PRD外 > 武器


PRD外/武器 - (2010/11/19 (金) 20:28:04) の最新版との変更点



*表:武器 |&bold(){単純武器}|&bold(){価格}|&bold(){ダメージ(S)}|&bold(){ダメージ(M)}|&bold(){クリティカル}|&bold(){射程単位}|&bold(){重量}&small(){1}|&bold(){タイプ}&small(){2}|&bold(){特殊}|&bold(){出展}| |>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|素手攻撃| |-|||||||||| |>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|軽い近接武器| |ハンボー|1gp|1d4|1d6|x2|—|2ポンド|殴打|モンク、足払い|AA| |>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|片手近接武器| |メール・クラブ|2gp|1d3|1d4|x2|—|2ポンド|殴打or刺突|—|AA| |>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|両手近接武器| |バヨネット|5gp|1d4|1d6|x2|—|1ポンド|刺突|—|AA| |>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|遠隔武器| |スティングチャック|—|1d3|1d4|x2|10フィート|9ポンド|殴打|解説参照|AA| |ブリット、グローニング(10)|2gp|—|—|—|—|5ポンド|—|解説参照|AA| |ブリット、スモーク(10)|100gp|-|-|-|-|5ポンド|-|解説参照|PFCS| |ボルト、アシッド(1)|40gp|-|-|-|-|0.1ポンド|-|解説参照|PF#15| |ボルト、ドロウ・ポイズン(1)|100gp|-|-|-|-|0.1ポンド|-|解説参照|PF#15| |ボルト、ファイア(1)|50gp|-|-|-|-|0.1ポンド|-|解説参照|PF#15| |>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|| |&bold(){軍用武器}|&bold(){価格}|&bold(){ダメージ(S)}|&bold(){ダメージ(M)}|&bold(){クリティカル}|&bold(){射程単位}}|&bold(){重量}&small(){1}|&bold(){タイプ}&small(){2}|&bold(){特殊}|&bold(){出展}| |>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|軽い近接武器| |ウォー・レザー|8gp|1d3|1d4|19-20/x2|—|1ポンド|斬撃|—|AA| |スイッチブレード・ナイフ|5gp|1d3|1d4|19-20/x2|10フィート|1ポンド|刺突|—|AA| |ドッグスライサー|8gp|1d4|1d6|19-20/x2|—|1ポンド|斬撃|—|AA| |ブレード・ブーツ|25gp|1d3|1d4|x2|—|2ポンド|刺突|解説参照|AA| |>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|片手近接武器| |クラール|12gp|1d4|1d6|x2|—|6ポンド|斬撃|—|AA| |コンバット・スカバード(研磨)|10gp|1d4|1d6|18-20/x2|—|1ポンド|斬撃|解説参照|AA| |シゾール|20gp|1d8|1d10|x2|—|3ポンド|刺突|—|AA| |テルビーチェ|5gp|1d6|1d8|19-20/x2|—|2ポンド|斬撃|—|AA| |鋼鉄製テルビーチェ|20gp|1d6|1d8|19-20/x2|—|4ポンド|斬撃|—|AA| |>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|両手近接武器| |アース・ブレイカー|40gp|1d10|2d6|x3|—|14ポンド|殴打|—|AA| |オーガ・フック|24gp|1d8|1d10|x3|—|10ポンド|刺突|足払い|AA| |シリンジ・スピア|100gp|1d6|1d8|x3|20フィート|6ポンド|刺突|待機、解説参照|AA| |ピックアックス|14gp|1d6|1d8|x4|—|12ポンド|刺突|-|PF#14| |ホースチョッパー|10gp|1d8|1d10|x3|—|12ポンド|刺突または斬撃|—|RoRL| |>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|遠隔武器| |アロー、シッスル(1)|1gp|—|—|—|—|0.15ポンド|刺突|解説参照|AA| |アロー、スプリントクラウド(20)|25gp|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|PFC:Elves| |アロー、スロー・バーン(20)|150gp|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|PFC:Elves| |アロー、ダイ(20)|1gp|-|-|-|-|4ポンド|-|解説参照|PFC:Elves| |アロー、タングルフット(20)|20gp|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|PFC:Elves| |アロー、デュラブル(20)|1gp|?|?|?|?|?|?|解説参照|PFC:Elves| |アロー、トリップ(20)|25gp|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|PFC:Elves| |アロー、フェロモン(20)|15gp|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|PFC:Elves| |アロー、ブリーディング(1)|360gp|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|PFC:Elves| |アロー、ホイッスリング(20)|10gp|—|—|—|—|2ポンド|刺突|解説参照|AA| |アロー、ライニング(20)|30gp|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|PFC:Elves| |アロー、ロードストーン(20)|10gp|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|PFC:Elves| |フンガ・ムンガ|4gp|1d4|1d6|x2|15フィート|3ポンド|刺突|—|AA| |>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|| |&bold(){特殊武器}|&bold(){価格}|&bold(){ダメージ(S)}|&bold(){ダメージ(M)}|&bold(){クリティカル}|&bold(){射程単位}}|&bold(){重量}&small(){1}|&bold(){タイプ}&small(){2}|&bold(){特殊}|&bold(){出展}| |>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|軽い近接武器| |アキュリス|5gp|1d4|1d6|x2|20フィート|2ポンド|殴打|足払い|AA| |シカ|10gp|1d4|1d6|x2|—|3ポンド|斬撃|—|AA| |ソートゥース・サーベル|35gp|1d6|1d8|19-20/x2|—|2ポンド|斬撃|—|AA| |ソーン・ブレーサー|30gp|1d4|1d6|x2|-|3ポンド|刺突|-|PFCS| |トライブレーデッド・カタール|6gp|1d3|1d4|x4|-|2ポンド|刺突|-|PFCS| |ドワーヴン・モールアックス|25gp|1d4|1d6|x3|10フィート|5ポンド|殴打or斬撃|—|AA| |パタ|14gp|1d4|1d6|x3|-|3ポンド|刺突|-|PFCS| |バルバズゥ・ビアード|25gp|1d3|1d4|x2|—|5ポンド|斬撃|解説参照|Cheliax| |ロープ・ガントレット|2sp|1d3|1d4|x2|—|2ポンド|殴打(または斬撃)|—|AA| |>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|片手近接武器| |アルドリ・デュエリングソード|20gp|1d6|1d8|19-20/x2|—|3ポンド|斬撃|—|AA| |ウルミ|50gp|1d6|1d8|18-20/x2|—|6ポンド|斬撃|—|AA| |ショーテル|30gp|1d6|1d8|x3|—|2ポンド|刺突|—|AA| |スコーピオン・ウィップ|5gp|1d3|1d4|x2|-|3ポンド|斬撃|武器落とし、間合い、足払い|LoF:PG| |バタフライ・ナイフ|5gp|1d3|1d4|19-20/x2|—|1ポンド|刺突または斬撃|—|AA| |バトル・ポイ|5gp|1d3[火]|1d4[火]|x2|—|2ポンド|[火]|—|AA| |フリンドバー|?|1d6|1d8|?|—|?