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PU/ゲームシステム/戦闘の戦略 - (2017/05/12 (金) 00:31:58) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

+ 目次

活力と闘技 Stamina and Combat Tricks








活力プール Stamina Pool





新しい特技 New Feats


《戦場の活力》(戦闘) Combat Stamina


《活力追加》(戦闘) Extra Stamina


《限界突破》(戦闘) Push the Limits


闘技 Combat Tricks

 ほとんどすべての戦闘特技には関連する闘技がある。武器や習熟に関する特技のような、極めて基本的な特技は例外である。このような特技は活力と闘技のルールで拡張されない。以下の闘技はPathfinder RPG Core RulebookAdvanced Player's GuideUltimate MagicUltimate CombatAdvanced Race GuideAdvanced Class Guideに掲載されている。

 《合気投げ》(戦闘)/Ki Throw:君は5活力ポイントを消費することで、自分よりも1サイズ段階大きなクリーチャー1体を投げることができる。

 《合気投げ強化》(戦闘)/Improved Ki Throw:この特技を用いて目標を別のクリーチャーの接敵面へ投擲する際、君は活力ポイントを6ポイントまで消費することができる。そうすると、消費した活力ポイントの値だけ、第二の目標に対する突き飛ばし戦技へのペナルティを軽減する。

 《悪夢の拳》(戦闘)/Nightmare Fist:魔法の闇の範囲で戦闘する際、君は活力ポイントを5ポイントまで消費することで、この特技で得られるボーナスを、1回のダメージ・ロールに対して増加させることができる。増加量は消費した活力ポイントの2倍に等しい。

 《悪夢の打ち手》(戦闘)/Nightmare Striker:君が《朦朧化打撃》を用いた攻撃を敵1体に命中させ目標がセーヴィング・スローに失敗したとき、君は5活力ポイントを消費することで、目標を怯え状態ではなく、1d4ラウンドの間恐れ状態にすることができる。

 《悪夢の織り手》(戦闘)/Nightmare Weaver:標準アクションとしてダークネスを発動する際、君は5活力ポイントを消費することで、呪文の最初の範囲にいるすべての敵の士気をくじくために〈威圧〉判定を試みることができる。


 《あざける舞踏》(演武、戦闘)/Mocking Dance:この特技を使用する際、君は5活力ポイントを消費することで、機会攻撃を誘発することなく(5フィートではなく)自分の移動速度の半分まで移動することができる。

 《足がらめ》(戦闘)/Tangle Feet:この特技を用いて敵のバランスを崩したとき、君は2活力ポイントを消費することで倒れて伏せ状態にならないようにするための〈軽業〉判定のDCを20に増加させることができる。

 《足止め》(戦闘)/Stand Still:この特技を用いてクリーチャー1体の移動を止めるために行う戦技判定に成功したとき、君は5活力ポイントを消費することができる。そうするなら、そのクリーチャーの次のターンにおいて、その移動速度は半減し、5フィート・ステップを行えなくなる。

 《足払い強化》(戦闘)/Improved Trip:君は能力値の前提条件(【知力】13)を満たしていなくても、この特技を選択することができる。自分の活力プールに最低でも1活力ポイントがある間のみ、君はこの特技の利益を得る。君が足払い戦技の目標になったなら、君は【筋力】ボーナスもしくは【敏捷力】ボーナス(いずれか高い方)まで活力ポイントを消費することができる。足払いの試みに対する君のCMDは、その値だけ増加する。

 《足払い打撃》(戦闘)/Tripping Strike:近接攻撃でクリティカル・ヒットを確定させるのに失敗した際、君は2活力ポイントを消費することで目標に足払いを試みることができる。そうするなら、君はクリティカル・ロールを再ロールし、足払いの試みが目標のCMDを上回ったかどうかを決定するために使用する。この再ロールは足払い戦技のみのために使用される。これによりクリティカル・ヒットを確定させることはできない。目標がクリティカル・ヒットに完全耐性がある場合、この試みを行うことはできない。

 《足萎えさせるクリティカル》 (クリティカル、戦闘)/Crippling Critical:君がクリティカル・ヒットを確定させ、この特技で目標を足萎えさせようと試みる際、君は活力ポイントを5ポイントまで消費することができる。そうするなら、君が消費した活力ポイントに等しい値だけ、この特技のセーヴィング・スローのDCを増加させる。


 《威圧演舞》(戦闘)/Dazzling Display:《武器熟練》を修得した武器を身に着けている際、君は標準アクションとして敵1体に対して1回の近接攻撃を行うことができる。その攻撃が命中すると、君は30フィート以内にいてその攻撃を見ることのできる任意の数の敵を選択することができる。これには攻撃した敵自身も含まれる。選択した敵ごとに2活力ポイントを消費し、それらの敵の士気をくじくために〈威圧〉判定を試みること。

 《怒り心頭》(戦闘)/Seething Hatred:君は5活力ポイントを消費することで、君の特異な敵の種別を、レンジャー得意な敵表(Core Rulebook64ページ)の他の特異な敵に変更することができる。この変更は次の君のターンの開始時まで持続する。


 《一か八か》(戦闘)/Death or Glory:《一か八か》による攻撃を行う際、君は5活力ポイントを消費することで、目標がアクションを起こした後、攻撃を開始する前に、目標の割り込みアクションによる攻撃を自動的に無効にすることができます。

 《位置入れ替え》(戦闘、チームワーク)/Swap Places:この特技を使用する際、君は2活力ポイントを消費することができる。そうするなら、この入れ替えの間の君の移動は機会攻撃を誘発しない。

 《位置入れ替え強化》(戦闘、チームワーク)/Improved Swap Places:この特技を使用する際に突き飛ばし戦技を試みる際、君は2活力ポイントを消費することで、仲間のために接敵面を作る必要がある場合にこの戦技の目標を5フィートより多く移動させる能力を得る(通常通り、君は目標を通常より遠くに移動させるために、突き飛ばし戦技判定で十分高い結果をロールしなければならない)。

 《一撃離脱》(戦闘)/Spring Attack:君は5活力ポイントを消費することで、この特技を全ラウンド・アクションではなく標準アクションで使用することができる。

 《位置ずらし強化》(戦闘)/Improved Reposition:君は能力値の前提条件(【知力】13)を満たしていなくても、この特技を選択することができる。自分の活力プールに最低でも1活力ポイントがある間のみ、君はこの特技の利益を得る。君が位置ずらし戦技の目標になったなら、君は【筋力】ボーナスもしくは【敏捷力】ボーナス(いずれか高い方)まで活力ポイントを消費することができる。位置ずらしの試みに対する君のCMDは、その値だけ増加する。

 《位置ずらし打撃》(戦闘)/Repositioning Strike:近接攻撃でクリティカル・ヒットを確定させるのに失敗した際、君は2活力ポイントを消費することで目標に位置ずらしを試みることができる。そうするなら、君はクリティカル・ロールを再ロールし、位置ずらしの試みが目標のCMDを上回ったかどうかを決定するために使用する。この再ロールは位置ずらし戦技のみのために使用される。これによりクリティカル・ヒットを確定させることはできない。目標がクリティカル・ヒットに完全耐性がある場合、この試みを行うことはできない。

 《イニシアチブ強化》(戦闘)/Improved Initiative:イニシアチブ判定をロールする前に、君は10活力ポイントを消費することで、ロールした出目として20を使用することができる。

 《猪の型》(スタイル、戦闘)/Boar Style:このスタイルを使用している間、君は1ラウンドの間に1回だけ素手打撃を目標に命中させた際に3活力ポイントを消費することで、肉を引き裂きその攻撃で追加で2d6ポイントのダメージを与えることができる。君は依然として1ラウンドに1回だけしか肉を引き裂くことはできない。

 《猪の細断》(戦闘)/Boar Shred:君は2活力ポイントを消費することで、即行アクションとして敵1体の士気をくじくことができる。

 《猪の蛮行》(戦闘)/Boar Ferocity:君が《猪の型》を用いて敵の肉を引き裂く前に敵の士気をくじいたなら、君は5活力ポイントを消費することで、その敵を1ラウンドの間不調状態にすることができる。

 《イフリートの型》(スタイル、戦闘)/Efreeti Style:[火]ダメージを与えるために《エレメンタルの拳》による攻撃を行った際、君は活力ポイントを5ポイントまで消費することができる。そうするなら、君は消費した活力ポイントの2倍に等しい[火]ダメージを追加で与える。

 《イフリートの構え》(戦闘)/Efreeti Stance:《エレメンタルの拳》による攻撃を行う際、君は活力ポイントを5ポイントまで消費することで、着火しないようにするためのセーヴィング・スローのDCを増加させることができる。DCの増加は消費した活力ポイントに等しい。

 《イフリートの接触》(戦闘)/Efreeti Touch:円錐形に炎を放つ際、君は《エレメンタルの拳》を2回分消費する代わりに、《エレメンタルの拳》を1回分と2活力ポイントを消費することができる。

 《ウィップ体得》(戦闘)/Whip Mastery:ウィップを用いて非致傷ダメージを与える際、君が活力プールに最低でも1活力ポイントを有しているならば、ウィップは1d8(小型のウィップなら1d6)ポイントのダメージを与える。自分のターンの開始時、君は2活力ポイントを消費することで、君は次の攻撃におけるウィップのダメージ・ダイスをサイズが1段階大きいかのように増加させることができる。非致傷ダメージにおける2つの増加は累積する。実際のサイズを増加させる効果を除き、この効果は武器のサイズ段階を大きくする他の効果と累積しない。

 《ウィップ体得強化》(戦闘)/Improved Whip Mastery:自分のターンの開始時、君は5活力ポイントを消費することで、ウィップを使用する際の機会攻撃範囲の半径を5フィートだけ増加させることができる。この増加は、伸びた間合いにいる敵に攻撃を1回行うか、君の次のターンの開始時か(いずれか早い方)まで持続する。

 《上からには下から》(戦闘)/Under and Over:この特技を使用する際、君は【敏捷力】ボーナスまでの活力ポイントを消費することができる。そうすると、君はこの特技で行う足払いの試みに、消費した活力ポイント毎に+2のボーナスを得る。


 《打ち潰し》(戦闘)/Felling Smash:君は能力値の前提条件(【知力】13)を満たしていなくても、この特技を選択することができる。自分の活力プールに最低でも1活力ポイントがある間のみ、君はこの特技の利益を得る。君は5活力ポイントを消費することで、この特技による足払いの試みを即行アクションではなくフリー・アクションで行うことができる。

 《内なる火》(戦闘)/Inner Flame:[火]あるいは[光]の補足説明を保つ効果に対するセーヴィング・スローに失敗したとき、君は5活力ポイントを消費することで、そのセーヴィング・スローを再ロールできる。結果がより悪くなったとしても、再ロール後の出目を選択しなければならない。

 《海の狩人》(戦闘)/Sea Hunter:この特技を用いて目標のバランスを崩すことに成功したなら、君は活力ポイントを5ポイントまで消費することができる。そうするなら、目標がこの効果で崩されたバランスを立て直すために行う〈水泳〉判定にペナルティを与えることができる。このペナルティは消費した活力ポイントに等しい。

 《恨みの戦士》(戦闘)/Grudge Fighter:君を現在の戦闘中に攻撃したクリーチャーに攻撃を命中させた際、君は活力ポイントを2ポイントまで消費することができる。そうするなら、君は消費した活力ポイントの2倍に等しい追加ダメージを与える。

 《裏技強化》(戦闘)/Improved Dirty Trick:君は能力値の前提条件(【知力】13)を満たしていなくても、この特技を選択することができる。自分の活力プールに最低でも1活力ポイントがある間のみ、君はこの特技の利益を得る。君が裏技戦技の目標になったなら、君は【筋力】ボーナスもしくは【敏捷力】ボーナス(いずれか高い方)まで活力ポイントを消費することができる。裏技の試みに対する君のCMDは、その値だけ増加する。

 《英雄的な演武》(演武、戦闘)/Hero's Display:この特技を使用する際、君は活力ポイントを6ポイントまで消費することで、消費した活力ポイント1ポイント毎に5フィートだけ、士気をくじく効果の半径を増加させることができる(最大で60フィート)。

 《エネルギー放出の一撃》(戦闘)/Channel Smite:この特技を用いて攻撃を行う際、君はエネルギー放出のダイス数に等しいポイント数まで活力ポイントを消費することができる。こうして消費した活力ポイント毎に、《エネルギー放出の一撃》による攻撃で与える正のエネルギーないし負のエネルギーによるダメージに1d6ポイントを追加する。《エネルギー放出の一撃》による攻撃に対する意志セーヴに目標が成功した場合、このダメージも同様に半減される。

 《選ばれし者の武器》(戦闘)/Weapon of the Chosen:この特技を使用する際、君は5活力ポイントを消費することで、神格の好む武器以外の武器1つを指定することができる。君が与えたこの武器に対するこの特技の利益は、次の君のターンの開始時まで持続する。

 《選ばれし者の武器強化》(戦闘)/Improved Weapon of the Chosen:この特技を使用しているとき、通常の持続時間の終了時に、君は2活力ポイントを消費することで、持続時間を次の君のターンの終了時まで延長することができる。

 《エルフの精密性》(戦闘)/Elven Accuracy:視認困難のためにショートボウあるいはロングボウによる攻撃を外した際、君は5活力ポイントを消費することで、この特技による失敗確率の再ロールを自動的に成功することができる。

 《エルフの戦闘訓練》(戦闘)/Elven Battle Training:この特技で指定された伝統的なエルフの武器を使用している場合、君は5活力ポイントを消費することで、この武器を用いて追加で機会攻撃を1回行うことができる。この追加の機会攻撃はこの特技、《迎え討ち》、同種の効果で得られる追加の機会攻撃回数と累積する。

 《エレメンタルの拳》(戦闘)/Elemental Fist:君は5活力ポイントを消費することで、攻撃ロールに成功した後で《エレメンタルの拳》の使用を宣言することができる。

 《遠射》(戦闘)/Far Shot:標準アクションで1回の遠隔攻撃を行う際、君は5活力ポイントを消費することで、この攻撃における全ての射程によるペナルティを無視することができる。

