B3 > ラークシャサ > ラクタヴァーナ


B3/ラークシャサ/ラクタヴァーナ - (2012/02/16 (木) 02:12:38) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

ラークシャサ:ラクタヴァーナ Rakshasa, Raktavarna

What at first appears to be a bejeweled blade shimmers and writhes, transforming into a hideous, red-eyed serpent.

ラクタヴァーナ 脅威度2 Raktavarna

経験点 600
イニシアチブ +3; 感覚 暗視60フィート、ディテクト・マジック;〈知覚〉+9

AC 17、接触15、立ちすくみ14(+3【敏】、+2外皮、+2サイズ)
hp 22(3d10+6)
頑健 +3、反応 +6、意志 +4
DR 5/善または刺突; SR 17

移動速度 20フィート、登攀20フィート、水泳20フィート
近接 噛みつき=+8(1d4-2、加えて“毒”)
特殊攻撃 ディテクト・ソウツ(DC13)
擬似呪文能力 (術者レベル6レベル;精神集中+8)
基本攻撃 +3; CMB +4; CMD 12(足払いされない)
特技 《鋭敏感覚》、《武器の妙技》
技能 〈隠密〉+17、〈真意看破〉+9、〈水泳〉+6、〈脱出術〉+6、〈知覚〉+9、〈登攀〉+9、〈はったり〉+12、〈変装〉+16;種族修正 +4〈はったり〉、+8〈変装〉
言語 共通語、地獄語、地下共通語;コンプリヘンド・ランゲージズ
その他の特殊能力 変身(Tiny living object)、master’s eyes

出現環境 気候問わず/地形問わず
編成 単体、2体、または廃墟(3~10)
宝物 標準

変身(超常) As a full-round action, a raktavarna can take the shape of a handheld object, most often an ornamental light, a one-handed weapon, or a piece of treasure. If the rakshasa remains stationary in such a form, it can attempt Stealth checks even while being observed. It can remain motionless in object form indefinitely, but reverts to its true form as soon as it takes any action.
Master’s Eyes(超常) A raktavarna can designate a single creature as its master as a standard action. If the raktavarna is a spellcaster’s familiar, its master is automatically that spellcaster, and the raktavarna cannot change this. As a full-round action, a raktavarna’s master can observe the world as if looking through the raktavarna’s eyes. The master must concentrate to maintain this link each round. The master’s visual senses are suppressed for this time, and he uses the raktavarna’s darkvision, detect magic, and regular eyesight to observe the world. This ability has no limit on range, and functions even across planar boundaries. If the raktavarna is slain while its master is using this ability, the master is stunned for 1d4 rounds (no save).
毒(超常) 噛みつき・致傷型;セーヴ 頑健・DC13;頻度 1回/ラウンド(6ラウンド間);効果 1d2【判】、加えてモディファイ・メモリー治療 1回のセーヴ成功。 Each time a victim takes 【判断力】 damage from this “毒”、 a モディファイ・メモリー effect causes the victim to forget the previous minute’s interactions with the raktavarna、 as long as the raktavarna is no longer visible または is in object form。このセーヴ難易度は【耐久力】に基づいている。

 Made up of smoke, blood, and gold, raktavarnas are the least of the rakshasas—they are born not from humanoids, but from the souls of rakshasas who failed utterly in their previous incarnation and who are thus reborn from a serpent’s egg.
 These terrors drift through society, passing from hand to hand as weapons or strange tokens from foreign lands, curiosities brought home by traders and emissaries and given to leaders as tribute. In this manner the raktavarnas gain entry into corridors of power throughout the world, and what they see, their foul masters know. A raktavarna’s servitude to a master ends only when its master decrees, or (more commonly) upon the master’s death. Little disconcerts raktavarnas more than having no master, and when they are cast adrift in this manner, they seek a replacement as soon as they can.
 A 7th-level lawful evil spellcaster with the Improved Familiar feat can gain a raktavarna rakshasa as a familiar.