B2 > ムーンフラワー


B2/ムーンフラワー - (2011/07/10 (日) 04:18:46) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

ムーンフラワー Moonflower

A twisted trunk clustered with bulbous blossoms holds up a gaping mouth ready to swallow a victim whole.

ムーンフラワー 脅威度8 Moonflower

経験点 4,800
イニシアチブ +4;感覚 暗視60フィート、夜目;〈知覚〉+9
AC 21、接触8、立ちすくみ21(+13外皮、-2サイズ)
hp 104(11d8+55);高速治癒5
頑健 +12、反応 +3、意志 +4
DR 10/斬撃;完全耐性 [電気]、植物の種別特徴;抵抗 [冷気]10
弱点 vulnerable to fire
移動速度 20フィート
近接 噛みつき=+15(2d6+9、加えて“つかみ”)、触手(×2)=+13(1d8+4)
接敵面 15フィート;間合い 15フィート
特殊攻撃 light pulse、pod prison
【筋】 28、【敏】 10、【耐】 21、【知】 5、【判】 12、【魅】 17
基本攻撃 +8;CMB +19(組みつき+23);CMD 29(足払いされない)
特技 《イニシアチブ強化》、《技能熟練》(〈隠密〉)、《強打》、《武器破壊強化》、《複数回攻撃》、《無視界戦闘》
技能 〈隠密〉+4(密集した草木の中では+20)、〈知覚〉+9;種族修正 +16密集した草木の中での〈隠密〉
言語 テレパシー(1 mile、other moonflowers only)
その他の特殊能力 pod spawn
出現環境 気候問わず/地上
編成 単体または小集団(2~8)
宝物 標準
Light Pulse(超常) As a standard action, a moonflower can release a pulse of bright light. All creatures within a 50-foot burst that can see the moonflower must make a DC 20 Fortitude save or be blinded for 1d4 rounds. Moonflowers are immune to this ability. このセーヴ難易度は【耐久力】に基づいている。
Pod Prison(変則) This works like the swallow whole ability, except the moonflower can only use it once every 1d4 rounds, and the swallowed creature is immediately wrapped in a tight digestive cocoon and expelled into an adjacent square, where it takes damage every round (2d6 bludgeoning and 2d6 acid, AC 15, 25 hp). The cocooned target cannot use Escape Artist to get out of the cocoon. Other creatures can aid the target by attacking the cocoon with piercing or slashing weapons, but the creature within takes half the damage from any attack against the cocoon. Once the cocoon is destroyed, it deflates and decays. Each creature swallowed by a moonflower is encased in its own cocoon.
Pod Spawn(変則) Should a moonflower’s pod prison kill and digest a Small or larger creature, the pod transforms into an adult moonflower with full hit points after 1d4 hours. The newly formed moonflower has its own consciousness, but some aspect of its trunk or blossoms resembles the creature that died within. The dead creature’s equipment remains inside the new moonflower and can be retrieved by killing it.

 A fully grown moonflower easily stands 20フィート tall, its massive trunk frequently 4フィート or more in diameter. The roots extend away from the base and into the soil, making the plant seem well anchored, but the roots themselves possess an agility that belies the great size of the plant and allows the moonflower to uproot itself and move with surprising speed. The tendrils of the plant are independently prehensile and writhe around the large flytrap-like “head” that crowns the stem.
 Moonflowers have never been known to communicate with other creatures, even with druids and others who regularly converse with plants. The plants do possess some manner of strange telepathy, though, and are in constant communication with their nearby brethren. Those who manage to intrude upon the creatures’ alien thoughts face an assault of horrible visions of terrifying jungles filled with ancient, sentient, and malign plants.