|殴打|武器落とし|CMR| |革製マドゥ|30gp|1d3|1d4|x2|—|5ポンド|刺突|—|AA| |鉄製マドゥ|40gp|1d3|1d4|x2|—|6ポンド|刺突|—|AA| |ロォカ|5gp|1d6|1d8|18-20/x2|—|6ポンド|斬撃|—|AA| |>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|両手近接武器| |ギャロット|3gp|1d4|1d6|x2|—|1ポンド|斬撃|つかみ、解説参照|AA| |ドワーヴン・ドーン・デルガー|50gp|1d8|1d10|x2|—|15ポンド|殴打|間合い、本文参照|DoG| |バトル・ラダー|20gp|1d4/1d4|1d6/1d6|x2|—|8ポンド|殴打|足払い|GoG| |ピストン・モール|70gp|1d8|1d10|x2|—|15ポンド|殴打|解説参照|GoG| |フォーチャード|14gp|1d8|1d10|18-20/x2|—|10ポンド|斬撃|間合い、足払い|CHR| |フランバード|50gp|1d8|1d10|19-20/x2|—|6ポンド|斬撃|武器破壊|AA| |フレイルポール|15gp|1d6|1d8|x2|—|10ポンド|斬撃|間合い、足払い|GoG| |ブレーデッド・スカーフ|12gp|1d4|1d6|x2|—|2ポンド|斬撃|武器落とし、足払い|AA| |メテオ・ハンマー|10gp|1d6|1d8|x2|—|10ポンド|殴打|間合い、足払い、解説参照|AA| |リップソー・グレイヴ|30gp|1d8|1d10|x3|—|12ポンド|斬撃|間合い、解説参照|GoG| |>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|遠隔武器| |クリスタル・チャクラム|20gp|1d4|1d6|18-20/x2|—|2ポンド|斬撃|—|CHR| |シュリルシャフト・ジャヴェリン|35gp|1d4|1d6|x2|30フィート|3ポンド|刺突|解説参照|GoG| |ショアンティ・ボーラ|15gp|1d3|1d4|x2|10フィート|2ポンド|殴打|—|AA| |スリング・グラヴ|5gp|1d3|1d4|x2|50フィート|2ポンド|殴打|—|AA| |スローイング・シールド|+50gp|1d4|1d6|x2|20フィート|—|殴打|足払い|AA| |ソーン・ボウ|50gp|1d4|1d6|x3|40フィート|2ポンド|刺突|—|AA| |フラスク・スロウワー|25gp|—|—|—|20フィート|4ポンド|—|解説参照|GoG| |ローンチング・クロスボウ|75gp|—|—|—|20フィート|8ポンド|—|解説参照|AA| 1……表の重量は中型用の武器の重量である。小型用の武器は重量が1/2になり、大型用の武器は重量が2倍になる。 2……2つのタイプが書いてある場合、「~および~」とあるなら、その武器は両方のタイプのダメージを与える。「~または~」とあるなら、その武器はどちらか片方のタイプのダメージを与える(どちらにするかは使用者が選択)。 アキュリス/Aklys The aklys is a short throwing club, usually of wood or bone, attached to a 20-foot-long cord. Most aklyses feature short iron hooks as well. Benefit: An aklys has a maximum range of 20 feet, allowing the user to retrieve the thrown aklys as a move action after it has been thrown. Note: Some derros wield aklyses drilled with holes so that, when thrown, they make eerie whistling sounds that can alert nearby derros of danger. Traits: trip アース・ブレイカー/Earth breaker A massive hammer, the crude metal of this weapon’s head ends in multiple blunt spikes which channel the momentum of a powerful swing. アルドリ・デュエリングソード/Sword, Aldori dueling Used primarily by the Aldori swordlords who rule Brevoy, these swords are a bit over 3 feet long, very slightly curved, and sharp only along the outer edge. Benefit: You can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply your Dexterity Modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls with an Aldori dueling sword sized for you, even though it isn’t a light weapon. You can wield an Aldori dueling sword in two hands in order to apply 1-1/2 times your Strength bonus to damage. If you aren’t proficient with the Aldori dueling sword, you may treat it as a longsword. Weapon Feature(s): finesse アロー、シッスル/Arrow, Thistle These barbed arrows are crafted from the thistles of a poisonous plant, causing pain to persist beyond the initial injury. Benefit: Thistle arrows deal damage as a bleed effect for 1d6 rounds. アロー、スプリントクラウド/Arrow, Splintercloud The shaft of this arrow is formed of numerous small bone fragments painstakingly glued together. Benefit: When fired, the numerous bone fragments tear themselves apart, forming a 5-foot burst of razor-sharp bones that deals 1d3 points of piercing damage (Reflex DC 18 negates). アロー、スロー・バーン/Arrow, Slow Burn Behind the head of this arrow is a small receptacle of alchemical material that heats up when exposed to air and eventually bursts into flame; barbs on the arrowhead pierce the pouch when it hits a target. Benefit: On your turn, 1 round after impact, the burst of flame deals 1d6 points of fire damage to the target. Drawback: The extra weight of this arrowhead gives you a –1 penalty on attack rolls with the arrow. アロー、ダイ/Arrow, Dye This arrow ends in a crystalline bubble. Benefit: Firing a dye arrow is a ranged touch attack; a creature struck by a dye arrow takes no damage but is splashed with black, blue, green, or red marker dye (see Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting 213) sufficient to coat about 1 square foot. アロー、タングルフット/Arrow, Tanglefoot This arrow is topped with a small bottle containing a small quantity of tanglefoot goo. Elves frequently use these arrows to slow or stop fleeing opponents or to capture animals without killing them. Benefit: You fire a tangleshot arrow as a ranged touch attack; the arrow deals no damage when it hits, but the target is splashed with the alchemical adhesive. The reduced amount of the glue means this arrow is less effective than an actual tanglefoot bag (DC 10 Reflex save, DC 12 Strength check to break, 10 points of slashing damage to cut through, DC 10 Concentration check). Drawback: The weight of a tangleshot arrow reduces its range increment to half