B5 > サイケポアー


B5/サイケポアー - (2016/09/19 (月) 05:30:00) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

サイケポアー Psychepore

A mass of shell-like fungus grows so thick it obscures the mass of plant matter beneath.

サイケポアー 脅威度7 Psychepore CR 7

イニシアチブ +3; 感覚 全周囲視覚、暗視60フィート、夜目;〈知覚〉+12

AC 20、接触13、立ちすくみ17(+3【敏】、+7外皮)
hp 85(10d8+40)
頑健 +10、反応 +6、意志 +6
防御的能力 psychotic musk; DR 5/斬撃; 完全耐性 植物の種別特性; 抵抗 [火]10

移動速度 20フィート
近接 叩きつけ(×3)=+13(1d8+5、加えて“毒”)
遠隔 razor conks(×3)=+10(1d8+5、加えて“毒”)
特殊攻撃 毒、razor conk、未来像

基本攻撃 +7; CMB +12; CMD 25
特技 《技能熟練:隠密》、《技能熟練:知覚》、《追加hp》、《鋼の意志》、《武器熟練:叩きつけ》
技能 〈隠密〉+14、〈知覚〉+12
言語 共通語(話せない)

出現環境 暑熱/森林または密林
編成 単体、2体、または共棲集団(5~12)
宝物 なし

 毒(変則)/Poison 叩きつけまたは razor conk・致傷型、または 胞子・吸入型; セーヴ 頑健・DC18; 頻度 1回/ラウンド(6ラウンド間); 効果 1d3【判断力】 plus visions; 治癒 2回連続のセーヴ成功。このセーヴ難易度は【耐久力】に基づいている。
 Psychotic Musk(変則)/Psychotic Musk A creature that deals damage to a psychepore with a slashing or piercing melee weapon releases a cloud of spores, exposing the attacker to the psychepore's poison.
 Razor Conk(変則)/Razor Conk A psychepore can launch three fragments of its razor-sharp fungal covering as a standard action. Treat these as ranged attacks with a range increment of 30フィート.
 未来像(変則)/Visions A creature affected by the psychepore's poison has its mind clouded with visions of alien intent. Any round the target fails its saving throw against the psychepore's poison, it must succeed at a second DC18 Will save or become confused for 1 round. This is a mind-affecting poison effect. The save DC is Constitution-based.
 A psychepore is a symbiosis of two different plant creatures――a lurching bit of undergrowth distantly related to the shambling mound and an intelligent cluster of hard fungal growths that possess a malevolent hive mind. On their own, the shambling undergrowth is an unintelligent creature, barely aware enough to move itself to new sources of sunlight and water, while the fungal conks, for their part, are intelligent but immobile. The two pose a serious threat only once the psychic fungus infests the shambling undergrowth, and the creatures transform into the horrifying psychepore.
 A psychepore procreates through microorganisms in its poison, spreading into victims fungal spores that try to bond with that host's physiology to create a new psychepore. Generally, the only creatures with which these spores can coexist are the shambles that form the base of a psychepore, but these spores also have strange effects on creatures that aren't their typical hosts. Such creatures suffer from delusional visions as their minds try to assimilate or reject the images presented by the alien will of the strange symbionts, and their bodies desperately attempt to force the foreign spores out. Some cultures harvest psychepores to distill their poison into a powerful drug, using it in religious rituals that search for inner knowledge or in dark alleys as a temporary escape from cruel, short lives――or transforming it into a truth serum used during psychological torture and other types of interrogation.
 Most psychepores attack only in vain attempts to procreate, never seeming frustrated by their usually futile efforts, but more intelligent specimens pursue less direct but more fruitful approaches, often serving those who aid in gathering the undergrowth they need to replicate. There are rumors of even more highly developed and intelligent versions of these creatures that learn the secrets of telepathy and how to adjust their poison to replicate possession magic. These superintelligent psychepores become more aware of cultural structures and take great joy in manipulating other forms of life to achieve their goals.
 A サイケポアー is a hulking thing with a dense composition. サイケポアーは身長6フィート(約1.8m)またはわずかに上回り、体重約300ポンド(約136kg)。