 《遠投》(戦闘)/Distance Thrower:投擲武器を使用する際、君は2活力ポイントを消費することで、射程による遠隔攻撃ロールへのペナルティを追加で4だけ減少させることができる。

 《演武体得》(戦闘)/Master Combat Performer:演武判定を試みる際、君は活力ポイントを5ポイントまで消費することができる。そうするなら、君は消費した活力ポイントに等しいボーナスをその判定に得る。

 《演武戦闘員》(戦闘)/Performing Combatant:この特技を使用する際、君は活力ポイントを5ポイントまで消費することができる。そうするなら、君は消費した活力ポイントに等しいボーナスをその判定に得る。

 《演武武器体得》(戦闘)/Performance Weapon Mastery:活力プールに最低でも1活力ポイントを有している限り、君は――君が習熟しているものだけでなく――全ての武器が“演武”特性を有しているかのように扱う。

 《追い打ち》(戦闘)/Cleaving Finish:《追い打ち》による攻撃を行った後、同じラウンドに他の目標のヒット・ポイントを0未満に追いやったなら、君は5活力ポイントを消費することで再度《追い打ち》による攻撃を1回行うことができる。

 《追い打ち強化》(戦闘)/Improved Cleaving Finish:1ラウンドに1回、君がクリティカル・ヒットを確定させた際、君は5活力ポイントを消費することで、《追い打ち》特技を用いる目的において、その攻撃が目標のヒット・ポイントを0以下に追いやったかのように扱うことができる。

 《覆い防御》(戦闘)/Covering Defense:防御専念アクションを行う際、君は5活力ポイントを消費することができる。そうするなら、君の盾は仲間の反応セーヴにも遮蔽ボーナスを提供する。

 《オーク斬り》(戦闘)/Orc Hewer:活力プールに少なくとも1活力ポイントあるならば、(オーク)の副種別を持つ人形生物に対する《薙ぎ払い》による攻撃に対するボーナスは+4に増加する。

 《オーク武器専門知識》(戦闘)/Orc Weapon Expertise:自分が習熟している、名前に“オーク”とある武器を身に着けているならば、君は5活力ポイントを消費することで、この特技の利益の内、君がまだ有していないもの1つを得ることができる。この効果は1分間持続する。

 《大業物の守り》(戦闘)/Shield of Swings:この特技を使用する際、君は2活力ポイントを消費することで、次の自分のターンの終了時まで受けるダメージを半分だけ減少させることができる。ただし、君は君のターンの終了時から次の君のターンの開始時まで、ACに+2の盾ボーナスしか得ない。

 《押しやり強襲》(戦闘)/Pushing Assault:君は5活力ポイントを消費することで、この特技の利益を得ながら、同時に《強打》による追加ダメージを与えることができる。

 《恐るべき虐殺》(戦闘)/Dreadful Carnage:君が敵のヒット・ポイントを0以下にまで減少させたなら、君は活力ポイントを6ポイントまで消費することができる。そうするなら、この特技の効果範囲を消費した活力ポイント毎に5フィート(最大60フィート)まで増加させることができる。

 《脅しつける一振り》(戦闘)/Bullying Blow:君は2活力ポイントを消費することで、この特技による効果を、全力攻撃の一部として行われる1回の攻撃に適用することができる。


 《囮戦術》(戦闘、チームワーク)/Broken Wing Gambit:この特技で与えられた攻撃ロールで敵が+2のボーナスを得て君を攻撃したなら、君は5活力ポイントを消費することで、その攻撃により君の機会攻撃をも誘発させることができる。

 《尾によるぶら下がり》(戦闘)/Tree Hanger:物体から尾でぶら下がるために垂直に飛び跳ねる際、君は活力ポイントを5ポイントまで消費することができる。そうするなら、君は消費した活力ポイントに等しいボーナスを〈軽業〉判定に得る。


 《回転足払い》(戦闘)/Tripping Twirl:君は能力値の前提条件(【知力】13)を満たしていなくても、この特技を選択することができる。自分の活力プールに最低でも1活力ポイントがある間のみ、君はこの特技の利益を得る。

 《回転受身》(戦闘)/Landing Roll:When using this feat, you can spend 5 stamina points to stand up as part of your immediate action after you move. Standing up provokes attacks of opportunity.

 《回転投げ》(戦闘)/Spinning Throw:If you succeed at the bull rush check, you can spend 2 stamina points to push the opponent 5 additional feet, or 4 stamina points to push the target 10 additional feet.

 《回避》(戦闘)/Dodge:When you move your speed or farther, you can spend a number of stamina points up to double your Dexterity bonus. If you do, until the start of your next turn, you gain an increase to the dodge bonus granted by the Dodge feat equal to half the number of stamina points you spent.

 《回避移動》(戦闘)/Sidestep:When this feat lets you move, you can spend 2 stamina points to move 10 feet instead of 5. You must still remain in your opponent's threatened area. You still lose your 5-foot step or 5 feet of movement――the movement lost doesn't increase to 10 feet.

 《回避移動強化》(戦闘)/Improved Sidestep:As long as you have at least 1 stamina point in your stamina pool, you can use the Improved Sidestep feat as a free action that you can take during your opponent's turn.

 《回避予測》(戦闘)/Anticipate Dodge:You can spend 1 stamina point to increase the maximum bonus from Anticipate Dodge by 2 (this is still limited by the creature's dodge bonus, however).

 《カウンターパンチ》(戦闘)/Counterpunch:You can spend 5 stamina points to use this feat a second time during the same round.

 《返し技》(戦闘)/Reverse-Feint:You can spend 2 stamina points to make the attack granted by this feat as a free action rather than an immediate action. You can still make the attack only once per use of this feat.

 《鶴翼》(戦闘)/Crane Wing:When fighting defensively with at least one hand free, you can spend 5 stamina points to designate a second opponent for your Crane Wing feat. You also gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC against that opponent's attacks.

 《駆け抜け攻撃》(戦闘)/Ride-By Attack:After making a mounted charge attack using this feat, you can spend 5 stamina points to change the direction of your movement instead of continuing to move in a straight line.

 《影への打撃》(戦闘)/Shadow Strike:You can spend 5 stamina points when you hit a creature with total concealment to deal precision damage to that creature.

 《風の如き脚》(戦闘)/Wind Stance:When using this feat, you can spend 5 stamina points to gain 20% concealment for 1 round against all attacks (not just ranged attacks).

 《庇う》(戦闘)/In Harm's Way:When using this feat's benefit, you can spend up to 5 stamina points to reduce the damage from the intercepted attack by an amount equal to double the number of stamina points you spent this way. This does not alter other effects from that attack (such as bleed, poison, etc.), even if the damage is reduced to 0.

 《亀の型》(スタイル、戦闘)/Snapping Turtle Style:When using this style, as long as you have at least 1 stamina point in your stamina pool, your shield bonus to AC increases by 1.

 《亀の甲羅》(戦闘)/Snapping Turtle Shell:While using Snapping Turtle Style, you can spend up to 5 stamina points to cause an enemy to take an additional penalty on one critical confirmation roll against you equal to the number of stamina points you spent.

 《亀の掴み》(戦闘)/Snapping Turtle Clutch:When you attempt a grapple combat maneuver as an immediate action as a result of this feat, you can spend 2 stamina points to negate the -2 penalty on that combat maneuver check.

 《絡み投げ》(戦闘)/Binding Throw:You can spend 1 stamina point to gain a +2 bonus on a grapple check made as a swift action with this feat.

 《過労化クリティカル》(クリティカル、戦闘)/Exhausting Critical:When you threaten a critical hit against an exhausted target and choose to use Exhausting Critical, you can spend up to 5 stamina points. If you do, you gain a +2 bonus on the confirmation roll for each stamina point you spent.

 《かわし投げ》(戦闘)/Felling Escape:君は能力値の前提条件(【知力】13)を満たしていなくても、この特技を選択することができる。自分の活力プールに最低でも1活力ポイントがある間のみ、君はこの特技の利益を得る。君は5活力ポイントを消費することで、この特技により行う足払いの試みを即行アクションではなくフリー・アクションで行うことができる。

 《間隙への連撃》(戦闘)/Hammer the Gap:When you use this feat, you can spend 5 stamina points to increase the amount of extra damage dealt by 1 point per consecutive hit you make.

 《貫通打撃》(戦闘)/Penetrating Strike:Whenever you deal damage to a creature with damage reduction using the selected weapons, you can spend 5 stamina points to allow all your allies (other than yourself) within 30 feet of the creature to ignore 5 points of the creature's damage reduction for 1 round. This has no effect on creatures with damage reduction without a type (such as DR 10/―). This effect does not stack with Penetrating Strike's normal effect, but it does allow you to apply the effect to all your other weapons for the duration.

 《貫通突撃》(戦闘)/Charge Through:When you attempt and fail to overrun a creature in the path of your charge, you can spend 5 stamina points to finish your charge against that creature instead of losing your charge.

 《貫通薙ぎ払い》(戦闘)/Cleave Through:When using this feat, once per round when you hit a creature with a follow-up Cleave attack, you can spend 5 stamina points to take a second 5-foot step as a free action. If doing so places a creature within your threatened area, that creature becomes a legal target for your additional Cleave attacks as long as it meets all the other prerequisites.

 《完璧なる打撃》(戦闘)/Perfect Strike:You can spend 5 stamina points to use Perfect Strike a second time during the same round.

 《機会を見逃さぬ相棒》(戦闘、チームワーク)/Paired Opportunists:As long as an ally that also has this feat is within your melee reach, you can spend 2 stamina points to gain this feat's benefits until the end of your next turn.

 《危険な打撃者》(戦闘)/Risky Striker:When using this feat, you can spend 5 stamina points to gain the bonus on damage rolls against creatures one or more size categories larger than you. This benefit ends when you stop using this feat or after 1 minute, whichever comes first.

 《危険な踏みつけ》(戦闘)/Vicious Stomp:When an opponent provokes an unarmed strike attack of opportunity from you by falling prone, you can spend 2 stamina points to deal an additional 1d6 points of damage with that unarmed strike.

 《刻み突きの型》(スタイル、戦闘)/Jabbing Style:When you gain the extra damage from this style after hitting a single target with two or more unarmed strikes, you can spend 2 stamina points to increase the extra unarmed strike damage by 1d6 points.

 《刻み突きの達人》(戦闘)/Jabbing Master:When you threaten a critical hit with an unarmed strike while using Jabbing Style, you can spend 5 stamina points to double your extra damage from Jabbing Master against that target. You can use this ability only once per target per round.

 《刻み突きの舞踏家》(戦闘)/Jabbing Dancer:After you use Jabbing Style to move 5 feet without provoking attacks of opportunity, if you have at least 1 stamina point in your stamina pool, you can still take a 5-foot step on your next turn.

 《騎射》(戦闘)/Mounted Archery:When making an attack using a ranged weapon while mounted, you can spend 1 or 2 stamina points to reduce the penalties on the attack roll by double the number of stamina points you spent.

 《騎乗蹂躙》(戦闘)/Trample:When you attempt to overrun an opponent while mounted and you don't succeed at the overrun combat maneuver check, you can spend 2 stamina points and continue to move as if the target of the overrun had moved out of the way.

 《騎乗する殺戮者》(戦闘)/Mounted Skirmisher:When your mount moves its speed or less, you can spend 5 stamina points to spur it on 10 additional feet. This is bonus movement, and you can still make a full attack when your mount takes this bonus movement.

 《騎乗戦闘》(戦闘)/Mounted Combat:Once you have already used this feat, you can spend 5 stamina points to use it an additional time during the same round. You can use this trick as many times in a round as you like, as long as you spend 5 stamina points per use.

 《騎乗盾》(戦闘)/Mounted Shield:As long as you have at least 1 stamina point in your stamina pool, you can add your shield's enhancement bonus to your mount's Armor Class.

 《機動射撃》(戦闘)/Shot on the Run:You can spend 5 stamina points to use this feat as a standard action instead of a full-round action.

 《騎兵陣形》(戦闘、チームワーク)/Cavalry Formation:At the start of your turn, you can spend 2 stamina points to gain the ability to overlap with allied riders who do not have this feat. This ability lasts until the start of your next turn.

 《脅威的な尾撃》(戦闘)/Tail Terror:At the start of your turn, you can spend 5 stamina points to treat your tail slap as a primary natural attack until the beginning of your next turn. The tail slap is treated as a primary attack even if used along with weapon attacks as part of a full attack.

 《強化された鎧訓練》(戦闘)/Fortified Armor Training:When you use this feat to negate a critical hit, you can spend 5 stamina points to give your armor or shield a 50% chance to avoid gaining the broken condition.

 《共感的激怒》(戦闘)/Sympathetic Rage:When an ally within 30 feet is raging, you can spend 5 stamina points to enter a sympathetic rage even if you aren't adjacent to that ally. Until the rage ends, you only need to stay within 30 feet of a raging ally to maintain your sympathetic rage.

 《挟撃阻止》(戦闘)/Flanking Foil:When using this feat, you can spend 5 stamina points. If you do, your target cannot flank with its allies against you until the start of your next turn.

 《強行突破》(戦闘)/Mobility:Your dodge bonus to AC from the Dodge feat combat trick is doubled against attacks of opportunity provoked by movement. If you don't have the Dodge feat, you can still use its combat trick.

 《強打》(戦闘)/Power Attack:When using this feat, you can spend 2 stamina points to gain the benefits and the hindrances of that feat until the end of your turn, instead of until your next turn.

 《協調挟撃》(戦闘、チームワーク)/Outflank:When you threaten but fail to confirm a critical hit against a creature you are flanking, you can spend 5 stamina points. If you do, that creature provokes an attack of opportunity from each ally with this feat who is flanking the creature, even though you didn't confirm the critical hit. You still can't use this ability against targets immune to critical hits.

 《協調戦技》(戦闘、チームワーク)/Coordinated Maneuvers:When you attempt a combat maneuver while adjacent to an ally who also has this feat, you can spend 1 stamina point to increase your bonus from this feat on that combat maneuver check by 2.

 《協調射撃》(戦闘、チームワーク)/Coordinated Shot:When making an attack roll, you can spend 2 stamina points to ignore any cover provided by an ally who also has this feat.

