ACG > 装備 > 指輪


ACG/装備/指輪 - (2015/06/13 (土) 12:26:15) の1つ前との変更点



*&aname(advanced-class-guide-rings)指輪 &small(){[[Rings>]]}  Rings bestow magical powers upon their wearers. Anyone can use a ring, but a character can gain the benefits of only two magic rings at a time. &b(){指輪} |~劣った下級の指輪|~市価|h |&i(){リング・オヴ・リンガリング・ブラッド・マジック}|2,000gp| |&i(){リング・オヴ・ナチュラル・アチューンメント}(レーシー)|2,800gp| |&i(){リング・オヴ・パワフル・ブラッド・マジック}|3,000gp| |&i(){リング・オヴ・エロクエンス}|3,500gp| |~優れた下級の指輪|~市価|h |&i(){リング・オヴ・アンセストラル・ブラッド・マジック}|4,000gp| |&i(){リング・オヴ・ヴェンジフル・ブラッド・マジック}|5,400gp| |~劣った中級の指輪|~市価|h |&i(){リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ}(アルコン)|7,000gp| |&i(){リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ}(エンジェル)|7,200gp | |&i(){リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ}(プロティアン)|7,200gp| |&i(){リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ}(キュトン)|7,300gp| |&i(){リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ}(アスラ)|7,600gp| |&i(){リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ}(サイコポンプ)|7,600gp| |&i(){リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ}(アガシオン)|7,700gp| |&i(){リング・オヴ・ナチュラル・アチューンメント}(カミ)|7,800gp| |&i(){リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ}(アイオーン)|7,800gp| |&i(){リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ}(イネヴァタブル)|8,100gp| |&i(){リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ}(クリポト)|8,600gp| |&i(){リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ}(ディヴ)|9,100gp| |&i(){リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ}(ダイモン)|10,600gp| |&i(){リング・オヴ・ナチュラル・アチューンメント}(ドレイク)|12,888gp| |&i(){リング・オヴ・リジリエンス}|15,000gp| ---- ***リング・オヴ・アンセストラル・ブラッド・マジック          (&link(Ring of Ancestral Blood Magic){}/) &b(){市価} 4,000gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 10レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 中程度・変成術  While the wearer is bloodraging, he can cast a bonus spell gained from his bloodrager bloodline without expending a spell slot. He can do this three times per day, and must expend a number of rounds of bloodrage equal to the level of the spell to be cast. The wearer must meet all the other requirements for spellcasting. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 2,000gp Endurance, Extend Spell, Forge Ring, creator must have the bloodrage class feature ---- ***リング・オヴ・エロクエンス          (&link(Ring of Eloquence){}/) &b(){市価} 3,500gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 3レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・占術  Fine etchings spell out the alphabets of four languages around the inside of this finely crafted silver band. The wearer gains the ability to speak and understand the four languages whose alphabets are inscribed on the ring. Normally the languages are Common, Dwarven, Elven, and Gnome. Less often, such rings are attuned to Giant, Goblin, Orc, and Undercommon, and rings with different sets of languages might also exist. The wearer retains the ability to speak in these languages even if she assumes a form normally unable to do so (such as a druid wild shaped into a wolf).  The ring also makes it easier for the wearer to find the correct words to express herself, granting a +2 competence bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Perform (oratory) checks. Also, if the wearer is deafened and attempts to cast a spell with a verbal component, the chance of spell failure is reduced to 10%. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 1,750gp 《魔法の指輪作成》、&i(){コンプリヘンド・ランゲージズ} ---- ***リング・オヴ・リンガリング・ブラッド・マジック          (&link(Ring of Lingering Blood Magic){}/) &b(){市価} 2,000gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 11レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 中程度・変成術  When the wearer of this ring is bloodraging, he can expend 1 round of bloodrage to extend the duration of a beneficial spell affecting him by 2 rounds. This is a free action the wearer can take once per round. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 1,000gp Endurance, Extend Spell, Forge Ring, creator must have the bloodrage class feature ---- ***リング・オヴ・ナチュラル・アチューンメント(ドレイク)          (&link(Ring of Natural Attunement (Drake)){}/) &b(){市価} 12,880gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 7レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 中程度・召喚術  This coiling band is made of jade carved into the shape of a sea drake. If the wearer can cast &i(){summon nature's ally} spells, the wearer adds forest drake and shadow drake to the 4th-level list of monsters he can summon with those spells, adds flame drake to the 5th-level list, adds frost drake to the 6th-level list, and adds desert drake to the 9th-level list. Also, once per day on command the wearer can use this ring to summon a shadow drake, as if by the &i(){summon nature's ally IV} spell. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 6,440gp 《魔法の指輪作成》、&i(){グレーター・マジック・ファング}、&i(){サモン・ネイチャーズ・アライIV} ---- ***リング・オヴ・ナチュラル・アチューンメント(カミ)          (&link(Ring of Natural Attunement (Kami)){}/) &b(){市価} 7,800gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 5レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・召喚術  This ring carved from a single piece of cherry wood bears an inscription written in Tien. If the wearer can cast &i(){summon nature's ally} spells, the wearer adds shikigami to the 3rd-level list of monsters he can summon with those spells, adds kodama to the 5th-level list, adds zuishin to the 7th-level list, and adds toshigami to the 9th-level list. Also, once per day on command the wearer can use this ring to summon a shikigami, as if by the &i(){summon nature's ally III} spell. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 3,900gp 《魔法の指輪作成》、&i(){コミューン・ウィズ・ネイチャー}、&i(){サモン・ネイチャーズ・アライIII} ---- ***リング・オヴ・ナチュラル・アチューンメント(レーシー)          (&link(Ring of Natural Attunement (Leshy)){}/) &b(){市価} 2,800gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 3レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・召喚術  This ring is made of thin but strong vines braided together in an elegant weave. If the wearer can cast &i(){summon nature's ally} spells, the wearer adds leaf leshy to the 1st-level list of monsters he can summon with those spells, adds gourd leshy to the 2nd-level list, adds fungus leshy the 3rd-level list, and adds seaweed leshy to the 4th-level list. Also, once per day on command the wearer can use this ring to summon a leaf leshy, as if by the &i(){summon nature's ally I} spell. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 1,400gp 《魔法の指輪作成》、&i(){プラント・グロウス}、&i(){サモン・ネイチャーズ・アライI} ---- ***リング・オヴ・パワフル・ブラッド・マジック          (&link(Ring of powerful Blood Magic){}/) &b(){市価} 3,000gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 9レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 中程度・力術  When the wearer of this ring is bloodraging and casts a spell, as a swift action he can increase the save DC of the spell by 1. The wearer can do this a maximum of three times per day. This has no effect on spells that do not require saving throws. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 1,500gp 《魔法の指輪作成》、《呪文熟練》、作成者は“bloodrage”のクラス特徴を持っていなければならない ---- ***リング・オヴ・リジリエンス          (&link(Ring of Resilience){}/) &b(){市価} 15,000gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 10レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 中程度・召喚術  This tarnished copper band sheds its patina when worn by anyone with panache or grit. Whenever the wearer regains a panache or grit point through her actions (not just a daily refresh), she can try to end a single ongoing condition affecting her, attempting a new saving throw against the original DC. The effect must be one that allowed a saving throw, can be removed by either &i(){dispel magic} or &i(){heal}, and be an effect against which the wearer failed her initial saving throw. If the wearer succeeds at the new save, the effect is removed even if succeeding at the save would normally have other consequences, and even if the effect normally requires multiple saves to remove. If the effect allowed more than one type of saving throw, use the type and DC for the first saving throw the wearer failed for the effect. As the wearer must regain a panache or grit point to reroll a save, the ring provides no benefit if she hasn't used any grit or panache. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 7,500gp 《魔法の指輪作成》、&i(){レストレーション}、creator must be a grit or panache user ---- ***リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ(アイオーン)          (&link(Ring of Summoning Affinity (Aeon)){}/) &b(){市価} 7,800gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 5レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・召喚術  This ring is forged from black iron and shining silver. If the wearer can cast &i(){summon monster} spells, he adds paracletus to the 3rd-level list of monsters he can summon, adds theletos to the 4th-level list, and adds akhana to the 9th-level list. Also, once per day the wearer summon a paracletus, as if by the &i(){summon monster III} spell. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 3,900gp 《魔法の指輪作成》、&i(){プレイナー・アライ}または&i(){プレイナー・バインディング}、作成者はいかなる属性に影響を与える要素を用いず真なる中立でなければならない ---- ***リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ(アガシオン)          (&link(Ring of Summoning Affinity (Agathion)){}/) &b(){市価} 7,700gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 5レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・召喚術[善]  This ring is forged from electrum and inlaid with runes. If the wearer can cast &i(){summon monster} spells, the wearer adds silvanshee to the 3rd-level list of monsters she can summon with those spells, adds vulpinal to the 5th-level list, adds avoral to the 7th-level list, and adds leonal to the 8th-level list. Also, once per day on command the wearer can use this ring to summon a silvanshee, as if by the &i(){summon monster III} spell. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 3,850gp 《魔法の指輪作成》、&i(){プレイナー・アライ}または&i(){プレイナー・バインディング}、作成者は中立にして善でなければならない ---- ***リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ(エンジェル)          (&link(Ring of Summoning Affinity (Angel)){}/) &b(){市価} 7,200gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 5レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・召喚術[善]  This ring is cut from transparent crystal. If the wearer can cast &i(){summon monster} spells, the wearer adds cassian to the 3rd-level list of monsters she can summon with those spells, adds movanic deva to the 7th-level list, and adds monadic deva to the 8th-level list. Also, once per day on command the wearer can use this ring to summon a cassian, as if by the &i(){summon monster III} spell. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 3,600gp 《魔法の指輪作成》、&i(){プレイナー・アライ}または&i(){プレイナー・バインディング}、作成者は善でなければならない ---- ***リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ(アルコン)          (&link(Ring of Summoning Affinity (Archon)){}/) &b(){市価} 7,000gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 5レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・召喚術[善、秩序]  This ring is made of hammered steel. If the wearer can cast &i(){summon monster} spells, the wearer adds harbringers to the 3rd-level list of monsters he can summon with those spells, adds legion archon to the 6th-level list, and adds shield archon to the 7th-level list. Also, once per day on command the wearer can use this ring to summon a harbinger, as if by the &i(){summon monster III} spell. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 3,500gp 《魔法の指輪作成》、&i(){プレイナー・アライ}または&i(){プレイナー・バインディング}、作成者は中立にして善でなければならない ---- ***リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ(アスラ)          (&link(Ring of Summoning Affinity (Asura)){}/) &b(){市価} 7,600gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 5レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・召喚術[悪、秩序]  This ring is made of intricately marked brass. If the wearer can cast &i(){summon monster} spells, the wearer adds tripurasura to the 3rd-level list of monsters he can summon with those spells, adds adhukait to the 4th-level list, adds upasunda to the 7th-level list, and adds aghasura to the 8th-level list. Also, once per day on command the wearer can use this ring to summon a tripurasura, as if by the &i(){summon monster III} spell. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 3,800gp 《魔法の指輪作成》、&i(){プレイナー・アライ}または&i(){プレイナー・バインディング}、作成者は秩序にして悪でなければならない ---- ***リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ(ダイモン)          (&link(Ring of Summoning Affinity (Daemon)){}/) &b(){市価} 10,600gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 5レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・召喚術[悪]  This ring is carved from bone. If the wearer can cast &i(){summon monster} spells, the wearer adds cacodaemonto the 3rd-level list of monsters she can summon with those spells, adds ceustodaemon to the 5th-level list, adds hydrodaemon to the 6th-level list, adds luekodaemon and piscodaemon to the 7th-level list, adds derghodaemon and meladaemon to the 8th level list, and adds thanadaemon to the 9th-level list. Also, once per day on command the wearer can use this ring to summon a cacodaemon, as if by the &i(){summon monster III} spell. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 5,300gp 《魔法の指輪作成》、&i(){プレイナー・アライ}または&i(){プレイナー・バインディング}、作成者は中立にして悪でなければならない ---- ***リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ(ディヴ)          (&link(Ring of Summoning Affinity (Div)){}/) &b(){市価} 9,100gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 5レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・召喚術[混沌、悪]  This ring is shaped to resemble a snake consuming its own tail. If the wearer can cast &i(){summon monster} spells, the wearer adds doru to the 3rd-level list of monsters he can summon with those spells, adds aghash to the 4th-level list, adds pairaka to the 6th-level list, adds ghawwas to the 7th-level list, adds shira to the 8th-level list, and adds sepid to the 9th-level list. Also, once per day on command the wearer can use this ring to summon a doru, as if by the &i(){summon monster III} spell. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 4,550gp 《魔法の指輪作成》、&i(){プレイナー・アライ}または&i(){プレイナー・バインディング}、作成者は混沌にして悪でなければならない ---- ***リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ(イネヴァタブル)          (&link(Ring of Summoning Affinity (Inevitable)){}/) &b(){市価} 8,100gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 5レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・召喚術[秩序]  This ring resembles a gear or cog. If the wearer can cast &i(){summon monster} spells, the wearer adds arbiter to the 3rd-level list of monsters she can summon with those spells, adds zelekhut to the 7th-level list, adds kolyarut to the 8th-level list, and adds marut to the 9th-level list. Also, once per day on command the wearer can use this ring to summon an arbiter, as if by the &i(){summon monster III} spell. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 4,050gp 《魔法の指輪作成》、&i(){プレイナー・アライ}または&i(){プレイナー・バインディング}、作成者は秩序にして中立でなければならない ---- ***リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ(キュトン)          (&link(Ring of Summoning Affinity (Kyton)){}/) &b(){市価} 7,300gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 5レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・召喚術[悪、秩序]  This iron ring has several sharp barbs. If the wearer can cast &i(){summon monster} spells, the wearer adds augur to the 3rd-level list of monsters he can summon with those spells, adds sacristan to the 7th-level list, and adds interlocutor to the 9th-level list. Also, once per day on command the wearer can use this ring to summon an augur, as if by the &i(){summon monster III} spell. