B4 > ザンソス


B4/ザンソス - (2015/09/18 (金) 02:52:48) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

ザンソス Xanthos

This elephant-sized equine creature has bright red skin, fangs, six eyes, and armored plates on its head, neck, and back.

ザンソス 脅威度14 Xanthos

経験点 38,400
イニシアチブ +6; 感覚 暗視120フィート、夜目;〈知覚〉+23

AC 31、接触11、立ちすくみ28(+2【敏】、+1回避、+20外皮、-2サイズ)
hp 195(17d10+102)
頑健 +15、反応 +12、意志 +10
完全耐性 [冷気]; 抵抗 [電気]30、[火]30; SR 25

移動速度 60フィート
近接 噛みつき=+23(2d6+8)、蹄(×2)=+21(1d8+4)、尾の打撃=+21(2d6+4)
接敵面 15フィート; 間合い 10フィート
擬似呪文能力 (術者レベル15;精神集中+16)

基本攻撃 +17; CMB +27; CMD 40(対足払い44)
特技 《イニシアチブ強化》、《回避》、《風の如き脚》、《強行突破》、《持久力》、《戦闘発動》、《追加hp》、《鋼の意志》、《複数回攻撃》、《無視界戦闘》
技能 〈威圧〉+10、〈水泳〉+19、〈知覚〉+23、〈知識:いずれか1つ〉+10、〈登攀〉+19
言語 アクロ語;テレパシー5フィート
その他の特殊能力 exploit stellar conjunction、息こらえ

出現環境 気候問わず/地上
編成 単体または徒党(2~5)
宝物 なし

 Exploit Stellar Conjunction(超常)/Exploit Stellar Conjunction A xanthos can sense the alignment of stellar objects (planets, comets, asteroids, and so on) and when they form conjunctions that allow it to use its magic for interplanetary travel. During these conjunctions, the xanthos can use its teleport spell-like ability as interplanetary teleport to reach any other world in its current solar system, or as plane shift to reach any known plane. A conjunction remains viable for only 10d10 hours, after which it could be days, weeks, or even months before another conjunction occurs that would once again allow travel between those two locations.

 A xanthos is a strange creature, part equine, part reptile. Bred as mounts by a long-dead race of alien plane-jumping explorers, xanthoi have a remarkable intelligence and the ability to teleport themselves and their riders over long distances. The race that created xanthoi has since died off or left for remote destinations, and the remaining xanthoi have lost many of their former powers, but they still have a driving need to explore worlds and planes. Xanthoi are omnivores but can survive on vegetable matter.
 A xanthos memorizes geography, flora, and fauna in case its lost masters ever return. In its travels, it may seek out powerful adventurers to form a mutual alliance of curiosity and friendship, and continue its explorations in their company. Each xanthos has a specific interest, and its desire to examine and catalog might be inconvenient or irrelevant to an adventurer's desires.
 Xanthoi avoid using their abilities to interfere or help with wars, planar invasions, and natural disasters, as they believe doing so violates an ancient code limiting their actions to observation and memorization rather than influencing events. They are more likely to flee than to fight unless fleeing would leave their friends stranded or in danger.
 A xanthos is 13 feet tall at the shoulder and weighs 15,000 pounds. Its sloping, armored back is not particularly comfortable for humanoids to sit on, but is well suited for bearing a howdah that can hold up to four Medium or Small creatures. It may accept a howdah, but doesn't tolerate being treated as a beast of burden.