PU > 魔法


PU/魔法 - (2017/07/19 (水) 00:24:16) の1つ前との変更点



*&aname(introduction)はじめに &small(){[[Introduction>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/unchained/magic/index.html#introduction]]}  本章では、以下の新しいルールを導入することで、魔法が抱かせる驚きの思いをより高め、魔法の有用性やデータを強化するアイテムの前提を解き放ち、より簡単にゲームで楽しめるようにする。  &b(){[[呪文発動の簡素化>PU/魔法/呪文発動の簡素化]]}:When playing a high-level spellcaster, it can be a pain to keep track of which spells you've prepared out of several dozen every time a new day dawns in the game. This system allows you to focus on preparing your most powerful spells while using a flexible pool to cast all the rest.  &b(){[[呪文の代替ルール>PU/魔法/呪文の代替ルール]]}:This section includes new rules options that alter magic in different ways: limited magic, which weakens spellcasting's free scaling ability; wild magic, which subjects the spellcaster to magical surge effects; and active spellcasting, which adds more options to keep the spellcaster involved with her spells.  &b(){[[秘奥の物質構成要素>PU/魔法/秘奥の物質構成要素]]}:Since the introduction of the spell component pouch, material components have been reduced to little more than flavor. This system brings back significance to spell components, introducing new esoteric components whose effects vary depending on the style of your campaign.  &b(){[[ボーナスの自動獲得>PU/魔法/ボーナスの自動獲得]]}:The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game assumes you have access to certain bonuses at each level. But what if you want to play a game where magic items are rare or have non-numerical effects? This system allows the PCs to gain the bonuses they need from their own inner power――no bonus-granting items are necessary.  &b(){[[アイテムより生ずるボーナス>PU/魔法/アイテムより生ずるボーナス]]}:What if you like magic items to grant bonuses but are frustrated because that makes bonus-granting items the obvious choice, narrowing your options? This system eliminates items that only grant bonuses and instead adds bonuses to all items in most slots, ensuring that the items in those slots are both flavorful and highly functional.  &b(){[[成長するアイテム>PU/魔法/成長するアイテム]]}:Sometimes an inherited weapon turns out to be more powerful than it had seemed at first, and the hero refuses to give it up even when given the option of flashier blades or when facing overwhelming foes. Scaling items are magic items that grow with your character and unlock new special abilities as she levels up. This section presents numerous examples of scaling items to add to your games.  &b(){[[魔法のアイテムの段階的作成>PU/魔法/魔法のアイテムの段階的作成]]}:In legends and stories, the process of creating a magic item requires much more than a simple roll of the dice. This system turns magic item creation into dynamic events that include the whole adventuring party and add unique flavors and attributes to the items the characters create.
*&aname(introduction)はじめに &small(){[[Introduction>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/unchained/magic/index.html#introduction]]}  本章では、以下の新しいルールを導入することで、魔法が抱かせる驚きの思いをより高め、魔法の有用性やデータを強化するアイテムの前提を解き放ち、より簡単にゲームで楽しめるようにする。  &b(){[[呪文発動の簡素化>PU/魔法/呪文発動の簡素化]]}:高レベルの呪文の使い手をプレイする際、ゲーム中、新しい夜明けのたびに幾つもの呪文を準備し記録することは苦痛かもしれない。このルールにより、最も強力な呪文を準備するのに注力し、それ以外の全てを発動するために自由に使えるプールを用いることができる。  &b(){[[呪文の代替ルール>PU/魔法/呪文の代替ルール]]}:本章では呪文を異なる形に変容させる新しい選択ルールを掲載している。限定魔法は、呪文発動の自由に規模を変化させる能力を弱める。荒乱魔法は、呪文の使い手を魔力のうねりの目標とする。そして呪文発動起動は、呪文の使い手が自分の呪文と関わり続けるさらなる選択肢を追加する。  &b(){[[秘奥の物質構成要素>PU/魔法/秘奥の物質構成要素]]}:Since the introduction of the spell component pouch, material components have been reduced to little more than flavor. This system brings back significance to spell components, introducing new esoteric components whose effects vary depending on the style of your campaign.  &b(){[[ボーナスの自動獲得>PU/魔法/ボーナスの自動獲得]]}:The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game assumes you have access to certain bonuses at each level. But what if you want to play a game where magic items are rare or have non-numerical effects? This system allows the PCs to gain the bonuses they need from their own inner power――no bonus-granting items are necessary.  &b(){[[アイテムより生ずるボーナス>PU/魔法/アイテムより生ずるボーナス]]}:What if you like magic items to grant bonuses but are frustrated because that makes bonus-granting items the obvious choice, narrowing your options? This system eliminates items that only grant bonuses and instead adds bonuses to all items in most slots, ensuring that the items in those slots are both flavorful and highly functional.  &b(){[[成長するアイテム>PU/魔法/成長するアイテム]]}:Sometimes an inherited weapon turns out to be more powerful than it had seemed at first, and the hero refuses to give it up even when given the option of flashier blades or when facing overwhelming foes. Scaling items are magic items that grow with your character and unlock new special abilities as she levels up. This section presents numerous examples of scaling items to add to your games.  &b(){[[魔法のアイテムの段階的作成>PU/魔法/魔法のアイテムの段階的作成]]}:In legends and stories, the process of creating a magic item requires much more than a simple roll of the dice. This system turns magic item creation into dynamic events that include the whole adventuring party and add unique flavors and attributes to the items the characters create.

