aname(cheat-sheath)メモ付きブックカバー &small(){[[Cheat Sheath>]]} &b(){市価} 100gp; &b(){重量} 2ポンド  この革装丁のブックカバーの表面には、魔法記法や秘術式、一般的な呪文の起動方法や試薬が一覧となっていくつも書かれている。この記述をいくつも手元で参照できるため、使用者は呪文書や巻物を理解するため、借りた呪文書から呪文を準備するため、&i(){[[ディテクト・マジック>呪文/た行#Detect-Magic]]}を用いて魔法のアイテムの特性を識別するため、及び巻物を解読するために行う[[〈呪文学〉>技能の詳細#Spellcraft]]判定に+2の状況ボーナスを得る。 ---- ***&aname(cipher-rings)暗号指輪 &small(){[[Cipher Rings>]]} &b(){市価} 10gp; &b(){重量} ―  この分厚い木製の指輪は指輪を作る際に決められた暗号を解読する鍵となっている。基本的なセットは2つの全く同じ指輪で構成される。追加で指輪を購入するには、1つあたり4gpが必要となる。暗号指輪の暗号を用いれば、使用者は筆記された単文から暗号を作ったり復元したりすることができる(判定不要)。正しい指輪がない状態で単文を解読するには、DC25の[[〈言語学〉>技能の詳細#Linguistics]]判定が必要となる。 ---- ***&aname(collapsible-trampoline)折り畳み式トランポリン &small(){[[Collapsible Trampoline>]]} &b(){市価} 50gp; &b(){重量} 10ポンド  この取り回しの良いトランポリンは簡単に運べるように、テントのようにばらばらになり、巻き取ることができる。トランポリンを組み上げたり分解したりするには1分間かかる。2体のクリーチャーが取り扱うならば、折り畳み式トランポリンは跳躍のために行う[[〈軽業〉>技能の詳細#Acrobatics]]判定に+5のボーナスを提供する。落下したクリーチャーがこのトランポリンに着地したなら、落下ダメージを計算する際、最初の10フィートを無視する。 ---- ***&aname(cork-vest)コルク入りベスト &small(){[[Cork Vest>]]} &b(){市価} 25gp; &b(){重量} 1ポンド  この布製のベストにはコルクでいっぱいになったポケットが付いており、身につけたものを浮きやすくする。元々は漁師や船員が身につけていたこのベストは、溺れるのを防ぐためのものだ。コルク入りベストを身につけている間、使用者は【敏捷力】判定と[[〈水泳〉>技能の詳細#Swim]]判定に-2のペナルティを受けるが、5以上の差で失敗した時に水中に沈むのではなく、10以上の差で失敗した場合にのみ水中に沈むようになる。さらに、使用者は[[疲労状態>用語集/状態#Fatigued]]からダメージを受けるのを避けるために行う[[〈水泳〉>技能の詳細#Swim]]判定に+4のボーナスを得る。コルク入りベストは鎧の下に身につけることができる。 ---- ***&aname(courtesan-s-kit)高級売春婦用具 &small(){[[Courtesan's Kit>]]} &b(){市価} 10gp; &b(){重量} 5ポンド  この用具には高級売春婦が自分の心と身体を心地よくするために助けとなるアイテムが入っている。身体用として、この用具には剃刀、香油と軟膏、香水、保温鍋、様々な魅力的な衣装が入っている。詩集、文学書、演劇本――しばしば淫らな内容をまとめたもので、性的な二重の意味がたくさん掲載されている――は心を楽しませてくれる。 ---- ***&aname(fire-pump)消化ポンプ &small(){[[Fire Pump>]]} &b(){市価} 200gp; &b(){重量} 500ポンド  この重量型の馬車には水の入ったタンク、備え付けのポンプ、回転するノズルがついている。使用者がDC20の【筋力】判定に成功すれば、消火ポンプは30フィートまで届く水流を解き放つ。ポンプを支援する人が1人増える毎に、このDCは5ずつ低下する。操作や支援は全ラウンド・アクションである。ポンプは1ラウンドに5フィート四方の魔法のものでない火を消す。水の入ったタンクはこのポンプが10ラウンドの間噴出できるだけの水を入れることができ、水路や池、湖、その他の水域で10分間費やせばいっぱいにすることができる。 ---- ***&aname(footprint-book)足跡帖 &small(){[[Footprint Book>]]} &b(){市価} 2gp; &b(){重量} 1ポンド  この本には一般的な[[動物>クリーチャー種別#type-animal]]と[[人型生物>クリーチャー種別#type-humanoid]]の足跡の絵が、手書きでいくつも描かれている。足跡を調べる際にこの本を5分間の間閲覧すると、使用者はその足跡を残した[[動物>クリーチャー種別#type-animal]]もしくは[[人型生物>クリーチャー種別#type-humanoid]]の種類を識別するために、DC10の[[〈知識:地域〉>技能の詳細#Knowledge]]([[人型生物>クリーチャー種別#type-humanoid]]の場合)もしくは[[〈知識:自然〉>技能の詳細#Knowledge]]([[動物>クリーチャー種別#type-animal]]の場合)を行うことができる。 ---- ***&aname(grappler-s-grease)格闘家の油 &small(){[[Grappler's Grease>]]} &b(){市価} 5gp; &b(){重量} 1/2ポンド  動物の脂肪から作られたこの青白い油を身体に塗布すると、使用者に対して組みつくのが難しくなる。この油に覆われている間、使用者は組みつき戦技に対するCMDに+4のボーナスを得る。この油を塗布するには1分間かかり、一度塗布するとその効果は10分間持続する。使用者が鎧を身につけた場合、格闘家の油の利益を得ることはできない。格闘家の油は通常、5回分が入った小さな粘土製の壺に入れて売られる。 ---- ***&aname(hand-rotary-quern)手回し式ひき臼 &small(){[[Hand Rotary Quern>]]} &b(){市価} 10gp; &b(){重量} 20ポンド  この小さな石臼を使用すると、いくつかの材料を細かい粉へとすりつぶすことができる。石臼によって作られる粉の総量は材料によって様々だが、1時間で8ポンドの粉を作り出すことができる。 ---- ***&aname(hunter-s-kit)ハンター用具 &small(){[[Hunter's Kit>]]} &b(){市価} 9gp; &b(){重量} 28ポンド  この用具には背負い袋、携帯用寝具、ベルトポーチ、火打ち石と打ち金、鉄の深鍋、携帯食器一式、ロープ、松明(10本)、保存食(5日分)、水袋が含まれている。 ---- ***&aname(hunter-s-sight)狩猟用照準器 &small(){[[Hunter's Sight>]]} &b(){市価} 100gp; &b(){重量} ―  この複雑なレンズは堅めにつけることができ、使用時には両目スロットを消費する。遠隔武器と同時に使用すると、攻撃における射程ペナルティを2だけ減少させる。しかし100フィート以内にいる物体は見にくくなり、狩猟用照準器を身につけている間、視覚に基づく[[〈知覚〉>技能の詳細#Perception]]判定に-2のペナルティを受ける。 ---- ***&aname(investigator-s-kit)インヴェスティゲーター用具 &small(){[[Investigator's Kit>]]} &b(){市価} 40gp; &b(){重量} 24ポンド  この用具には錬金術キット、背負い袋、携帯用寝具、ベルトポーチ、火打ち石と打ち金、インク、ペン、鉄の深鍋、携帯食器一式、石鹸、松明(10本)、保存食(5日分)、水袋が含まれている。[[インヴェスティゲーター>ACG/クラス/インヴェスティゲーター]]は処方書を所持した状態でゲームを開始し購入する必要がないため、この用具には処方書が含まれていない。 ---- ***&aname(marlinspike)網通しスパイク &small(){[[Marlinspike>]]} &b(){市価} 8sp; &b(){重量} 1/2ポンド  These polished metal spikes can aid you in performing a variety of rope work, including tying and untying knots, untangling things, splicing rope, or tensioning ropes. A typical spike is somewhere between 6 inches to a foot in length, has a slender and almost needle-like taper, and is blunted at both ends. Smaller spikes are worn on lanyards while a larger spike is kept in a sheath. A marlinspike grants you a +2 circumstance bonus on Skill checks involving the use of a rope. ---- ***&aname(mobile-hospital)可搬式救護設備 &small(){[[Mobile Hospital>]]} &b(){市価} 1,000gp; &b(){重量} 500ポンド  This kit for a wagon provides all the equipment needed to care for up to 10 sick or injured people at a time. It includes two large tents, 10 cots with bedrolls, a sturdy table, a chirurgeon's kit, and five healer's kits. It grants anyone using it a +2 bonus on Heal checks to provide first aid, can be used to treat deadly wounds with a single use of a healer's kit instead of two, and doubles the rate at which patients recover in long-term care. ---- ***&aname(musk-kit)麝香用具 &small(){[[Musk Kit>]]} &b(){市価} 25gp; &b(){重量} 1ポンド  A musk kit consists of a dozen vials of concentrated fluids, prepared animal glands, and plant compounds. You can use the distinctly scented musks to mark possessions, locations, and trails which can then be identified or followed by scent. Some hunters dip their arrows or other weapons in the musk in order to use them to mark and track injured prey.  Alternatively, you can use up four vials from the musk kit at once to attract 2d6 Tiny animals to the location you marked with musk. The animals arrive in approximately 1 hour, and the group consists of those animals most common to the immediate area. ---- ***&aname(obals)祝福硬貨 &small(){[[Obals>]]} &b(){市価} 12gp; &b(){重量} 1/2ポンド  Obals are small silver or gold coins that are embossed with a holy symbol and blessed by a priest of a god of war or death. Inquisitors and warpriests traditionally place the coins on the corpses of those slain in battle, usually one over each eye or one in the mouth. The cost is for a batch of 12 obals. ---- ***&aname(portable-prison)携帯用牢獄 &small(){[[Portable Prison>]]} &b(){市価} 200gp; &b(){重量} 300ポンド  This kit for a wagon provides a set of metal bars with a door for transporting imprisoned