UE > 装備 > 動物、乗騎と馬具


UE/装備/動物、乗騎と馬具 - (2013/09/02 (月) 00:31:28) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

動物、乗騎と馬具 Animals, Mounts, and Related Gear

 The animals, mounts, and related gear in this section can be found in most large cities. Based on its location, a settlement might not have all of these animals or related gear available at a given time (as the GM deems fit).
 The tables for this section are split up into five categories: Pets and Familiars, Guard and Hunting Animals, Farm and Work Animals, Mounts, and Animal-Related Gear. Animals that fit into more than one category appear on multiple lists.

Pets and Familiars
動物 市価 重量
アウル(フクロウ) 10gp 1~3ポンド
ウィーゼル(イタチ) 2gp 8オンス
オクトパス 25gp 2ポンド
オッター 20gp 10ポンド
キャット(猫) 3cp 8ポンド
キャット:ハンティング・キャット 100gp 100ポンド
クラブ(蟹) 20gp 5~7ポンド
ゴート 6gp 50ポンド
スードゥードラゴン 200gp 7ポンド
スカンク 10gp 10ポンド
スクワール(一般、リス) 1gp 2ポンド
スクワール:フライング・スクワール(ムササビ、モモンガ) 20gp 1ポンド
スコーピオン:グリーンスティング・スコーピオン 15gp 9オンス
スタージ 20gp 1ポンド
スネーク:ヴァイパー(マムシ) 5gp 10オンス
スネーク:コンストリクター・スネーク 5gp 60ポンド
スパイダー 25gp 8オンス
スラッシ(ツグミ) 1sp 7オンス
センチピード:ハウス・センチピード(ゲジゲジ) 1cp 3オンス
タートル 3gp 4ポンド
トード 2cp 7オンス
ドッグ:ラップ・ドッグ 15gp 5ポンド
ドンキー・ラット 1gp 50ポンド
バジャー 15gp 20ポンド
バット(コウモリ) 5gp 1ポンド
パロット(オウム) 50gp 4ポンド
ピッグ 10gp 100~300ポンド
フォックス 8gp 12ポンド
ヘッジホッグ(ハリネズミ) 5gp 3ポンド
モンキー(猿) 3gp 5ポンド
ラクーン 5gp 7ポンド
ラット:ダイア・ラット 5gp 50ポンド
ラット(鼠) 1cp 1ポンド
ラビット(兎) 2gp 3ポンド
リザード(トカゲ) 5cp 2オンス
レイヴン(大鴉) 2gp 3ポンド

Guard and Hunting Animals
動物 市価 重量
アックス・ビーク 1,500gp 500ポンド
アックス・ビークの卵 1,000gp 10ポンド
キャット:スモール・キャット 100gp 100ポンド
ドッグ:ガード・ドッグ 25gp 25ポンド
ファルコン(隼) 40gp 2ポンド
ホーク(鷹) 18gp 2ポンド
アウル(フクロウ) 20gp 4ポンド
スードゥードラゴン 200gp 7ポンド
スタージ 20gp 1ポンド

Farm and Work Animals
動物 市価 重量
エレファント 1,000gp 5 tons
キャトル(畜牛) 50gp 1,500ポンド
キャメル 150gp 1,000ポンド
ゴート 6gp 50ポンド
シープ(羊) 20gp 150ポンド
ダック(アヒル、カモ) 2gp 3ポンド
チキン(鶏) 1gp 6ポンド
ドンキー(ロバ)またはミュール(ラバ) 8gp 600~800ポンド
ピッグ 20gp 100~300ポンド
ヤク 24gp 1,000ポンド

乗騎 Mounts
動物 市価 重量
アックス・ビーク(戦闘訓練済み) 1,500gp 500ポンド
アックス・ビークの卵 1,000gp 10ポンド
エレファント 1,000gp 5トン
キャメル 150gp 1,500ポンド
グリフィン(戦闘訓練済み) 8,000gp 500ポンド
グリフィンの卵 3,500gp 10ポンド
ライディング・ゲッコウ 300gp 1,200ポンド
ライディング・ゲッコウ(戦闘訓練済み) 400gp 1,500ポンド
ライディング・ダイア・バット 300gp 400ポンド
ライディング・ダイア・バット(戦闘訓練済み) 450gp 450ポンド
ライディング・ドッグ 150gp 50ポンド
ヒポグリフ(戦闘訓練済み) 5,000gp 500ポンド
ヒポグリフの卵 200gp 10ポンド
ホース:ヘヴィ・ホース 200gp 2,000ポンド
ホース:ヘヴィ・ホース(戦闘訓練済み) 300gp 3,000ポンド
ホース:ライト・ホース 75gp 900ポンド
ホース:ライト・ホース(戦闘訓練済み) 110gp 1,200ポンド
ポニー 30gp 800ポンド
ポニー(戦闘訓練済み) 45gp 900ポンド
マストドン 2,000gp 8 tons