normal. アロー、デュラブル/Arrow, Durable These arrows are tightly wrapped in strands of some kind of alchemical glue. Benefit: Durable arrows don’t break due to normal use, whether or not they hit their target; unless the arrow goes missing, an archer can retrieve and reuse a durable arrow again and again. Durable arrows can be broken in other ways (such as deliberate snapping, hitting a fire elemental, and so on). Drawback: If crafted with magic (such as bane), the magic only lasts for one use of the arrow, but the nonmagical arrow can still be reused or imbued with magic again. アロー、トリップ/Arrow, Trip This squat arrow has a large, bulbous, metal tip that expands and flattens in flight. Benefit: If the arrow hits, it makes a trip attack against the target with a CMB of +5; the target falls prone if it fails its check, but if it succeeds it cannot attempt to trip you in return. アロー、ホイッスリング/Arrows, Whistling These arrows come with specially designed grooves and fletching that cause them to emit a loud keening sound. Benefit: The sound is audible within 500 feet of the flight path. アロー、フェロモン/Arrow, Pheromone The arrowhead of this arrow is coated with potent substances that react to blood and sweat, releasing strong aromas that most predators recognize as tasty injured prey and other creatures perceive as merely unpleasant. Benefit: Any creature with the scent ability gains a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls made against a target marked with a pheromone arrow. This effect lasts for 1 hour or until the target spends 1 minute washing. アロー、ブリーディング/Arrow, Bleeding This sharpened hollow tube looks like it was originally a narrow proboscis on some giant insect, but it actually comes from a strange carnivorous plant. Benefit: A bleeding arrow deals normal damage when it hits a creature. Each round thereafter, the creature bleeds for 1 point of damage until the bleeding is stopped by a DC 10 Heal check or the application of a cure spell or some other healing magic. A critical hit does not multiply the bleed damage. Creatures immune to critical hits (such as plants and constructs) are immune to the bleed damage dealt by this weapon. アロー、ライニング/Arrow, Raining This thick-shafted arrow contains a reservoir of holy water and is designed to burst on impact, hitting the target and splashing nearby creatures. Benefit: The reservoir of holy water is designed to burst on impact, hitting the target and splashing nearby creatures as if you had thrown the vial. Drawback: A raining arrow has a –2 penalty on attack rolls due to its weight. アロー、ロードストーン/Arrow, Lodestone This heavy iron arrowhead is sealed with an alchemical resin; pulling a small string breaks the seal and activates the reaction in the arrowhead, greatly increasing its magnetic properties. Action: Pulling the string to break the seal and activate the reaction in the arrowhead is a move action. Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on attack rolls when firing a lodestone arrow at a target wearing a significant amount of metal armor (at least chain mail or a metal shield) or made of metal. The increased magnetism fades 1 round after you activate it, after which time it is a normal arrow. Special: In areas with a lot of magnetic metal, the attack bonus may drop to 0 or even become a penalty as competing sources steer the arrow away from your intended target. Drawback: The magnetized arrow only deals half damage. ウォー・レザー/War Razor In all appearances, a war razor is an oversized razor or flip knife. As the razor folds into the handle, no sheath is required, making the weapon easy to hide. Description: You gain a +2 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal a war razor on your body.Weapon Feature(s): easily concealed ウルミ/Urumi Built for flexibility, this terribly sharp longsword appears as a coil of steel, similar to a metal whip, but is capable of cleaving flesh and holding an edge as well as any forged blade. Description: An urumi takes only half damage from attempts to sunder it. オーガ・フック/Ogre Hook A huge crude crook of sharpened metal, an ogre hook takes its name from the savages who most typically employ them. Usually created by ogres, these are often large and awkward for most humanoids to use. Benefit: You can use an ogre hook to make trip attacks. Weapon Feature(s): trip ギャロット/Garrote A garrote is a length