

クローカー - (2009/11/08 (日) 01:27:16) の1つ前との変更点



// BEGIN_OF-cloaker.html // ORIGINAL-http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/monsters/cloaker.html // * &spanid(cloaker){クローカー} &small(){[[Cloaker>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/monsters/cloaker.html#cloaker]]} >This ray-like creature opens a toothy maw and leers with glaring red eyes. Behind it whips a menacing tail of segmented bone. イラスト/ケヴィン・ヤン *** クローカー 脅威度5 &small(){Cloaker} ''経験点:1,600'' 混沌にして中立/大型サイズの異形 ''イニシアチブ'' +7;''感覚'' 暗視60フィート;〈知覚〉+14 **** 防御 ''アーマー・クラス'' 19、接触12、立ちすくみ16(+3【敏】、+7外皮、-1サイズ) ''ヒット・ポイント'' 51(6d8+24) ''頑健'' +6、''反応'' +5、''意志'' +7 ''防御的能力'' 影操り **** 攻撃 ''移動速度'' 10フィート、飛行40フィート(標準) ''近接'' 噛みつき=+8(1d6+5)、尾の打撃=+3(1d8+2) ''接敵面'' 10フィート;''間合い'' 10フィート(噛みつきは5フィート) ''特殊攻撃'' 包み込み、うめき声 **** 一般データ ''【筋】''21、''【敏】''16、''【耐】''19、''【知】''14、''【判】''15、''【魅】''14 ''基本攻撃'' +4;''戦技ボーナス'' +10;''戦技防御'' 23(足払いされない) ''特技'' 《迎え討ち》、《イニシアチブ強化》、《技能熟練》(〈知覚〉) ''技能'' 〈変装〉+8(外套に見せかける+16)、〈飛行〉+10、〈知識:宗教〉+11、〈知覚〉+14、〈真意看破〉+8、〈隠密〉+5;''種族修正'' +8外套やシート、マンタ(オニイトマキエイ)など類似した物体やクリーチャーに見せかけるための〈変装〉 ''言語'' 地下共通語 **** 生態 ''出現環境'' 地下 ''編成'' 単体、2体、大軍(3~6)、編隊(7~12) ''宝物'' 標準 **** 特殊能力 ''包み込み(変則)'' A cloaker can try to wrap a Medium or smaller creature in its body as a standard action. The cloaker attempts a grapple that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and bites the engulfed victim with a +4 bonus on its attack roll. It can still use its whip-like tail to strike at other targets. Attacks that hit an engulfing cloaker deal half their damage to the monster and half to the trapped victim. ''うめき声(変則)'' A cloaker can emit an infrasonic moan as a standard action, with one of four effects. [恐怖]: All creatures in a 30-foot spread must save(Will negates)or become panicked for 2 rounds. Nausea: All creatures in a 30-foot cone must save(Fortitude negates)or fall prone and be nauseated for 1d4+1 rounds. Stupor: A single creature within 30 feet is affected by hold monster for 5 rounds(Will negates). 狼狽: Anyone within a 60-foot spread automatically takes a -2 penalty on attack and damage rolls. Those in the area for more than 6 consecutive rounds must save(Will negates)or enter a trance, helpless until the moaning stops. Cloakers are immune to these sonic, mind-affecting attacks. A creature that successfully saves against the cloaker's fear, nausea, or unnerve moans cannot be affected by that same moan effect from that cloaker for 24 hours. All of the save DCs against a cloaker's moan are 難易度15. セーヴ難易度は【魅力】に基づいている ''影操り(超常)'' When in dim illumination, a cloaker can manipulate shadows as a free action to create one of three effects: ブラー(1d4ラウンド持続、自身のみ)、ミラー・イメージ(術者レベル6レベル)、サイレント・イメージ(難易度15、術者レベル6レベル、セーヴ難易度は【魅力】に基づいている)。 Resembling hideously evil flying manta rays, cloakers are mysterious and paranoid creatures. A typical specimen has an 8-foot wingspan and weighs 100 pounds. A cloaker's motives are hidden and confusing, and they distrust even their own kind. Their strange shape allows them to disguise themselves as a variety of cloaks, tapestries, and other mundane objects, and stories linger of cloakers that ally with other creatures, hitching a ride on their backs and aiding in their ally's protection for their own inscrutable reasons. A rare few are priests of ancient gods, leading cults of cloakers and skum to undertake all manner of hideous rites and working toward singularly sinister goals. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