Animal Related Gear
動物 市価 重量
動物用ハーネス 2gp 2ポンド
中型クリーチャー用 ×2* ×1*
大型クリーチャー用 ×4* ×2*
はみとくつわ 2gp 1ポンド
微小サイズ用または極小サイズ用 10gp 2ポンド
超小型サイズ用 2gp 5ポンド
小型サイズ用または中型サイズ用 15gp 60ポンド
大型サイズ用 30gp 240ポンド
超大型サイズ 60gp 960ポンド
鷹匠の小手 10gp 1ポンド
飼料(1日あたり) 5cp 10ポンド
軍用 20gp 30ポンド
荷駄用 5gp 15ポンド
乗用 10gp 25ポンド
鞍 (exotic)
軍用 60gp 40ポンド
荷駄用 15gp 20ポンド
乗用 30gp 30ポンド
鞍袋 4gp 8ポンド
厩舎利用(1日当たり) 5sp
* Relative to similar armor for a Medium humanoid.


市価 2gp; 重量 2ポンド

 This leather or hemp harness allows a holder to restrain and control a domesticated animal. A harness is standard equipment for anyone trying to teach an animal tricks with the Handle Animal skill. Ready-made harnesses are available in most markets for common domesticated animals such as cats, dogs, horses, and oxen, but harnesses can be made for nearly any creature.

アックス・ビーク (戦闘訓練済み)

市価 1,500gp; 重量 500ポンド

 These Large avian predators are sometimes used as hunting animals but are prized as mounts.


市価 1,000gp; 重量 10ポンド

 Axe beaks raised from eggs are easily trained as mounts or used as livestock.


市価 15gp; 重量 20ポンド

 These fierce, burrowing creatures are only rarely kept as pets.


市価 さまざま; 重量 さまざま

 Barding is a type of armor that covers the head, neck, chest, body, and possibly legs of a horse or other mount. Barding made of medium or heavy armor provides better protection than light barding, but at the expense of speed. Barding can be made of any of the armor types found on the Armor and Shields table.
 Armor for a horse (a Large non-humanoid creature) costs four times as much as armor for a human (a Medium humanoid creature) and also weighs twice as much (see the Armor for Unusual Creatures table). If the barding is for a pony or other Medium mount, the price is only double, and the weight is the same as for Medium armor worn by a humanoid. Medium or heavy barding slows a mount that wears it, as shown on the table below.
 Flying mounts can’t fly in medium or heavy barding.
 Removing and fitting barding takes five times as long as the figures given on the Donning Armor table. A barded animal cannot be used to carry any load other than a rider, and normal saddlebags.

バーディング (40フィート) Base Speed (50フィート) (60フィート)
中装鎧 30フィート 35フィート 40フィート
重装鎧 30フィート* 35フィート* 40フィート*
* A mount wearing heavy armor moves at only triple its normal speed when running instead of quadruple.


市価 5gp; 重量 1ポンド

 These Diminutive rodents are nocturnal fliers that eat insects and fruit. They rely primarily on sound to navigate rather than sight. They are absent only in desert and arctic regions. Some cultures keep bat houses near towns and villages to control insect problems. More information on bats can be found in the Bestiary.


市価 2gp; 重量 1ポンド

 This is headgear used by a rider to control a mount. Bit and bridles for horses, ponies, and riding dogs can be readily purchased in most settlements and bits and bridles can be crafted for any creature that serves as a mount.

市価 さまざま; 重量 さまざま

 This secure, portable enclosure is used to hold creatures――generally animals, but a large enough cage can hold anything. Cages are made from iron, wood, or bamboo, depending on local customs and available materials. One cage holds one animal of that size, or five animals of a smaller size. The weight of the creature adds to the weight of the cage. Cages come in the following sizes: Diminutive or Fine, Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, and Huge. Cages for aquatic creatures cost twice as much, and weigh four times the normal weight when filled with water.