 《協調防御》(戦闘、チームワーク)/Coordinated Defense:When you are targeted with a combat maneuver while you are adjacent to an ally who also has this feat, you can spend 1 or 2 stamina points. If you do, your bonus to Combat Maneuver Defense against that combat maneuver attempt increases by an amount equal to the number of stamina points you spent.

 《協調見張り》(戦闘、チームワーク)/Lookout:As long as you have at least 1 stamina point in your stamina pool, you gain the benefit of this feat as long as you are within 10 feet of an ally who has this feat.

 《恐怖の演舞》(戦闘)/Terrorizing Display:When you use this feat, you can spend 5 stamina points to affect allies within 60 feet instead of 30 feet.

 《狂暴なかきむしり》(戦闘)/Rending Fury:When you make a rend attack, you can spend up to 5 stamina points to deal an amount of additional damage equal to double the number of stamina points you spent.

 《狂暴なかきむしり強化》(戦闘)/Improved Rending Fury:As long as you have at least 1 stamina point in your stamina pool, the extra damage from this feat is multiplied on a critical hit.

 《凶暴なる執念》(戦闘)/Ferocious Tenacity:When using this feat, you can spend 2 stamina points in place of 1 round of rage to gain the same effects.

 《狂乱集中》(戦闘)/Furious Focus:When using the Power Attack feat and wielding a two-handed melee weapon or a one-handed melee weapon with two hands, you can spend 5 stamina points. If you do, each successful attack you make against a target reduces your Power Attack penalty against that target by 1 (to a minimum of 0) until the beginning of your next turn.

 《極端な憎悪》(戦闘)/Extreme Prejudice:When you succeed at a sneak attack against a creature that is not the target of your Seething Hatred feat, you can spend 5 stamina points to treat the creature as if it were the target of your Seething Hatred for that attack.

 《曲乗り》(戦闘)/Trick Riding:As long as you have 1 stamina point in your stamina pool, you gain the effects of this feat when wearing medium armor.

 《巨人殺し》(戦闘)/Giant Killer:As long as you have at least 1 stamina point in your stamina pool, the bonus on Cleave attacks made against humanoids with the giant subtype increases to +4.

 《拒絶するダメージ減少》(戦闘)/Rebuffing Reduction:When you succeed at a bull rush combat maneuver check with this feat, you can spend 2 stamina points to move up to 5 feet with the target.

 《切り開く打撃》(戦闘)/Riving Strike:When you use this feat, you can spend up to 3 stamina points to increase the duration of the effect by 1 round for each stamina point spent.

 《麒麟の型》(スタイル、戦闘)/Kirin Style:When you attempt a Knowledge check to identify a creature, you can spend up to 2 stamina points to gain a bonus on that check equal to double the number of stamina points you spent.

 《麒麟の軌道》(戦闘)/Kirin Path:When using Kirin Style, you can spend 5 stamina points instead of using an attack of opportunity to move a distance equal to 5 feet × your Intelligence modifier.

 《麒麟撃》(戦闘)/Kirin Strike:As long as you have at least 1 stamina point in your stamina pool, when you hit a creature you have identified with Kirin Style, you add your Intelligence modifier to melee and ranged attack damage rolls against that creature for the next 24 hours. You still can take a swift action to add twice your Intelligence modifier to damage rolls, but that damage doesn't stack with the damage from this combat trick.

 《気を逸らす突撃》(戦闘、チームワーク)/Distracting Charge:You can spend 1 stamina point when an ally with this feat charges but misses with the charge attack. When you do, you can still gain the benefit of this feat when you charge.

 《近距離射撃》(戦闘)/Point-Blank Shot:You can spend up to 6 stamina points to increase this feat's range by 5 feet for each stamina point you spent.

 《近距離射撃体得》(戦闘)/Point-Blank Master:When firing any type of ranged weapon, throwing a weapon, or making a ranged touch attack, you can spend 2 stamina points to avoid provoking an attack of opportunity.

 《近接投擲》(戦闘)/Close-Quarters Thrower:When throwing any thrown weapon, you can spend 2 stamina points. If you do, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity for that throw.

 《クオータースタッフ体得》(戦闘)/Quarterstaff Master:When you use this feat to wield a quarterstaff as a one-handed weapon, you can spend 5 stamina points to retain the ability to use it as a double weapon and still keep a hand free. This effect lasts until the beginning of your next turn.

 《串刺し化クリティカル》(クリティカル、戦闘)/Impaling Critical:When you impale a foe with this feat, you can spend 5 stamina points to make the weapon require a standard action to remove (rather than a move action).

 《串刺し化クリティカル強化》(クリティカル、戦闘)/Improved Impaling Critical:When using this feat to impale a foe, you can spend 5 stamina points to immobilize the foe in its current space (instead of halving its movement) for as long as you maintain your grip and the foe is impaled. If you let go of the weapon, the foe can move, but its movement is still halved.

 《首砕き》(戦闘)/Neckbreaker:When using this feat, you can spend 10 stamina points to deal 1d6 points of Constitution damage instead of 2d6 points of Strength or Dexterity damage.

 《組み打ち》(戦闘)/Pinning Knockout:When using an unarmed strike or a light or one-handed weapon to deal nonlethal damage to a pinned opponent with this feat, you can spend 5 stamina points to triple the damage instead of doubling it.

 《組みつきかきむしり》(戦闘)/Pinning Rend:When you deal bleed damage with this feat, you can spend up to 5 stamina points to increase the bleed damage by an amount equal to the number of stamina points you spent.

 《組みつき強化》(戦闘)/Improved Grapple:君が組みつき戦技の目標になったなら、君は【筋力】ボーナスもしくは【敏捷力】ボーナス(いずれか高い方)まで活力ポイントを消費することができる。組みつきの試みに対する君のCMDは、その値だけ増加する。

 《暗がりの一撃》(戦闘)/Gloom Strike:As long as you have at least 1 stamina point in your stamina pool, you gain the bonus for this feat when you are in dim light or darkness, even if the creature you are attacking is not.

 《クリティカル強化》(戦闘)/Improved Critical:When you hit with an attack and the roll fails to threaten a critical hit by 3 or less, you can spend 5 stamina points to attempt to deal double damage anyway. Roll as if confirming a critical hit. If this confirmation roll succeeds, your attack is still not a critical hit, but it deals double damage.

 《クリティカル熟練》(戦闘)/Critical Focus:If your successful critical confirmation roll is a natural 19 or 20, you can spend 2 stamina points to roll another confirmation roll. If this confirmation roll also succeeds, increase your critical multiplier by 1 for this attack, and you can roll again. If you continue to roll 19 or 20, you can continue to spend stamina points for additional rolls, and the increases to the critical multiplier stack.

 《クリティカル体得》(戦闘)/Critical Mastery:When you confirm a critical hit, instead of applying the effects of two critical feats you possess, you can spend 2 stamina points to apply the effect of any one critical feat you don't possess (but for which you qualify).

 《クロスボウ体得》(戦闘)/Crossbow Mastery:As long as you have at least 1 stamina point in your stamina pool, reloading any kind of crossbow no longer provokes attacks of opportunity.

 《啓示打撃》(戦闘)/Revelation Strike:After hitting with an unarmed strike, you can spend 2 stamina points to apply the effects of your chosen revelationas a free action instead of a swift action. If the chosen revelation has unlimited daily uses, this combat trick costs 5 stamina points instead.

 《軽妙なる戦術》(戦闘)/Agile Maneuvers:You can spend a number of stamina points equal to your Dexterity bonus while attempting combat maneuver checks. For every 2 stamina points that you spend in this way, you are considered to be one size category larger than your actual size when determining whether you can affect a target creature with your combat maneuver and when calculating your size bonus for that check.

 《劇的な演武》(演武、戦闘)/Dramatic Display:When using this feat, you can spend 5 stamina points to also gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC until the end of your next turn.

 《蹴散らし強化》(戦闘)/Improved Overrun:君が蹴散らし戦技の目標になったなら、君は【筋力】ボーナスもしくは【敏捷力】ボーナス(いずれか高い方)まで活力ポイントを消費することができる。蹴散らしの試みに対する君のCMDは、その値だけ増加する。

 《決闘のケープの発露》(戦闘、心意気)/Dueling Cape Deed:When you use this feat to entangle a foe, you can spend 5 stamina points in place of spending 1 panache point.

 《蹴り上げ》(戦闘)/Kick Up:You can spend 2 stamina points to kick up an unattended object in an adjacent space occupied by an enemy.

 《蹴り飛ばし》(戦闘)/Punishing Kick:You can spend 5 stamina points to declare you are using this feat after you make a successful unarmed strike attack.

 《乾坤の一射》(戦闘)/Focused Shot:You can spend 2 stamina points to make a Focused Shot attack against a target anywhere within your weapon's first range increment.

 《拳打突撃》(戦闘)/Pummeling Charge:When you make a Pummeling Charge attack, you can spend 5 stamina points to make a single extra attack at your highest bonus.

 《拳打の型》(スタイル、戦闘)/Pummeling Style:While using this style, you can spend 5 stamina points to pool all of your attacks as a standard action, instead of a full-round action.

 《拳打のごろつき》(戦闘)/Pummeling Bully:When you hit with a Pummeling Style attack, you can spend 2 stamina points to make a bull rush attempt as a free action instead of a reposition attempt.

 《剣と銃》(戦闘)/Sword and Pistol:When you use the Two-Weapon Fighting feat while wielding a melee weapon and a crossbow or firearm, as long as you have 1 stamina point in your stamina pool, you gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls made with the crossbow or firearm.

 《幻惑化打撃》(戦闘)/Dazing Fist:You can spend 5 stamina points to declare that you are using Dazing Fist after you've hit with an unarmed strike attack.

 《幻惑強襲》(戦闘)/Dazing Assault:After hitting an opponent with a melee attack, you can spend 5 stamina points to attempt to daze that opponent as if using this feat.

 《幸運の一打》(戦闘)/Lucky Strike:You can spend 5 stamina points instead of a use of adaptable luck to reroll the damage from a single attack.

 《降下突撃》(戦闘)/Death from Above:When charging an opponent from higher ground or from above while flying, you can spend 4 stamina points to gain a +5 bonus on the damage roll, and also retain the bonuses from charging and being on higher ground.

 《好機を掴む》(戦闘)/Seize Advantage:When you make a riposte using this feat, you can spend up to 5 stamina points to increase the damage of the riposte by double the number of stamina points you spent.

 《絞殺者》(戦闘)/Strangler:As long as you have at least 1 stamina point in your stamina pool, you can automatically deal your sneak attack damage to a creature you are grappling when you successfully maintain the grapple, instead of taking a swift action to deal damage.

 《攻城技師》(戦闘)/Siege Engineer:As long as you have at least 1 stamina point in your stamina pool, you gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls with all siege weapons.

 《攻城技師体得》(戦闘)/Master Siege Engineer:You can spend 5 stamina points to reduce the number of actions it takes to aim and load a siege engine by one for 1 round (minimum one action). You must be the crew lead of that siege engine.

 《攻城射手》(戦闘)/Siege Gunner:As long as you have at least 1 stamina point in your stamina pool, you gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls with all siege weapons you are proficient with.

 《攻城司令官》(戦闘)/Siege Commander:As long as you have at least 1 stamina point in your stamina pool, when you lead a siege engine assembly crew, even those among the crew who are not trained in Craft (siege engine) can take 10 on the check to assemble the siege engine.

 《光線を弾く盾》(戦闘)/Ray Shield:You can spend 2 stamina points to gain the effect of this feat while preventing the spell or effect from affecting your shield.

 《高速装填》(戦闘)/Rapid Reload:When reloading a crossbow or firearm, you can spend 5 stamina points to reduce the reload time by one step; a standard action becomes a move action, a move action becomes a swift action, and a swift action becomes a free action. The weapon you are reloading doesn't need to be the one you chose when you took this feat. If the weapon already has a reload time of one free action, when you make a full attack with the weapon, you can spend 2 stamina points to gain a +1 bonus on all damage rolls with the weapon during that full attack.

 《広範な嫌悪》(戦闘)/Vast Hatred:You can spend 5 stamina points to designate a creature type (and subtype, if appropriate) from the Ranger Favored Enemies table (Core Rulebook 64). Your attack bonus from the hatred racial trait also applies to creatures of the selected type (and subtype, if appropriate) until the start of your next turn.

 《攻防一体》(戦闘)/Combat Expertise:君は能力値の前提条件(【知力】13)を満たしていなくても、この特技を選択することができる。自分の活力プールに最低でも1活力ポイントがある間のみ、君はこの特技の利益を得る。君が《戦場の活力》特技の利益を用いて攻撃ロールを上げるために活力ポイントを消費する際、消費する活力ポイントと同じだけ、《攻防一体》によるペナルティをを無視する。

 《小型の乗騎》(戦闘)/Undersized Mount:While you have at least 1 stamina point in your stamina pool, the DCs of your Ride checks to leap with a mount of your size, and to perform a fast mount or dismount with such a mount, decrease by 5.

 《コッカトリス打撃》(戦闘)/Cockatrice Strike:You can spend 5 stamina points to make a Cockatrice Strike attack against a foe you are flanking.

 《ゴブリン・ガンスリンガー》(戦闘)/Goblin Gunslinger:When wielding a firearm that deals fire damage, when you threaten but fail to confirm a critical hit, you can spend 5 stamina points to regain 1 grit point. You still can't gain a grit point if the target is immune to critical hits.

 《ゴブリン薙ぎ》(戦闘)/Goblin Cleaver:As long as you have at least 1 stamina point in your stamina pool, the bonus on Cleave attacks made against goblinoids increases to +4.

 《コボルド奇襲兵》(戦闘)/Kobold Ambusher:When you use the run or charge action and wish to remain hidden, you can spend 2 stamina points to decrease the penalty for doing so to -5.

 《コボルド狙撃兵》(戦闘)/Kobold Sniper:When you are sniping, you can spend 5 stamina points to decrease the penalty on Stealth checks to stay hidden to -5 until the start of your next turn.

 《ゴルゴンの拳》(戦闘)/Gorgon's Fist:You can spend 5 stamina points to make a Gorgon's Fist attack as one of the individual attacks made during a full attack.

