B2 > エンジェル


B2/エンジェル - (2011/12/31 (土) 05:17:04) のソース

// BEGIN_OF-angel.html
// ORIGINAL-http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/additionalMonsters/angel.html

* &spanid(cassisian){エンジェル:カッシシアン} &small(){[[Angel, Cassisian>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/additionalMonsters/angel.html#angel,-cassisian]]}

>This finely crafted golden helm is decorated with intricate filigree, and flutters gracefully through the air on feathered wings.

*** カッシシアン 脅威度2 &small(){Cassisian}

&b(){経験点 600}
&b(){イニシアチブ} +0;&b(){感覚} 暗視60フィート、&i(){ディテクト・イーヴル}、夜目;〈知覚〉+5
&b(){オーラ} lesser 防御のオーラ
**** 防御データ
&b(){AC} 14、接触11、立ちすくみ14(+3外皮、+1サイズ)(悪に対して+2反発)
&b(){hp} 13(2d10+2)
&b(){頑健} +4、&b(){反応} +3、&b(){意志} +2;毒に対して+4;[悪]に対して+2抵抗ボーナス
&b(){DR} 5/冷たい鉄または悪;&b(){完全耐性} [酸]、[冷気]、石化;&b(){抵抗} [電気]10、[火]10
**** 攻撃データ
&b(){移動速度} 飛行60フィート(完璧)
&b(){近接} 叩きつけ=-1(1d3-4)
&b(){特殊攻撃} ブレス攻撃(15フィート直線状、1d6[冷気] or 1d6[火]、反応・DC12・半減、usable every 1d4 rounds)
&b(){擬似呪文能力} (術者レベル3レベル;精神集中+3)
**** 一般データ
&b(){【筋】} 3、&b(){【敏】} 11、&b(){【耐】} 12、&b(){【知】} 6、&b(){【判】} 11、&b(){【魅】} 10
&b(){基本攻撃} +2;&b(){CMB} -3;&b(){CMD} 7(足払いされない)
&b(){特技} 《鋼の意志》
&b(){技能} 〈隠密〉+8、〈交渉〉+2、〈真意看破〉+4、〈知覚〉+5、〈知識:次元界〉+2、〈知識:宗教〉+2、〈飛行〉+8
&b(){言語} 天界語、竜語、地獄語;真言
&b(){その他の特殊能力} 変身(2 of the following forms: Small human-like angel、dove、dog、or Tiny fish、&i(){ポリモーフ})、perfect memory
**** 生態
&b(){出現環境} 気候問わず/善属性の次元界
&b(){編成} 単体、2体、または戦隊(3~6)
&b(){宝物} なし
**** 特殊能力
&b(){Perfect Memory(変則)} Though they are not particularly intelligent, cassisians have perfect memories and remember everything they see or hear. They can faultlessly recite conversations they heard hundreds of years before. They also have the power to erase portions of their own memories, which they do (usually under orders from superior angels) to protect sensitive information.
&b(){Lesser Protective Aura(超常)} A cassisian has a lesser form of the protective aura possessed by more powerful angels. This protective aura grants the cassisian a +2 deflection bonus to its AC against evil foes, and a +2 resistance bonus on all saving throws made against evil effects or spells cast by evil creatures. This aura extends to a radius of 5フィート, but can only benefit one additional creature other than the cassisian at any one time. A cassisian’s protective aura is fragile, and as soon as an evil creature successfully strikes the cassisian, or as soon as the cassisian fails a saving throw against an evil source, its protective aura fades away and is no longer applicable. The cassisian can reactivate its protective aura by spending 1 minute concentrating upon the task.