市価 150gp; 重量 1,500ポンド

 Due to their incredible endurance, these Large animals are the preferred mounts of desert-dwelling people. They tend to be ill-tempered beasts.


市価 3cp; 重量 8ポンド

 These Tiny animals are often kept as pets or familiars. Though small, they are excellent hunters. Grain farmers usually keep cats for pest control in crop storage areas, but cats can be found in most regions and strays occupy many cities.


市価 100gp; 重量 100ポンド

 Rarely, Medium cats such as cheetahs and leopards are trained to hunt for humanoid masters.


市価 50gp; 重量 1,500ポンド

 Cattle are kept for milk and meat, and used as beasts of burden. A bull is used primarily for mating. Other males are castrated and become oxen, which are used to carry loads and plow fields.


市価 1cp; 重量 3オンス

 These creatures come in many forms, from the lighter-colored 20-legged variety to the darker 300-legged variety. Typically, these arthropods are what pass for pets in the slums, but the young and eccentric often search for the best specimens to serve as familiars. Centipedes employed as familiars have an Intelligence score and lose the mindless trait.


市価 1gp; 重量 6ポンド

 These domesticated birds are not capable of long distance flights, and are raised for their eggs and meat. Male chickens are kept for mating and occasionally blood sport.


市価 20gp; 重量 5~7ポンド

 Aquatic spellcasters often find large ocean crabs to be agreeable familiars. Without the bond of a familiar, however, these crustacean’s lack of intelligence makes them dull pets.


種類 市価 重量
Common 300gp 400ポンド
Combat trained 450gp 250ポンド

 Considered to be the fastest nonmagical transport in cavernous underground realms, dire bats are domesticated in captivity to serve as riding animals. Stables that accommodate these massive creatures are only commonly found in cities built in larger underground caverns, owing to the greater space required for training and exercise, though the outriders of some subterranean races fly them almost to the surface. These creatures require exotic saddles to ride.
 Dire Bat, Riding (combat trained): These animals are used by scouts and military for war.


種類 市価 重量
Guard 25gp 25ポンド
Lap 15gp 5ポンド
Riding 150gp 50ポンド

 Most dogs fall into one of the following categories.
 Guard Dog: This Small, combat-trained dog is bred for battle; breeders favor strength, a thick body, and a low center of gravity. Guard dogs are sold in most large cities and some cultures use them for sport fighting or in some armies’ special infantry.
 Lap Dog: These tiny dogs are commonly kept as pets. They cannot be combat trained, but can serve as noisy-but-skittish watch creatures. Lap dogs have the same statistics as foxes.
 Riding Dog: This Medium dog is bred for carrying Small riders, and is combat trained. Breeders select dogs with strong backs, endurance, and loyal dispositions and train them for riding and combat before sale. Reputable breeders can be found in major cities.


市価 8gp; 重量 600~800ポンド

 Donkeys and mules are stolid in the face of danger, hardy, surefooted, and capable of carrying heavy loads over vast distances. Unlike a horse, a donkey or mule is willing (though not eager) to enter dungeons and other strange or threatening places. Donkeys and mules have the same statistics as ponies.


市価 1gp; 重量 50ポンド

 These Tiny capybara-like white rodents are native to temperate swamps and coasts. They are common pets and livestock in some lands.


市価 2gp; 重量 3ポンド

 Farm ducks are used for eggs, meat, and down, while wild ducks are hunted for meat. Ducks have the same statistics as ravens.


市価 1,000gp; 重量 5 tons

 These Huge animals are exceptionally strong and are quick learners. Some cultures train them for battle or labor. Most known elephants come from savannas or vast rainforest regions. They eat so much that housing them outside of their native environment is expensive.


市価 40gp; 重量 2ポンド

 This Tiny, long-winged hawk is a popular hunting bird among many aristocracies. Falcons are technically a subset of hawks but are considered more a€――noblea€―― in many cultures. Ownership of these birds is denied to commoners in many nations with hierarchical monarchies.


市価 10gp; 重量 1ポンド

 This gauntlet, made from layers of thick leather, is worn on a falconer’s off hand to give a falcon a place to stand before and after the hunt. The gauntlet also has a tassel and a ring to attach to a falcon’s tether.