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 3,650gp 《魔法の指輪作成》、&i(){プレイナー・アライ}または&i(){プレイナー・バインディング}、作成者は秩序にして悪でなければならない ---- ***リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ(プロティアン)          (&link(Ring of Summoning Affinity (Protean)){}/) &b(){市価} 7,200gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 5レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・召喚術[混沌]  This ring is made from an opalescent material that is never the same color twice. If the wearer can cast &i(){summon monster} spells, the wearer adds voidworm to the 3rd-level list of monsters she can summon with those spells, adds naunet to the 6th-level list, and adds imentesh to the 9th-level list. Also, once per day on command the wearer can use this ring to summon a voidworm, as if by the &i(){summon monster III} spell. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 3,600gp 《魔法の指輪作成》、&i(){プレイナー・アライ}または&i(){プレイナー・バインディング}、作成者は混沌にして中立でなければならない ---- ***リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ(サイコポンプ)          (&link(Ring of Summoning Affinity (Psychopomp)){}/) &b(){市価} 7,600gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 5レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・召喚術  This silver ring is marked with a skull emblem. If the wearer can cast &i(){summon monster} spells, the wearer adds nosoi to the 3rd-level list of monsters he can summon with those spells, adds catrina to the 4th-level list, adds vanth to the 6th-level list, and adds morrigna to the 9th-level list. Also, once per day on command the wearer can use this ring to summon a nosoi, as if by the &i(){summon monster III} spell. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 3,800gp 《魔法の指輪作成》、&i(){プレイナー・アライ}または&i(){プレイナー・バインディング}、作成者はいかなる属性に影響を与える要素を用いず真なる中立でなければならない ---- ***リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ(クリポト)          (&link(Ring of Summoning Affinity (Qlippoth)){}/) &b(){市価} 8,600gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 5レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・召喚術[混沌、悪]  This ring has an odd, disquieting texture that always reveals greater layers of complexity the more closely it is examined. If the wearer can cast &i(){summon monster} spells, the wearer adds cythnigot to the 3rd-level list of monsters he can summon with those spells, adds shoggti to the 6th-level list, adds nyogoth to the 7th-level list, adds chernobue to the 8th-level list, and adds augnagar to the 9th-level list. Also, once per day on command the wearer can use this ring to summon a cythnigot, as if by the &i(){summon monster III} spell. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 4,300gp 《魔法の指輪作成》、&i(){プレイナー・アライ}または&i(){プレイナー・バインディング}、作成者は混沌にして悪でなければならない ---- ***リング・オヴ・ヴェンジフル・ブラッド・マジック          (&link(Ring of Vengeful Blood Magic){}/) &b(){市価} 5,400gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 11レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 中程度・防御術  This claw ring is made of red metal tinged with orange, and a long nail made of obsidian extends from the tip. It allows its wearer to cast a spell as an attack of opportunity. Three time per day, if the wearer is bloodraging and a foe provokes an attack of opportunity from him, the wearer can cast a spell with a casting time of 1 standard action or less as the attack of opportunity. The spell must target the creature that provoked the attack or include it in the spell's area, and must be no higher than 3rd level. This counts as one of the wearer's attacks of opportunity for the round; casting this spell does not itself provoke an attack of opportunity. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 17,500gp Combat Reflexes, Forge Ring, Quicken Spell
*&aname(advanced-class-guide-rings)指輪 &small(){[[Rings>]]}  指輪は使用者に魔法の力を与える。誰であれ指輪を使用することができるが、キャラクターは一度に魔法の指輪2つまでの利益しか得ることはできない。 &b(){指輪} &small(){Rings} |~劣った下級の指輪|~市価|h |&i(){[[リング・オヴ・リンガリング・ブラッド・マジック>ACG/装備/指輪#ring-of-lingering-blood-magic]]}|2,000gp| |&i(){[[リング・オヴ・ナチュラル・アチューンメント}(レーシー)>ACG/装備/指輪#ring-of-natural-attunement-leshy]]|2,800gp| |&i(){[[リング・オヴ・パワフル・ブラッド・マジック>ACG/装備/指輪#ring-of-powerful-blood-magic]]}|3,000gp| |&i(){[[リング・オヴ・エロクエンス>ACG/装備/指輪#ring-of-eloquence]]}|3,500gp| |~優れた下級の指輪|~市価|h |&i(){[[リング・オヴ・アンセストラル・ブラッド・マジック>ACG/装備/指輪#ring-of-ancestral-blood-magic]]}|4,000gp| |&i(){[[リング・オヴ・ヴェンジフル・ブラッド・マジック>ACG/装備/指輪#ring-of-vengeful-blood-magic]]}|5,400gp| |~劣った中級の指輪|~市価|h |&i(){[[リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ}(アルコン)>ACG/装備/指輪#ring-of-summoning-affinity-archon]]|7,000gp| |&i(){[[リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ}(エンジェル)>ACG/装備/指輪#ring-of-summoning-affinity-angel]]|7,200gp | |&i(){[[リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ}(プロティアン)>ACG/装備/指輪#ring-of-summoning-affinity-protean]]|7,200gp| |&i(){[[リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ}(キュトン)>ACG/装備/指輪#ring-of-summoning-affinity-kyton]]|7,300gp| |&i(){[[リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ}(アスラ)>ACG/装備/指輪#ring-of-summoning-affinity-asura]]|7,600gp| |&i(){[[リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ}(サイコポンプ)>ACG/装備/指輪#ring-of-summoning-affinity-pychopomp]]|7,600gp| |&i(){[[リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ}(アガシオン)>ACG/装備/指輪#ring-of-summoning-affinity-agathion]]|7,700gp| |&i(){[[リング・オヴ・ナチュラル・アチューンメント}(カミ)>ACG/装備/指輪#ring-of-natural-attunement-kami]]|7,800gp| |&i(){[[リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ}(アイオーン)>ACG/装備/指輪#ring-of-summoning-affinity-aeon]]|7,800gp| |&i(){[[リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ}(イネヴァタブル)>ACG/装備/指輪#ring-of-summoning-affinity-inevitable]]|8,100gp| |&i(){[[リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ}(クリポト)>ACG/装備/指輪#ring-of-summoning-affinity-qlippoth]]|8,600gp| |&i(){[[リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ}(ディヴ)>ACG/装備/指輪#ring-of-summoning-affinity-div]]|9,100gp| |&i(){[[リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ}(ダイモン)>ACG/装備/指輪#ring-of-summoning-affinity-daemon]]|10,600gp| |&i(){[[リング・オヴ・ナチュラル・アチューンメント}(ドレイク)>ACG/装備/指輪#ring-of-natural-attunement-drake]]|12,888gp| |&i(){[[リング・オヴ・リジリエンス}>ACG/装備/指輪#ring-of-resilience]]|15,000gp| ---- ***&aname(ring-of-ancestral-blood-magic)リング・オヴ・アンセストラル・ブラッド・マジック          (&link(Ring of Ancestral Blood Magic){}/) &b(){市価} 4,000gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 10レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 中程度・変成術  While the wearer is bloodraging, he can cast a bonus spell gained from his bloodrager bloodline without expending a spell slot. He can do this three times per day, and must expend a number of rounds of bloodrage equal to the level of the spell to be cast. The wearer must meet all the other requirements for spellcasting. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 2,000gp [[《持久力》>特技の詳細#Endurance]]、[[《呪文持続時間延長》>特技の詳細#Extend-Spell]]、[[《魔法の指輪作成》>特技の詳細#Forge Ring]]、作成者は[[血の激怒>ACG/クラス/ブラッドレイジャー#bloodrage]]クラス特徴を有していなければならない ---- ***&aname(ring-of-eloquence)リング・オヴ・エロクエンス          (&link(Ring of Eloquence){}/) &b(){市価} 3,500gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 3レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・占術  Fine etchings spell out the alphabets of four languages around the inside of this finely crafted silver band. The wearer gains the ability to speak and understand the four languages whose alphabets are inscribed on the ring. Normally the languages are Common, Dwarven, Elven, and Gnome. Less often, such rings are attuned to Giant, Goblin, Orc, and Undercommon, and rings with different sets of languages might also exist. The wearer retains the ability to speak in these languages even if she assumes a form normally unable to do so (such as a druid wild shaped into a wolf).  The ring also makes it easier for the wearer to find the correct words to express herself, granting a +2 competence bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Perform (oratory) checks. Also, if the wearer is deafened and attempts to cast a spell with a verbal component, the chance of spell failure is reduced to 10%. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 1,750gp [[《魔法の指輪作成》>特技の詳細#Forge Ring]]、&i(){[[コンプリヘンド・ランゲージズ>呪文/か行#Comprehend-Languages]]} ---- ***&aname(ring-of-lingering-blood-magic)リング・オヴ・リンガリング・ブラッド・マジック          (&link(Ring of Lingering Blood Magic){}/) &b(){市価} 2,000gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 11レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 中程度・変成術  When the wearer of this ring is bloodraging, he can expend 1 round of bloodrage to extend the duration of a beneficial spell affecting him by 2 rounds. This is a free action the wearer can take once per round. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 1,000gp [[《持久力》>特技の詳細#Endurance]]、[[《呪文持続時間延長》>特技の詳細#Extend-Spell]]、[[《魔法の指輪作成》>特技の詳細#Forge Ring]]、作成者は[[血の激怒>ACG/クラス/ブラッドレイジャー#bloodrage]]クラス特徴を有していなければならない ---- ***&aname(ring-of-natural-attunement-drake)リング・オヴ・ナチュラル・アチューンメント(ドレイク)          (&link(Ring of Natural Attunement (Drake)){}/) &b(){市価} 12,880gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 7レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 中程度・召喚術  This coiling band is made of jade carved into the shape of a sea drake. If the wearer can cast &i(){summon nature's ally} spells, the wearer adds forest drake and shadow drake to the 4th-level list of monsters he can summon with those spells, adds flame drake to the 5th-level list, adds frost drake to the 6th-level list, and adds desert drake to the 9th-level list. Also, once per day on command the wearer can use this ring to summon a shadow drake, as if by the &i(){summon nature's ally IV} spell. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 6,440gp [[《魔法の指輪作成》>特技の詳細#Forge Ring]]、&i(){[[グレーター・マジック・ファング>呪文/ま行#Magic-Fang-Greater]]}、&i(){[[サモン・ネイチャーズ・アライIV>呪文/さ行#Summon-Nature-s-Ally-IV]]} ---- ***&aname(ring-of-natural-attunement-kami)リング・オヴ・ナチュラル・アチューンメント(カミ)          (&link(Ring of Natural Attunement (Kami)){}/) &b(){市価} 7,800gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 5レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・召喚術  This ring carved from a single piece of cherry wood bears an inscription written in Tien. If the wearer can cast &i(){summon nature's ally} spells, the wearer adds shikigami to the 3rd-level list of monsters he can summon with those spells, adds kodama to the 5th-level list, adds zuishin to the 7th-level list, and adds toshigami to the 9th-level list. Also, once per day on command the wearer can use this ring to summon a shikigami, as if by the &i(){summon nature's ally III} spell. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 3,900gp [[《魔法の指輪作成》>特技の詳細#Forge Ring]]、&i(){[[コミューン・ウィズ・ネイチャー>呪文/か行#Commune-with-Nature]]}、&i(){[[サモン・ネイチャーズ・アライIII>呪文/さ行#Summon-Nature-s-Ally-III]]} ---- ***&aname(ring-of-natural-attunement-leshy)リング・オヴ・ナチュラル・アチューンメント(レーシー)          (&link(Ring of Natural Attunement (Leshy)){}/) &b(){市価} 2,800gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 3レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・召喚術  This ring is made of thin but strong vines braided together in an elegant weave. If the wearer can cast &i(){summon nature's ally} spells, the wearer adds leaf leshy to the 1st-level list of monsters he can summon with those spells, adds gourd leshy to the 2nd-level list, adds fungus leshy the 3rd-level list, and adds seaweed leshy to the 4th-level list. Also, once per day on command the wearer can use this ring to summon a leaf leshy, as if by the &i(){summon nature's ally I} spell. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 1,400gp [[《魔法の指輪作成》>特技の詳細#Forge Ring]]、&i(){[[プラント・グロウス>呪文/は行#Plant-Grouth]]}、&i(){[[サモン・ネイチャーズ・アライI>呪文/さ行#Summon-Nature-s-Ally-I]]} ---- ***&aname(ring-of-powerful-blood-magic)リング・オヴ・パワフル・ブラッド・マジック          (&link(Ring of powerful Blood Magic){}/) &b(){市価} 3,000gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 9レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 中程度・力術  When the wearer of this ring is bloodraging and casts a spell, as a swift action he can increase the save DC of the spell by 1. The wearer can do this a maximum of three times per day. This has no effect on spells that do not require saving throws. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 1,500gp [[《魔法の指輪作成》>特技の詳細#Forge Ring]]、[[《呪文熟練》>特技の詳細#Spell Focus]]、作成者は[[血の激怒>ACG/クラス/ブラッドレイジャー#bloodrage]]のクラス特徴を持っていなければならない ---- ***&aname(ring-of-resilience)リング・オヴ・リジリエンス          (&link(Ring of Resilience){}/) &b(){市価} 15,000gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 10レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 中程度・召喚術  This tarnished copper band sheds its patina when worn by anyone with panache or grit. Whenever the wearer regains a panache or grit point through her actions (not just a daily refresh), she can try to end a single ongoing condition affecting her, attempting a new saving throw against the original DC. The effect must be one that allowed a saving throw, can be removed by either &i(){dispel magic} or &i(){heal}, and be an effect against which the wearer failed her initial saving throw. If the wearer succeeds at the new save, the effect is removed even if succeeding at the save would normally have other consequences, and even if the effect normally requires multiple saves to remove. If the effect allowed more than one type of saving throw, use the type and DC for the first saving throw the wearer failed for the effect. As the wearer must regain a panache or grit point to reroll a save, the ring provides no benefit if she hasn't used any grit or panache. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 7,500gp [[《魔法の指輪作成》>特技の詳細#Forge Ring]]、&i(){[[レストレーション>呪文/ら行#Restoration]]}、作成者は[[心意気>ACG/クラス/スワッシュバックラー#panache]]を使用できなければならない ---- ***&aname(ring-of-summoning-affinity-aeon)リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ(アイオーン)          (&link(Ring of Summoning Affinity (Aeon)){}/) &b(){市価} 7,800gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 5レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・召喚術  This ring is forged from black iron and shining silver. If the wearer can cast &i(){summon monster} spells, he adds paracletus to the 3rd-level list of monsters he can summon, adds theletos to the 4th-level list, and adds akhana to the 9th-level list. Also, once per day the wearer summon a paracletus, as if by the &i(){summon monster III} spell. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 3,900gp [[《魔法の指輪作成》>特技の詳細#Forge Ring]]、&i(){[[プレイナー・アライ>呪文/は行#Planar-Ally]]}または&i(){[[プレイナー・バインディング>呪文/は行#Planar-Binding]]}、作成者は中立にして善でなければならない ---- ***&aname(ring-of-summoning-affinity-agathion)リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ(アガシオン)          (&link(Ring of Summoning Affinity (Agathion)){}/) &b(){市価} 7,700gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 5レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・召喚術[善]  This ring is forged from electrum and inlaid with runes. If the wearer can cast &i(){summon monster} spells, the wearer adds silvanshee to the 3rd-level list of monsters she can summon with those spells, adds vulpinal to the 5th-level list, adds avoral to the 7th-level list, and adds leonal to the 8th-level list. Also, once per day on command the wearer can use this ring to summon a silvanshee, as if by the &i(){summon monster III} spell. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 3,850gp [[《魔法の指輪作成》>特技の詳細#Forge Ring]]、&i(){[[プレイナー・アライ>呪文/は行#Planar-Ally]]}または&i(){[[プレイナー・バインディング>呪文/は行#Planar-Binding]]}、作成者は中立にして善でなければならない ---- ***&aname(ring-of-summoning-affinity-angel)リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ(エンジェル)          (&link(Ring of Summoning Affinity (Angel)){}/) &b(){市価} 7,200gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 5レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・召喚術[善]  This ring is cut from transparent crystal. If the wearer can cast &i(){summon monster} spells, the wearer adds cassian to the 3rd-level list of monsters she can summon with those spells, adds movanic deva to the 7th-level list, and adds monadic deva to the 8th-level list. Also, once per day on command the wearer can use this ring to summon a cassian, as if by the &i(){summon monster III} spell. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 3,600gp [[《魔法の指輪作成》>特技の詳細#Forge Ring]]、&i(){[[プレイナー・アライ>呪文/は行#Planar-Ally]]}または&i(){[[プレイナー・バインディング>呪文/は行#Planar-Binding]]}、作成者は善でなければならない ---- ***&aname(ring-of-summoning-affinity-archon)リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ(アルコン)          (&link(Ring of Summoning Affinity (Archon)){}/) &b(){市価} 7,000gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 5レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・召喚術[善、秩序]  This ring is made of hammered steel. If the wearer can cast &i(){summon monster} spells, the wearer adds harbringers to the 3rd-level list of monsters he can summon with those spells, adds legion archon to the 6th-level list, and adds shield archon to the 7th-level list. Also, once per day on command the wearer can use this ring to summon a harbinger, as if by the &i(){summon monster III} spell. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 3,500gp [[《魔法の指輪作成》>特技の詳細#Forge Ring]]、&i(){[[プレイナー・アライ>呪文/は行#Planar-Ally]]}または&i(){[[プレイナー・バインディング>呪文/は行#Planar-Binding]]}、作成者は中立にして善でなければならない ---- ***&aname(ring-of-summoning-affinity-asura)リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ(アスラ)          (&link(Ring of Summoning Affinity (Asura)){}/) &b(){市価} 7,600gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 5レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・召喚術[悪、秩序]  This ring is made of intricately marked brass. If the wearer can cast &i(){summon monster} spells, the wearer adds tripurasura to the 3rd-level list of monsters he can summon with those spells, adds adhukait to the 4th-level list, adds upasunda to the 7th-level list, and adds aghasura to the 8th-level list. Also, once per day on command the wearer can use this ring to summon a tripurasura, as if by the &i(){summon monster III} spell. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 3,800gp [[《魔法の指輪作成》>特技の詳細#Forge Ring]]、&i(){[[プレイナー・アライ>呪文/は行#Planar-Ally]]}または&i(){[[プレイナー・バインディング>呪文/は行#Planar-Binding]]}、作成者は秩序にして悪でなければならない ---- ***&aname(ring-of-summoning-affinity-daemon)リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ(ダイモン)          (&link(Ring of Summoning Affinity (Daemon)){}/) &b(){市価} 10,600gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 5レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・召喚術[悪]  This ring is carved from bone. If the wearer can cast &i(){summon monster} spells, the wearer adds cacodaemonto the 3rd-level list of monsters she can summon with those spells, adds ceustodaemon to the 5th-level list, adds hydrodaemon to the 6th-level list, adds luekodaemon and piscodaemon to the 7th-level list, adds derghodaemon and meladaemon to the 8th level list, and adds thanadaemon to the 9th-level list. Also, once per day on command the wearer can use this ring to summon a cacodaemon, as if by the &i(){summon monster III} spell. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 5,300gp [[《魔法の指輪作成》>特技の詳細#Forge Ring]]、&i(){[[プレイナー・アライ>呪文/は行#Planar-Ally]]}または&i(){[[プレイナー・バインディング>呪文/は行#Planar-Binding]]}、作成者は中立にして悪でなければならない ---- ***&aname(ring-of-summoning-affinity-div)リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ(ディヴ)          (&link(Ring of Summoning Affinity (Div)){}/) &b(){市価} 9,100gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 5レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・召喚術[混沌、悪]  This ring is shaped to resemble a snake consuming its own tail. If the wearer can cast &i(){summon monster} spells, the wearer adds doru to the 3rd-level list of monsters he can summon with those spells, adds aghash to the 4th-level list, adds pairaka to the 6th-level list, adds ghawwas to the 7th-level list, adds shira to the 8th-level list, and adds sepid to the 9th-level list. Also, once per day on command the wearer can use this ring to summon a doru, as if by the &i(){summon monster III} spell. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 4,550gp [[《魔法の指輪作成》>特技の詳細#Forge Ring]]、&i(){[[プレイナー・アライ>呪文/は行#Planar-Ally]]}または&i(){[[プレイナー・バインディング>呪文/は行#Planar-Binding]]}、作成者は混沌にして悪でなければならない ---- ***&aname(ring-of-summoning-affinity-inevitable)リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ(イネヴァタブル)          (&link(Ring of Summoning Affinity (Inevitable)){}/) &b(){市価} 8,100gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 5レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・召喚術[秩序]  This ring resembles a gear or cog. If the wearer can cast &i(){summon monster} spells, the wearer adds arbiter to the 3rd-level list of monsters she can summon with those spells, adds zelekhut to the 7th-level list, adds kolyarut to the 8th-level list, and adds marut to the 9th-level list. Also, once per day on command the wearer can use this ring to summon an arbiter, as if by the &i(){summon monster III} spell. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 4,050gp [[《魔法の指輪作成》>特技の詳細#Forge Ring]]、&i(){[[プレイナー・アライ>呪文/は行#Planar-Ally]]}または&i(){[[プレイナー・バインディング>呪文/は行#Planar-Binding]]}、作成者は秩序にして中立でなければならない ---- ***&aname(ring-of-summoning-affinity-kyton)リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ(キュトン)          (&link(Ring of Summoning Affinity (Kyton)){}/) &b(){市価} 7,300gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 5レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・召喚術[悪、秩序]  This iron ring has several sharp barbs. If the wearer can cast &i(){summon monster} spells, the wearer adds augur to the 3rd-level list of monsters he can summon with those spells, adds sacristan to the 7th-level list, and adds interlocutor to the 9th-level list. Also, once per day on command the wearer can use this ring to summon an augur, as if by the &i(){summon monster III} spell. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 3,650gp [[《魔法の指輪作成》>特技の詳細#Forge Ring]]、&i(){[[プレイナー・アライ>呪文/は行#Planar-Ally]]}または&i(){[[プレイナー・バインディング>呪文/は行#Planar-Binding]]}、作成者は秩序にして悪でなければならない ---- ***&aname(ring-of-summoning-affinity-protean)リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ(プロティアン)          (&link(Ring of Summoning Affinity (Protean)){}/) &b(){市価} 7,200gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 5レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・召喚術[混沌]  This ring is made from an opalescent material that is never the same color twice. If the wearer can cast &i(){summon monster} spells, the wearer adds voidworm to the 3rd-level list of monsters she can summon with those spells, adds naunet to the 6th-level list, and adds imentesh to the 9th-level list. Also, once per day on command the wearer can use this ring to summon a voidworm, as if by the &i(){summon monster III} spell. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 3,600gp [[《魔法の指輪作成》>特技の詳細#Forge Ring]]、&i(){[[プレイナー・アライ>呪文/は行#Planar-Ally]]}または&i(){[[プレイナー・バインディング>呪文/は行#Planar-Binding]]}、作成者は混沌にして中立でなければならない ---- ***&aname(ring-of-summoning-affinity-psychopomp)リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ(サイコポンプ)          (&link(Ring of Summoning Affinity (Psychopomp)){}/) &b(){市価} 7,600gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 5レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・召喚術  This silver ring is marked with a skull emblem. If the wearer can cast &i(){summon monster} spells, the wearer adds nosoi to the 3rd-level list of monsters he can summon with those spells, adds catrina to the 4th-level list, adds vanth to the 6th-level list, and adds morrigna to the 9th-level list. Also, once per day on command the wearer can use this ring to summon a nosoi, as if by the &i(){summon monster III} spell. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 3,800gp [[《魔法の指輪作成》>特技の詳細#Forge Ring]]、&i(){[[プレイナー・アライ>呪文/は行#Planar-Ally]]}または&i(){[[プレイナー・バインディング>呪文/は行#Planar-Binding]]}、作成者はいかなる属性に影響を与える要素を用いず真なる中立でなければならない ---- ***&aname(ring-of-summoning-affinity-qlippoth)リング・オヴ・サモニング・アフィニティ(クリポト)          (&link(Ring of Summoning Affinity (Qlippoth)){}/) &b(){市価} 8,600gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 5レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・召喚術[混沌、悪]  This ring has an odd, disquieting texture that always reveals greater layers of complexity the more closely it is examined. If the wearer can cast &i(){summon monster} spells, the wearer adds cythnigot to the 3rd-level list of monsters he can summon with those spells, adds shoggti to the 6th-level list, adds nyogoth to the 7th-level list, adds chernobue to the 8th-level list, and adds augnagar to the 9th-level list. Also, once per day on command the wearer can use this ring to summon a cythnigot, as if by the &i(){summon monster III} spell. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 4,300gp [[《魔法の指輪作成》>特技の詳細#Forge Ring]]、&i(){[[プレイナー・アライ>呪文/は行#Planar-Ally]]}または&i(){[[プレイナー・バインディング>呪文/は行#Planar-Binding]]}、作成者は混沌にして悪でなければならない ---- ***&aname(ring-of-vengeful-blood-magic)リング・オヴ・ヴェンジフル・ブラッド・マジック          (&link(Ring of Vengeful Blood Magic){}/) &b(){市価} 5,400gp; &b(){装備部位} 指輪; &b(){術者レベル} 11レベル; &b(){重量} ―; &b(){オーラ} 中程度・防御術  This claw ring is made of red metal tinged with orange, and a long nail made of obsidian extends from the tip. It allows its wearer to cast a spell as an attack of opportunity. Three time per day, if the wearer is bloodraging and a foe provokes an attack of opportunity from him, the wearer can cast a spell with a casting time of 1 standard action or less as the attack of opportunity. The spell must target the creature that provoked the attack or include it in the spell's area, and must be no higher than 3rd level. This counts as one of the wearer's attacks of opportunity for the round; casting this spell does not itself provoke an attack of opportunity. &b(){作成条件} &b(){コスト} 17,500gp [[《魔法の指輪作成》>特技の詳細#Forge-Ringn]]、[[《呪文高速化》>特技の詳細#Quicken Spell]]、[[《迎え討ち》>特技の詳細#Combat Reflexes]]