 《殺しの惨状》(戦闘)/Killing Flourish:When you confirm a critical hit, you can spend 5 stamina points and take a swift action to attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize all foes within 30 feet who can see your attack.

 《弧をなす投石者》(戦闘)/Arc Slinger:You can spend 1 stamina point when making a sling or sling staff attack to gain the benefits of Point-Blank Shot within the first two range increments of the sling or staff.

 《渾身の一打》(戦闘)/Vital Strike:After rolling the damage of a Vital Strike attack, you can spend 2 stamina points to reroll up to two of the weapon's damage dice. (For weapons with more than one damage die, count all the weapon's base damage dice together as one.) You must take the second result, even if it's lower.

 《渾身の一打強化》(戦闘)/Improved Vital Strike:When using the Vital Strike combat trick, you can spend 3 stamina points instead of 2 to reroll three damage dice.

 《混乱化打撃》(戦闘)/Befuddling Strike:You can spend 5 stamina points to declare that you are using Befuddling Strike after you've hit with an unarmed strike attack roll.

 《最後の抱擁》(戦闘)/Final Embrace:You can spend 2 stamina points to grab a creature one size category larger than you.

 《最後の抱擁の恐怖》(戦闘)/Final Embrace Horror:When a creature is damaged by your constrict ability, you can spend 5 stamina points to sicken that creature until the start of your next turn.

 《最後の抱擁体得》(戦闘)/Final Embrace Master:Each time you constrict, you can spend 5 stamina points to triple the damage dice of your constrict ability instead of doubling them.

 《酒場のブローラー》(戦闘)/Barroom Brawler:You can spend 5 stamina points to use this feat as a swift action instead of a move action. If you have the martial flexibility class feature, you can spend 5 stamina points to use that class feature as a swift action instead of a move action, or as a free action instead of a swift action.

 《蠍の型》(戦闘)/Scorpion Style:When you hit with an unarmed attack using this feat and the target successfully saves against the effect, you can spend 2 stamina points to reduce the target's movement speed by half for 1 round.

 《殺人者の輪》(演武、戦闘)/Murderer's Circle:You can spend 2 stamina points to use this feat after dealing maximum damage to or successfully feinting against a creature. You must still be adjacent to the creature.

 《サップの熟達者》(戦闘)/Sap Adept:When you use this feat, you can spend a number of stamina points equal to the number of sneak attack dice you roll to increase the amount of nonlethal damage dealt by double the number of stamina points you spent.

 《サップ体得》(戦闘)/Sap Master:You can spend 10 stamina points to use this feat on one attack against an opponent you are flanking, instead of one that is flat-footed.

 《猿の移動》(戦闘)/Monkey Moves:At the start of your turn, you can spend 5 stamina points to gain a climb speed equal to your land speed until the start of your next turn.

 《猿の輝き》(戦闘)/Monkey Shine:After you have used this feat to enter an opponent's space, if that opponent moves away from you, you can spend stamina points to move along with the opponent. You must spend 2 stamina points per 5 feet you move. The opponent's movement doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity from you if you move with the opponent, nor do you provoke attacks of opportunity when moving in this way.

 《猿の型》(スタイル、戦闘)/Monkey Style:When using this style, you can spend 2 stamina points to stand up as a swift action without having to succeed at a DC 20 Acrobatics check.

 《残虐なとどめ》(戦闘)/Gory Finish:You can spend 5 stamina points when confirming a critical on a Gory Finish attack to attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize all foes within 30 feet of you who can see your attack.

 《斬撃の優美》(戦闘)/Slashing Grace:You can spend 2 stamina points to select another light or one-handed slashing weapon. That weapon counts as a chosen weapon for Slashing Grace until the start of your next turn.

 《士気を奪う鞭》(戦闘)/Demoralizing Lash:When you hit a demoralized foe with a weapon in the flails fighter group, you can spend 2 stamina points to extend the duration of the shaken condition by 1d4 rounds instead of 1 round.

 《下からの攻撃強化》(戦闘)/Improved Low Blow:You can spend 5 stamina points to reroll a second critical hit confirmation roll in the same day.

 《絞め落とし》(戦闘)/Chokehold:When you attempt a chokehold, you can spend 2 stamina points to reduce the penalty to -1.

 《ジャーンの型》(スタイル、戦闘)/Janni Style:When you charge while using this style, you can spend 2 stamina points to take no penalty to AC for charging and move an additional 10 feet as part of the charge.

 《ジャーンの暴風》(戦闘)/Janni Tempest:When you hit an opponent with an unarmed strike while using Janni Style, you can spend 2 stamina points to increase this feat's bonus by 2. You can also spend 2 stamina points to apply the feat's bonus on checks to a drag or reposition combat maneuver instead of a bull rush or trip.

 《ジャーンの乱打》(戦闘)/Janni Rush:You can spend 5 stamina points to multiply the extra damage dice from this feat on a critical hit.

 《シャイタンの型》(スタイル、戦闘)/Shaitan Style:When you make an Elemental Fist attack to deal acid damage, you can spend up to 5 stamina points. When you do, you deal an amount of additional acid damage equal to double the number of stamina points you spent.

 《シャイタンの酸撃》(戦闘)/Shaitan Earthblast:Instead of spending two uses of Elemental Fist to unleash a column of acid, you can spend one use of Elemental Fist and 2 stamina points.

 《シャイタンの肌》(戦闘)/Shaitan Skin:When you make an Elemental Fist attack, you can spend up to 5 stamina points to increase the DC of the saving throw to avoid being staggered by an amount equal to the number of stamina points you spent.

 《灼熱の武器》(戦闘)/Scorching Weapons:When you use this feat to make one or more metallic weapons red hot for 1 round, you can spend 2 stamina points to increase the additional fire damage to 2 points, and have that damage stack with other effects that add fire damage to a weapon (such as the flaming weapon special ability).

 《射撃機会攻撃》(戦闘)/Snap Shot:At the end of your turn, you can spend 2 stamina points to increase the range at which you threaten squares with ranged weapons to 10 feet until you take an attack of opportunity against an opponent in the expanded threat range or the beginning of your next turn, whichever comes first.

 《射撃機会攻撃強化》(戦闘)/Improved Snap Shot:At the end of your turn, you can spend 5 stamina points to threaten an additional 15 feet with Snap Shot (instead of an additional 10 feet) until you take an attack of opportunity against an opponent in the expanded threat range or the beginning of your next turn, whichever comes first.

 《縦射》(戦闘、チームワーク)/Enfilading Fire:Before making a ranged attack roll, you can spend 1 stamina point to gain the benefits of this feat against a target that is flanked by two or more allies, even if those allies don't have this feat.

 《収束射撃》(戦闘)/Clustered Shots:When using this feat, you can spend up to 2 stamina points for each attack that hit the same target. Increase the damage pooled by this feat by an amount equal to the number of stamina points you spent.

 《集団攻撃》(戦闘、チームワーク)/Pack Attack:When you are adjacent to an ally that also has this feat, you can spend 2 stamina points to take a 5-foot step as a free action instead of an immediate action. You can still use this feat's ability only once per round.

 《集中砲火》(戦闘、チームワーク)/Target of Opportunity:You can spend 5 stamina points to make the attack granted by this feat as an attack of opportunity instead of an immediate action. You can use this combat trick only once per round.

 《修道院の遺産》(戦闘)/Monastic Legacy:At the start of your turn, you can spend 5 stamina points to use your full character level to determine your effective monk level for your unarmed strike damage. This increase lasts until the start of your next turn.

 《縦列足払い》(戦闘、チームワーク)/Tandem Trip:When attempting to trip a target that is threatened by one of your allies, you can spend 2 stamina points to gain this feat's benefit even if the threatening ally doesn't have this feat.

 《呪術打撃》(戦闘)/Hex Strike:You can spend 5 stamina points to apply the effects of your chosen hex as a free action instead of a swift action.

 《出血化クリティカル》(クリティカル、戦闘)/Bleeding Critical:When you deal bleed damage with this feat, you can spend up to 3 stamina points to increase the amount of bleed damage dealt by double the number of stamina points you spent.

 《呪文潰し》(戦闘)/Spellbreaker:When you hit a caster with an attack of opportunity it provoked by failing to cast defensively, you can spend 5 stamina points to daze the caster until the end of its next turn. If the caster succeeds at a Fortitude save with a DC equal to 10 + your base attack bonus, it is staggered instead.

 《呪文粉砕》(戦闘)/Shatterspell:When you have depleted all uses of this feat for a day, you can spend 5 stamina points to use this feat one additional time that day.

 《瞬殺》(戦闘)/Silent Kill:When you use this feat, you can spend a number of stamina points up to your Dexterity bonus and gain a bonus on the Stealth check equal to the number of stamina points you spent.

 《上級足払い》(戦闘)/Greater Trip:君は能力値の前提条件(【知力】13)を満たしていなくても、この特技を選択することができる。自分の活力プールに最低でも1活力ポイントがある間のみ、君はこの特技の利益を得る。君は敵1体に対する足払い戦技に成功した後に2活力ポイントを消費することで、目標に1d6ポイントの落下ダメージを与えることができる。

 《上級位置ずらし》(戦闘)/Greater Reposition:君は能力値の前提条件(【知力】13)を満たしていなくても、この特技を選択することができる。自分の活力プールに最低でも1活力ポイントがある間のみ、君はこの特技の利益を得る。敵1体に位置ずらしを試みる際、君は5活力ポイントを消費することで、君が敵を追いかけて移動できる場所を決定する際に武器の間合いを5フィート増加することができる。

 《上級ウィップ体得》(戦闘)/Greater Whip Mastery:When you initiate a grapple with a whip, you can spend 5 stamina points to attempt a second grapple check as a swift action to either move or damage the creature you are grappling. This is not a check to maintain the grapple.

 《上級裏技》(戦闘)/Greater Dirty Trick:君は能力値の前提条件(【知力】13)を満たしていなくても、この特技を選択することができる。自分の活力プールに最低でも1活力ポイントがある間のみ、君はこの特技の利益を得る。裏技戦技を成功させた際、君は5活力ポイントを消費することで、君がこの戦技で与えた状態を取り除くために必要なアクションを(標準アクションではなく)全ラウンド・アクションに変更することができる。

 《上級選ばれし者の武器》(戦闘)/Greater Weapon of the Chosen:When making an attack as part of a full attack with the weapon designated by your Weapon of the Chosen feat, you can spend 5 stamina points to gain the benefits of this feat on that attack.

 《上級貫通打撃》(戦闘)/Greater Penetrating Strike:When you use a weapon with which you have Weapon Focus to damage a creature that has damage reduction, you can spend 5 stamina points to allow all your allies within 30 feet to ignore 10 points of that creature's damage reduction for 1 round. This amount is reduced to 5 points for damage reduction without a type (such as DR 10/―). This effect does not stack with Greater Penetrating Strike's normal effect, but it does allow you to apply the effect to all your other weapons for the duration.

 《上級狂暴なかきむしり》(戦闘)/Greater Rending Fury:When you rend an opponent, you can spend 2 stamina points to deal 1d6+2 points of bleed damage to your opponent instead of 1d6 points of bleed damage.

 《上級組みつき》(戦闘)/Greater Grapple:After you take a move action to successfully maintain a grapple, you can spend 5 stamina points before the end of your turn to maintain that grapple as a swift action. This allows you to make up to three grapple checks to maintain a grapple during a round, but you still can't maintain a grapple until the round after you initiate it.

 《上級蹴散らし》(戦闘)/Greater Overrun:If you succeed at a combat maneuver check to overrun an opponent, but do not exceed your opponent's CMD by 5 or more, you can spend 2 stamina points to knock the target prone anyway.

 《上級渾身の一打》(戦闘)/Greater Vital Strike:When using the Vital Strike combat trick, you can spend 4 stamina points instead of 2 to reroll four damage dice.

 《上級射撃機会攻撃》(戦闘)/Greater Snap Shot:When you make an attack of opportunity using a ranged weapon, you can spend 3 stamina points to gain your bonus from Greater Snap Shot on the attack roll.

 《上級盾開眼》(戦闘)/Greater Shield Specialization:You can spend 5 stamina points to use your selected shield to negate a critical hit a second time each day.

 《上級盾熟練》(戦闘)/Greater Shield Focus:When an attack is made against you while you are using a shield, you can spend up to 4 stamina points. For that attack, your shield bonus increases by an amount equal to the number of stamina points you spent. This increase does not stack with any gained from the Shield Focus combat trick.

 《上級突き飛ばし》(戦闘)/Greater Bull Rush:When you bull rush an opponent, you can spend 5 stamina points to have the opponent's movement from the bull rush provoke an attack of opportunity from you as well.

 《上級二刀流》(戦闘)/Greater Two-Weapon Fighting:If you hit with the third attack granted by this feat and your base attack bonus is 16 or higher, you can spend 2 stamina points to make another attack with your off hand at a -15 penalty.

 《上級盗み取り》(戦闘)/Greater Steal:君は能力値の前提条件(【知力】13)を満たしていなくても、この特技を選択することができる。自分の活力プールに最低でも1活力ポイントがある間のみ、君はこの特技の利益を得る。ウィップを用いて盗み取り戦技を試みる際、君は2活力ポイントを消費することで、判定に対する-4のペナルティを無視することができる。

 《上級引きずり》(戦闘)/Greater Drag:When you succeed at a drag combat maneuver check, you can spend 5 stamina points to gain up to 10 feet of movement for your drag. You can use this movement in place of your normal movement, but only to drag an opponent.

 《上級フェイント》(戦闘)/Greater Feint:君は能力値の前提条件(【知力】13)を満たしていなくても、この特技を選択することができる。自分の活力プールに最低でも1活力ポイントがある間のみ、君はこの特技の利益を得る。活力プールに少なくとも1ポイントあるならば、君は即効アクションとしてフェイントを行うことができる。ただし、このフェイントによる立ちすくみ状態は、次の君のターンまでの全ての攻撃に適用されるのではなく、君の次の攻撃に対してだけ適用される。

 《上級武器落とし》(戦闘)/Greater Disarm:君は能力値の前提条件(【知力】13)を満たしていなくても、この特技を選択することができる。自分の活力プールに最低でも1活力ポイントがある間のみ、君はこの特技の利益を得る。敵1体に対する武器落としに成功した際、君は5活力ポイントを消費することで、武器が落下する場所として武器落としの対象となった敵から15フィート以内のマス1つを指定することができる。君が自分の接敵面を指定し、君の片手が空いているならば、君は武器落としの試みの一部としてその武器を掴むことができる。

 《上級武器開眼》(戦闘)/Greater Weapon Specialization:Once per round, you can spend 2 stamina points to gain your Greater Weapon Specialization bonus on damage rolls with another weapon. This bonus lasts until the start of your next turn.