市価 5cp; 重量 10ポンド

 Horses, donkeys, mules, and ponies can graze in some regions to sustain themselves, but feed provides more reliable nourishment. Riding dogs and other carnivores can be fed meat for the same cost. Except for horses, other Large creatures need to eat twice the feed of other animals each day. Huge creatures need four times the feed.


市価 8gp; 重量 12ポンド

 These quick and wily carnivores can be difficult to train, but often make excellent familiars. Many humanoid communities see these canines as a menace to their farming fowl, and some use dogs to track them during recreational hunts.


種類 市価 重量
Common 300gp 1,200ポンド
Combat trained 400gp 1,500ポンド

 Larger than even giant geckos, these mammoth lizards have been specifically bred to be used as mounts. Prized for their ability to run along cave ceilings and sheer walls, they require exotic saddles to ride. A riding gecko has the same statistics as a giant gecko with the giant template.


市価 6gp; 重量 50ポンド

 As an agricultural animal, goats provide milk, meat, hair, and hide, and they are sometimes used to clear fields of weeds and shrubbery. Some spellcasters bond with them as familiars.


市価 8,000gp; 重量 500ポンド

 These deadly but majestic fliers are the favored aerial cavalry of many kingdoms. While griffons can be trained, some good deities consider doing so akin to enacting slavery, insisting that a griffon must come to its rider on its own free will. The price listed is for a trained griffon; free will is bought with different currency (determined by the GM).


市価 3,500gp; 重量 10ポンド

 Unscrupulous adventurers and the desperate sometimes steal eggs from griffon nests, as trainers find it easier to raise a griffon from a hatchling than trying to train a spirited adult.


市価 18gp; 重量 2ポンド

 This Tiny, short-winged raptor is a popular hunting bird, but is utilized more often by lower nobility than by commoners without titles. Hawks are known for their sharp eyesight and powerful aerial dives.


市価 5gp; 重量 3ポンド

 These spiny mammals roll into a ball when threatened. They are sometimes kept as pets and are favored by some wizards as familiars.


市価 5,000gp; 重量 500ポンド

 Less intelligent and easier to train than griffons, hippogriffs make reliable winged mounts.


市価 200gp; 重量 10ポンド

 While it is easier to train a full-grown hippogriff than a griffon, the eggs of these creatures are still prized by breeders.


種類 市価 重量
ヘヴィ 200gp 2,000ポンド
ヘヴィ(戦闘訓練済み) 300gp 3,000ポンド
ライト 75gp 900ポンド
ライト(戦闘訓練済み) 110gp 1,200ポンド
ポニー 30gp 800ポンド
ポニー(戦闘訓練済み) 45gp 900ポンド

 This Large quadruped is used as a mount and pack animal. Horses can be trained for war but otherwise are skittish around battle. Many cultures support breeding programs and often consider their horse the best at whatever task they breed it to perform.
 ヘヴィ・ホース: These horses are often used as portage animals, pulling significant loads across great distances.
 ヘヴィ・ホース(戦闘訓練済み): Heavy warhorses are bred and trained for war. They are often are outfitted with heavy barding, but fight just as fiercely even without the armor.
 ライト・ホース: These horses can be ridden, but often serve as porters or carriage horses.
 ライト・ホース(戦闘訓練済み): These light warhorses are bred for war and are favored by fast and light cavalry, scouts, and daredevil knights.
 ポニー: These creatures are typically used for carting goods along narrow mountain trails or as steeds for young or Small riders.
 ポニー(戦闘訓練済み): Ponies can be trained for war just as effectively as their larger, more mature brethren. Such steeds often serve Small riders that expect to face battle.


市価 5cp; 重量 2オンス

 These Tiny cold-blooded animals can be found in all warm regions and are often quite colorful. They eat insects and have the ability to walk up walls and hang upside down. Varieties of more intelligent lizards are often selected by wizards as familiars.


市価 2,000gp; 重量 8トン

 These cousins to elephants are larger and more powerfully built. There is a nearly hairless version that dwells in southern climates and a woolly variety adapted to cold. More temperamental than elephants, they are used primarily as mounts.


市価 3gp; 重量 5ポンド

 These Tiny herbivorous primates can be found in a variety of habitats, but typically favor warm forests and jungles. They can grasp and carry objects that weigh under a pound. They are sometimes used as familiars.