of wire or thin rope with wooden handles at both ends. The wire is placed across a victim's throat and crossed behind the neck; when the handles are pulled tight, the garrote strangles him. Description: In order for you to use a garrote, your opponent must be helpless or unaware of you. You must make a grapple check (though you avoid the –4 penalty for not having two hands free) to successfully begin garroting your opponent. Sneak attack damage does not apply to a garrote. Your garroted opponent must make a concentration check (DC 20 + your CMB + level of the spell he’s casting) to cast a spell with a verbal component, use a command word item, or use any magic requiring speech. You gain the following additional option when grappling with a garrote. Choke: You cut off your target’s air supply so he has to hold his breath (see Suffocation, and the Swim skill for additional information). Any round you do not maintain the choke, your opponent can take a breath and restart when he has to begin making Constitution checks. Weapon Feature(s): choke クラール/Klar Traditionally a Shoanti blade bound to the skull of a horned spirestalker (a breed of Storval Plateau giant gecko), in recent years the armorers of southern Varisia have started crafting these bladed shields from iron. Benefit: You can attack an opponent with a klar, using it as an off-hand, martial slashing weapon. For the purpose of penalties on attack rolls, treat a klar as a light weapon. If you use a klar to make an attack, you lose its AC bonus until your next action (usually until the next round). Both the sword and shield segments of a klar can be enhanced separately. An enhancement bonus on the shield does not improve the effectiveness of the blade. Weapon Feature(s): special クリスタル・チャクラム/Chakram, Crystal Shaped and carved from quartz or stranger subterranean crystals, these circular throwing discs have jagged razor-sharp edges. Benefit: When a crystal chakram strikes a foe, the weapon shatters into tiny sharp fragments; if it misses, there is a 50% chance the chakram shatters when it hits the ground or another solid object; otherwise it can be retrieved and used again. Special: A crystal chakram is treated as ammunition for the purpose of creating magic weapons. コンバット・スカバード(研磨)/Combat Scabbard, Sharpened Benefit: This combat scabbard has a sharp blade on the outer edge, allowing you to use it as a weapon. シカ/Sica This blade is a smaller, lighter version of the shotel. Description: You gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls with a sica against opponents using bucklers, light shields, or heavy shields. シゾール/Scizore Also known as a Taldan scissor, the scizore is a hardened tube that fits your forearm, ending with a semicircular blade at the end. Description: The scizore gives a +1 shield bonus to AC, but if you attack with the blade, you lose the AC bonus that round and take a –1 penalty on attack rolls with the scizore. Drawback: While wearing a scizore, you cannot use that hand for anything else. Action: Donning the scizore is a full-round action. シュリルシャフト・ジャヴェリン/Shrillshaft Javelin This single-use javelin bears a thunderstone in its haft, just behind the weapon’s head. Benefit: If you hit with one of these javelins, the target takes javelin damage as normal and is the center of the thunderstone’s effect. If you miss, roll to see where the javelin lands (as if determining a miss with a splash weapon); that square becomes the center of the thunderstone’s effect. ショアンティ・ボーラ/Bolas, Shoanti Most Shoanti bolas can also function as bullroarers—tiny holes carved in the weights cause them to emit a mournful keening sound when spun. Benefit: These bolas function as standard bolas but deal lethal damage rather than nonlethal damage.Weapon Feature(s): trip (ranged) ショーテル/Shotel The shotel is a downward-curving sword designed to reach over or around an opponent’s shield. Description: You gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls with a shotel against opponents using bucklers, light shields, or heavy shields. シリンジ・スピア/Spear, Syringe The blade of this weapon contains a thin tube or bore that connects to a hollow container just beneath the crosspiece. Description: A successful hit with the spear injects the liquid contents of the container (typically poison) into the target. Action: Refilling a syringe