NC1 > NPCクラス > エキスパート


NC1/NPCクラス/エキスパート - (2013/06/12 (水) 00:02:44) のソース

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***宝石職人の弟子 脅威度1/3 &small(){Apprentice Jeweler}
&b(){経験点} 135
&b(){人間のエキスパート} 1
&b(){イニシアチブ} +2;&b(){感覚} 〈知覚〉+4

&b(){AC} 13、接触12、立ちすくみ状態11(+1鎧、+2【敏】)
&b(){hp} 4 (1d8)
&b(){頑健} +0、&b(){反応} +2、&b(){意志} +2

&b(){移動速度} 30フィート
&b(){近接} ダガー-1(1d4-1/19~20)

&b(){戦闘中} このエキスパート は、 calls for help and makes a fighting retreat.

&b(){【筋】} 8、&b(){【敏】} 15、&b(){【耐】} 11、&b(){【知】} 12、&b(){【判】} 10、&b(){【魅】} 9
&b(){基本攻撃} +0;&b(){CMB} -1;&b(){CMD} 11
&b(){特技} 《技能熟練:製作:装身具》、《疾走》
&b(){技能} 〈鑑定〉+5、〈交渉〉+3、〈製作:装身具〉+8、〈装置無力化〉+6、〈知覚〉+4、〈知識:歴史、地域、貴族〉+5、〈魔法装置使用〉+3
&b(){言語} 共通語
&b(){戦闘用装備} 酸;&b(){その他の装備} パデッド・アーマー、ダガー、高品質の職人道具、188gp

 An apprentice delivers orders when not practicing her craft. She usually begins her apprenticeship as a young adult, serves for 7 years, and is paid mostly in room and board at the master’s home or shop. After this duration, the apprentice becomes a journeyman in the craft and is paid a daily wage by the master. Some, however may instead leave to start their own businesses with employees once they reach the journeyman stage. A typical artisan has only one apprentice at a time, but a famous or wealthy one may have multiple apprentices at once.
 The above stat block can be used for any sort of trade that requires fine skill but not great strength, such as cobbling, dyeing, weaving, glass-blowing, locksmithing, or pottery-making. It can also be used to represent skilled professionals such as carriage drivers and house servants.

***老水夫 脅威度1/2 &small(){Old Sailor}
&b(){経験点} 200
&b(){エルフのエキスパート} 2
&b(){イニシアチブ} +1;&b(){感覚} 夜目;〈知覚〉+6

&b(){AC} 13、接触11、立ちすくみ状態12(+2鎧、+1【敏】)
&b(){hp} 11 (2d8+2)
&b(){頑健} +0、&b(){反応} +1、&b(){意志} +3;心術に対して+2
&b(){完全耐性} 睡眠

&b(){移動速度} 30フィート
&b(){近接} 高品質のダガー=+3(1d4+1/19~20)またはハンドアックス=+2(1d6+1/×3)
&b(){遠隔} 高品質のダガー=+3(1d4+1/19~20)またはショートボウ=+2(1d6/×3)

&b(){戦闘中} このエキスパート は、 keeps his back to the wall, seeks the high ground, and uses Acrobatics to maintain a tactical advantage.

&b(){【筋】} 12、&b(){【敏】} 13、&b(){【耐】} 11、&b(){【知】} 10、&b(){【判】} 10、&b(){【魅】} 9
&b(){基本攻撃} +1;&b(){CMB} +2;&b(){CMD} 13
&b(){特技} 《運動能力》
&b(){技能} 〈軽業〉+5、〈芸能:弦楽器〉+3、〈職能:船乗り〉+4、〈水泳〉+8、〈製作:象牙細工〉+4、〈生存〉+4、〈知覚〉+6、〈知識:宗教〉+4、〈手先の早業〉+5、〈登攀〉+8
&b(){言語} エルフ語、共通語
&b(){その他の特殊能力} エルフの魔法、武器精通
&b(){その他の装備} レザー・アーマー、ハンドアックス、高品質のダガー、ショートボウとアロー20本、職人道具、36gp

 Quite weathered for an elf, a sailor spends most of his free time playing cards, making music, or whittling away at wood or ivory. Old sailors are superstitious and wary of bad omens before or during a voyage.
 Though an old sailor is able to defend himself if attacked, his work relates to ship maintenance and transporting cargo rather than repelling boarders. For an experienced military sailor, use the veteran buccaneer stat block (page 267) or apply the advanced creature simple template to the old sailor stat block. You can also use this stat block for laborers whose work requires strength and maneuverability, such as lumberjacks.

***円熟の罠師 脅威度1 &small(){Seasoned Trapper}
&b(){経験点} 400
&b(){ハーフリングのエキスパート} 3
&b(){イニシアチブ} +2;&b(){感覚} 〈知覚〉+7

&b(){AC} 16、接触13、立ちすくみ状態14(+3鎧、+2【敏】、+1サイズ)
&b(){hp} 13 (3d8)
&b(){頑健} +2、&b(){反応} +4、&b(){意志} +4;恐怖に対して+2

&b(){移動速度} 20フィート
&b(){近接} スピア=+3(1d6/×3)
&b(){遠隔} 高品質のライト・クロスボウ=+6(1d6/19~20)

&b(){戦闘中} このエキスパート は、 seeks concealment or cover and attacks with her crossbow.

