B5 > ターマイト


B5/ターマイト - (2016/11/20 (日) 00:20:45) の1つ前との変更点



*&aname(termite-giant)ターマイト:ジャイアント・ターマイト &small(){[[Termite, Giant>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary5/termiteGiant.html#termite-giant]]} >This pony-sized insect has long black mandibles and a banded abdomen of white. ***ジャイアント・ターマイト(巨大シロアリ) 脅威度3 &small(){Giant Termite CR 3} &b(){経験点800} N/中型サイズの蟲 &b(){イニシアチブ} +0; &b(){感覚} 暗視60フィート、鋭敏嗅覚、振動感知60フィート;〈知覚〉+1 ****防御 &b(){AC} 15、接触10、立ちすくみ15(+5外皮) &b(){hp} 32(5d8+10) &b(){頑健} +6、&b(){反応} +1、&b(){意志} +2 &b(){完全耐性} [病気]、[精神作用]効果; &b(){抵抗} [酸]5 ****攻撃 &b(){移動速度} 30フィート、穴掘り20フィート &b(){近接} 噛みつき=+6(1d8+4、加えて1d6[酸]) &b(){特殊攻撃} かじりつき、群がり ****一般データ &b(){【筋】}17、&b(){【敏】}11、&b(){【耐】}14、&b(){【知】}―、&b(){【判】}12、&b(){【魅】}7 &b(){基本攻撃} +3; &b(){CMB} +6; &b(){CMD} 16 ****生態 &b(){出現環境} 暑熱/森林、平地、または地下 &b(){編成} 単体、2体、巣(3~9)、または共棲集団(10~60) &b(){宝物} なし ****特殊能力  &b(){かじりつき(変則)/Gnaw} Giant termites can burrow through earth and wood but not stone or metal. Their natural attacks and acid ignore hardness of 5 or less.  &b(){群がり(変則)/Swarming} Two giant termites can share the same space without penalty, and if both attack the same creature they are considered to be flanking that foe. Giant termites take no damage from termite swarms.  Giant termites are social, burrowing insects that create immense earthen mounds the size of cathedrals to house their large colonies. The colony splits into small groups to take on various tasks, like hunting food or collecting dirt and clay to expand the colony's mound. They are destructive pests, consuming plant matter and destroying wooden structures, but they consume meat as well if creatures interfere with their cycle of demolition and construction. Termites also use their acid to render animals into glue to reinforce the mound.
*&aname(termite-giant)ターマイト:ジャイアント・ターマイト &small(){[[Termite, Giant>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary5/termiteGiant.html#termite-giant]]} >This pony-sized insect has long black mandibles and a banded abdomen of white. ***ジャイアント・ターマイト(巨大シロアリ) 脅威度3 &small(){Giant Termite CR 3} &b(){経験点800} N/中型サイズの蟲 &b(){イニシアチブ} +0; &b(){感覚} 暗視60フィート、鋭敏嗅覚、振動感知60フィート;〈知覚〉+1 ****防御 &b(){AC} 15、接触10、立ちすくみ15(+5外皮) &b(){hp} 32(5d8+10) &b(){頑健} +6、&b(){反応} +1、&b(){意志} +2 &b(){完全耐性} [精神作用]効果、[病気]; &b(){抵抗} [酸]5 ****攻撃 &b(){移動速度} 30フィート、穴掘り20フィート &b(){近接} 噛みつき=+6(1d8+4、加えて1d6[酸]) &b(){特殊攻撃} かじりつき、群がり ****一般データ &b(){【筋】}17、&b(){【敏】}11、&b(){【耐】}14、&b(){【知】}―、&b(){【判】}12、&b(){【魅】}7 &b(){基本攻撃} +3; &b(){CMB} +6; &b(){CMD} 16 ****生態 &b(){出現環境} 暑熱/森林、平地、または地下 &b(){編成} 単体、2体、巣(3~9)、または共棲集団(10~60) &b(){宝物} なし ****特殊能力  &b(){かじりつき(変則)/Gnaw} Giant termites can burrow through earth and wood but not stone or metal. Their natural attacks and acid ignore hardness of 5 or less.  &b(){群がり(変則)/Swarming} Two giant termites can share the same space without penalty, and if both attack the same creature they are considered to be flanking that foe. Giant termites take no damage from termite swarms.  Giant termites are social, burrowing insects that create immense earthen mounds the size of cathedrals to house their large colonies. The colony splits into small groups to take on various tasks, like hunting food or collecting dirt and clay to expand the colony's mound. They are destructive pests, consuming plant matter and destroying wooden structures, but they consume meat as well if creatures interfere with their cycle of demolition and construction. Termites also use their acid to render animals into glue to reinforce the mound.

