B4 > マニトウ


B4/マニトウ - (2015/12/10 (木) 00:00:44) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

マニトウ Manitou

An invisible presence suggests the shape of a giant-sized person, surrounded by a rhythm of subtle noises from the natural world.

マニトウ 脅威度15 Manitou

経験点 51,200
イニシアチブ +10; 感覚 暗視60フィート、ディテクト・イーヴルトゥルー・シーイング;〈知覚〉+34
オーラ 正のエネルギー(10フィート)

AC 29、接触18、立ちすくみ22(+3反発、+6【敏】、+1回避、+11外皮、-2サイズ)
hp 237(19d10+133);高速治癒5
頑健 +18、反応 +12、意志 +17
防御的能力 フリーダム・オヴ・ムーヴメントグレーター・インヴィジビリティDR 10/冷たい鉄および悪; 完全耐性 [酸]、[冷気]; 抵抗 [電気]30、[火]30; SR 26

移動速度 30フィート
近接 叩きつけ(×2)=+30(4d10+12)
接敵面 15フィート; 間合い 15フィート
特殊攻撃 spirit stampede
擬似呪文能力 (術者レベル19;精神集中+26)

基本攻撃 +19; CMB +33(+35突き飛ばし); CMD 53(対突き飛ばし55)
特技 《イニシアチブ強化》、《回避》、《技能熟練:隠密》、《技能熟練:知覚》、《強打》、《突き飛ばし強化》、《薙ぎ払い》、《武器熟練:叩きつけ》、《ふっとばし攻撃》、《迎え討ち》
技能 〈威圧〉+10、〈隠密〉+17、〈交渉〉+20、〈真意看破〉+19、〈水泳〉+22、〈生存〉+28、〈知覚〉+34、〈知識:自然〉+26、〈知識:神秘学、地理、歴史、宗教〉+14、〈知識:地域、次元界〉+17、〈治療〉+16、〈登攀〉+22、〈呪文学〉+14
言語 共通語、天上語、森語;スピーク・ウィズ・アニマルズ
その他の特殊能力 token of fortune

出現環境 気候問わず/平地または森林
編成 単体
宝物 標準

 Positive Energy Aura(超常)/Positive Energy Aura Living creatures within the manitou's aura heal 5 hit points on its turn each round. A manitou can exclude a number of creatures equal to its Charisma modifier (typically 7) from the aura's effect, and can cease or resume the aura as a free action.
 Spirit Stampede(超常)/Spirit Stampede Every 1d4 rounds, a manitou can call upon animal spirits to attack, affecting a 60-foot cone and dealing 10d6 points of force damage (Reflex DC 26 half). Using this ability temporarily weakens the manitou's connection with the natural world, halting its positive energy aura until the stampede is ready to be used again.
 Token of Fortune(超常)/Token of Fortune A manitou can imbue an small object, such as a stone or necklace, with its blessing. The object's bearer and any allies within 10 feet gain a +2 luck bonus on saving throws. The manitou can use scrying on the token at will. The manitou can teleport to it (without error) once per day as a swift action. These abilities are lost if the token leaves the manitou's territory. A manitou may only have one token active at a time.

 A manitou is a powerful, benevolent spirit of nature that safeguards entire regions from danger, heals the sick and wounded, and preserves the balance among all creatures. When not invisible, a manitou looks like a powerfully built, long-haired humanoid with skin made of tree bark and rose quartz. A manitou stands 20 feet tall and weighs over 5,000 pounds.