OA > クラス


OA/クラス - (2016/08/26 (金) 00:56:45) の1つ前との変更点



//__JOINED__// vim:ft=atwiki:fo=: // DEF-http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd=http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd // DEF-occultAdventures=occultAdventures // DEF-OA/呪文/呪文=OA/呪文/呪文 // PRDJ-OA/クラス // ORIGINAL-http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/occultAdventures/classes/index.html *&aname(occult-adventures-classes)心霊クラス &small(){&link(Occult Classes){http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/occultAdventures/classes/index.html#occult-adventures-classes}}  神への信仰や秘術系統の研究と超越したところに、精神の奇妙な領域が広がっている。そこに触れるのが念術魔法である。念術魔法を扱うクラスは先天的な精神能力でその領域に触れ、直接魔法を発動したり、元素効果を生み出したり、物体に念術エネルギーを集めたりする。これら心霊クラスに属する者達は、奇妙で隠されたものにいつの間にか惹かれていく。彼らは時間の概念を持たないアストラル界――エーテル界の霊的な荒野――とつながり、物質界の歴史には場所や物に念術の痕跡が残されている。  念術魔法は第三の魔法種別であり、秘術魔法や信仰魔法とは異なった形で機能する。念術呪文の発動に関するルールは[[念術魔法>OA/念術魔法]]の項に記載されている。心霊クラスの呪文リストには&i(){Occult Adventures}から多くの新しい呪文が掲載されており、精神のちからを見事に活かしてくれる。他のルール要素同様、これらの新呪文にはアスタリスク(*)がふきされている。 **クラス &small(){Classes}  本章では6つの新しいクラスが掲載されている。その全てが念術魔法を用いる。ほとんどの場合、彼らは念術呪文を発動するということだ。新しいクラスは以下の通り。  &b(){[[オカルティスト>OA/クラス/オカルティスト]]}:その力を使うために、オカルティストは物語に書かれたような過去を伴う古美術品や遺品といった様々な収集品に念術エネルギーを込める。装具の種類に応じて、オカルティストは異なる魔法系等を用いることができる。  &b(){[[キネティシスト>OA/クラス/キネティシスト]]}:元素とつながることで、キネティシストは念動力爆発という形でエネルギーを解き放つ。念術呪文を発動するのではなく、キネティシストは元力と呼ばれる独特の念術擬似呪文能力を用いて、元素エネルギーを操り、体得する。  &b(){[[サイキック>OA/クラス/サイキック]]}:信じられないほどの潜在力を備えた精神により、サイキックは他の心霊クラスよりもずっと強力な呪文を発動することができる。サイキックは特定の修養にもとづいて呪文を扱い、発動する際に念術呪文を加工し、強化することができる。  &b(){[[スピリチュアリスト>OA/クラス/スピリチュアリスト]]}:Attuned to the spirits of the dead, a spiritualist forms a bond with a phantom――a returned spirit that has unfinished business but did not become undead. This spectral ally can alternate between forms, emerging from the safety of the spiritualist's mind to take on an incorporeal form or an ectoplasmic body.  &b(){[[ミーディアム>OA/クラス/ミーディアム]]}:By contacting spirits in places of power, the medium allows the personalities of legendary heroes to overcome his own, vastly changing his abilities and spells. He holds seances to benefit himself and his allies.  &b(){[[メスメリスト>OA/クラス/メスメリスト]]}:A mesmerist's piercing stare lets him insinuate himself into other people's minds. A master of enchantment and illusion, the mesmerist controls and influences the behavior of others. *&aname(occult-adventures-racial-favored-class-options)種族適性クラス・オプション &small(){&link(Racial Favored Class Options){http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/occultAdventures/classes/index.html#occult-adventures-racial-favored-class-options}}  The rules below allow members of races from the &i(){Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook} to take alternate rewards when they gain a level in a favored class chosen from among the classes in this book.  Each of these rewards replaces the normal reward for having a level in a favored class (gaining 1 extra hit point or 1 extra skill rank). Unlike those general rewards, the alternate favored class options speak directly to the features of specific classes and the general tendencies of various races.  Whenever you gain a level in a favored class, you can choose which favored class option you take. Unless otherwise noted, these benefits always stack with themselves.  Many of these alternate class rewards add only 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, or 1/6 to a roll (rather than 1) each time the reward is selected, or add 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, or 1/6 to a class ability (such as adding to a mesmerist's number of mesmerist tricks per day or the total number of points in a psychic's phrenic pool). When applying such a benefit to a die roll or class ability, always round down (to a minimum of 0). You may thus need to select such an option several times before the benefit takes effect. If an alternate favored class option modifies a class feature or ability, it can't be taken before the character has that class feature or ability. For example, if a class gains a class feature at 6th level, a character couldn't take a racial favored class option that applies to that class feature until 6th level, even if the benefit from that option wouldn't be high enough to add a bonus until a later level.  