spear takes 1 minute. Weapon Feature(s): brace, special スイッチブレード・ナイフ/Knife, Switchblade This knife has a spring-loaded blade hidden inside the handle.This weapon is treated as a dagger. Special: This knife can be designed to look like another type of object (a DC 15 Perception check reveals the deception). Action: If held in your hand, you can activate it as a free action. スコーピオン・ウィップ/Scorpion Whip This whip has a series of razorsharp blades and fangs inset along its tip. Description: A scorpion whip deals lethal damage, even to creatures with armor bonuses. If you are proficient with whips, you can use a scorpion whip. Weapon Feature(s): disarm, reach スティングチャック/Stingchuck A stingchuck is a foul bag made of a humanoid’s head with the brain removed and the skull heavily scored so that it bursts open when thrown. Description: Normally filled with biting vermin, a stingchuck acts as a splash weapon. When it hits, the vermin bite and sting the target, dealing 1d6 points of damage and forcing a DC 11 Fortitude save to avoid being nauseated for 1d3 rounds. Each round a creature remains nauseated by a stingchuck, it takes 1 additional point of damage from the biting vermin. All creatures within the splash effect take 1 point of damage from the vermin but do not risk being nauseated. スリング・グラヴ/Sling Glove This curved, scooped-shaped, 2-foot-long wicker basket attaches to your wrist, allowing you to throw fist-sized stones at great speed merely by whipping your arm forward. Action: Loading a sling glove is a free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity so long as you have a free hand. Drawback: You take –4 penalty when throwing a stone at an adjacent target and cannot use the weapon to attack creatures in your space. スローイング・シールド/Throwing Shield This shield is designed for throwing and comes with specially designed straps allowing you to unclasp and throw it quickly and easily. Description: This shield can be unclasped and thrown as a free action. Tower shields cannot be throwing shields. Neither a shield’s enhancement bonus to AC nor its shield spikes apply to your attack or damage rolls. Weapon Feature(s): trip ソートゥース・サーベル/Sabre, Sawtooth This is the signature weapon of the notorious Red Mantis. Description: A proficient user can treat a sawtooth sabre as a light weapon; otherwise, treat it as a longsword. ソーン・ブレーサー/Thorn Bracer These sturdy leather bracers are studded with lacquered rose thorns that can be used to pierce foes.Description: A thorn bracer can be used to make an offhand attack if you aren’t wielding a weapon or shield in that hand. You can attack with these bracers even while holding objects in your hands. Drawback: When attacking with thorn bracers, you lose any shield bonus to AC gained from a readied shield until your next action. ソーン・ボウ/Thorn Bow This polished rosewood bow is studded with thorns and tiny flowers. Description: Treat a thorn bow as a shortbow. テルビーチェ/Terbutje This length of tempered wood has bits of shark teeth, obsidian, glass, or similar materials studded all along its length. It is fragile, and sometimes shatters on armor or enemy weapons. Description: If you roll a "natural 1" when attacking with a terbutje, the weapon automatically gains the broken quality. Rolling a "natural 1" when attacking with a broken terbutje destroys it. 鋼鉄製テルビーチェ/Terbutje, Steel This is a forged weapon built to look much like a common terbutje. It lacks the fragility of its non-metallic counterpart. ドッグスライサー/Dogslicer This is a short curved blade, often with holes drilled in it to lighten its weight. Special: If a wielder rolls a natural 1 when attacking with a dogslicer, the weapon breaks. Masterwork and magical dogslicers do not have this flaw. Most dogslicers are size Small. Weapon Feature(s): special (breaks on natural 1) トライブレーデッド・カタール/Katar, Tri-bladed Although most katars (or punching daggers) boast a single long, thick blade, the tribladed katar features a fan of three splayed razor edges. ドワーヴン・ドーン・デルガー/Dorn Dergar, Dwarven This exotic weapon is a 10-foot-long, heavy metal chain weighted at the end by a round ball of solid iron about the size of a large fist. Though fallen into disuse over the spanning centuries, the dorn-dergar is still sometimes employed by dwarves who cling to the old ways. Benefit: By adjusting the slack of the chain, the weapon