&b(){【筋】} 10、&b(){【敏】} 15、&b(){【耐】} 10、&b(){【知】} 9、&b(){【判】} 10、&b(){【魅】} 10
&b(){基本攻撃} +2;&b(){CMB} +1;&b(){CMD} 13
&b(){特技} 《技能熟練:生存》、《致命的な狙い》
&b(){技能} 〈隠密〉+11、〈軽業〉+3(跳躍時-1)、〈騎乗〉+5、〈水泳〉+4、〈製作:皮細工〉+5、〈製作:罠〉+7、〈生存〉+9、〈知覚〉+7、〈知識:自然〉+3、〈治療〉+6、〈登攀〉+5
&b(){言語} 共通語、ハーフリング語
&b(){戦闘用装備} &i(){ポーション・オヴ・キュア・ライト・ウーンズ};&b(){その他の装備} スタデッド・レザー、高品質のライト・クロスボウとボルト40本、スピア、高品質の職人道具(レザー、罠)、はみとくつわ、ライディング・ドッグ、荷駄用鞍、92gp

 A trapper catches animals with snares, then turns their hides into leather and fur goods. Most are independent folk, content to live on the edge of civilization so they don’t have to deal with the niceties of polite society. A few find themselves trying to escape a past crime or tragedy, using the wilderness to hide and eking out a livelihood from the natural world. Most know the best places to hunt and trap, hidden paths that lead to observation points, and the locations of caves and dangerous natural hazards.
 In frontier areas, a seasoned trapper is the next best thing to a guide, scout, tracker, or sniper, and in wartime many serve in the local militia, using their keen eyes and deadly skills to keep villagers safe and provide food. In exchange for a few coins, they may lead adventurers to the edge of monster territory or provide food or shelter in a storm.

***敏腕の大工 脅威度2 &small(){Journeyman Carpenter}
&b(){経験点} 600
&b(){ハーフオークのエキスパート} 4
&b(){イニシアチブ} +0;&b(){感覚} 暗視60フィート;〈知覚〉+4

&b(){AC} 10、接触10、立ちすくみ状態10
&b(){hp} 22 (4d8+4)
&b(){頑健} +2、&b(){反応} +1、&b(){意志} +3
&b(){防御的能力} オークの凶暴性

&b(){移動速度} 30フィート
&b(){近接} ライト・ハンマー=+4(1d4+1)
&b(){遠隔} ライト・ハンマー=+3(1d4+1)

&b(){戦闘中} このエキスパート は、 uses the terrain to his advantage, including ladders and narrow ledges.

&b(){【筋】} 13、&b(){【敏】} 10、&b(){【耐】} 12、&b(){【知】} 12、&b(){【判】} 8、&b(){【魅】} 11
&b(){基本攻撃} +3;&b(){CMB} +4;&b(){CMD} 14
&b(){特技} 《技能熟練:製作:大工》、《強打》
&b(){技能} 〈威圧〉+9、〈軽業〉+6、〈交渉〉+5、〈製作:大工〉+11、〈装置無力化〉+6、〈脱出術〉+2、〈知覚〉+4、〈知識:工学、地域〉+8、〈登攀〉+6、〈はったり〉+5
&b(){言語} オーク語、共通語
&b(){その他の特殊能力} オークの血、武器精通
&b(){戦闘用装備} &i(){オイル・オヴ・メンディング}(5)、&i(){ポーション・オヴ・キュア・ライト・ウーンズ}(2)、&i(){ポーション・オヴ・スパイダー・クライム}(2);&b(){その他の装備} ライト・ハンマー、滑車、鎖(20ft.)、かなてこ(2)、消えずの松明、金槌(2)、梯子、高品質の職人道具、はみとくつわ(2)、ミュール(2)、乗用鞍(2)、四輪馬車、561gp

 A journeyman carpenter is skilled with a hammer, but tries to avoid violence except to defend himself and his family. Tools can be rebuilt or replaced, and he will not waste his life protecting mere objects.
 The above stat block can be used for any journeyman whose trade requires skill and strength, such as a blacksmith, stonemason, or teamster. The stat block can also be used for older warriors in orc or hobgoblin tribes who are not as vigorous but are still able to fight.