市価 25gp; 重量 2ポンド

 These cunning animals can be employed as familiars by aquatic spellcasters. If they are kept is pets, they must be kept in water, as they cannot survive out of it.


市価 20gp; 重量 10ポンド

 These playful water mammals are either used as familiars or trained to perform tricks as pets. They are surprisingly intelligent, and have been known to use rocks as simple tools, such as for opening the shells of mollusks.


市価 10gp; 重量 1~3ポンド

 These Tiny birds of prey are mainly nocturnal and are known for their keen eyes and near-silent flight. Owls eat small animals and insects, and can be found in nearly any environment. Some farmers create owl homes near fields and barns to control rodent populations. The smartest owls make excellent familiars.


市価 50gp; 重量 4ポンド

 These colorful and intelligent birds can be trained to mimic humanoid voices. They are often kept as pets by the wealthy and those who live in the tropical climates they favor. Parrots have the same statistics as ravens.


市価 10gp; 重量 100~300ポンド

 Domesticated pigs are the descendents of wild boars, and are raised for their meat and hide, being among the most versatile and common farm animals.


市価 200gp; 重量 7ポンド

 Found primarily in temperate forests, pseudodragons are intelligent enough that some consider their sale slavery. A handful of pseudodragons offer themselves for hire to adventurers, typically for half their listed price per week of work.


市価 2gp; 重量 3ポンド

 Rabbits are often raised or hunted for their meat and skins, though some people keep the skittish mammals as pets. Though they are often confused with hares, rabbits are distinctly different in that they make their homes in burrows beneath the ground, and they are usually smaller than hares. Rabbits have the same statistics as rats.


市価 5gp; 重量 7ポンド

 These nocturnal hunter-scavengers are found primarily in forested terrains, and are noted for their domino mask-like visages, highly dextrous forepaws (which they rely on for their hyper-sensitive sense of touch), and the strangely anthropomorphic tendency to a€――washa€―― their food in water before eating it. Raccoons are sometimes kept as pets and used by some spellcasters as familiars.


市価 1cp; 重量 1ポンド

 These Tiny rodents live everywhere and eat nearly anything. Despite having a reputation as disease-ridden scavengers, domesticated rats are clean, loyal creatures that make excellent familiars.


市価 5gp; 重量 50ポンド

 These Small animals are vicious scavengers in the wild. However, dire rats raised in captivity can be trained as loyal pets and protectors. Pet dire rats do not have filth fever.


市価 2gp; 重量 3ポンド

 These Tiny birds are known for their intelligence, and even play games with each other in the wild. They eat insects and can be found in surprisingly varied habitats.

市価 さまざま; 重量 さまざま

 Saddles are used to support a rider or supplies on a mount.
 Military Saddle: This saddle braces the rider, providing a +2 circumstance bonus on Ride checks related to staying in the saddle. If the rider is knocked unconscious while in a military saddle, he has a 75% chance to stay in the saddle.
 Pack Saddle: A pack saddle holds gear and supplies, but not a rider. It holds as much gear as the mount can carry.
 Riding Saddle: These saddles are the most pervasive type of riding equipment. If the rider is knocked unconscious while in a riding saddle, he has a 50% chance to stay in the saddle.
 Exotic Saddle: These saddles are designed for a variety of unusual mounts, each customized for a specific type of beast. Exotic saddles come in military, pack, and riding styles, just as normal saddles do, and have the same traits.


市価 4gp; 重量 8ポンド

 These sturdy, weatherproof bags are draped over a saddle to add extra carrying capacity. Each side of a saddlebag can typically carry 20 pound of items that can fit in the bags. Saddlebags do not increase the amount of weight a mount can carry; they merely give riders a place to stow their equipment.


市価 15gp; 重量 9オンス

 Typically found in forested areas, these Tiny scorpions sport pincers too small to be dangerous to anything larger than an insect, but they still possess a poisonous stinger. Sometimes they are kept as pets or serve as familiars. Greensting scorpions employed as familiars have an Intelligence score and lose the mindless trait.


市価 20gp; 重量 150ポンド

 These livestock animals are kept for their fur, meat, and hide, and can be found in virtually any civilized settlement. They are especially prized in colder environs, where their wool and hide can be used to make durable and highly insulated clothing. Sheep have the same statistics as goats.


