B5 > グリーフゴール


B5/グリーフゴール - (2016/11/03 (木) 01:52:27) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

グリーフゴール Griefgall

Thorn-tipped tendrils and flowering filaments sprout from this tiny, squirming grublike plant.

グリーフゴール 脅威度6 Griefgall CR 6

イニシアチブ +8; 感覚 全周囲視覚、夜目;〈知覚〉+16

AC 17、接触17、立ちすくみ12(+4【敏】、+1回避、+2サイズ)
hp 58(9d8+18)
頑健 +8、反応 +7、意志 +5
DR 5/斬撃; 完全耐性 植物の種別特性
弱点 [冷気]による活力低下

移動速度 5フィート、穴掘り5フィート、登攀 5フィート
近接 巻きひげ=+12(1d2-3、加えて“麻痺”)
接敵面 2・1/2フィート; 間合い 0フィート(巻きひげは5フィート)
特殊攻撃 麻痺(1d3分、DC16)、parasitize
念術魔法 (術者レベル9;精神集中+11)
12念術エネルギー(PE):オーヴァーウェルミング・グリーフ(4PE、DC16)、クラッシング・ディスペア(4PE、DC16)、テリブル・リモース(4PE、DC16)、フィースト・オン・フィアー(5PE、DC17)、ミゼラブル・ピティ(affects host and self;2PE、DC14)

基本攻撃 +6; CMB +8; CMD 16(足払いされない)
特技 《イニシアチブ強化》、《回避》、《技能熟練:隠密》、《技能熟練:知覚》、《武器の妙技》
技能 〈隠密〉+19、〈知覚〉+16、〈登攀〉+5
言語 アクロ語(speaks through host only)
その他の特殊能力 活動停止、germinate

出現環境 温暖または暑熱/森林または都市
編成 単体または大量発生(2~5)
宝物 乏しい

 [冷気]による活力低下(変則)/Cold Lethargy A griefgall that takes cold damage is slowed (as per the スロー spell) for 1d4 rounds.
 Germinate(超常)/Germinate Once per day, a parasitizing griefgall can devour its host's emotions for 1 hour, dealing 2d4 points of Charisma damage. After this psychic feasting, it germinates an attached seedling that must be implanted into a new host within 1 week or perish. A griefgall can have no more than one seedling at a time.
 Parasitize(超常)/Parasitize As a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, a griefgall can implant itself or a seedling inside an adjacent helpless or willing humanoid's throat. An implanted seedling becomes a fully grown griefgall in 1 minute, during which time the seedling can be removed by a creature other than the target with a successful DC20 Heal check. An implanted griefgall's filaments infiltrate the host's nervous system, controlling the host as ドミネイト・パースン. This control is not prevented by プロテクション・フロム・イーヴル or similar effects, nor does the host receive saving throws to resist control. Each day, the griefgall deals 1d2 points of Charisma damage to its host by feeding on its emotions. The griefgall shares the same space as its host without detriment to either, uses its flowers to see and hear, and can attack independently of its host, including with its tendrils from within the host's mouth.
 Area spells affect both the griefgall and the host. An opponent can attack just the griefgall, but takes a -4 penalty on the attack roll. If a parasitizing griefgall is slain, its host falls unconscious for 1d4 hours, during which time the griefgall's filaments wither away, enabling it to be removed without harming the host. Removing it before this occurs requires 1d4 minutes and a successful DC25 Heal check or the host is permanently paralyzed.
 Griefgalls are pitiless psychic parasites that feed on emotions. Their bodies appear as tiny, squirming plant pods that closely resemble grubs. Long tendrils sprout from the pod, tipped with thorns that drip a paralytic sap. Shorter, blossoming filaments allow the creatures to see and hear. A griefgall must be implanted into a humanoid, and it quickly grows to full size, but can't survive more than a week without a humanoid host. It attempts to conceal its body and tendrils within the host's mouth. By extruding its filaments through the victim's neck and scalp, it externalizes its sensory organs, disguising them as a flowery headdress or garland entwined with the victim's hair.
 A griefgall and the other griefgalls that sprout from its seedlings often form twisted family units by congregating in abandoned houses in sprawling urban areas. An elder griefgall, identifiable because it sprouts more and more tendrils as it ages, takes on the role of a matriarch.