Some options may have a fixed numerical limit, after which selecting that favored class reward again has no effect. In these cases, you can always select from among the standard rewards when taking a level in a favored class (gaining 1 extra hit point or 1 extra skill rank).  Abilities from favored class options that increase a character's caster level for the purpose of determining the duration of certain spells apply this increase after other effects that adjust a spell's duration, such as Extend Spell. **&aname(occult-adventures-elf-class-options)エルフ &small(){&link(Elves){http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/occultAdventures/classes/index.html#occult-adventures-elf-class-options}}  The same keen intellects and careful study elves use to explore the arcane arts also apply to their study of the occult and psychic magic. Elves who explore their own psyches typically embark on mental expeditions after thorough study of psychic phenomena. They approach their own minds deliberately, keeping detailed chronicles of what they experience both without and within. The following options are open to all elves who have the listed favored class.  &b(){オカルティスト}:Increase the occultist's total number of points of mental focus by 1/2 point.  &b(){キネティシスト}:Gain a +1/4 bonus on damage rolls that apply the kineticist's elemental overflow bonus.  &b(){サイキック}:Increase the total number of points in the psychic's phrenic pool by 1/3 point.  &b(){スピリチュアリスト}:Add 1/6 to the shield bonus granted by the 3rd-level ectoplasmic bonded manifestation ability.  &b(){ミーディアム}:Gain a +1/3 bonus on all skill checks using occult skill unlocks.  &b(){メスメリスト}:Gain a +1/2 bonus on Acrobatics checks to move through a threatened area and a +1/2 bonus on Bluff checks to feint. **&aname(occult-adventures-dwarf-class-options)ドワーフ &small(){&link(Dwarves){http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/occultAdventures/classes/index.html#occult-adventures-dwarf-class-options}}  Some dwarven communities place a social stigma on psychic abilities due to the association of such powers with their slaver cousins, the duergar. Occultists avoid this stigma by establishing a connection to the storied relics of dwarven history. Dwarven spiritualists might connect with spirits of dwarves who fell in battle, and dwarven mediums might hone their talents so they can contact the great heroes of dwarven lore. Still, the most common path for a psychic dwarf is a kineticist focusing on earth and metal wild talents. The following options are open to all dwarves who have the listed favored class.  &b(){オカルティスト}:Gain a +1/3 bonus on Appraise and Use Magic Device checks involving stone and metal objects.  &b(){キネティシスト}:Add 1/3 point of damage to earth element blasts that deal damage.  &b(){サイキック}:When casting psychic abjuration spells, add 1/2 level to the effective caster level of the spell, but only to determine the spell's duration.  &b(){スピリチュアリスト}:Add 1/6 to the shield bonus granted by the 3rd-level ectoplasmic bonded manifestation ability.  &b(){ミーディアム}:Gain a +1/2 bonus on saving throws against possession and a +1/2 bonus on saving throws to end haunt channeler, location channel, and spacious soul.  &b(){メスメリスト}:Increase painful stare's damage by 1/4 point. **&aname(occult-adventures-human-class-options)人間 &small(){&link(Humans){http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/occultAdventures/classes/index.html#occult-adventures-human-class-options}}  Lacking traditions on which to base their understanding of the occult, psychic humans often join strange cults to develop their mental talents. Others engage in private study, collecting writings of questionable veracity that cover occult topics. A large number of humans are fascinated with occult topics even if they aren't sensitive to psychic phenomena, and they can be quick to follow anyone who demonstrates even minor abilities with psychic magic. The following options are open to all humans who have the listed favored class.  &b(){オカルティスト}:Gain 1/6 of a new focus power.  &b(){キネティシスト}:Gain 1/6 of an Extra Wild Talent feat.  &b(){サイキック}:Add one spell known from the psychic spell list. This spell must be at least 1 level lower than the highest spell level the psychic can cast.  &b(){スピリチュアリスト}:Add 1 skill rank or 1 hit point to the spiritualist's phantom.  &b(){ミーディアム}:When gaining a taboo, the medium can use spirit surge without incurring influence an additional 1/4 time per day.  &b(){メスメリスト}:Increase the mesmerist's towering ego bonus by 1/3 point (to a maximum increase of +2). **&aname(occult-adventures-gnome-class-options)ノーム &small(){&link(Gnomes){http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/occultAdventures/classes/index.html#occult-adventures-gnome-class-options}}  Mental trickery comes naturally to gnomes. They're predisposed to like psychic magic, with its offbeat and obscure practices. Each type of occult class holds its own appeal for gnomes, from the kineticist's innate feel for magic to the occultist's fascination with trinkets. The following options are open to all gnomes who have the listed favored class.  &b(){オカルティスト}:Increase the duration of the occultist's minor figment by 1 minute, and increase the total concealment miss chance from the occultist's distortion resonant power by 2%. This doesn't increase the maximum miss chance.  &b(){キネティシスト}:Gain a +1/2 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive skill checks against creatures with the elemental subtype matching the kineticist's primary element.  &b(){サイキック}:Increase the total number of points in the psychic's phrenic pool by 1/3 point.  &b(){スピリチュアリスト}:Add 1/6 to the shield bonus granted to the spiritualist while under the effects of either spiritual interference or greater spiritual interference.  &b(){ミーディアム}:Gain a +1/2 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive skill checks against spirits, undead, phantoms, and creatures native to the Astral Plane.  &b(){メスメリスト}:Increase the number of mesmerist tricks the mesmerist can use per day by 1/3. **&aname(occult-adventures-half-elf-class-options)ハーフエルフ &small(){&link(Half-Elves){http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/occultAdventures/classes/index.html#occult-adventures-half-elf-class-options}}  Many half-elves have a talent for forming and reinforcing social ties, and psychic half-elves find that mentally connecting to other creatures makes this even easier. They're especially skilled at the spiritual communication required for the medium class. Half-elves who hew more closely to their elven lineage often become psychics, and those with stronger human blood might become kineticists or mesmerists. The following options are open to all half-elves who have the listed favored class.  &b(){オカルティスト}:Gain a +1/2 bonus on Spellcraft checks to identify the properties of magic items and a +1/2 bonus on Use Magic Device checks to emulate a race.  &b(){キネティシスト}:Gain a +1/4 bonus on damage rolls that apply the kineticist's elemental overflow bonus.  &b(){サイキック}:Gain 1/6 of a new phrenic amplification.  &b(){スピリチュアリスト}:Add 1 skill rank to the spiritualist's phantom.  &b(){ミーディアム}:Gain a +1/3 bonus on all skill checks using occult skill unlocks.  &b(){メスメリスト}:When casting mesmerist enchantment spells, add 1/2 to the effective caster level of the spell, but only to determine the spell's duration. **&aname(occult-adventures-half-orc-class-options)ハーフオーク &small(){&link(Half-Orcs){http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/occultAdventures/classes/index.html#occult-adventures-half-orc-class-options}}  Abilities firmly rooted in the mind might not seem like a fit for half-orcs――at least, according to the common perception of half-orcs. However, psychic abilities sometimes get handed down, typically from a human parent. When orc blood contributes psychic talent, it usually manifests as kineticist abilities. The following options are open to all half-orcs who have the listed favored class.  &b(){オカルティスト}:Deal an additional 1/2 point of damage with focus powers.  &b(){キネティシスト}:Add 1/3 point of fire damage to fire-element blasts that deal fire damage.  &b(){サイキック}:Gain a +1 bonus on concentration checks required because of taking damage while casting spells from the psychic class.  &b(){スピリチュアリスト}:Add 1 hit point to the spiritualist's phantom.  &b(){ミーディアム}:When gaining a taboo, the medium can use spirit surge without incurring influence an additional 1/4 time per day.  &b(){メスメリスト}:Increase the mesmerist's bonus damage from painful stare by 1/2 point. **&aname(occult-adventures-halfling-class-options)ハーフリング &small(){&link(Halflings){http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/occultAdventures/classes/index.html#occult-adventures-halfling-class-options}}  It's a common belief that halflings get out of scrapes because of their good fortune, but for some, "halfling luck" is really a reflection of psychic talent. Many develop this ability into something greater to compensate for their small stature, and become particularly adept at influencing or manipulating people. The following options are open to all halflings who have the listed favored class.  &b(){オカルティスト}:Add 1/2 point of mental focus per day.  &b(){キネティシスト}:Increase the capacity of the kineticist's internal buffer by 1/6 point.  &b(){サイキック}:The psychic treats her Charisma bonus as 1/3 point higher for the purpose of determining the number of uses or rounds per day of her discipline powers.  &b(){スピリチュアリスト}:Add 1/4 to the number of rounds that the spiritualist's incorporeal phantom can be out of sight and line of effect before being sent back to the Ethereal Plane.  &b(){ミーディアム}:Increase the bonus the medium gains from its seance boon by 1/3 point. This doesn't increase the bonus allies gain from shared seance.  &b(){メスメリスト}:Increase the number of mesmerist tricks the mesmerist can use per day by 1/3.
//__JOINED__// vim:ft=atwiki:fo=: // DEF-http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd=http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd // DEF-occultAdventures=occultAdventures // DEF-OA/呪文/呪文=OA/呪文/呪文 // PRDJ-OA/クラス // ORIGINAL-http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/occultAdventures/classes/index.html *&aname(occult-adventures-classes)心霊クラス &small(){&link(Occult Classes){http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/occultAdventures/classes/index.html#occult-adventures-classes}}  神への信仰や秘術系統の研究と超越したところに、精神の奇妙な領域が広がっている。そこに触れるのが念術魔法である。念術魔法を扱うクラスは先天的な精神能力でその領域に触れ、直接魔法を発動したり、元素効果を生み出したり、物体に念術エネルギーを集めたりする。これら心霊クラスに属する者達は、奇妙で隠されたものにいつの間にか惹かれていく。彼らは時間の概念を持たないアストラル界――エーテル界の霊的な荒野――とつながり、物質界の歴史には場所や物に念術の痕跡が残されている。  念術魔法は第三の魔法種別であり、秘術魔法や信仰魔法とは異なった形で機能する。念術呪文の発動に関するルールは[[念術魔法>OA/念術魔法]]の項に記載されている。心霊クラスの呪文リストには&i(){Occult Adventures}から多くの新しい呪文が掲載されており、精神のちからを見事に活かしてくれる。他のルール要素同様、これらの新呪文にはアスタリスク(*)がふきされている。 **クラス &small(){Classes}  本章では6つの新しいクラスが掲載されている。その全てが念術魔法を用いる。ほとんどの場合、彼らは念術呪文を発動するということだ。新しいクラスは以下の通り。  &b(){[[オカルティスト>OA/クラス/オカルティスト]]}:その力を使うために、オカルティストは物語に書かれたような過去を伴う古美術品や遺品といった様々な収集品に念術エネルギーを込める。装具の種類に応じて、オカルティストは異なる魔法系等を用いることができる。  &b(){[[キネティシスト>OA/クラス/キネティシスト]]}:元素とつながることで、キネティシストは念動力爆発という形でエネルギーを解き放つ。念術呪文を発動するのではなく、キネティシストは元力と呼ばれる独特の念術擬似呪文能力を用いて、元素エネルギーを操り、体得する。  &b(){[[サイキック>OA/クラス/サイキック]]}:信じられないほどの潜在力を備えた精神により、サイキックは他の心霊クラスよりもずっと強力な呪文を発動することができる。サイキックは特定の修養にもとづいて呪文を扱い、発動する際に念術呪文を加工し、強化することができる。  &b(){[[スピリチュアリスト>OA/クラス/スピリチュアリスト]]}:スピリチュアリストは死者の霊と波長が合った存在であり、守護霊――やり残したことがあるが[[アンデッド>クリーチャー種別#type-undead]]にはなっていない、舞い戻った霊――との絆を結ぶ。この霊の仲間はスピリチュアリストの精神という安全地帯から出てきて、非実体形態あるいは心霊体へと姿を変えることができる。  &b(){[[ミーディアム>OA/クラス/ミーディアム]]}:力ある場所で霊とつながることで、ミーディアムは伝背悦の英雄その人の力を借りて、自分自身と大きく異なる能力と呪文を手に入れる。ミーディアムは自分と仲間に利益を与えるため、降霊会を開く。  &b(){[[メスメリスト>OA/クラス/メスメリスト]]}:メスメリストの鋭い視線は、自分を他人の心に植え付ける。メスメリストは心術と幻術の達人であり、他人を操り行動に影響を与える。 *&aname(occult-adventures-racial-favored-class-options)種族適性クラス・オプション &small(){&link(Racial Favored Class Options){http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/occultAdventures/classes/index.html#occult-adventures-racial-favored-class-options}}  以下に示すルールは、&i(){Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook}に掲載された種族に、本書に掲載されたクラスを適性クラスとして選択してレベルを得た際に得られる、代替的な利益である。  利益のそれぞれは、適性クラスのレベルを得ることで得られる通常の利益(追加で1ヒット・ポイントもしくは1技能ランクを得ること)を置き換える。通常の利益とは異なり、この置き換えられた適性クラス・オプションは特定のクラスの特徴と、様々な種族が持つ一般的な傾向に直接言及している。  適性クラスのレベルを得るたび、どの適性クラス・オプションを選択するかを選択することができる。特記無い限り、それぞれの利益は互いに累積する。  代替クラスの多くはその奥ションを選択するたびに(1ではなく)ほんの1/2、1/3、1/4、1/6しかロールに加えなかったり、クラス能力(メスメリストの技の1日の使用回数や、サイキックの内的蓄積の総数など)に1/2、1/3、1/4、1/6を加えたりする。ダイス・ロールやクラス能力に及ぼすこれらの利益は常に切り捨てられる(最低0)。そのため、君は利益を実際に得るまでに、何度もこのようなオプションを選択する必要がある。代替適性クラス・オプションがクラス特徴や能力を修正する場合、キャラクターがそのクラス特徴や能力を手に入れるまではそれらの適性クラス・オプションを選択することはできない。例えば、あるクラスがあるクラス特徴を6レベルの時点で得るなら、その種族適性クラス・オプションは6レベルになってそのクラス特徴が適用されるまで選択することはできない(例え、後のレベルになるまで実際にボーナスを得られないとしても)。  取得回数に固定の上限があるオプションもあり、そのような適性クラス・オプションを以降取得しても何の効果もない。その場合、君は常に標準の報酬(追加で1ヒット・ポイントもしくは1技能ランクを得ること)を選択することになるだろう。  適性クラス・オプションによる能力が特定の呪文の持続時間を決定する際にキャラクターの術者レベルを増加させる場合、《呪文持続時間延長》のような呪文の持続時間を変化させる他の効果が適用した後に、この増加は適用される。 **&aname(occult-adventures-elf-class-options)エルフ &small(){&link(Elves){http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/occultAdventures/classes/index.html#occult-adventures-elf-class-options}}  The same keen intellects and careful study elves use to explore the arcane arts also apply to their study of the occult and psychic magic. Elves who explore their own psyches typically embark on mental expeditions after thorough study of psychic phenomena. They approach their own minds deliberately, keeping detailed chronicles of what they experience both without and within. The following options are open to all elves who have the listed favored class.  &b(){オカルティスト}:Increase the occultist's total number of points of mental focus by 1/2 point.  &b(){キネティシスト}:Gain a +1/4 bonus on damage rolls that apply the kineticist's elemental overflow bonus.  &b(){サイキック}:Increase the total number of points in the psychic's phrenic pool by 1/3 point.  &b(){スピリチュアリスト}:Add 1/6 to the shield bonus granted by the 3rd-level ectoplasmic bonded manifestation ability.  &b(){ミーディアム}:Gain a +1/3 bonus on all skill checks using occult skill unlocks.  &b(){メスメリスト}:Gain a +1/2 bonus on Acrobatics checks to move through a threatened area and a +1/2 bonus on Bluff checks to feint. **&aname(occult-adventures-dwarf-class-options)ドワーフ &small(){&link(Dwarves){http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/occultAdventures/classes/index.html#occult-adventures-dwarf-class-options}}  Some dwarven communities place a social stigma on psychic abilities due to the association of such powers with their slaver cousins, the duergar. Occultists avoid this stigma by establishing a connection to the storied relics of dwarven history. Dwarven spiritualists might connect with spirits of dwarves who fell in battle, and dwarven mediums might hone their talents so they can contact the great heroes of dwarven lore. Still, the most common path for a psychic dwarf is a kineticist focusing on earth and metal wild talents. The following options are open to all dwarves who have the listed favored class.  &b(){オカルティスト}:Gain a +1/3 bonus on Appraise and Use Magic Device checks involving stone and metal objects.  &b(){キネティシスト}:Add 1/3 point of damage to earth element blasts that deal damage.  &b(){サイキック}:When casting psychic abjuration spells, add 1/2 level to the effective caster level of the spell, but only to determine the spell's duration.  &b(){スピリチュアリスト}:Add 1/6 to the shield bonus granted by the 3rd-level ectoplasmic bonded manifestation ability.  &b(){ミーディアム}:Gain a +1/2 bonus on saving throws against possession and a +1/2 bonus on saving throws to end haunt channeler, location channel, and spacious soul.  &b(){メスメリスト}:Increase painful stare's damage by 1/4 point. **&aname(occult-adventures-human-class-options)人間 &small(){&link(Humans){http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/occultAdventures/classes/index.html#occult-adventures-human-class-options}}  Lacking traditions on which to base their understanding of the occult, psychic humans often join strange cults to develop their mental talents. Others engage in private study, collecting writings of questionable veracity that cover occult topics. A large number of humans are fascinated with occult topics even if they aren't sensitive to psychic phenomena, and they can be quick to follow anyone who demonstrates even minor abilities with psychic magic. The following options are open to all humans who have the listed favored class.  &b(){オカルティスト}:Gain 1/6 of a new focus power.  &b(){キネティシスト}:Gain 1/6 of an Extra Wild Talent feat.  &b(){サイキック}:Add one spell known from the psychic spell list. This spell must be at least 1 level lower than the highest spell level the psychic can cast.  &b(){スピリチュアリスト}:Add 1 skill rank or 1 hit point to the spiritualist's phantom.  &b(){ミーディアム}:When gaining a taboo, the medium can use spirit surge without incurring influence an additional 1/4 time per day.  &b(){メスメリスト}:Increase the mesmerist's towering ego bonus by 1/3 point (to a maximum increase of +2). **&aname(occult-adventures-gnome-class-options)ノーム &small(){&link(Gnomes){http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/occultAdventures/classes/index.html#occult-adventures-gnome-class-options}}  Mental trickery comes naturally to gnomes. They're predisposed to like psychic magic, with its offbeat and obscure practices. Each type of occult class holds its own appeal for gnomes, from the kineticist's innate feel for magic to the occultist's fascination with trinkets. The following options are open to all gnomes who have the listed favored class.  &b(){オカルティスト}:Increase the duration of the occultist's minor figment by 1 minute, and increase the total concealment miss chance from the occultist's distortion resonant power by 2%. This doesn't increase the maximum miss chance.  &b(){キネティシスト}:Gain a +1/2 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive skill checks against creatures with the elemental subtype matching the kineticist's primary element.  &b(){サイキック}:Increase the total number of points in the psychic's phrenic pool by 1/3 point.  &b(){スピリチュアリスト}:Add 1/6 to the shield bonus granted to the spiritualist while under the effects of either spiritual interference or greater spiritual interference.  &b(){ミーディアム}:Gain a +1/2 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive skill checks against spirits, undead, phantoms, and creatures native to the Astral Plane.  &b(){メスメリスト}:Increase the number of mesmerist tricks the mesmerist can use per day by 1/3. **&aname(occult-adventures-half-elf-class-options)ハーフエルフ &small(){&link(Half-Elves){http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/occultAdventures/classes/index.html#occult-adventures-half-elf-class-options}}  Many half-elves have a talent for forming and reinforcing social ties, and psychic half-elves find that mentally connecting to other creatures makes this even easier. They're especially skilled at the spiritual communication required for the medium class. Half-elves who hew more closely to their elven lineage often become psychics, and those with stronger human blood might become kineticists or mesmerists. The following options are open to all half-elves who have the listed favored class.  &b(){オカルティスト}:Gain a +1/2 bonus on Spellcraft checks to identify the properties of magic items and a +1/2 bonus on Use Magic Device checks to emulate a race.  &b(){キネティシスト}:Gain a +1/4 bonus on damage rolls that apply the kineticist's elemental overflow bonus.  &b(){サイキック}:Gain 1/6 of a new phrenic amplification.  &b(){スピリチュアリスト}:Add 1 skill rank to the spiritualist's phantom.  &b(){ミーディアム}:Gain a +1/3 bonus on all skill checks using occult skill unlocks.  &b(){メスメリスト}:When casting mesmerist enchantment spells, add 1/2 to the effective caster level of the spell, but only to determine the spell's duration. **&aname(occult-adventures-half-orc-class-options)ハーフオーク &small(){&link(Half-Orcs){http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/occultAdventures/classes/index.html#occult-adventures-half-orc-class-options}}  Abilities firmly rooted in the mind might not seem like a fit for half-orcs――at least, according to the common perception of half-orcs. However, psychic abilities sometimes get handed down, typically from a human parent. When orc blood contributes psychic talent, it usually manifests as kineticist abilities. The following options are open to all half-orcs who have the listed favored class.  &b(){オカルティスト}:Deal an additional 1/2 point of damage with focus powers.  &b(){キネティシスト}:Add 1/3 point of fire damage to fire-element blasts that deal fire damage.  &b(){サイキック}:Gain a +1 bonus on concentration checks required because of taking damage while casting spells from the psychic class.  &b(){スピリチュアリスト}:Add 1 hit point to the spiritualist's phantom.  &b(){ミーディアム}:When gaining a taboo, the medium can use spirit surge without incurring influence an additional 1/4 time per day.  &b(){メスメリスト}:Increase the mesmerist's bonus damage from painful stare by 1/2 point. **&aname(occult-adventures-halfling-class-options)ハーフリング &small(){&link(Halflings){http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/occultAdventures/classes/index.html#occult-adventures-halfling-class-options}}  It's a common belief that halflings get out of scrapes because of their good fortune, but for some, "halfling luck" is really a reflection of psychic talent. Many develop this ability into something greater to compensate for their small stature, and become particularly adept at influencing or manipulating people. The following options are open to all halflings who have the listed favored class.  &b(){オカルティスト}:Add 1/2 point of mental focus per day.  &b(){キネティシスト}:Increase the capacity of the kineticist's internal buffer by 1/6 point.  &b(){サイキック}:The psychic treats her Charisma bonus as 1/3 point higher for the purpose of determining the number of uses or rounds per day of her discipline powers.  &b(){スピリチュアリスト}:Add 1/4 to the number of rounds that the spiritualist's incorporeal phantom can be out of sight and line of effect before being sent back to the Ethereal Plane.  &b(){ミーディアム}:Increase the bonus the medium gains from its seance boon by 1/3 point. This doesn't increase the bonus allies gain from shared seance.  &b(){メスメリスト}:Increase the number of mesmerist tricks the mesmerist can use per day by 1/3.

