HA > ホラー・ルール


HA/ホラー・ルール - (2020/03/22 (日) 21:37:57) の1つ前との変更点



*ホラー・ルール &small(){[[Horror Rules>http://aonprd.com/Rules.aspx?Name=Horror+Rules&Category=Gamemastering]]} &b(){出典} &i(){[[Horror Adventures 8ページ>http://paizo.com/products/btpy9n5a?Pathfinder-Roleplaying-Game-Horror-Adventures]]} The elements of a horror game might be gruesome, dreary, unnatural, or frightful, but they have the biggest impact if the players aren't quite expecting them. The rules in this chapter support some tried-and-true elements of horror that need new rules elements to be fully realized for a horror campaign. Though these rules are a good start for a GM running a horror campaign, it is equally important to set the right tone with how they're used. #center{&b(){呪い  病気  環境  フレッシュウォープ化  霊障  狂気}} *&aname(other-horror-rules)その他のホラー・ルール &small(){Other Horror Rules} &i(){Horror Adventures} teems with systems, tools, and guidance for running horror-themed games, but it's not the first Pathfinder RPG book to touch on that territory. The rules and systems from numerous other sources fit well in horror-themed campaigns. The list below points toward relevant sections of these sources, and mentions which ones link with systems within this book when applicable. ・&b(){Core Rulebook}・Cursed Items ・Curses and Diseases (related to Horrific Diseases) ・&b(){GameMastery Guide}・Planar (describes many planes suitable for extraplanar horror games) ・〉Haunts ・Sanity and Madness ・&b(){Occult Adventures}・Possession ・Occult Rituals ・New Haunt Rules and New Haunts ・Mindscapes (related to Nightmare Dreamscapes) ・Esoteric Planes (notably includes the Dimension of Dreams) ・&b(){Ultimate Campaign}・Alignment ・&b(){Ultimate Magic}・Binding Outsiders