can be used either with or without reach. Action: Changing between using it as a normal weapon and a reach weapon is a move action. Weapon Feature(s): reach Feat:Darting Viper (Combat) When using a dorn-dergar, you can quickly attack both near and distant foes. Fan Content Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +4, proficiency with the dwarven dorn-dergar. Benefit: You may change whether you’re using the dorndergar as a normal or reach weapon as a swift action. Normal: Changing whether a dorn-dergar is a normal or reach weapon is a move action. Feat:Dorn-Dergar Master (Combat) You can use a dorn-dergar with only one hand. Prerequisites: Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +4, proficiency with the dwarven dorn-dergar. Benefit: You can use a dorn-dergar as a one-handed weapon. When using it one-handed, changing whether it’s a normal or reach weapon is a full-round action. If you have the Darting Viper feat, changing its reach is a move action. Normal: A dorn-dergar requires two hands to wield. ドワーヴン・モールアックス/Maulaxe, Dwarven This versatile weapon is a unique design passed down through the dwarvish lords of the Five Kings. It initially appears like a heavy-headed axe, but a skilled wielder can strike equally well with its chopping edge as with the forged sledge that backs the blade. Benefit: This weapon can be used to deliver bludgeoning or slashing damage as the wielder desires. Special: A dwarven maulaxe is a martial weapon for dwarves and an exotic weapon for members of other races. It is not a double weapon, and any enchantments applied to the weapon operate normally regardless of which part of the weapon’s head is used to deliver the blow, except for enhancements that apply only to blunt or sharp weapons. Such enhancements apply only to attacks dealing the appropriate type of damage. パタ/Pata This weapon is a blade with a stiff armored piece that covers your hand, wrist, and forearm. Benefit: Treat a pata as a combined short sword and locked gauntlet. バタフライ・ナイフ/Knife, Butterfly A butterfly knife has a blade concealed between two halves of the handle that can be brought to bear quickly. Benefit: If you are proficient with the butterfly knife (or have the Quick Draw feat) and are holding it in your hand, you may open it as a free action; a nonproficient user must spend a move action to open it. Otherwise, treat this weapon as a dagger. バトル・ポイ/Battle Poi This pair of arm-length chains has handles at one end and heavy fuel-soaked torch heads at the other. Benefit: The weight of the poi is insufficient to deal physical damage, but the burning fuel deals fire damage. If you are proficient in battle poi, you are treated as if you have the Two-Weapon Fighting feat for the purposes of making poi attacks. Special: Poi can be extinguished by spending a full round action smothering them in sand or submerging them in water. バトル・ラダー/Battle Ladder Gnomes use these narrow, reinforced 4-foot ladders as weapons. Benefit: You fight with a battle ladder like you would with a regular quarterstaff, except that you also use the spaces in the ladder to entangle limbs, giving the ladder the trip weapon feature. Weapon Feature(s): trip バヨネット/Bayonet Bayonets are specially designed knives that fit into the grooves or muzzles of crossbows and firearms. Benefit: Bayonets allow you to make melee attacks with the weapon it is attached to but renders the weapon temporarily useless as a ranged weapon. Attach/Remove: Attaching or removing a bayonet is a move action. バルバズゥ・ビアード/Barbazu Beard A barbazu beard is an intimidating helm with a full facemask wrought to look like a snarling barbazu's head. Extending from the chin area of the face guard is a razor-sharp blade much like an actual barbazu's beard, usually 8 inches long but sometimes longer. Description: A barbazu beard can be used as an off-hand weapon that requires no hands to use; thus, a warrior could combine use of a barbazu beared with a two-handed weapon. Attacking with a barbazu beard provokes an attack of opportunity. Because it is so close to the wearer's face, using a barbazu beard against creatures harmful to touch (such as fire elementals and acidic oozes) has the same risks as using a natural weapon or unarmed strike against these creatures. ハンボー/Hanbo The hanbo is a staff less than a yard long, often carved to