 《上級武器熟練》(戦闘)/Greater Weapon Focus:Once per round, you can spend 2 stamina points to gain your Greater Weapon Focus bonus on attack rolls with another weapon. This bonus lasts until the start of your next turn.

 《上級武器破壊》(戦闘)/Greater Sunder:When you succeed at a sunder combat maneuver check, you can spend a number of stamina points up to your Strength bonus to deal an amount of extra damage to the target equal to double the number of stamina points you spent. The damage type is the same as that of the weapon you used to attempt the maneuver.

 《上級無視界戦闘》(戦闘)/Greater Blind-Fight:When you attack a creature subject to the blink spell, you can spend 5 stamina points. If you do, your Greater Blind-Fight feat works against that creature until the beginning of your next turn, either treating the blink miss chance as 20% and allowing a reroll or ignoring the blink miss chance if you have a way to see or strike ethereal creatures.

 《衝撃の一射》(クリティカル、戦闘)/Impact Critical Shot:When you confirm a critical hit and use this feat to either bull rush or trip the target, you can spend 5 stamina points to perform the other combat maneuver as well. Use the confirmation roll for the combat maneuver check of both maneuvers.

 《素人ガンスリンガー》(戦闘)/Amateur Gunslinger:Choose a second 1st-level gunslinger deed. You can spend grit to use this deed, or you can spend 5 stamina points to use either of your deeds in place of grit. If you gain levels in a class that grants the grit class feature, you retain the ability to spend 5 stamina points in place of grit when using any of your 1st-level deeds, and this becomes a combat trick of the Extra Grit feat (even though that feat is not a combat feat).

 《素人スワッシュバックラー》(戦闘)/Amateur Swashbuckler:Choose a second 1st-level swashbuckler deed. You can spend panache to use this deed, or you can spend 5 stamina points to use either of your deeds in place of panache. If you gain levels in a class that grants the panache class feature, you retain the ability to spend 5 stamina points in place of panache when using any of your 1st-level deeds, and this becomes a combat trick of the Extra Panache feat (even though that feat is not a combat feat).

 《迅速な位置ずらし》(戦闘)/Quick Reposition:君は能力値の前提条件(【知力】13)を満たしていなくても、この特技を選択することができる。自分の活力プールに最低でも1活力ポイントがある間のみ、君はこの特技の利益を得る。君は2活力ポイントを消費することで、最も高い基本攻撃ボーナスを用いない攻撃1回を位置ずらし戦技に置き換えることができる。この戦技は1ラウンドに1回しか使用できないが、たとえ最も高い基本攻撃ボーナスによる攻撃を位置ずらしに使用した後であっても使用できる。

 《迅速な裏技》(戦闘)/Quick Dirty Trick:君は能力値の前提条件(【知力】13)を満たしていなくても、この特技を選択することができる。自分の活力プールに最低でも1活力ポイントがある間のみ、君はこの特技の利益を得る。君は2活力ポイントを消費することで、最も高い基本攻撃ボーナスを用いない攻撃1回を裏技戦技に置き換えることができる。この戦技は1ラウンドに1回しか使用できないが、たとえ最も高い基本攻撃ボーナスによる攻撃を裏技に使用した後であっても使用できる。

 《迅速な突き飛ばし》(戦闘)/Quick Bull Rush:君は2活力ポイントを消費することで、最も高い基本攻撃ボーナスを用いない攻撃1回を突き飛ばし戦技に置き換えることができる。この戦技は1ラウンドに1回しか使用できないが、たとえ最も高い基本攻撃ボーナスによる攻撃を突き飛ばしに使用した後であっても使用できる。

 《迅速な盗み取り》(戦闘)/Quick Steal:君は能力値の前提条件(【知力】13)を満たしていなくても、この特技を選択することができる。自分の活力プールに最低でも1活力ポイントがある間のみ、君はこの特技の利益を得る。君は2活力ポイントを消費することで、最も高い基本攻撃ボーナスを用いない攻撃1回を盗み取り戦技に置き換えることができる。この戦技は1ラウンドに1回しか使用できないが、たとえ最も高い基本攻撃ボーナスによる攻撃を盗み取りに使用した後であっても使用できる。

 《迅速な引きずり》(戦闘)/Quick Drag:君は2活力ポイントを消費することで、最も高い基本攻撃ボーナスを用いない攻撃1回を引きずり戦技に置き換えることができる。この戦技は1ラウンドに1回しか使用できないが、たとえ最も高い基本攻撃ボーナスによる攻撃を引きずりに使用した後であっても使用できる。

 《慎重な戦士》(戦闘)/Cautious Fighter:When not fighting defensively or using total defense, you can spend 5 stamina points to increase your dodge bonus by 2. This increase lasts until the start of your next turn.

 《ジンの回転》(戦闘)/Djinni Spin:Instead of spending two uses of Elemental Fist to surround yourself in a whirlwind of electrified air, you can spend one use of Elemental Fist and 2 stamina points.

 《ジンの型》(スタイル、戦闘)/Djinni Style:When you make an Elemental Fist attack to deal electricity damage, you can spend up to 5 stamina points. If you do, you deal an amount of additional electricity damage equal to double the number of stamina points you spent.

 《ジンの魂》(戦闘)/Djinni Spirit:When you make an Elemental Fist attack, you can spend up to 5 stamina points to increase the DC of the saving throw of the deafening effect by an amount equal to the number of stamina points you spent.

 《救いの盾》(戦闘)/Saving Shield:When you use this feat, you can spend 2 stamina points to increase the shield bonus granted to your ally by an amount equal to the enhancement bonus of the shield you are using.

 《素手打撃強化》(戦闘)/Improved Unarmed Strike:When you deal nonlethal damage with an unarmed strike, you can spend up to 5 stamina points to deal an amount of additional nonlethal damage equal to double the amount of stamina points you spent.

 《素早き攻撃》(戦闘)/Nimble Striker:When you use the Cleave or Lunge feats or when you charge, you can spend 5 stamina points to gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC. This bonus lasts until the start of your next turn.

 《素早き拘束者》(戦闘)/Rapid Grappler:You can spend 2 stamina points to gain a +2 bonus on a grapple check made as a swift action with this feat.

 《素晴らしき演武》(演武、戦闘)/Masterful Display:When choosing the effects of any two performance feats you possess, you can spend 2 stamina points to gain the bonus from both feats on your performance combat check.

 《速やかなる援護》(戦闘)/Swift Aid:As long as you have at least 1 stamina point in your stamina pool, you can use this feat to aid another as a move action.

 《すり抜けフェイント》(戦闘)/Passing Trick:You can spend 5 stamina points to attempt a Bluff check as a free action instead of a swift action when using this feat.

 《スリング・フレイル》(戦闘)/Sling Flail:You can spend 2 stamina points to increase the damage dealt by the melee attacks you make with a loaded sling as if your sling were one size category larger than its actual size. For example, a Small sling would deal 1d4 points of damage, while a Medium one would deal 1d6. This benefit lasts until the start of your next turn, and doesn't stack with other effects that treat the sling as a larger size category unless they increase the sling's actual size.

 《鋭き爪》(戦闘)/Sharpclaw:You can spend 2 stamina points to increase the damage die of your claw attacks to 1d6 until the start of your next turn.

 《スレイヤーのフェイント》(戦闘)/Slayer's Feint:When attempting a feint using Acrobatics, you can spend a number of stamina points up to your Dexterity bonus. If you do, you gain a bonus on that feint attempt equal to the number of stamina points you spent.

 《聖戦士の拳》(戦闘)/Crusader's Fist:When you use Crusader's Fist and confirm a critical hit, you can spend 5 stamina points to multiply the extra damage for that critical hit.

 《斉射による好機》(戦闘)/Opening Volley:When you deal damage with a ranged attack, you can spend 2 stamina points to gain a +4 circumstance bonus on the next two melee attack rolls you make against that opponent until the end of your next turn, instead of on only the next melee attack.

 《精密射撃》(戦闘)/Precise Shot:As a standard action, you can spend 2 stamina points and make a ranged attack against a foe engaged in melee with an ally. If the attack hits, it deals no damage, but your ally gains your choice of either a +2 bonus on her next attack roll against that opponent or a +2 bonus to AC against that opponent's next attack. This bonus lasts until the start of your next turn.

 《精密射撃強化》(戦闘)/Improved Precise Shot:When you use the ability of the Precise Shot combat trick, the bonuses increase to +4.

 《精密なる協調攻撃》(戦闘、チームワーク)/Precise Strike:When dealing precision damage with this feat, you can spend 2 stamina points to increase that precision damage to 2d6.

 《赤々たるオーラ》(戦闘)/Blazing Aura:When you create an aura of heat with this feat, you can spend 5 stamina points to increase the fire damage dealt to any creature that begins its turn in the aura to 2d6 points of fire damage.

 《赤熱のフェイント》(戦闘)/Blistering Feint:When you attempt a feint while you're wielding a weapon that deals fire damage, you can spend up to 5 stamina points to gain a bonus on the Bluff check equal to the number of stamina points you spent.

 《鮮血の強襲》(戦闘)/Bloody Assault:Each round you use this feat, you can spend up to 5 stamina points. If you do, until the end of your next turn, you reduce the penalty on all your attack rolls by an amount equal to the number of stamina points you spent.

 《戦闘警戒》(戦闘)/Combat Patrol:When moving before or after making an attack of opportunity while using Combat Patrol, you can spend 1 stamina point per 5 feet moved. When you do, that movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

 《戦闘スタイルの達人》(戦闘)/Combat Style Master:When it is not your turn, you can spend 2 stamina points to take the free action to switch your style.

 《ソーサラーの打撃》(戦闘)/Sorcerous Strike:After hitting with an unarmed strike, you can spend 2 stamina points to apply the effects of your chosen bloodline power as a free action instead of a swift action.

 《速射》(戦闘)/Rapid Shot:When using this feat, you can spend a number of stamina points up to the number of shots taken using this feat. If you do, you decrease the penalty of a single Rapid Shot ranged attack by 2 for each stamina point you spent.

 《喪心演舞》(戦闘)/Disheartening Display:When you affect a creature with this feat, you can spend 5 stamina points to gain the ability to affect that creature with this feat a second time during the same 24-hour period.

 《対瞬間移動戦術》(戦闘)/Teleport Tactician:When you hit a target with an attack of opportunity granted by this feat, you can spend 2 stamina points to daze the target for 1 round. The target can attempt a Fortitude save with a DC equal to 10 + your base attack bonus to negate this effect.

 《大旋風》(戦闘)/Whirlwind Attack:When using this feat, you can spend stamina points to still take bonus or extra attacks granted by other feats, spells, or abilities. You must spend 5 stamina points per extra attack you take in this way. This combat trick allows you to make extra attacks to which you have access――it doesn't by itself grant extra attacks.

 《代用武器体得》(戦闘)/Improvised Weapon Mastery:When making an improvised weapon attack, you can spend 2 stamina points to increase the damage of the attack by an additional step (to a maximum of 1d10, or 2d8 if the improvised weapon is two-handed).

 《代用武器の巧み》(戦闘)/Catch Off-Guard:When making an attack with an improvised weapon against an armed opponent, you can spend 5 stamina points. If you do, the target is considered flat-footed during that attack. An opponent who recognizes you and has seen you use Catch Off-Guard in this way is immune to this effect.

 《盾開眼》(戦闘)/Shield Specialization:When you are the target of a combat maneuver, you can spend 2 stamina points to add your shield's enhancement bonus to your CMD for that combat maneuver.

 《盾攻撃の達人》(戦闘)/Shield Master:Just before you roll a Fortitude or Reflex saving throw, you can spend 5 stamina points to add your shield's enhancement bonus as a bonus on the saving throw.

 《盾攻撃強化》(戦闘)/Improved Shield Bash:When attempting a shield bash attack, you can spend 5 stamina points to either wield a heavy shield as if it were a light weapon or gain a +2 bonus on the shield bash attack roll with a light shield. Whichever option you choose, the effect lasts until the start of your next turn.

 《盾熟練》(戦闘)/Shield Focus:When an attack is made against you while you are using a shield, you can spend up to 2 stamina points. If you do, the shield's bonus to AC against that attack increases by an amount equal to the number of stamina points you spent.

 《盾の壁》(戦闘、チームワーク)/Shield Wall:You can spend 2 stamina points to increase the bonus you grant to your ally with this feat by 1 until the end of your next turn.

 《盾のぶちかまし》(戦闘)/Shield Slam:Instead of attempting a free bull rush when using the Shield Slam feat, you can spend 2 stamina points to attempt a disarm, reposition, trip, or sunder combat maneuver. This combat maneuver attempt does not provoke an attack of opportunity from the target.

 《束ね射ち》(戦闘)/Manyshot:When using this feat, you can spend 5 stamina points to fire two arrows with your final iterative attack during the full attack.

 《騙し撃ち》(戦闘)/False Opening:When you use this feat, you can spend 5 stamina points to make an attack of opportunity against an opponent who misses you with the provoked attack (after it loses its Dexterity bonus to AC against you).

 《多様なるクリティカル》(戦闘)/Critical Versatility:You can spend 5 stamina points to use this feat a second time per day.

 《多様なる武勇》(戦闘)/Martial Versatility:At the start of your turn, you can spend 2 stamina points to apply the selected feat to another weapon that is not of the same weapon group. You gain this benefit until the start of your next turn.

 《団結援護》(戦闘)/Team Up:When you and at least two of your allies are adjacent to an opponent, you can spend 2 stamina points to attempt to aid another as a swift action.

