

テング - (2009/11/08 (日) 01:28:34) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

テング(天狗) Tengu

Black feathers cover this crow-headed humanoid, and its hands and legs end in powerful talons.

テング(天狗) 脅威度1/2 Tengu

イニシアチブ +3; 感覚 夜目;〈知覚〉+8


アーマー・クラス 15、接触13、立ちすくみ12(+2鎧、+3【敏】)
ヒット・ポイント 9(1d8+1)
頑健 +1、 反応 +5、 意志 +2


移動速度 30フィート
近接 ダガー=+3(1d4+1/19〜20)、噛みつき=-2(1d3)
遠隔 ショートボウ=+3(1d6/×3)
特殊攻撃 急所攻撃+1d6


【筋】 12、 【敏】 17、 【耐】 12、 【知】 10、 【判】 15、 【魅】 8
基本攻撃 +0; 戦技ボーナス +1; 戦技防御 14
特技 《武器の妙技》
技能 〈軽業〉+7、〈鑑定〉+4、〈はったり〉+3、〈登攀〉+5、〈知識:地域〉+4、〈言語学〉+8、〈知覚〉+8、〈隠密〉+9; 種族修正 +2〈知覚〉、+2〈隠密〉、+4〈言語学〉
言語 共通語、ゴブリン語、ハーフリング語、テング語
その他の特殊能力 gifted linguist、swordtrained、罠探し


出現環境 温暖/山岳または都市
編成 単体、2体、conspiracy(3~12)
宝物 NPCの装備品(レザー・アーマー、ダガー、ショートボウとアロー20本、その他の宝物)


''Gifted Linguist(変則)'' Tengus gain a +4 racial bonus on Linguistics checks, and learn 2 languages each time they gain a rank in Linguistics rather than 1 language.
Swordtrained(変則) Tengus are trained from birth in swordplay, and as a result are automatically proficient with sword-like weapons(including bastard swords, daggers, elven curve blades, falchions, greatswords, kukris, longswords, punching daggers, rapiers, scimitars, short swords, and two-bladed swords).

Tengus are a race of avian humanoids that resemble crows or ravens, and often bear much of the same stigma. Though they frequently choose to live among other races in densely populated cities, their society is tight and closed, and they rarely allow others to see its inner workings. Tengus often band together in small groups to create roosts in vacant warehouses or condemned buildings, and these raucous gathering places are generally assumed to be thieves' guilds by outsiders—an assumption that's correct roughly half the time.

Like the crows they share physical traits with, tengus are naturally covetous, especially of shiny or colorful items, and prone to bouts of good-natured kleptomania if they don't carefully keep themselves in check. Vain and prideful creatures, they are easily persuaded with flattery.


Tengus are defined by their class levels—they do not possess racial Hit Dice. All tengus have the following racial traits.

+2【敏捷力】、-2【耐久力】、+2【判断力】 : Tengus are fast and observant、but relatively fragile and delicate.
感覚 : Tengus have low-light vision.
Sneaky : Tengus gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception and Stealth.
''Gifted Linguist'': See above.
Swordtrained : See above.
肉体武器 : Tengus possess a bite natural attack that inflicts 1d3 points of damage on a hit. This is a primary attack, or a secondary attack if the tengu wields a manufactured weapon.
言語 :テングはプレイ開始時に共通語と自分に由来のある地方のテングの隠語を習得している。高い【知力】を持つテングは、どの言語もボーナス言語として習得選択できる。