B4 > タイラント・ジェリー


B4/タイラント・ジェリー - (2015/10/15 (木) 05:32:13) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

タイラント・ジェリー Tyrant Jelly

This amber-colored ooze contains the preserved larva of a giant insect, almost like a monstrous brain.

タイラント・ジェリー 脅威度9/神話ランク3 Tyrant Jelly

経験点 6,400
イニシアチブ +2M感覚 擬似視覚60フィート;〈知覚〉+11

AC 23、接触4、立ちすくみ23(-5【敏】、+29外皮、-1サイズ)
hp 129(10d8+84);高速治癒5
頑健 +11、反応 -2、意志 +6
DR 5/エピック; 完全耐性 [電気]、粘体の種別特徴、刺突ダメージ、斬撃ダメージ

移動速度 20フィート、登攀10フィート
近接 叩きつけ=+12(6d6+6、加えて1d6[酸]、加えて“つかみ”および“毒”)
接敵面 10フィート; 間合い 5フィート
特殊攻撃 締めつけ(6d6+4加えて1d6[酸]加えて“つかみ”および“毒”)、mythic power(3回/日、迫り詰め+1d6)、毒
擬似呪文能力 (術者レベル10;精神集中+11)

基本攻撃 +7; CMB +12(+16組みつき); CMD 17(足払いされない)
特技 《イニシアチブ強化》M、《頑健無比》、《追尾》、《鋼の意志》、《武器熟練:叩きつけ》M
技能 〈知覚〉+11、〈登攀〉+12
その他の特殊能力 収縮、control vermin、同族作り、蟲との共感

出現環境 気候問わず/地下
編成 単体または巣(1、加えてジャイアント・ワスプ7~19)
宝物 標準

 Control Vermin(変則)/Control Vermin A tyrant jelly's spell-like abilities work on mindless vermin that have exoskeletons (bees, centipedes, crabs, flies, wasps, and so on), but not soft-bodied creatures such as leeches, slugs, or worms.
 同族作り(変則)/Create Spawn Slashing weapons, piercing weapons, and electricity attacks deal no damage to a tyrant jelly. Instead, part of the creature splits off into an ochre jelly. This new jelly has 30 hit points and fast healing 5; the tyrant jelly loses 30 hit points when it splits off. The new jelly is under the control of the tyrant jelly. A tyrant jelly with 30 hit points or fewer can't split again, and dies if reduced to 0 hit points. A tyrant jelly can reabsorb an adjacent spawn as a full-round action, destroying the spawn and adding the spawn's current hit points to its own.
 毒(変則)/Poison 叩きつけ・致傷型; セーヴ 頑健・DC21; 頻度 1回/ラウンド(4ラウンド間); 効果 1d4【耐】; 治療 2回連続のセーヴ成功。
 蟲との共感(超常)/Vermin Empathy A tyrant jelly can improve the attitude of vermin as a druid can with animals. Vermin have a starting attitude of unfriendly.

 When an ochre jelly infiltrates a colony of giant bees or wasps and consumes a queen egg, a strange reaction sometimes occurs between the jelly's fluids and the egg, resulting in a tyrant jelly――an intelligent ooze using an immature insect as a primitive brain. The tyrant jelly has unusual powers over vermin, and quickly takes control of the colony, sending its drones to gather food to sate its unnatural hunger. Other vermin are attracted to the scent of these creatures, and then fall under the tyrant's sway――a colony often has giant bees, centipedes, spiders, and wasps working together.
 A tyrant jelly's primary interests are food and survival. Magic or telepathy might allow a creature to bargain with it, exchanging food for its cooperation. Some insect cults hunt tyrant jellies, believing their strange substance has properties similar to a giant bee's royal jelly (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 43) or can increase the intelligence of other vermin.