 《団結挟撃》(戦闘)/Gang Up:君は能力値の前提条件(【知力】13)を満たしていなくても、この特技を選択することができる。自分の活力プールに最低でも1活力ポイントがある間のみ、君はこの特技の利益を得る。5活力ポイントを消費するならば、君は自分と(別の仲間2人の代わりに)別の仲間1人が敵1体に接敵しているときにこの特技の利益を得ることができる。

 《血のくちばし》(戦闘)/Blood Beak:You can spend 1 stamina point when you confirm a critical hit with your beak to increase the bleed damage to 1d4 points of bleed damage.

 《地の民の足払い》(戦闘)/Earth Child Topple:When you trip a creature with the giant subtype, you can spend 3 stamina points to cause the creature to also take 2d6 points of falling damage.

 《地の民の型》(スタイル、戦闘)/Earth Child Style:When you make a successful unarmed strike attack against a creature that has the giant subtype, you can spend up to 5 stamina points to gain a bonus on the damage roll equal to double the number of stamina points you spent.

 《地の民の束縛》(戦闘)/Earth Child Binder:You can spend 5 stamina points to use Stunning Fist without expending a normal use of Stunning Fist when a creature with the giant subtype provokes an attack of opportunity by standing up.

 《血の秘術打撃》(戦闘)/Blooded Arcane Strike:When you imbue your weapon with Arcane Strike, you can spend 5 stamina points to increase its damage by 1 for the duration of the Arcane Strike effect.

 《致命的なとどめ》(戦闘)/Deadly Finish:When you reduce an opponent to 0 hit points, you can spend 2 stamina points to force the creature to succeed at the saving throw for Deadly Finish or die.

 《致命的な狙い》(戦闘)/Deadly Aim:When using this feat, you can spend 4 stamina points to reduce the penalty to attack rolls imposed by the feat by 1 until the beginning of your next turn. You can't reduce the penalty below 0.

 《聴覚喪失化クリティカル》(クリティカル、戦闘)/Deafening Critical:When you confirm a critical hit and attempt to deafen an opponent with this feat, you can spend up to 5 stamina points to increase the DC of this feat's saving throw by an amount equal to the number of stamina points you spent.

 《直感防御》(戦闘)/Uncanny Defense:When fighting defensively or taking the total defense action, if you attempt a Reflex saving throw or are the target of a combat maneuver, you can spend a number of stamina points up to your Dexterity bonus to gain a bonus on the Reflex save or to your CMD equal to the number of stamina points you spent.

 《対のフェイント》(戦闘)/Twinned Feint:After succeeding at the first feint while using this feat, you can spend 2 stamina points to attempt a second feint against any foe within your reach, even if it's not adjacent to the first foe.

 《対の雷鳴》(戦闘)/Twin Thunders:You can spend 2 stamina points to gain the benefits of this feat against a creature at least one size category larger than you that does not have the giant subtype. You gain this benefit until the start of your next turn.

 《対の雷鳴体得》(戦闘)/Twin Thunders Master:When you use the Twin Thunders feat to deal extra damage to an opponent, you can spend 2 stamina points to make that opponent shaken for 1d4 rounds.

 《対の雷鳴連打》(戦闘)/Twin Thunders Flurry:You can spend 2 stamina points to attempt a trip combat maneuver against a Huge creature that does not have the giant subtype.

 《追尾》(戦闘)/Step Up:As long as you have at least 1 stamina point in your stamina pool, on the turn after you use this feat, you can still take a 5-foot step, and you don't reduce your speed if you take an action to move due to this feat.

 《追尾強化》(戦闘)/Following Step:When you use this feat to move, you can spend 2 stamina points to increase your movement to 15 feet.

 《追尾打撃》(戦闘)/Step Up and Strike:You can spend 5 stamina points to make this feat's attack without having that attack count as one of your attacks of opportunity for the round.

 《杖による足払い》(戦闘)/Tripping Staff:君は能力値の前提条件(【知力】13)を満たしていなくても、この特技を選択することができる。自分の活力プールに最低でも1活力ポイントがある間のみ、君はこの特技の利益を得る。

 《掴みとる好機》(戦闘、チームワーク)/Seize the Moment:When an ally with this feat threatens a critical hit but fails to confirm it, you can spend 5 stamina points to make your attack of opportunity anyway.

 《掴みの型》(スタイル、戦闘)/Grabbing Style:When you make a grapple attempt with two hands while using this style, you can spend 1 stamina point to gain a +2 bonus on the grapple combat maneuver check.

 《掴みの達人》(戦闘)/Grabbing Master:When you are grappling only one opponent while using Grabbing Style, you can spend 5 stamina points to continue to threaten the area within your reach with your free hand until the beginning of your next turn.

 《掴み引きずり》(戦闘)/Grabbing Drag:After using the move grapple action and moving your full speed, you can spend 5 stamina points to move your full speed again (instead of half your speed) without the need to attempt another grapple check.

 《突き落とし》(戦闘)/Unseat:When you use this feat to successfully unseat a foe, you can spend 5 stamina points to make the rider fall prone in an unoccupied space of your choice adjacent to the mount instead of a space directly away from you.

 《突き刺し射撃》(戦闘)/Stabbing Shot:When using this feat, you can spend 2 stamina points to negate the -2 penalty on all attacks for 1 round.

 《突き飛ばし強化》(戦闘)/Improved Bull Rush:君が突き飛ばし戦技の目標になったなら、君は【筋力】ボーナスもしくは【敏捷力】ボーナス(いずれか高い方)まで活力ポイントを消費することができる。突き飛ばしの試みに対する君のCMDは、その値だけ増加する。

 《突き飛ばし打撃》(戦闘)/Bull Rush Strike:近接攻撃でクリティカル・ヒットを確定させるのに失敗した際、君は2活力ポイントを消費することで目標に突き飛ばしを試みることができる。そうするなら、君はクリティカル・ロールを再ロールし、突き飛ばしの試みが目標のCMDを上回ったかどうかを決定するために使用する。この再ロールは突き飛ばし戦技のみのために使用される。これによりクリティカル・ヒットを確定させることはできない。目標がクリティカル・ヒットに完全耐性がある場合、この試みを行うことはできない。

 《爪による飛びかかり》(戦闘)/Claw Pounce:When you charge, you can spend 5 stamina points to make a second attack with one of your claws.

 《爪のかきむしり》(戦闘)/Rending Claws:When you make two claw attacks but hit with only one, you can spend 5 stamina points to deal the precision damage granted by this feat anyway.

 《鶴の型》 (スタイル、戦闘)/《鶴の型》:While using this style and fighting defensively or using the total defense action, when you are targeted with a melee attack, you can spend up to 3 stamina points and take an immediate action to increase your dodge bonus to AC against that attack by an amount equal to the number of stamina points you spent.

 《鶴の突き返し》(戦闘)/Crane Riposte:At the start of a turn when you are fighting defensively, you can spend 2 stamina points to take no penalty on your attack rolls from fighting defensively. This lasts until the start of your turn.

 《撤退射撃》(戦闘)/Parting Shot:You can spend 2 stamina points to use this feat's benefit a second time during a single encounter. You can use this combat trick only once per encounter, so you still can't make more than two Parting Shot attacks total in one encounter.

 《撤退阻止》(戦闘)/Pin Down:When using this feat, you can spend 5 stamina points to gain its benefits and still deal damage with the attack of opportunity.

 《手ひどい一打》(戦闘)/Deadly Stroke:You can spend 5 stamina points to make a Deadly Stroke attack against a dazed opponent, or 10 stamina points to make a Deadly Stroke against an opponent you are flanking.

 《電光の如き脚》(戦闘)/Lightning Stance:When you take a single move action and move no less than your speed, you can spend 5 stamina points to benefit from a 50% miss chance until the start of your next turn.

 《統合突撃》(戦闘、チームワーク)/Coordinated Charge:When an ally with this feat charges a creature, and that creature is farther than your speed but no farther than double your speed, you can spend 5 stamina points to charge that creature. You must still be able to follow all the rules for a charge.

 《蟷螂の型》(スタイル、戦闘)/Mantis Style:While using this style, you can spend 5 stamina points to use Stunning Fist without expending a use of Stunning Fist for the day.

 《蟷螂の激痛》(戦闘)/Mantis Torment:Instead of expending two uses of Stunning Fist to make the Mantis Torment unarmed strike, you can choose to spend either 5 stamina points or one use of Stunning Fist and 2 stamina points.

 《蟷螂の判断力》(戦闘)/Mantis Wisdom:You can spend 2 stamina points and take a standard action to remove any Stunning Fist effect you have applied to a creature without making a touch attack. You can use this ability no matter where the affected creature is located.

 《鬨の声》(戦闘)/Battle Cry:You can spend 5 stamina points when an ally under your battle cry's effect decides to reroll a saving throw against a fear effect and end the feat's effect. When you do, that ally continues to be affected by the Battle Cry after she rerolls the saving throw.

 《毒吐き》(戦闘)/Spit Venom:When you spit poison, you can spend up to 5 stamina points. For each stamina point spent, you can increase the range of the attack by 5 feet.

 《毒蛇の打撃》(戦闘)/Adder Strike:You can spend 2 stamina points to apply poison to a manufactured weapon as a swift action.

 《突撃投擲》(戦闘)/Charging Hurler:When using this feat, you can spend 2 stamina points to end your movement within 50 feet of your target instead of 30 feet.

 《突撃投擲強化》(戦闘)/Improved Charging Hurler:When using Charging Hurler against a target within 30 feet, you can spend up to 2 stamina points. When you do, the bonus on your damage roll for that attack increases by double the number of stamina points you spent.

 《突撃妨害》(戦闘、チームワーク)/Intercept Charge:When using this feat, you can spend 5 stamina points to not have your movement count toward your movement on your next turn.

 《とどめの盾攻撃》(戦闘)/Bashing Finish:When you fail to confirm a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, you can spend 5 stamina points to make a shield bash attack against the target anyway. You still can't make the attack if the target is immune to critical hits.

 《捉える一打》(戦闘)/Grasping Strike:When using this feat, you can spend up to 5 stamina points to increase the DC of the effect by an amount equal to the number of stamina points you spent.

 《虎の型》(スタイル、戦闘)/Tiger Style:When you score a critical hit with your slashing unarmed strike, you can spend 2 stamina points to make the bleed damage last until the target is healed either with a Heal check or magical healing (instead of lasting only 2 turns).

 《虎の爪》(戦闘)/Tiger Claws:If your bull rush attempt from this feat succeeds, you can spend 2 stamina points to move with your opponent normally.

 《虎の飛びかかり》(戦闘)/Tiger Pounce:When using Tiger Style, you can spend 2 stamina points and take a swift action to move closer to an enemy you've hit with an unarmed strike or made a successful combat maneuver against at any point during this combat, instead of one you hit on this or your last turn.

 《薙ぎ払い》(戦闘)/Cleave:When using the Cleave or Great Cleave feat, you can spend 4 stamina points to negate the -2 penalty to Armor Class until your next turn.

 《薙ぎ払い強化》(戦闘)/Great Cleave:Once per round when you miss a foe with an attack gained from Cleave, you can spend 5 stamina points to make another Cleave attack anyway.

 《肉体の盾》(戦闘)/Body Shield:You can spend 5 stamina points to use this feat against a creature grappling you.

 《二重斬り》(戦闘)/Double Slice:When you hit an opponent with both a primary-hand attack and an off-hand attack while using Two-Weapon Fighting, you can spend a number of stamina points up to half your Strength bonus. If you do, add a bonus on the damage roll of the second of the two attacks equal to the number of stamina points you spent. You can use this combat trick only once per round.

 《二刀のかきむしり》(戦闘)/Two-Weapon Rend:You can spend 5 stamina points to use this feat's benefit a second time in a single round.

 《二刀のフェイント》(戦闘)/Two-Weapon Feint:君は能力値の前提条件(【知力】13)を満たしていなくても、この特技を選択することができる。自分の活力プールに最低でも1活力ポイントがある間のみ、君はこの特技の利益を得る。《二刀流》を用いて近接攻撃を行う際、君は5活力ポイントを消費することで、いずれかの攻撃1回(利き手の武器による最初の攻撃でなくてもよい)を諦め、敵1体にフェイントを行うための〈はったり〉判定を試みることができる。最初の攻撃でない攻撃を諦めた場合でも、このフェイントの試みは君のすべての攻撃の前に行われる。

 《二刀のフェイント強化》(戦闘)/Improved Two-Weapon Feint:君は能力値の前提条件(【知力】13)を満たしていなくても、この特技を選択することができる。自分の活力プールに最低でも1活力ポイントがある間のみ、君はこの特技の利益を得る。君は5活力ポイントを消費することで、目標が【敏捷力】ボーナスを失う期間を、次の君のターンの開始時に引き伸ばすことができる。

 《二刀の守り》(戦闘)/Two-Weapon Defense:Once per round, you can spend 2 stamina points to double the bonuses granted by this feat until the start of your next turn.

 《二刀流》(戦闘)/Two-Weapon Fighting:You can spend any number of stamina points to reduce the penalty from Two-Weapon Fighting on attacks made with a weapon in your primary hand by 1 for every 2 stamina points you spent. This benefit lasts until the start of your next turn. You can't reduce the penalty below 0.

 《二刀流強化》(戦闘)/Improved Two-Weapon Fighting:When making an attack of opportunity, you can spend 5 stamina points to also make an attack of opportunity with your off-hand weapon. That second attack takes a -5 penalty.

 《二度目の正直》(戦闘)/Second Chance:君は能力値の前提条件(【知力】13)を満たしていなくても、この特技を選択することができる。自分の活力プールに最低でも1活力ポイントがある間のみ、君はこの特技の利益を得る。《二度目の正直》を使用した後、君は5活力ポイントを消費することで、最初の攻撃を再ロールした後に二度目に高い攻撃ボーナスで攻撃を1回行うことができる。

 《二度目の正直強化》(戦闘)/Improved Second Chance:君は能力値の前提条件(【知力】13)を満たしていなくても、この特技を選択することができる。自分の活力プールに最低でも1活力ポイントがある間のみ、君はこの特技の利益を得る。君は5活力ポイントを消費することで、全力攻撃における二回目以降のいずれの攻撃についても、《二度目の正直》を用いて同じボーナスで再ロールすることができる。《二度目の正直》を同じ全力攻撃の中で複数回使用する場合、ペナルティは累積する。

 《抜け目ない軽身》(戦闘)/Canny Tumble:Just before you make an attack roll with the +2 circumstance bonus granted by this feat, you can spend up to 5 stamina points. When you do, if your attack hits, you gain a bonus on the damage roll equal to double the number of stamina points spent.

