NPCギャラリー > 路地


NPCギャラリー/路地 - (2011/01/08 (土) 13:26:24) の1つ前との変更点



* &spanid(street){路地} &small(){[[Street>]]} Beyond castle walls and the regularly patrolled paths of the elite run the muddy walks of the common folk, where the desperate people of the street scrape what lives they can from debris and dust. Some criminals, some hopeless castoffs, some unlucky, broken, or crazed, these are the true inhabitants of cities and those most knowledgeable of its people, ways, and secrets. Often viewed as dangerous and deceitful, these desperate folks merely do what they must to survive, denied the luxuries of honor or pride in the daily fight for survival. Charity, compassion, and a few coins often goes far with those forced to make their living off the streets, and while many exploit such a simple truth, others might win a devoted ally or informant. *** &spanid(beggar-cr-1){乞食 脅威度1} &small(){[[Beggar>]]} ''経験点 400'' 人間のコモナー1/ローグ1 N/中型サイズの人型生物 ''イニシアチブ'' +3;''感覚'' 〈知覚〉+6 **** 防御 ''AC'' 13、接触13、立ちすくみ10(+3【敏】) ''hp'' 13(2HD;1d8+1d6+5) ''頑健'' +2、''反応'' +5、''意志'' +1 **** 攻撃 ''移動速度'' 30フィート ''近接'' クラブ+1(1d6+1) ''遠隔'' クラブ+3(1d6+1) ''特殊攻撃'' 急所攻撃+1d6 **** 一般データ ''【筋】'' 13、''【敏】'' 17、''【耐】'' 14、''【知】'' 10、''【判】'' 12、''【魅】'' 8 ''基本攻撃'' +0;''CMB'' +1;''CMD'' 14 ''特技'' 《持久力》、《技能熟練:生存》 ''技能'' 〈登攀〉+6、〈知識:地域〉+5、〈知覚〉+6、〈手先の早業〉+8、〈隠密〉+8、〈生存〉+6 ''言語'' 共通語 ''その他の特殊能力'' 罠探し+1 ''装備'' クラブ、乞食のお椀 ''恩恵'' A beggar can watch a particular location or person in their city or town for 1 day and report back to the PC on what they observed. Beggars are the homeless and hopeless wretches that eke out a meager existence at the fringes of society in cities and towns. Some are once farmers, craftsmen, or other working folk stricken blind or lame, while others are orphans from birth, subsisting on alms and charity so long they have known nothing else. Beggars can serve as apprentice thieves and pickpockets (and not a few beggars supplement their begging this way). They might also be used as urchins, link boys, the inhabitants of a leper colony, or even cultists of a dark god of disease, thievery, or murder. Exchanging a beggar's Skill Focus (Survival) with Skill Focus (Sleight of Hand) or Skill Focus (Stealth) creates a better pickpocket or thief. Replacing Endurance with Weapon Finesse, as well as adding some light armor or an additional weapon, makes a beggar more effective in combat, as does replacing both of a beggar's feats with Dodge and Mobility. A beggar might be accompanied by a village idiot (CR 2), or may team up with a street thug or a pair of pickpockets (CR 3). A pair of beggars may also trail after a dealer or pilgrim (CR 5), or work with a troupe of four wanderers (CR 7). Beggars working as thieves or pickpockets might form gangs of six (CR 6), while four thieving beggars might add their skills to a gang of eight bandits (CR 7). *** &spanid(prostitute-cr-1){売春婦 脅威度1} &small(){[[Prostitute>]]} ''経験点 400'' 人間のエキスパート1/ローグ1 N/中型サイズの人型生物 ''イニシアチブ'' +2;''感覚'' 〈知覚〉+5 **** 防御 ''AC'' 12、接触12、立ちすくみ10(+2【敏】) ''hp'' 11(2d8+2) ''頑健'' +1、''反応'' +4、''意志'' +2 **** 攻撃 ''移動速度'' 30フィート ''近接'' ダガー-1(1d4-1/19-20)または サップ-1(1d6-1非致傷) ''遠隔'' ダガー+2(1d4-1/19-20) ''特殊攻撃'' 急所攻撃+1d6 **** 一般データ ''【筋】'' 8、''【敏】'' 14、''【耐】'' 13、''【知】'' 12、''【判】'' 10、''【魅】'' 17 ''基本攻撃'' +0;''CMB'' -1;''CMD'' 11 ''特技'' 《欺きの名人》、《技能熟練:職能:高級娼婦》 ''技能'' 〈軽業〉+6、〈はったり〉+10、〈交渉〉+8、〈変装〉+11、〈知識:地域〉+5、〈知覚〉+5、〈芸能:演芸〉+8、〈芸能:舞踏〉+8、〈職能:高級娼婦〉+8、〈真意看破〉+5、〈手先の早業〉+7 ''言語'' 共通語、エルフ語 ''その他の特殊能力'' 罠探し+1 ''装備'' ダガー、サップ、エリクサー・オヴ・ラヴ、変装用具 ''恩恵'' A prostitute can set up a meeting with a current or former client. Because the PCs know of the client's connection to the prostitute, they suffer a -2 penalty on Diplomacy checks with that person, but gain a +2 bonus on Intimidate and Sense Motive checks. Prostitutes are workers for hire in the field of love. From cheap trollops to brazen strumpets, saucy tarts to haughty courtesans, they work the streets and backroom brothels of cities and towns, tending to the wants, needs, and dark desires of their clients, often in elaborate costume and makeup for erotic roleplay. Most prostitutes have at least a little larceny in their hearts, however, and those who procure their services would be well advised to keep a close eye on their purses. Prostitutes could be used as members of a harem or an actors' troupe. A prostitute might also be a noble's or wealthy businessman's mistress, or even a barmaid looking to make a little money on the side. Prostitutes also make good low-level spies or undercover agents. A dealer might serve as pimp for a group of four prostitutes (CR 6), or eight prostitutes might be performers in a minstrel's show (CR 8). A harem of six prostitutes is usually guarded by a eunuch slaver (CR 7). A barkeep might have a prostitute on his staff, along with two barmaids (CR 5), or a prostitute may be found in the company of a pair of noble scions (CR 5). *** &spanid(dealer-cr-3){売人 脅威度3} &small(){[[Dealer>]]} ''経験点 800'' 人間のエキスパート1/ローグ3 N/中型サイズの人型生物 ''イニシアチブ'' +2;''感覚'' 〈知覚〉+6 **** 防御 ''AC'' 14、接触12、立ちすくみ12(+2鎧、+2【敏】) ''hp'' 22(4d8+4) ''頑健'' +2、''反応'' +5、''意志'' +2 ''防御能力'' 身かわし、罠感知+1 **** 攻撃 ''移動速度'' 30フィート ''近接'' 高品質のダガー+5(1d4+1/19-20)または 高品質のサップ+5(1d6+1非致傷) ''遠隔'' 高品質のハンド・クロスボウ+5(1d4/19-20) ''特殊攻撃'' 急所攻撃+2d6 **** 一般データ ''【筋】'' 12、''【敏】'' 15、''【耐】'' 12、''【知】'' 14、''【判】'' 8、''【魅】'' 14 ''基本攻撃'' +2;''CMB'' +3;''CMD'' 15 ''特技'' 《欺きの名人》、《早抜き》、《技能熟練:製作:錬金術》、《武器の妙技》 ''技能'' 〈鑑定〉+6、〈はったり〉+11、〈製作:錬金術〉+12、〈装置無力化〉+6、〈変装〉+12、〈脱出術〉+9、〈威圧〉+9、〈知識:地域〉+9、〈知覚〉+6、〈職能:薬草商〉+6、〈真意看破〉+6、〈手先の早業〉+9、〈隠密〉+9 ''言語'' 共通語、ハーフリング語、オーク語 ''その他の特殊能力'' ローグの技(ローグの妙技)、罠探し+1 ''戦闘装備'' アカネグサの毒(2服)、ダギットのオイル(2服)、縞模様のキノコ・ポイズン(2服);''その他の装備'' レザー・アーマー、高品質のハンド・クロスボウとボルト10本、高品質のダガー、サップ、錬金術実験道具、変装用具、盗賊道具 ''恩恵'' A dealer can provide alchemical substances or poisons costing less than 500 gp at a 10% discount. He can also arrange for PCs to meet a more powerful crime boss or to plant illicit substances on a person or place. Dealers are purveyors of drugs, toxins, poisons, and all manner of proscribed and questionable alchemical substances. Operating from hidden laboratories and kitchens, they import and concoct their wares to rule the streets through the power of their sweet seduction. (See Drugs and Addiction for a variety of drugs dealers might push.) Dealers can be used as low-level poisoners and assassins, traveling charlatans or snake-oil salesmen, or even semi-honest alchemists, apothecaries, and street physicians. A corrupt dealer may work together with a slaver and two prostitutes to lure and kidnap victims (CR 6) or run a gang of four beggars and four pickpockets (CR 7). A dealer might partner with an unscrupulous shopkeep (CR 4) or sleazy barkeep (CR 5), or may be engaged in illicit business with a noble scion (CR 5). A dealer might also be accompanied by two street thugs for protection (CR 5). An honest dealer might be apprenticed to a hedge wizard (CR 5). ------------------------------------------------------------------------