市価 10gp; 重量 10ポンド

 These creatures are infamous for the overwhelmingly foul odor they produce to ward off predators. Skunks are sometimes kept as pets, though usually only after their scent glands have been removed. More information on skunks can be found in Bestiary 3.


市価 5gp; 重量 60ポンド

 These Medium reptiles are found chiefly in warm climates. Somewhat aggressive, constrictors squeeze their prey to death before consuming it. Due to their size, these snakes are less popular for traveling spellcasters, but they can be quite helpful in a laboratory.


市価 5gp; 重量 10オンス

 This tiny reptile eats small animals and can be found in most temperate and warm environments. The bite is painful but not especially dangerous to the average adventurer.


種類 市価 重量
Common 1gp 2ポンド
Flying 20gp 1ポンド

 These tiny rodents are as common in the wild as rats are in cities. They typically eat nuts, seeds, and vegetation. Squirrels have the same statistics as rats.
 フライング・スクワール(ムササビ、モモンガ): These Tiny squirrels use a membrane of skin between their front and hind legs to glide. They sometimes serve spellcasters as 使い魔.


市価 25gp; 重量 8オンス

 These Tiny spiders have red bodies and black legs. They are hunting spiders, so they do not cast webs, though they are poisonous.


市価 5sp; 重量

 This is the amount it costs to stable a single creature that is Large or smaller for one day, at a typical stable or hostler. Particularly fancy stables may cost more, and larger or more exotic creatures cost double.


市価 20gp; 重量 1ポンド

 These Tiny beasts are allegedly sold for indoor defense to rich clients, but often wind up in exotic blood sports. Despite the popular misconception that stirges are untameable vermin, such creatures are trainable, but they must be fed fresh blood daily to dissuade them from turning on their handlers.


市価 1sp; 重量 7オンス

 These small plump birds are sometimes kept as pets, but are more often used as familiars for spellcasters. They are known for their beautiful song and their potential for actual speech.


市価 2cp; 重量 7オンス

 This Diminutive amphibian is primarily kept as a familiar by spellcasters. Toads live in most temperate and warm environments, and eat insects.


市価 3gp; 重量 4ポンド

 These reptiles have bony shells that they can retreat into. They are sometimes kept as pets and used as familiars, and in some places their flesh is eaten or used as an ingredient in medicines.


市価 2gp; 重量 8オンス

 These Tiny animals eat smaller animals and can be found in nearly any environment. They are clever and curious, traits that are magnified when they are kept as familiars. Many varieties of weasel exude a strong musky odor. This description also applies to similar animals, such as ferrets, minks, polecats, and stoats.


市価 24gp; 重量 1,000ポンド

 These shaggy-haired relatives to cows are more at home in mountainous terrain where they are frequently used as pack animals and to pull plows. Yaks have the same statistics as bison.

輸送 Transports

 Transport vehicles can be purchased or hired to provide passage. The transports in this section are a number of vehicles, both common and exotic, that can be purchased or hired. The table sorts the vehicles by Land Transport and Sea Transport and includes costs to buy these vehicles or rent passage on them.

地上輸送 市価 運賃(1マイル当たり)
屋根つき四輪馬車 100gp 3cp
二輪馬車 15gp 1cp
二輪戦闘馬車(軽量型) 50gp 2cp
二輪戦闘馬車(中量型) 100gp 2cp
二輪戦闘馬車(重量型) 200gp 2cp
犬ぞり 20gp 3cp
そり 50gp 2cp
四輪馬車(軽量型) 50gp 2cp
四輪馬車(中量型) 75gp 2cp
四輪馬車(重量型) 100gp 3cp
ガレー船 30,000gp 1sp
ジャンク船 15,000gp 1sp
キールボート 3,000gp 1sp
ロングシップ 10,000gp 5cp
いかだ 1cp
こぎ舟 50gp 2cp
帆船 10,000gp 2sp
船載ボート 500gp 2cp
軍船 25,000gp 2sp


市価 100Gp; 運賃 3CP

 This four-wheeled vehicle can transport as many as four people within an enclosed cab, plus two drivers. In general, two horses (or other beasts of burden) draw it. A carriage comes with the harness needed to pull it.


市価 15gp; 運賃 1CP

 This two-wheeled vehicle can be drawn by a single horse or other beast of burden, and is often used to transport goods across short distances. It comes with a harness.


