B3 > ユキオンナ


B3/ユキオンナ - (2012/02/27 (月) 00:17:08) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

ユキオンナ Yuki-Onna

This beautiful but sad-looking woman wears an ornate robe and is surrounded by a whirling mass of snow.

ユキオンナ 脅威度8 Yuki-Onna

経験点 4,800
イニシアチブ +8; 感覚 暗視60フィート;〈知覚〉+17
オーラ snowstorm(200フィート)

AC 21、接触21、立ちすくみ16(+6反発、+4【敏】、+1回避)
hp 94(9d8+54)
頑健 +9、反応 +7、意志 +11
防御的能力 非実体; 完全耐性 [冷気]、アンデッドの種別特徴
弱点 [火]に対する脆弱性、snow dependency

移動速度 飛行30フィート(完璧)
近接 接触(×2)=+10(4d6[冷気]、加えて“chilling touch”)
特殊攻撃 chilling touch、恍惚の凝視
擬似呪文能力 (術者レベル10レベル;精神集中+16)
3回/日:アイス・ストームアイバイト(comatose and panicked only、DC22)、コーン・オヴ・コールド(DC21)
基本攻撃 +6; CMB +10; CMD 27
特技 《一撃離脱》、《イニシアチブ強化》、《回避》、《強行突破》、《戦闘発動》
技能 〈威圧〉+18、〈隠密〉+16、〈真意看破〉+17、〈生存〉+14、〈知覚〉+17、〈呪文学〉+15、〈はったり〉+15、〈飛行〉+12
言語 共通語

出現環境 寒冷/地形問わず
編成 単体
宝物 標準

Chilling Touch(超常) A yuki-onna’s touch causes 4d6 cold damage. Whenever a creature takes cold damage in this manner, it must make a DC20 Fortitude save to avoid being staggered by the supernatural cold for 1 round. This duration stacks. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Fascinating Gaze(超常) Fascinated for 1d4 rounds, 30 feet, Will DC20 negates. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Snow Dependency(変則) A yuki-onna is staggered if she is ever in an area without snow while her snowstorm aura is suppressed or otherwise not functioning.
Snowstorm(超常) A yuki-onna is surrounded by whirling blasts of snow, even in areas that wouldn’t allow for such weather, that comprise a 200-foot-radius spread. Within this area, the snowfall and wind gusts cause a -4 penalty on Perception checks and ranged attacks. The wind itself blows in a clockwise rotation around the yuki-onna, and functions as severe wind (Core Rulebook 439). A yuki-onna is unaffected by snowstorms or blizzards of any kind. Any effect that causes these winds to drop below severe (such as control weather or control winds) cancels the snowstorm effect entirely.

 A yuki-onna is the restless spirit of a woman who froze to death in the snow and was never given a proper burial. She roams the wilderness, constantly searching for intelligent creatures to kill and always appearing surrounded by swirling mists of snow and ice. Eternally jaded by her unjust departure to the afterlife, a yuki-onna seeks to impose the same cruel fate upon those who still live, particularly men and those who sympathize or cooperate with them. Many foolish individuals are lured to their deaths by a yuki-onna’s unparalleled beauty, which remains even as the evil spirit steadily freezes and kills her victims with her powers over frost.
 The transition from life to undeath corrupts a yuki-onna’s soul, and even a well-intentioned, good-hearted individual who freezes in the snow may become a treacherous yuki-onna. Most yuki-onnas immediately seek out those who wronged them in life, after which they reside in an area near what was their home, haunting and killing anyone who dares to come near. Yuki-onnas hardly ever make their presences known in rural areas with larger populations, and they prefer inhabiting the countryside and wilderness.
 When a yuki-onna is destroyed, her body melts as though ice, leaving only a small pool of water in its stead. A yuki-onna is 5-1/2 feet tall.