 《盗み取り強化》(戦闘)/Improved Steal:君は能力値の前提条件(【知力】13)を満たしていなくても、この特技を選択することができる。自分の活力プールに最低でも1活力ポイントがある間のみ、君はこの特技の利益を得る。君が盗み取り戦技の目標になったなら、君は【筋力】ボーナスもしくは【敏捷力】ボーナス(いずれか高い方)まで活力ポイントを消費することができる。盗み取りの試みに対する君のCMDは、その値だけ増加する。

 《ネット戦技》(戦闘)/Net Maneuvering:As long as you have at least 1 stamina point in your stamina pool, you can also use a net to drag or reposition an opponent.

 《ネット計略》(戦闘)/Net Trickery:As long as you have at least 1 stamina point in your stamina pool, you can dazzle or sicken the opponent with a dirty trick combat maneuver instead of blinding it.

 《ネットとトライデント》(戦闘)/Net and Trident:When you use a light or one-handed melee weapon to attack an opponent entangled by your net, you can spend up to 5 stamina points when you hit the opponent to gain a bonus on the damage roll equal to double the number of stamina points you spent.

 《ネットの熟達者》(戦闘)/Net Adept:You can spend 2 stamina points to fold a net as a standard action.

 《ノームの武器熟練》(戦闘)/Gnome Weapon Focus:When you make a successful attack with a gnome weapon against an opponent that is at least one size category larger than you, you can spend up to 5 stamina points. If you do, you gain a bonus on the damage roll equal to double the number of stamina points you spent.

 《呪われしノーム》(戦闘)/Haunted Gnome:You can spend 5 stamina points to use haunted fey aspect an additional time in a day.

 《呪われしノームの強襲》(戦闘)/Haunted Gnome Assault:When you hit an opponent with a charge attack or confirm a critical hit, you can spend 2 stamina points to make the target of the attack shaken for 1 round without discharging haunted fey aspect.

 《呪われしノームの経帷子》(戦闘)/Haunted Gnome Shroud:When an opponent misses you due to the miss chance from Haunted Gnome Shroud, you can spend 5 stamina points to impose a -2 penalty on all that opponent's attack rolls against you until that opponent deals damage to you. This ability doesn't stack with itself.

 《破壊の一打》(戦闘)/Devastating Strike:Whenever you use Vital Strike, Improved Vital Strike, or Greater Vital Strike, you can spend 5 stamina points to increase the bonus damage to +4 on each extra weapon damage die. For weapons with more than one damage die, count all of the weapon's base damage dice together as one set.

 《破壊の一打強化》(戦闘)/Improved Devastating Strike:Whenever you use the Devastating Strike combat trick, increase the bonus damage to +6 on each of the extra sets of weapon damage dice. For weapons with more than one damage die, count all the weapon's base damage dice together as one set.

 《破壊者の祝福》(戦闘)/Destroyer's Blessing:You can spend 2 stamina points to regain 1 round of rage after reducing a foe whose CR is at least half your character level to below 0 hit points, rather than upon successfully sundering a target.

 《激しい嫌悪》(戦闘)/Great Hatred:When you hit an opponent of a subtype subject to your hatred racial trait, you can spend up to 5 stamina points to deal an amount of extra damage equal to double the number of stamina points you spent.

 《馬術体得》(戦闘)/Horse Master:You can spend 5 stamina points to grant your mount a number of temporary hit points equal to your character level. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute.

 《発動妨害》(戦闘)/Disruptive:When you use your last attack of opportunity available to you in a round, you can spend 2 stamina points to extend the duration of this feat's increase to DCs for enemies casting defensively within your threatened area until the start of your next turn.

 《跳ね返るランス跳躍》(戦闘)/Rebounding Leap:When attempting an Acrobatics check to jump as part of your leaping lance class feature, you can spend up to 5 stamina points to gain a bonus on that check equal to the number of stamina points you spent.

 《早抜き》(戦闘)/Quick Draw:As long as you have at least 1 stamina point in your stamina pool, you can sheathe a weapon as a swift action.

 《針先の毒殺者》(戦闘)/Pinpoint Poisoner:When throwing blowgun darts as shuriken with this feat while you're within 10 feet of your target, you can spend 5 stamina points to make your attack roll against the target's touch AC instead.

 《針の目を通す狙い》(戦闘)/Pinpoint Targeting:When you use this feat, you can spend stamina points to retain the ability to move. If you spend 2 stamina points, you can take a 5-foot step after you make the attack. If you instead spend 5 stamina points, you can move up to half your speed as a move action.

 《反撃の構え》(戦闘)/Strike Back:When you ready an action to attack someone outside of your melee reach, you can spend 5 stamina points to take a 5-foot step, but you must move closer to the attacking creature. You can take this 5-foot step even if your readied action includes a 5-foot step.

 《反射迎え討ち》(戦闘)/Counter Reflexes:When an opponent with the Mobility feat moves out of or within your threatened area, you can spend 2 stamina points to gain a +4 bonus on your attack of opportunity.

 《万能投擲術》(戦闘)/Throw Anything:As long as you have at least 1 stamina point in your stamina pool, when you use a melee weapon that is not a thrown weapon for a ranged improvised weapon attack, you use the weapon's melee critical threat range and multiplier instead of the normal 20/×2 for improvised weapons. You can spend 2 stamina points to increase your range increment for thrown weapon attacks (including ranged improvised weapons) by 10 feet until the beginning of your next turn.

 《引きずり強化》(戦闘)/Improved Drag:君が引きずり戦技の目標になったなら、君は【筋力】ボーナスもしくは【敏捷力】ボーナス(いずれか高い方)まで活力ポイントを消費することができる。引きずりの試みに対する君のCMDは、その値だけ増加する。

 《低い姿勢》(戦闘)/Low Profile:When targeted by a ranged attack, you can spend a number of stamina points up to your Dexterity bonus. For each stamina point you spend in this way, your dodge bonus to AC against that attack increases by 1.

 《引き倒し》(戦闘)/Drag Down:君は能力値の前提条件(【知力】13)を満たしていなくても、この特技を選択することができる。自分の活力プールに最低でも1活力ポイントがある間のみ、君はこの特技の利益を得る。《引き倒し》により対応した足払い戦技判定が10以上の差で成功したなら、君は5活力ポイントを消費することで、足払い戦技に用いた割り込みアクションの一部として、機会攻撃を誘発することなく伏せ状態から立ち上がることができる。

 《秘術系統打撃》(戦闘)/School Strike:After hitting with an unarmed strike, you can spend 2 stamina points to apply the effects of your chosen arcane school power as a free action instead of a swift action.

 《秘術使いの鎧訓練》(戦闘)/Arcane Armor Training:When casting a spell while wearing armor, you can spend 1 stamina point to activate Arcane Armor Training as a free action.

 《秘術使いの鎧体得》(戦闘)/Arcane Armor Mastery:When casting a spell while wearing armor, you can spend 1 stamina point to activate Arcane Armor Mastery as a free action, or spend a number of stamina points equal to the spell's level (minimum 1) to ignore your armor's arcane spell failure chance entirely for that casting.

 《秘術の打撃》(戦闘)/Arcane Strike:You can spend any number of stamina points to increase the duration of this feat's effects by 1 round for each stamina point spent.

 《豹の受け流し》(戦闘)/Panther Parry:When your retaliatory strike damages an opponent, you can spend 5 stamina points to increase the penalty the target takes on attack and damage rolls to -4.

 《豹の型》(スタイル、戦闘)/Panther Style:Whenever you provoke an attack of opportunity, you can spend 5 stamina points to make a retaliatory strike as a swift action.

 《豹の爪》(戦闘)/Panther Claw:When making a retaliatory strike, you can spend up to 5 stamina points to gain a bonus on the damage roll equal to double the number of stamina points you spent.

 《卑劣なとどめ》(戦闘)/Dastardly Finish:You can spend 10 stamina points to deliver a coup de grace against two helpless, cowering, or stunned targets within your reach as a full-round action. This provokes attacks of opportunity twice――one for each coup de grace.

 《疲労化クリティカル》(クリティカル、戦闘)/Tiring Critical:When you threaten a critical hit against a fatigued foe, you can spend 5 stamina points before attempting the confirmation roll. If you confirm the critical hit, the foe becomes exhausted.

 《疲労化打撃》(戦闘)/Draining Strike:You can spend 5 stamina points to declare that you are using Draining Strike after you've hit with an unarmed strike attack.

 《不意討ち振り払い》(戦闘)/Surprise Follow-Through:When you hit a foe that has been denied its Dexterity bonus by this feat, you can spend 2 stamina points to deal an extra 1d6 points of damage. This damage is precision damage and is not multiplied on a critical hit.

 《不意討ち振り払い強化》(戦闘)/Improved Surprise Follow-Through:When you hit a foe that's denied its Dexterity bonus via this feat and you use the Surprise Follow-Through combat trick to deal extra damage, the amount of extra damage dealt increases to 1d6 points.

 《不意の一打》(戦闘)/Surprise Strike:After you have used this feat once, you can spend 5 stamina points to use it additional times per day, at a cost of 5 stamina points per use.

 《不意の打撃》(戦闘)/Wave Strike:You can spend 2 stamina points to use this feat on your second or subsequent turns in a combat. You can use this combat trick only once per combat, though you can use it in addition to using the feat on your first turn.

 《フェアリーの一打》(戦闘)/Faerie's Strike:When using this feat, you can spend up to 5 stamina points to increase the DC of the effect by an amount equal to the number of stamina points you spent.

 《フェイント強化》(戦闘)/Improved Feint:君は能力値の前提条件(【知力】13)を満たしていなくても、この特技を選択することができる。自分の活力プールに最低でも1活力ポイントがある間のみ、君はこの特技の利益を得る。君は5活力ポイントを消費することで、移動アクションでフェイントを行うことができる。

 《フェイントの協力者》(戦闘、チームワーク)/Feint Partner:When feinting an opponent, you can spend 5 stamina points to have that opponent lose its Dexterity bonus to AC against the next attack made by any of your allies. If the next ally to attack that opponent also has this feat, that ally's attacks do not count as the next attack for the purpose of this combat trick, allowing another ally to gain this benefit.

 《フェイントの協力者強化》(戦闘、チームワーク)/Improved Feint Partner:When you feint, you can spend 5 stamina points for each additional ally to grant an attack of opportunity to any number of additional allies――not just those with this feat.

 《武器落とし強化》(戦闘)/Improved Disarm:君は能力値の前提条件(【知力】13)を満たしていなくても、この特技を選択することができる。自分の活力プールに最低でも1活力ポイントがある間のみ、君はこの特技の利益を得る。君が武器落とし戦技の目標になったなら、君は【筋力】ボーナスもしくは【敏捷力】ボーナス(いずれか高い方)まで活力ポイントを消費することができる。武器落としの試みに対する君のCMDは、その値だけ増加する。

 《武器落とし打撃》(戦闘)/Disarming Strike:近接攻撃でクリティカル・ヒットを確定させるのに失敗した際、君は2活力ポイントを消費することで目標に武器落としを試みることができる。そうするなら、君はクリティカル・ロールを再ロールし、武器落としの試みが目標のCMDを上回ったかどうかを決定するために使用する。この再ロールは武器落とし戦技のみのために使用される。これによりクリティカル・ヒットを確定させることはできない。目標がクリティカル・ヒットに完全耐性がある場合、この試みを行うことはできない。

 《武器開眼》(戦闘)/Weapon Specialization:Once per round, you can spend 2 stamina points to gain your Weapon Specialization bonus on damage rolls with a weapon with which you don't have Weapon Specialization. This bonus lasts until the start of your next turn.

 《武器熟練》(戦闘)/Weapon Focus:Once per round, you can spend 2 stamina points to gain your Weapon Focus bonus on attack rolls with a weapon with which you don't have Weapon Focus. This bonus lasts until the start of your next turn.

 《武器の妙技》(戦闘)/Weapon Finesse:You can spend 2 stamina points to negate the penalty on attack rolls from your shield's armor check penalty until the start of your next turn.

 《武器破壊強化》(戦闘)/Improved Sunder:君が武器破壊戦技の目標になったなら、君は【筋力】ボーナスもしくは【敏捷力】ボーナス(いずれか高い方)まで活力ポイントを消費することができる。武器破壊の試みに対する君のCMDは、その値だけ増加する。

 《武器破壊打撃》(戦闘)/Sundering Strike:近接攻撃でクリティカル・ヒットを確定させるのに失敗した際、君は2活力ポイントを消費することで目標に武器破壊を試みることができる。そうするなら、君はクリティカル・ロールを再ロールし、武器破壊の試みが目標のCMDを上回ったかどうかを決定するために使用する。この再ロールは武器破壊戦技のみのために使用される。これによりクリティカル・ヒットを確定させることはできない。目標がクリティカル・ヒットに完全耐性がある場合、この試みを行うことはできない。

 《不死身の入門者》(戦闘)/Deathless Initiate:When you are at 0 or fewer hit points, you can spend 2 stamina points to avoid taking damage when you take both a move and a standard action or a full-round action.

 《不死身の達人》(戦闘)/Deathless Master:When you are at 0 or fewer hit points, you can spend 2 stamina points as a standard action at the start of your turn to gain 2 temporary hit points. These hit points last for 1 minute.

 《不死身の熱狂者》(戦闘)/Deathless Zealot:Whenever a creature threatens a critical hit against you and neither of its confirmation rolls would succeed, you can spend 5 stamina points to make an attack of opportunity against that creature.

 《伏せ射撃》(戦闘)/Prone Shooter:As long as you have at least 1 stamina point in your stamina pool, you gain the bonuses from this feat even if you haven't been prone since the end of your last turn.

 《伏せ投石》(戦闘)/Prone Slinger:As long as you have at least 1 stamina point in your stamina pool, you gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls made while prone and using a sling.