people or creatures. Though portable prisons were originally developed by traveling acts to hold ferocious animals, city guards commonly use them to round up criminals, and some bounty hunters hire them to transport large groups of prisoners. Most prisons come with locks; add the cost of the desired lock to the cost of the portable prison. A cage meant for people includes benches and rails for manacles. One meant for animals contains a trough for water and a smaller door for providing food. ---- ***&aname(roperunner)Roperunner &small(){[[Roperunner>]]} &b(){市価} 50gp; &b(){重量} 3ポンド  You can place this metal contraption onto a taut section of a rope connecting a high point to a lower one, allowing you to slide down the length of the rope with ease. Using a roperunner requires only one hand, leaving the other hand free during the descent. Attaching the roperunner to a rope is a move action. Beginning the descent is a swift action. You slide down the rope at a rate of 60 feet per round. This requires no action on your part, but you must move along the length of the rope in the downward direction. Retrieving the roperunner once you have come to a stop at the end of the rope is a move action. You can let go of the roperunner as a free action. ---- ***&aname(scavener-beetle-colony)シデムシ瓶 &small(){[[Scavenger Beetle Colony>]]} &b(){市価} 3gp; &b(){重量} 1ポンド  This glass jar contains a colony of carnivorous scavenger beetles. The beetles must be fed at least a quarter pound of meat per day or they die. When released on a dead organism, they break it down and devour its flesh in 1d4 days, leaving only bones. Scavenger beetles eat only dead flesh, and can't harm living creatures. Once released, the beetles can't be returned to the jar. ---- ***&aname(shamman-s-kit)シャーマン用具 &small(){[[Shaman's Kit>]]} &b(){市価} 9gp; &b(){重量} 29ポンド この用具には背負い袋、携帯用寝具、ベルトポーチ、ろうそく(10本)、火打ち石と打ち金、鉄の深鍋、携帯食器一式、ロープ、石鹸、松明(10本)、保存食(5日分)、水袋が含まれている。 ---- ***&aname(skald-s-kit)スカルド用具 &small(){[[Skald's Kit>]]} &b(){市価} 32gp; &b(){重量} 32・1/2ポンド  この用具には背負い袋、携帯用寝具、ベルトポーチ、通常の楽器、火打ち石と打ち金、鉄の深鍋、携帯食器一式、鏡、ロープ、石鹸、松明(10本)、保存食(5日分)、水袋が含まれている。 ---- ***&aname(slayer-s-kit)スレイヤー用具 &small(){[[Slayer's Kit>]]} &b(){市価} 22gp; &b(){重量} 30ポンド  この用具には背負い袋、携帯用寝具、ベルトポーチ、火打ち石と打ち金、鉄の深鍋、枷、携帯食器一式、ロープ、石鹸、松明(10本)、保存食(5日分)、水袋が含まれている。 ---- ***&aname(sleeve-holster)ホルスター付き袖 &small(){[[Sleeve Holster>]]} &b(){市価} 100gp; &b(){重量} 1ポンド  When worn inside voluminous sleeves, this leather holster allows you to draw a concealed hand crossbow or coat pistol as a move action. The weapon sits on sliders and is drawn directly into the hand. Unlike a wrist sheath, a sleeve holster is bulky enough that it is obvious on close inspection, though under a loose enough garment it might not provoke a reactive Perception check. An individual sleeve holster fits for either a hand crossbow or a coat pistol, but not both. ---- ***&aname(snuffbox)嗅ぎ煙草入れ &small(){[[Snuffbox>]]} &b(){市価} さまざま; &b(){重量} ―  &b(){錫製または木製} 5 gp; &b(){象牙または貴金属製} 