市価 さまざま; 運賃 2CP

 This two-wheeled vehicle is drawn by a horse. There are three varieties of chariots.
 軽量型二輪戦闘馬車: These chariots are often used for racing or as the platform for a single archer charging across the battlefield at high speed.
 中量型二輪戦闘馬車: These chariots are used in battle to break apart infantry formations or as fast-moving fighting platforms.
 重量型二輪戦闘馬車: This type of chariot is typically used as a fighting platform or for transporting material quickly onto the battlefield.


市価 20gp; 運賃 3CP

 This sled is designed to be pulled over snow and ice by a team of trained riding dogs. Most sleds have runners at the back for a musher to stand on. A dog sled can carry up to the capacity of all the dogs that pull it.


市価 30,000gp; 運賃 1SP

 This three-masted ship has 70 oars on either side and requires a total crew of 200. A galley is 130 feet long and 20 feet wide, and can carry 150 tons of cargo or 250 soldiers. For 8,000gp more, it can be fitted with a ram and firing platforms fore, aft, and amidships. This ship cannot make sea voyages and sticks close to the coast. It moves about 4 miles per hour when being rowed or under sail.


市価 15,000gp; 運賃 1SP

 This flat-bottomed sailing ship has two or three masts with junk-rigged sails, allowing it to be easily sailed by small crews. Junks typically have a high poop deck and no keel.


市価 3,000gp; 運賃 1SP

 This 50- to 75-foot-long ship is 15 to 20 feet wide and has a dozen oars to supplement its single mast with a square sail. It requires a crew of 8 to 15 to sail and can carry 40 to 50 tons of cargo or 100 soldiers. It can make sea voyages, as well as sail down rivers (thanks to its flat bottom). It moves about 1 mile per hour.


市価 10,000gp; 運賃 5CP

 This 75-foot-long ship with 40 oars requires a total crew of 50. It has a single mast and a square sail, and it can carry 50 tons of cargo or 120 soldiers. A longship can make sea voyages. It moves about 3 miles per hour when being rowed or under sail.


市価 ―; 運賃 1CP

 The most basic and primitive type of watercraft, a raft is a simple, flat boat with no hull, often made of logs lashed together. It typically uses two to four oars for propulsion.


市価 50gp; 運賃 2CP

 This 8- to 12-foot-long boat with two oars holds two or three Medium passengers, and is either carried on the deck of a larger ship or moored to a dock onshore. A rowboat moves about 1-1/2 miles per hour.


市価 10,000gp; 運賃 2SP

 This large, seaworthy ship is 75 to 90 feet long, 20 feet wide, and has a crew of 20. It can carry 150 tons of cargo. It has square sails on its two masts and can make sea voyages. It moves about 2 miles per hour.


市価 500gp; 運賃 2CP

 Ship’s boats are usually carried on the decks of larger ships to ferry passengers and cargo.


市価 50gp; 運賃 2CP

 This wagon has runners, making it an ideal conveyance for snow and ice travel. In general, two horses (or other beasts of burden) are needed to draw it. A sled comes with the harness required to pull it.


市価 さまざま; 運賃 さまざま

 This four-wheeled open vehicle is used for transporting heavy loads. It includes the harness needed to pull it. There are three common varieties of wagon.

 軽量型四輪馬車: Wagons of this type are most commonly employed by farmers and craftsmen transporting their goods short distances or by venders in and around cities. A light wagon carries up to 1,000 pounds of cargo and requires two Medium creatures or one Large creature to pull it.
 中量型四輪馬車: Wagons of this type are typically employed for heavy duty work, often in agricultural, mining, or construction settings. A medium wagon can carry up to 2,000 pounds of cargo and requires four Medium or two Large creatures to pull it.
 重量型四輪馬車: Wagons of this type are large, four-wheeled vehicles primarily used in caravans to transport goods over long stretches of territory. A heavy wagon carries up to 4,000 pounds of cargo, and is pulled by either eight Medium creatures or four Large creatures.


市価 25,000gp; 運賃 2SP

 This 100-foot-long ship has a single mast, although oars can also propel it. It has a crew of 60 to 80 rowers. This ship can carry 160 soldiers, but not for long distances, since there isn’t room for supplies to support that many people. A warship cannot make sea voyages and sticks to the coast. It is not used for cargo. It moves about 2-1/2 miles per hour when being rowed or under sail.