B5 > リーチルート


B5/リーチルート - (2016/09/19 (月) 05:36:54) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

リーチルート Leechroot

This tangle of rotten, seemingly lifeless roots twitches slightly, moving the damp, bloody ground beneath it.

リーチルート 脅威度4 Leechroot CR 4

イニシアチブ -1; 感覚 暗視60フィート、振動感知30フィート;〈知覚〉+3

AC 18、接触8、立ちすくみ18(-1【敏】、+10外皮、-1サイズ)
hp 32(5d8+10)
頑健 +3、反応 +0、意志 +7
防御的能力 渇血、エネルギー放出に対する抵抗+2; DR 5/斬撃; 完全耐性 アンデッドの種別特性

移動速度 5フィート、穴掘り5フィート
近接 roots(×2)=+7(1d6+5、加えて2“出血”および“つかみ”)
接敵面 10フィート; 間合い 10フィート
特殊攻撃 出血攻撃(2)、bloody sap、drag under

基本攻撃 +3; CMB +9(+13組みつき); CMD 18(足払いされない)
技能 〈隠密〉+11; 種族修正 +16〈隠密〉
その他の特殊能力 earth barrier

出現環境 気候問わず/森林
編成 単体、庭園(2~5)、または集合意識(4~10)
宝物 なし

 渇血(超常)/Bloodthirst A leechroot can absorb blood directly from its victims' cuts and from the soil on which that blood has dripped. The leechroot gains fast healing equal to the number of creatures with the bleed condition within its reach (if any).
 Bloody Sap(超常)/Bloody Sap The viscous resin that exudes from a leechroot's tentacles is infused with negative energy, preventing both natural and magical healing. The DC of the Heal check to stop the bleeding from a leechroot's attacks increases by 2. While the bleed damage persists, any magical healing requires a successful DC15 caster level check or the spell or ability has no effect on the bleeding creature.
 Drag Under(変則)/Drag Under As part of an action to maintain a grapple, a leechroot can move the grappled creature up to 5フィート (within the leechroot's reach) and bury it partially into the ground. The buried creature is pinned and can't receive help to break free from the grapple. A buried opponent that escapes the grapple remains pinned unless it digs itself out with a successful DC10 Strength check attempted as a move action.
 Earth Barrier(変則)/Earth Barrier A leechroot burrowing 5フィート below the surface is partially visible, can make attacks using its normal reach, and gains concealment and partial cover. It can be uprooted with a successful drag combat maneuver. It may burrow back under the earth as a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity.
 Leechroots emerge from the remains of plants poisoned by the blood-drenched soils of war-torn forests. Chaotic intertwinings of rotten roots, these monstrosities quickly spread their curse, soaking other dead plants in their sap to spawn horrid offspring. A leechroot is driven solely by an insatiable thirst for blood. It hides among undergrowth and below the earth while waiting for unwary prey. With its razor-sharp roots, a leechroot slashes at anything that comes its way, snatching victims and feeding directly from their wounds. The absorbed blood mutates into a thick, dark-red sap that runs through the leechroot and oozes from its unhallowed body, helping to heal and sustain the predatory creature.
 成体のリーチルートは平均的に全幅約12フィート(not including its thick, lashing root appendages)、体重700ポンド(約318kg)。 By consuming enough blood, however, leechroots can grow significantly larger.

リーチルート Hivemind Leechroot Hivemind

 Sometimes a network of leechroots can reach a state of sentience, creating a creature called a leechroot hivemind. The hivemind has an Intelligence score, which increases depending on the number of plants that compose the leechroot hivemind. This single mind shares a limited sentience, and it holds a bloody grudge against any who dare to slay a member, its cunning giving it the ability to plot against such hated foes.