25 gp; &b(){骨製またはべっ甲製} 300 gp  This tiny, ornamented box's hinged lid latches in place to form a tight seal. The box is used to hold various snuffs, powders, tobacco, and similar substances. The box can be made from any number of materials, from wood to ivory to precious metals inlaid with gemstone. ---- ***&aname(sugar-glass-bottle)飴ガラス瓶 &small(){[[Sugar Glass Bottle>]]} &b(){市価} 1gp; &b(){重量} ―  This bottle looks like it's made of glass, but is more fragile and doesn't cause damage when it strikes a creature or object. Highly prized by theater performers, sugar glass bottles grant a +2 circumstance bonus on Bluff and Perform checks involving the creation of seemingly realistic fights. ---- ***&aname(swashbuckler-s-kit)スワッシュバックラー用具 &small(){[[Swashbuckler's Kit>]]} &b(){市価} 9gp; &b(){重量} 29ポンド  この用具には背負い袋、携帯用寝具、ベルトポーチ、火打ち石と打ち金、鉄の深鍋、携帯食器一式、ロープ、石鹸、松明(10本)、保存食(5日分)、水袋が含まれている。 ---- ***&aname(tome-of-epics)叙述書 &small(){[[Tome of Epics>]]} &b(){市価} 50gp; &b(){重量} 3ポンド  This hefty book is bound in oilskin and decorated with scenes of glorious combat between ancient heroes and ferocious monsters. It contains several tales of valor, defeat, and victory, all with brightly colored illustrations. After consulting the book for 1 hour, for the next 24 hours you gain a +2 bonus on Perform (oratory) and Perform (vocal) checks and a +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge (nobility) checks pertaining to heroic lineages. ---- ***&aname(traveling-bee-hive)移動式養蜂巣箱 &small(){[[Traveling Bee Hive>]]} &b(){市価} 10gp; &b(){重量} 10ポンド  These straw baskets provide a portable home for bees. They are dome shaped, with a hole in the top that a smaller woven basket covers as a cap. This hole allows for the harvesting of small amounts of honey without destroying the entire hive. Believing that certain bees provide for a superior crop yield, some farmers pay beekeepers to travel to their farms with the bees.  Destroying a traveling bee hive causes the bees to swarm, creating a 5-foot-radius cloud. A creature is blinded and for as long as it remains in the cloud, and must succeed at a DC 12 Fortitude saving throw or become sickened for 1 minute. The sickened condition is a poison effect. ---- ***&aname(traveling-garden)移動式庭園 &small(){[[Traveling Garden>]]} &b(){市価} 200gp; &b(){重量} 500ポンド  This kit for a heavy wagon includes specialized boxes and pots for growing a wide range of plants, in addition to space for a couple of animals, such as goats, and their feed. A traveling garden provides food and healing herbs. It functions similar to a healer's kit, providing up to five uses per day, and is never exhausted. In addition, those who ingest a daily variety of fresh herbs and vegetables from the garden gain a +1 bonus on saving throws against disease. ---- ***&aname(warpriest-s-kit)ウォープリースト用具 &small(){[[Warpriest's Kit>]]} &b(){市価} 11gp; &b(){重量} 29ポンド  この用具には背負い袋、携帯用寝具、ベルトポーチ、安価な神聖文書、火打ち石と打ち金、鉄の深鍋、携帯食器一式、ロープ、石鹸、松明(10本)、保存食(5日分)、水袋、木製の聖印が含まれている。

