B4 > ミルメコレオ


B4/ミルメコレオ - (2014/12/12 (金) 00:27:56) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

ミルメコレオ Myrmecoleon

This towering beetle-like horror has thick carapace segments and massive mandibles that leak sizzling acid.

ミルメコレオ 脅威度10/神話ランク3 Myrmecoleon

経験点 9,600
イニシアチブ-2;感覚 暗視60フィート、夜目;〈知覚〉+9

AC 24、接触6、立ちすくみ24(-2【敏】、+18外皮、-2サイズ)
hp 135(10d10+80)
頑健 +12、反応 +7、意志 +4
防御的能力 凶暴性;DR 5/エピック;完全耐性 [酸]

移動速度 30フィート、穴掘り20フィート、登攀20フィート
近接 下顎=+14(4d8+9/19~20、加えて“つかみ”)
接敵面 15フィート; 間合い 15フィート
特殊攻撃 吸血(1d2【耐】)、締め付け(4d8+9)、断末魔の爆発、神話パワー(3回/日、活性+1d6)、scalding spray、蹂躙(2d8+9、DC21)

基本攻撃 +10; CMB +18(+22組みつき); CMD 24(対組みつき28、対足払い32)
特技 《強打》M、《クリティカル強化:下顎》、《神速の反応》、《武器熟練:下顎》M、《防御崩し》
技能 〈知覚〉+9、〈登攀〉+22

出現環境 温暖/平地または丘陵
編成 単体
宝物 なし

 断末魔の爆発(変則) When a myrmecoleon is slain, its body explodes, releasing the acids that churn within it. All creatures within a 20-foot-radius burst take 4d8 acid damage (Reflex DC 20 half). The save DC is Constitution-based.
 Scalding Spray(変則) Once every 1d4 rounds, a myrmecoleon can eject a 60-foot cone of acidic chemicals from its mouth. Creatures caught in the blast take 8d6 points of acid damage and are blinded for 10 minutes (Reflex DC 20 half damage and negates blindness). Following the initial blast, the chemicals vaporize into a thick and noxious cloud 20 feet high with a 40-foot radius. Within the cloud, all sight is obscured beyond 5 feet. Furthermore, any living creature within the area of effect must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or become nauseated for as long as it remains in the cloud and for 1d4+1 rounds after it leaves the cloud. Any creature that succeeds at its save but remains in the cloud must continue to save each round on the myrmecoleon’s turn. This is a poison effect. The save DCs for this ability are Constitution-based.

 This monstrous, insectlike beast resembles a huge beetle with gleaming black armored plates. Around its head and neck the chitin forms a great mane of jagged spikes. Its insides swirl with acidic juices.
 Myrmecoleons live in remote areas where they claim large territories of wilderness as their hunting grounds. They’re often drawn to far-flung ancient ruins and sites of mythic power, and sometimes act as guardians of such places. This has led some sages to theorize that some myrmecoleons aren’t born but are spontaneously created by sites thrumming with mythic power.
 These creatures only rarely interact with others of their kind――and these interactions usually end in brutal and destructive death matches. Myrmecoleons are cannibals and readily eat those they defeat. When fighting, these insects put on great displays to intimidate rivals or other threats.
 Myrmecoleons are known to roll in the corpses of their prey, impaling the bodies upon their carapaces and leaving them there to rot. Why they perform this gruesome act remains unknown. Those who have studied the creature to understand its rudimentary intelligence hypothesize that it might be some sort of a display to showcase its strength to others of its kind, or even be one part of an elaborate mating ritual.