look like a walking stick. Weapon Feature(s): monk, trip ピックアックス/Pickaxe A two-handed version of the heavy pick, the brutal pickaxe is equally effective at breaking up earth and stone as it is at sundering flesh and bone. Often a weapon of convenience for commoners, the pickaxe is also a favorite among brutes and thugs who value the intimidation factor afforded by the immense weapon. ピストン・モール/Piston Maul An alchemically-fired piston in the head of this two-handed hammer strikes targets with astounding force. Benefit: Successful sunder attacks made with a piston maul deal an additional +4 points of damage. A piston maul requires a thunderstone to function; otherwise you treat it as a greatclub. Inserting a thunderstone into the weapon’s compartment is a standard action, and powers the weapon for 24 hours, after which the thunderstone is consumed. フォーチャード/Fauchard This polearm is similar to a glaive, being a curved blade affixed to the end of a pole. Unlike a glaive, though, the cutting edge of a fauchard is along the concave side, causing the blade to resemble that of a sickle or scythe. Benefit: The fauchard is more awkward to utilize than a glaive (and as such is an exotic weapon), but its increased threat range over the glaive and the ability to trip foes make it a dangerous weapon in the hands of a skilled user. Weapon Feature(s): reach, trip フラスク・スロウワー/Flask Thrower This weapon resembles a halfling sling staff, except that the cradle at the end is designed to hold and hurl flasks as well as stones or bullets. Benefit: A flask thrower significantly extends the range of thrown substances that deal splash damage, such as acid, alchemist’s fire, or holy water, as well as that of tools such as tanglefoot bags, thunderstones, or caltrops. フランバード/Flambard This two-handed sword has a wavy blade that is especially useful for cutting through wooden weapons.Benefit: If you are proficient with this weapon, you gain a +4 bonus on any sunder attempts made against weapons with a wooden haft; otherwise you may use this sword as a bastard sword. Weapon Feature(s): +4 sunder bonus vs. wood ブリット、グローニング/Bullets, Groaning These sling bullets are honeycombed with overlapping perforations that cause them to emit an eerie moan audible within 500 feet of their flight path. ブリット、スモーク/Bullet, Smoke Benefit: Smoke bullets require only a successful touch attack to release the smoke. When they strike a target, they burst, releasing a cloud of noxious gas that requires the creature struck to attempt a DC 13 Fortitude save. If the save fails, the target is nauseated for 2 rounds. フリンドバー/Flindbar Flinds use a weapon unique to themselves known as a flindbar. A flindbar consists of two iron bars, approximately 18 inches long, connected by a short piece of chain (or, in some cases, connected to one another directly with loops at the ends). Description: A flindbar is a one-handed exotic melee weapon that deals 1d8 points of damage as a Medium weapon, 1d6 as a Small weapon. Weapon Feature(s): disarm フレイルポール/Flailpole This is simply a heavy flail mounted on the end of a long polearm. Benefit: A flailpole has the reach and trip weapon qualities. Weapon Feature(s): reach, trip ブレーデッド・スカーフ/Scarf, Bladed Knowing their unkind reputation and that their seductive performances can sometimes bring out the worst in watchers, some Varisians craft rows of razor-sharp blades into their scarves. While one side is all color and sequins, the other hides a deadly weapon. The skill required in using such scarves effectively and not revealing their deadly nature makes them exotic weapons. Description: If you are proficient with a bladed scarf, you deal 1d4 points of slashing damage to any creature that makes a successful grapple check against you. You can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls with a bladed scarf sized for you, even though it isn’t a light weapon for you. ブレード・ブーツ/Blade Boot Blade boots come with a spring-mounted knife that pops out when triggered with the right combination of toe presses. Benefit: You can use a blade boot as an off-hand weapon. Action: Releasing the knife is a swift action; rearming it is a full-round action. Drawback: When the blade is extended, you treat normal terrain as difficult and difficult terrain as impassable. フンガ・ムンガ/Hunga Munga This three-bladed dagger is intended for