 Cassisians are the weakest sort of angel, but are absolutely dedicated to the cause of good. They serve as messengers for more powerful angels, and on the Material Plane they are often bound to good mortals to serve as familiars, acting as spiritual guides, reciting platitudes and quoting scripture from various benign faiths and philosophies (some forgotten for centuries). A spellcaster must meet the proper prerequisites and have the Improved Familiar feat to gain a cassisian familiar.
 A cassisian’s true form is a helmet possessing a pair of bird’s wings. The exact style of helmet varies by the deity the angel serves—most appear to be steel with angular cheek-plates, though some resemble bascinets, skullcaps, great helms, or even samurai helmets, and a few older cassisians appear to be bronze or even leather. Though cassisians can assume other forms (that of a child-sized angelic humanoid wearing a proportional helmet matching the cassisians’ true form, a dove, a dog, or a fish), they find it strange and rarely stay in that form for more than a few minutes.
 Typically formed from the souls of trustworthy and pious soldiers, some cassisians arise spontaneously from the spiritual fragments of great angels destroyed while defending the celestial planes against fiendish incursions. In many cases, the lowly cassisian retains fragments of its previous life’s memories, and friends of that old soul may visit with the cassisian to reminisce with what remains. Unfortunately, the reincarnated angel’s memories are more like something memorized from a book, and lack the character and camaraderie the friends expect.

* &spanid(movanic-deva){エンジェル:モヴァニック・デーヴァ} &small(){[[Angel, Movanic Deva>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/additionalMonsters/angel.html#angel,-movanic-deva]]}

>This angel is all sharp lines and angles, muscular but lean, with large wings and a mighty flaming greatsword.

*** モヴァニック・デーヴァ 脅威度10 &small(){Movanic Deva}

&b(){経験点 9,600}
&b(){イニシアチブ} +7;&b(){感覚} 暗視60フィート、&i(){ディテクト・イーヴル}、夜目;〈知覚〉+20
&b(){オーラ} 防御のオーラ
**** 防御データ
&b(){AC} 24、接触13、立ちすくみ21(+3【敏】、+11外皮;悪に対して+4反発)
&b(){hp} 126(12d10+60)
&b(){頑健} +12、&b(){反応} +11、&b(){意志} +9;毒に対して+4、[悪]に対して+4抵抗ボーナス
&b(){防御的能力} nature's pacifism、protected life force;&b(){DR} 10/悪;&b(){完全耐性} [酸]、[冷気]、[電気]、[火]、[即死]効果、生命力吸収、石化;&b(){呪文抵抗} 21
**** 攻撃データ
&b(){移動速度} 40フィート、飛行60フィート(良好)
&b(){近接} &i(){+1フレイミング・グレートソード}=+17/+12/+7(2d6+7/19~20、加えて1d6[火])
&b(){擬似呪文能力} (術者レベル8レベル;精神集中+12)
**** 一般データ
&b(){【筋】} 19、&b(){【敏】} 17、&b(){【耐】} 18、&b(){【知】} 17、&b(){【判】} 17、&b(){【魅】} 19
&b(){基本攻撃} +12;&b(){CMB} +16;&b(){CMD} 29
&b(){特技} 《イニシアチブ強化》、《強打》、《渾身の一打》、《追加hp》、《薙ぎ払い》、《鋼の意志》
&b(){技能} 〈威圧〉+19、〈隠密〉+18、〈交渉〉+19、〈真意看破〉+16、〈生存〉+18、〈知覚〉+20、〈知識:次元界〉+18、〈知識:宗教〉+18、〈飛行〉+22;&b(){種族修正} +4〈知覚〉
&b(){言語} 天界語、竜語、地獄語;真言
**** 生態
&b(){出現環境} 気候問わず/善属性の次元界
&b(){編成} 単体、2体、または戦隊(3~6)
&b(){宝物} ×2(&i(){+1フレイミング・グレートソード}、その他の宝物)
**** 特殊能力
&b(){Nature’s Pacifism(変則)} Animals and plant creatures do not willingly attack a movanic deva, though they can be forced to do so by magic. If the deva attacks a plant or animal, its protection against that creature ends.
&b(){Protected Life Force(変則)} Movanic devas are never harmed by positive-dominant or negative-dominant planar traits.

 Movanic devas serve as infantry in the celestial armies, though they spend most of their time patrolling the Positive, Negative, and Material Planes. On the Positive Plane, they watch over wandering good souls, which sometimes puts them into conflict with the jyoti. On the Negative Plane, they battle undead, the sceaduinar, and the other strange things that hunt in the hungry void. Their rare visits to the Material Plane are usually to help powerful mortals when a great menace threatens to plunge an entire realm into evil.

