B4 > ウォースウォーン


B4/ウォースウォーン - (2014/09/15 (月) 02:14:03) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

ウォースウォーン Warsworn

An enormous, animate mass of armed and armored corpses undulates forth, like a siege tower of steel-girded flesh.

ウォースウォーン 脅威度16 Warsworn

経験点 76,800
イニシアチブ +3; 感覚 暗視60フィート;〈知覚〉+27
オーラ 畏怖すべき存在(60フィート、DC26)

AC 29、接触9、立ちすくみ26(+3【敏】、+20外皮、-4サイズ)
hp 207(18d8+126)
頑健 +13、反応 +9、意志 +17
防御的能力 エネルギー放出への抵抗 +4; DR 10/殴打および魔法; 完全耐性 アンデッドの種別特徴

移動速度 40フィート
近接 叩きつけ(×4)=+21(2d6+12、加えて“生命力吸収”)
遠隔 1 scrap ball =+12(2d6+12)
接敵面 20フィート; 間合い 5フィート
特殊攻撃 absorb dying creature、生命力吸収(1レベル、DC26)、蹂躙(2d6+18、DC31)
擬似呪文能力 (術者レベル18;精神集中+25)
3回/日:呪文持続時間延長アニメイト・オブジェクツ(7 Medium weapons only)、テレキネシス(violent thrust、heavy armor only)

基本攻撃 +13; CMB +29; CMD 42(足払いされない)
特技 《強打》、《蹴散らし強化》、《上級蹴散らし》、《神速の反応》、《追尾》、《突き飛ばし強化》、《反撃の構え》、《ふっとばし攻撃》、《無視界戦闘》
技能 〈水泳〉+30、〈知覚〉+27、〈登攀〉+33
言語 共通語(話せない)
その他の特殊能力 profane magic

出現環境 気候問わず
編成 単体
宝物 ×2標準(魔法的でない鎧と武器)

 Absorb Dying Creature(超常)/Absorb Dying Creature A warsworn can consume any dying creature by moving into the same space. This immediately kills the creature, absorbs the corpse into the warsworn, and heals the warsworn by an amount equal to the creature’s Constitution score. Absorbed corpses can’t be resurrected by any effect short of a miracle or wish until the warsworn that consumed them is destroyed.
 Profane Magic(超常)/Profane Magic Protection from evil blocks attacks from a warsworn’s spell-like abilities. Weapons animated by the warsworn are damaged by channeled energy as if undead.
 Scrap Ball(変則)/Scrap Ball The warsworn can throw a mass of broken weapons and armor. This deals an amount of damage equal to 2d6 + the warsworn’s Strength modifier, and has a range increment of 20 feet.

 Warsworns are massive undead amalgams, their ever-shifting, chaotic bodies composed of countless slain soldiers and their armor and weapons. The shambling, serpentine form of a warsworn creates a grotesque, metallic cacophony as the weapons and armor of countless souls clash as though still in the throes of a never-ending battle.
 A warsworn forms by the will of a god or goddess of undeath or war, or spontaneously from the bloodlust and wrath of a battlefield of dead soldiers. Once created, a warsworn exists to spread the rage of war, ravage the land, and spread the carnage of battle.
 A typical warsworn weighs several tons and can reach a height of up to 25 feet. A newly formed one is much smaller, but quickly consumes nearby corpses from a battlefield or mass grave and swells to its full size. It is always hungry for more dying bodies. It prefers to absorb warriors and soldiers, but willingly consumes any suitable humanoid. Its constant grinding motion breaks its component parts, giving it plenty of scrap to hurl at distant foes.