throwing but can be used as a melee weapon. ホースチョッパー/Horsechopper Note: Treat this goblin weapon as a halberd. ボルト、アシッド/Bolt, Acid These metal bolts have a glass section in the middle, filled with acid. Benefit: On a successful hit, acid bolts deal normal damage and 1d4 points of additional acid damage. Note: Acid bolts do not cause any splash damage. ボルト、ドロウ・ポイズン/Bolt, Drow Poison These iron bolts have small resin tips that break when the bolts strike their targets. Inside is a dose of drow poison. Benefit: Anyone struck by a drow poison bolt must make a DC 13 Fortitude save or become affected by drow poison. Those using drow poison bolts do not risk poisoning themselves. Drawback: The strange tip affects the bolts’ accuracy. Double the range penalties when using a drow poison bolt. ボルト、ファイア/Bolt, Fire These carefully crafted wooden bolts have a hollow core filled with alchemist’s fire. Benefit: On a successful hit, fire bolts deal normal damage plus 1d4 points of fire damage. Note: Alchemical fire bolts do not cause any splash damage, and the fire burst isn’t enough to ignite targets (unless they are particularly flammable). 革製マドゥ、鉄製マドゥ/Madu The madu is a round, light shield with four spikes extending from the sides. Benefit: If you are proficient with the madu, you may wield it and fight defensively with a –2 penalty instead of the normal–4 penalty for fighting defensively, and your attack penalty for using Combat Expertise improves by +1 (minimum –1 penalty). You cannot hold anything else in the hand that bears a madu. If you are not proficient in madu, treat it as a light spiked shield. メテオ・ハンマー/Meteor Hammer This weapon is one or two spherical weights attached by a 10-foot chain. You whirl the weights and wrap them around an opponent’s body. Benefit: If you succeed at a trip attempt with a meteor hammer, you can drag your opponent 5 feet closer rather than knocking her prone. You may use this weapon in two different ways: •in meteor mode you use it as a double weapon •in fortress mode you cannot use it as a double weapon but gain a +1 shield bonus to AC Action: Switching between these two modes is a free action decided at the start of your turn. Weapon Feature(s): reach, trip メール・クラブ/Mere Club Traditionally made of carved stone, the mere (MEH-reh) is a short, flat-sided, sharp-pointed club. リップソー・グレイヴ/Ripsaw Glaive The blade of this glaive is serrated and mounted on an axle. Benefit: A heavy cord is wrapped around the axle; when pulled (a move action), the blade spins rapidly for a number of rounds equal to your Strength bonus. While the blade is spinning, it deals +2 damage; otherwise, treat this weapon as a glaive. Re-wrapping the cord around the spinning mechanism is a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity. ロォカ/Rhoka This sword is used almost exclusively by the urdefhan, life-hating quasi-daemonic creatures native to the Darklands. The sword is the size of a longsword but consists of two serrated blades placed side by side, each ending in a cruel hook. ロープ・ガントレット/Rope Gauntlet By wrapping your hands and forearms in thin but tough hemp ropes and then soaking the makeshift gloves in water for weight and expansion, you can transform your fists into rockhard weapons easily capable of killing in a fistfight. Description: Each rope gauntlet takes a full minute to wrap and another minute to soak, but once applied can be worn for a day; removing a rope gauntlet takes 1 full round. When wearing rope gauntlets, you are considered armed and your unarmed attacks deal normal damage rather than nonlethal damage. If you are proficient with rope gauntlets, you may use the rough edges of the ropes to deal slashing damage rather than bludgeoning damage. Your fingers are mostly exposed, allowing you to wield or carry items in your hands while wearing rope gauntlets, but the constriction of the weapon at your knuckles gives you a –2 penalty on all precision based tasks involving your hands (such opening locks). ローンチング・クロスボウ/Crossbow, Launching This stubby-looking crossbow has a cup-like attachment rather than a groove for a bolt. Benefit: A launching crossbow is designed to launch splash weapons. Load: Full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity.
*武器 [[Weapons>]] #region(''目次'') #ls2(title) #endregion #include_cache(PRD外/武器/1) #include_cache(PRD外/武器/2)