* &spanid(monadic-deva){エンジェル:モナディック・デーヴァ} &small(){[[Angel, Monadic Deva>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/additionalMonsters/angel.html#angel,-monadic-deva]]}

>This angelic being has smooth skin, a muscular body, and large golden wings, and wields a large mace.

*** モナディック・デーヴァ 脅威度12 &small(){Monadic Deva}

&b(){経験点 19,200}
&b(){イニシアチブ} +8;&b(){感覚} 暗視60フィート、&i(){ディテクト・イーヴル}、夜目;〈知覚〉+29
&b(){オーラ} 防御のオーラ
**** 防御データ
&b(){AC} 27、接触14、立ちすくみ23(+4【敏】、+13外皮;悪に対して+4反発)
&b(){hp} 147(14d10+70)
&b(){頑健} +15、&b(){反応} +13、&b(){意志} +10;毒に対して+4;[悪]に対して+4抵抗ボーナス
&b(){DR} 10/悪;&b(){完全耐性} [酸]、[冷気]、[電気]、[火]、[即死]効果、生命力吸収、石化;&b(){SR} 23
**** 攻撃データ
&b(){移動速度} 40フィート、飛行90フィート(良好)
&b(){近接} &i(){+3モーニングスター}=+22/+17/+12(1d8+10、加えて“solid blow”)
&b(){擬似呪文能力} (術者レベル10レベル;精神集中+14)
回数無制限:&i(){インヴィジビリティ}(自身のみ)、&i(){エイド}、&i(){チャーム・モンスター}(DC 18、エレメンタルのみ)、&i(){ディサーン・ライズ}(DC18)、&i(){ディスペル・イーヴル}(DC19)、&i(){ディスペル・マジック}、&i(){プレイン・シフト}(DC19)、&i(){ホーリィ・スマイト}(DC18)、&i(){リムーヴ・カース}、&i(){リムーヴ・ディジーズ}、&i(){リムーヴ・フィアー}
**** 一般データ
&b(){【筋】} 21、&b(){【敏】} 19、&b(){【耐】} 18、&b(){【知】} 19、&b(){【判】} 18、&b(){【魅】} 19
&b(){基本攻撃} +14;&b(){CMB} +19;&b(){CMD} 33
&b(){特技} 《イニシアチブ強化》、《鋭敏感覚》、《頑健無比》、《強打》、《追加hp》、《薙ぎ払い》、《鋼の意志》
&b(){技能} 〈威圧〉+21、〈隠密〉+21、〈交渉〉+21、〈真意看破〉+25、〈水泳〉+19、〈生存〉+21、〈知覚〉+29、〈知識:次元界〉+21、〈知識:宗教〉+21、〈飛行〉+25;&b(){種族修正} +4〈知覚〉
&b(){言語} 天界語、竜語、地獄語;真言
**** 生態
&b(){出現環境} 気候問わず/善属性の次元界
&b(){編成} 単体、2体、または戦隊(3~6)
&b(){宝物} ×2(&i(){+3モーニングスター}、その他の宝物)
**** 特殊能力
&b(){Solid Blow(超常)} If a monadic deva strikes an opponent twice in 1 round with its mace, that creature takes an extra 1d8+10 points of damage.

 Monadic devas are stoic watchers of the Ethereal Plane and the Elemental Planes. They search those planes for fiendish enclaves, battle evil planar monsters such as xills, and act as celestial liaisons to the genies and elementals. They have been known to broker temporary peace between warring elemental factions, often using their inherent magic to end hostilities long enough for negotiations to take place. In the armies of the good planes, they are leaders and officers, and after centuries of service to a deity, they may be transformed into astral devas.
 Monadic devas like giving their maces names and proudly announcing them in battle with evil foes. Many of these weapons have seen battle for thousands of years and are quite battered. Younger devas may lend their weapons to good churches on the Material Plane so they can be used by great mortal heroes, though the angels eventually reclaim them after no more than a year and a day.
 A monadic deva is 7フィート tall and weighs 220 pounds.