 《舞台戦闘員》(戦闘)/Stage Combatant:If you have at least 1 stamina point in your stamina pool, you gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls with a weapon with which you have Weapon Focus when you attempt to make an attack that deals no damage.

 《不調化クリティカル》(クリティカル、戦闘)/Sickening Critical:When you threaten a critical hit using this feat, before rolling the confirmation roll, you can spend 5 stamina points. If you do and the critical hit is confirmed, the foe is nauseated for 1d4+1 rounds unless it succeeds at a Fortitude save with a DC equal to 10 + your base attack bonus, which reduces the effect to the normal sickened condition.

 《ふっとばし攻撃強化》(戦闘)/Improved Awesome Blow:When a creature attempts an awesome blow combat maneuver against you, you can spend up to 3 stamina points to increase your Combat Maneuver Defense against that combat maneuver by an amount equal to the number of stamina points you spent. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Improved Awesome Blow.

 《踏み込み》(戦闘)/Lunge:When you use this feat, you can spend 2 stamina points to avoid taking the -2 penalty to AC for that use.

 《武勇体得》(戦闘)/Martial Mastery:At the start of your turn, you can spend 5 stamina points to apply the feats to another weapon that is not of the same weapon group. You gain this benefit until the start of your next turn.

 《冬の一打》(戦闘)/Winter's Strike:When using this feat, you can spend up to 5 stamina points to increase the DC of the effect by an amount equal to the number of stamina points you spent.

 《粉砕打撃》(戦闘)/Crushing Blow:When using this feat, you can spend either 2 or 4 stamina points. If you do, the Crushing Blow attack reduces the target's AC by an additional 1 for every 2 stamina points you spent.

 《ぶん殴り屋》(戦闘)/Bludgeoner:When you make an attack with a lethal bludgeoning weapon to deal nonlethal damage, you can spend 2 stamina points to treat the weapon's damage as if the weapon were one size category larger. This does not stack with any other effects that treat the weapon's damage as if the weapon were a larger size.

 《平穏なる接触》(戦闘)/Touch of Serenity:You can spend 5 stamina points to declare you are using this feat after you hit with an attack roll. The target can still attempt the saving throw to resist Touch of Serenity's effects.

 《へこみ兜》(戦闘)/Dented Helm:After using this feat, you can spend 5 stamina points to become sickened rather than staggered until the end of your next turn. You can't use this ability if you are immune to being sickened.

 《蛇の型》(スタイル、戦闘)/Snake Style:When targeted by a melee or ranged attack, you can spend 5 stamina points to attempt the Sense Motive check by using one of your attacks of opportunity for the round instead of taking an immediate action.

 《蛇の牙》(戦闘)/Snake Fang:When you miss with an attack of opportunity you made due to Snake Fang, you can spend 5 stamina points to reroll the attack roll. You can use this combat trick only once per attack of opportunity.

 《蛇の横ばい》(戦闘)/Snake Sidewind:When you threaten a critical hit with your unarmed strike while using Snake Style and choose to attempt a Sense Motive check in place of the confirmation roll, you can spend up to 5 stamina points to gain a bonus on the Sense Motive check equal to the number of stamina points you spent.

 《妨害射撃》(戦闘)/Disrupting Shot:When you ready an action to shoot an opponent casting a spell, you can spend up to 3 stamina points. For each stamina point you spend, it increases the range from which you can successfully hit that opponent and gain the benefits of this feat by 10 feet (to a maximum of 60 feet).

 《防御崩し》(戦闘)/Shatter Defenses:When you hit an opponent that has been made flat-footed to your attacks by this feat, you can spend 5 stamina points to make that opponent flat-footed to the attacks of one ally who is within 30 feet of that creature until the start of your next turn.

 《防御的戦闘訓練》(戦闘)/Defensive Combat Training:When targeted with a combat maneuver, you can spend any number of stamina points to gain a bonus to your CMD equal to the number of stamina points you spent.

 《防御的武器訓練》(戦闘)/Defensive Weapon Training:You can spend 5 stamina points at the beginning of your turn to switch the weapon group of this feat to any other weapon group on the fighter's weapon training class ability list (except natural weapons). This benefit lasts for 3 rounds.

 《防御破り》(戦闘)/Break Guard:You can spend 5 stamina points to attack the opponent you disarmed with a free action instead of a swift action.

 《ボディガード》(戦闘)/Bodyguard:When you use an attack of opportunity to use an aid another action to improve an adjacent ally's Armor Class, you can spend 1 or 2 stamina points. Increase the bonus to the ally's AC by an amount equal to the number of stamina points you spent.

 《骨砕き》(戦闘)/Bonebreaker:When you make a successful Stunning Fist attempt against a creature that is dazed or staggered, you can spend 5 stamina points to forgo any other Stunning Fist effects and deal 1d6 points of Strength or Dexterity damage to that opponent instead.

 《炎の手》(戦闘)/Fire Hand:When you hit with a torch attack, you can spend 1 stamina point. If you do, the fire damage dealt with that attack increases to 1d6 points of fire damage.

 《マーリドの型》(スタイル、戦闘)/Marid Style:When you make an Elemental Fist attack to deal cold damage, you can spend up to 5 stamina points to deal an amount of additional cold damage equal to double the number of stamina points you spent.

 《マーリドの魂》(戦闘)/Marid Spirit:When a creature takes cold damage from your Elemental Fist attack, you can spend up to 5 stamina points to increase the DC of the saving throw to avoid becoming entangled by an amount equal to the number of stamina points you spent.

 《マーリドの氷撃》(戦闘)/Marid Coldsnap:Instead of spending two uses of Elemental Fist to unleash a line of frigid water, you can spend one use of Elemental Fist and 2 stamina points.

 《まぬけ防御》(戦闘)/Blundering Defense:You can spend 5 stamina points to cause allies within 10 feet who are also in your melee reach to gain the benefits of this feat.

 《麻痺化打撃》(戦闘)/Paralyzing Strike:You can spend 5 stamina points to declare that you are using this feat after you've hit with an unarmed strike roll.

 《魔力の爪》(戦闘)/Eldritch Claws:As long as you have 1 stamina point in your stamina pool, your claws are also considered to be cold iron weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

 《身の毛のよだつ殺戮》(戦闘)/Gruesome Slaughter:When using this feat, you can spend up to 5 stamina points to increase the DC of the effect by an amount equal to the number of stamina points you spent.

 《迎え討ち》(戦闘)/Combat Reflexes:When you miss with an attack of opportunity, you can spend 5 stamina points to make a second attack for the same provoking action. That second attack of opportunity takes a -5 penalty on the attack roll and costs one of your attacks of opportunity for the round.

 《無視界戦闘》(戦闘)/Blind-Fight:Once per round, when you hit a creature that benefits from concealment, you can spend 2 stamina points to ignore the miss chance from that creature's concealment until the end of your next turn.

 《無視界戦闘強化》(戦闘)/Improved Blind-Fight:When attacking a foe with total concealment, you can spend 5 stamina points to treat that foe as having normal concealment (20% miss chance instead of 50%).

 《無慈悲な屠殺者》(戦闘)/Merciless Butchery:You can spend 10 stamina points when you use this feat to increase your weapon's critical multiplier by 1 (×2 becomes ×3, and ×3 becomes ×4) for your coup de grace.

 《メドゥサの怒り》(戦闘)/Medusa's Wrath:While using this feat, you can spend 10 stamina points to make the bonus attacks against a foe that you are flanking, instead of only a dazed, flat-footed, paralyzed, staggered, stunned, or unconscious foe.

 《猛突撃》(戦闘)/Spirited Charge:When making a mounted charge, you can spend a number of stamina points up to your Strength bonus. If your charge attack hits, you deal an amount of extra damage equal to the number of stamina points you spent. This additional damage is doubled by this feat (or tripled if you're using a lance).

 《盲目化クリティカル》(クリティカル、戦闘)/Blinding Critical:When you confirm a critical hit and attempt to blind an opponent with this feat, you can spend up to 5 stamina points to increase the DC of this feat's saving throw by an amount equal to the number of stamina points you spent.

 《朦朧化押さえこみ》(戦闘)/Stunning Pin:You can spend 5 stamina points to use Stunning Pin as a free action instead of a swift action.

 《朦朧化強襲》(戦闘)/Stunning Assault:You can spend 2 stamina points to end the effects of this feat at the end of your turn instead of the start of your next turn.

 《朦朧化クリティカル》(クリティカル、戦闘)/Stunning Critical:When you confirm a critical hit and attempt to stun an opponent with this feat, you can spend up to 5 stamina points to increase the DC of this feat's saving throw by an amount equal to the number of stamina points you spent.

 《朦朧化打撃》(戦闘)/Stunning Fist:You can spend 5 stamina points to declare that you are using Stunning Fist after you've hit with an unarmed strike.

 《やけっぱちの一振り》(戦闘)/Desperate Swing:You can spend 5 stamina points to use this feat an additional time per day. Each time you use this combat trick, you must spend 5 stamina points.

 《野性的な戦闘訓練》(戦闘)/Feral Combat Training:At the start of your turn, you can spend any number of stamina points. Until the beginning of your next turn, for every 2 stamina points you spent this way, you can apply the effects of Feral Combat Training to a single natural weapon attack made with a natural weapon other than the weapon chosen with this feat.

 《矢つかみ》(戦闘)/Snatch Arrows:When you snatch a thrown weapon, as long as you have at least 1 stamina point in your stamina pool, you can make a thrown ranged attack with it against any target, not just the original attacker.

 《矢止め》(戦闘)/Deflect Arrows:You can spend 5 stamina points to deflect an arrow while you're flat-footed. You must still be aware of the attack.

 《野蛮な演武》(演武、戦闘)/Savage Display:When using this feat, you can spend 2 stamina points to gain a +2d6 bonus on damage rolls (instead of +1d6).

 《闇討ち》(戦闘)/Moonlight Stalker:When you have total concealment from an opponent, you can spend 2 stamina points to increase your bonuses on attack and damage rolls from this feat to +4.

 《闇討ち体得》(戦闘)/Moonlight Stalker Master:When an opponent makes an attack against you while you have concealment, you can spend 5 stamina points to increase that attack's miss chance by an additional 20%.

 《闇討ちフェイント》(戦闘)/Moonlight Stalker Feint:When you attempt a Bluff check to feint against an opponent from whom you have concealment, you can spend up to 5 stamina points to gain a bonus on the Bluff check equal to double the number of stamina points you spent.

 《矢を弾く盾》(戦闘)/Missile Shield:As long as you have at least 1 stamina point in your stamina pool, you can use this feat with a buckler. You can spend 5 stamina points to deflect an arrow even while you're flat-footed. You must still be aware of the attack.

 《よろめき化クリティカル》(クリティカル、戦闘)/Staggering Critical:When you score a critical hit and attempt to stagger an opponent with this feat, you can spend up to 5 stamina points to increase the DC of this feat's saving throw by an amount equal to the number of stamina points you spent.

 《よろめき化打撃》(戦闘)/Staggering Fist:You can spend 5 stamina points to declare that you are using this feat after you've hit with an unarmed strike.

 《力場放出》(戦闘)/Channeling Force:When you hit with an attack while using this feat, you can spend 5 stamina points to not have that attack count as one of the three attacks you can make with the force-imbued weapon.

 《李代桃僵》(戦闘、チームワーク)/Wounded Paw Gambit:When you make a ranged attack granted by this feat, you can spend 5 stamina points to make that ranged attack as an attack of opportunity instead of as an immediate action. You can still use this feat to make an extra attack only once per round.

 《離脱攻撃》(戦闘)/Disengaging Shot:君は能力値の前提条件(【知力】13)を満たしていなくても、この特技を選択することができる。自分の活力プールに最低でも1活力ポイントがある間のみ、君はこの特技の利益を得る。《離脱攻撃》で行うフリー・アクションの近接攻撃を試みる直前に、君は活力ポイントを5ポイントまで消費することができる。そうするなら、君が消費した活力ポイント毎に2ポイントだけその攻撃のダメージが増加する。

 《離脱集団フェイント》(戦闘)/Disengaging Flourish:君は能力値の前提条件(【知力】13)を満たしていなくても、この特技を選択することができる。自分の活力プールに最低でも1活力ポイントがある間のみ、君はこの特技の利益を得る。君は5活力ポイントを消費することで、《離脱集団フェイント》の試みを標準アクションではなく移動アクションで行うことができる。

 《離脱フェイント》(戦闘)/Disengaging Feint:君は能力値の前提条件(【知力】13)を満たしていなくても、この特技を選択することができる。自分の活力プールに最低でも1活力ポイントがある間のみ、君はこの特技の利益を得る。君は5活力ポイントを消費することで、《離脱フェイント》の試みを標準アクションではなく移動アクションで行うことができる。

 《竜の型》(スタイル、戦闘)/Dragon Style:On your second and all subsequent unarmed strike attacks made in a round, you can spend 3 stamina points before making each attack to add 1-1/2 times your Strength modifier to that attack's damage roll.

 《竜の蛮行》(戦闘)/Dragon Ferocity:When you use this feat to make a foe shaken with a critical hit or a successful Stunning Fist attempt, you can spend 5 stamina points to also sicken that foe for 1d4 rounds.

 《竜の咆哮》(戦闘)/Dragon Roar:Instead of spending two uses of Stunning Fist to unleash a concussive roar, you can spend one use of Stunning Fist and 5 stamina points to do so.

 《領域打撃》(戦闘)/Domain Strike:You can spend 2 stamina points to apply the effects of your chosen domain power as a free action instead of a swift action.

 《両手投擲》(戦闘)/Two-Handed Thrower:When you throw a one-handed thrown weapon with two hands or throw a two-handed thrown weapon, you can spend 2 stamina points to add twice your Strength bonus to that attack's damage instead of 1-1/2 times your Strength bonus.

 《割れ兜》(戦闘)/Cloven Helm:When you are threatened with a critical hit, you can spend up to 5 stamina points. You gain an additional bonus to AC against the critical confirmation roll equal to the number of stamina points you spent.

 《腕力による威圧》(戦闘)/Intimidating Prowess:When attempting an Intimidate check, you can spend 2 stamina points for each size category smaller you are than a given target to ignore the size difference penalty against that target.