B3 > アズルヴェルダ


B3/アズルヴェルダ - (2012/02/16 (木) 01:54:12) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

アズルヴェルダ Azruverda

A humanoid head peers forth from this enormous creature’s beautifully iridescent, spike-covered beetle carapace.

アズルヴェルダ 脅威度13 Azruverda

経験点 25,600
イニシアチブ +2; 感覚 暗視60フィート、振動感知100フィート;〈知覚〉+22

AC 25、接触10、立ちすくみ23(+2【敏】、+15外皮、-2サイズ)
hp 168(16d8+96)
頑健 +11、反応 +7、意志 +15
DR 10/魔法および斬撃; 完全耐性 [酸]; 抵抗 [冷気]10

移動速度 50フィート、登攀30フィート
近接 噛みつき=+21(2d6+11)、爪(×2)=+21(1d10+11)
遠隔 acid spit=+13接触(10d6[酸])
接敵面 15フィート; 間合い 15フィート
特殊攻撃 acid spit、かきむしり(1d10+11)
擬似呪文能力 (術者レベル16レベル;精神集中+23)
基本攻撃 +12; CMB +25(突き飛ばし+29); CMD 37(対突き飛ばし39、対足払い45)
特技 《強打》、《近距離射撃》、《上級突き飛ばし》、《突き飛ばし強化》、《鋼の意志》、《武器熟練:acid spit》、《ふっとばし攻撃》、《迎え討ち》
技能 〈威圧〉+26、〈真意看破〉+13、〈生存〉+16、〈知覚〉+22、〈知識:自然〉+12、〈知識:ダンジョン探検〉+12、〈登攀〉+26、〈動物使い〉+17、〈呪文学〉+15
言語 アクロ語、共通語、地下共通語
その他の特殊能力 vermin master

出現環境 地下
編成 単体、2体、または兄弟姉妹(3~7)
宝物 標準

Acid Spit(変則) An azruverda can spit a stream of acid at a target within 60 feet as a ranged touch attack that deals 10d6 points of acid damage.
Vermin Master(超常) An azruverda can mentally control to up to 32 HD (twice the azruverda’s racial Hit Dice) of vermin at any one time through a combination of supernatural pheromones and magical manipulation. To control a vermin, the azruverda must be able to see it, and it must be within 120 feet. Attempting to control a vermin is a standard action—the vermin can resist this attempt with a DC25 Will save. If the vermin fails this save, the azruverda can issue a simple mental command like “fight,” “come here,” “go there,” or “stand still” as a swift action. Though composed of thousands of individuals, vermin with the swarm subtype are vulnerable to this ability as well. An azruverda can release a creature from this control as a free action. Vermin affected by this ability act normally unless an azruverda is actively controlling it, but never attack their master azruverda. The save DC is Charisma-based.

 Although repulsive in shape, these enormous, human-faced insectoid creatures are generally peaceful and serene. Left to its own devices, an azruverda is typically content to cultivate fungal gardens in deep underground sanctuaries. These gardens are beautiful to behold—masterful combinations of fungi, rocks, and other objects arranged in an artistic manner. Although generally solitary, azruverdas collaborate when a threat intrudes upon one of their underground homes.
 Azruverdas stand 16 feet tall on their many legs and weigh close to 4,000 pounds.