***土木工兵 脅威度3 &small(){Sapper}
&b(){経験点} 800
&b(){人間のエキスパート} 5
&b(){イニシアチブ} +1;&b(){感覚} 〈知覚〉+8

&b(){AC} 13、接触11、立ちすくみ状態12(+2鎧、+1【敏】)
&b(){hp} 27 (5d8+5)
&b(){頑健} +1、&b(){反応} +4、&b(){意志} +4

&b(){移動速度} 30フィート
&b(){近接} 高品質のダガー=+3(1d4-1/19~20)
&b(){遠隔} 高品質のダガー=+5(1d4-1/19~20)または飛散武器=+4(さまざま)

&b(){戦闘中} この sapper は、 throws alchemical splash weapons, avoiding melee combat as long as possible.

&b(){【筋】} 8、&b(){【敏】} 12、&b(){【耐】} 10、&b(){【知】} 16、&b(){【判】} 11、&b(){【魅】} 9
&b(){基本攻撃} +3;&b(){CMB} +2;&b(){CMD} 13
&b(){特技} 《技能熟練:知識:工学、隠密》、《近距離射撃》、《神速の反応》
&b(){技能} 〈隠密〉+12、〈軽業〉+9、〈製作:錬金術〉+11、〈装置無力化〉+9、〈脱出術〉+9、〈知覚〉+8、〈知識:工学〉+14、〈知識:神秘学、地理〉+11、〈登攀〉+7
&b(){言語} 共通語、ゴブリン語、ドワーフ語
&b(){戦闘用装備} &i(){エリクサー・オヴ・ハイディング}(2)、&i(){ポーション・オヴ・バークスキン}、&i(){ポーション・オヴ・キュア・モデレット・ウーンズ}、&i(){ポーション・オヴ・インヴィジビリティ}、酸(4)、錬金術師の火(4);&b(){その他の装備} レザー・アーマー、高品質のダガー、錬金術実験道具、耐毒剤、消えずの松明、高品質の盗賊道具、発煙棒(2)、火おこし棒(4)、171gp

 Sappers specialize in undermining fortifications and tunneling under walls. Using a combination of time, engineering, and explosives, sappers can rig a tunnel to collapse to protect a retreat or create a path over a mountainside. Their enthusiasm for blowing things up means they take unnecessary risks, and the lifespan of a professional sapper is often cut short in a dramatic blast.

***熟練の加治屋 脅威度4 &small(){Expert Blacksmith}
&b(){経験点} 1,200
&b(){ドワーフのエキスパート} 6
&b(){イニシアチブ} +0;&b(){感覚} 暗視60フィート;〈知覚〉+0

&b(){AC} 12、接触10、立ちすくみ状態12(+2鎧)
&b(){hp} 39 (6d8+12)
&b(){頑健} +4、&b(){反応} +2、&b(){意志} +5;毒、呪文、および擬似呪文能力に対して+2
&b(){防御的能力} 防衛訓練(巨人に対するACに+4回避ボーナス)

&b(){移動速度} 20フィート
&b(){近接} &i(){+1ウォーハンマー}=+6(1d8+2/×3)または高品質の冷たい鉄製ウォーハンマー=+6(1d8+1/×3)
&b(){特殊攻撃} オークおよびゴブリン類の人型生物に対する攻撃ロールに+1

&b(){戦闘前} 自分の店を守るために準備する時間が少なくとも4分以上ある場合、このエキスパートは自分の高品質のブレストプレートを着込む。
&b(){戦闘中} このエキスパート は、 uses one of her ウォーハンマー in melee, but calls for help and tries to avoid combat.

&b(){【筋】} 13、&b(){【敏】} 10、&b(){【耐】} 14、&b(){【知】} 12、&b(){【判】} 11、&b(){【魅】} 6
&b(){基本攻撃} +4;&b(){CMB} +5;&b(){CMD} 15(足払い、突き飛ばしに対して19)
&b(){特技} 《技能熟練:製作:防具、武器》、《魔法の武器防具作成》、《名匠:製作:武器》
&b(){技能} 〈鑑定〉+10(魔法的でない金属や宝石の価値を見積もる+12)、〈芸能:歌唱〉+7、〈言語学〉+7、〈真意看破〉+9、〈製作:武器〉+15、〈製作:防具、鍛冶〉+10、〈知識:地域〉+9、〈知識:歴史〉+8
&b(){言語} 共通語、巨人語、ドワーフ語、ノーム語、ハーフリング語、竜語
&b(){戦闘用装備} &i(){オイル・オヴ・メンディング}(5)、&i(){ポーション・オヴ・キュア・ライト・ウーンズ}(2)、&i(){ポーション・オヴ・エンデュア・エレメンツ}(2)、酸(2)、錬金術師の火(2)、雷石;&b(){その他の装備} レザー・アーマー、&i(){+1ウォーハンマー}、高品質の冷たい鉄製ウォーハンマー、高品質のブレストプレート(着用していない)、&i(){フェザー・トークン}(ファン)、滑車、鎖(20ft.)、高品質の職人道具、

 A blacksmith enjoys talking about metal almost as much as working it. She is proud that her skill allows her to craft everything from mundane items to magic weapons.

***やり手の商人 脅威度5 &small(){Successful Merchant}
&b(){経験点} 1,600
&b(){人間のエキスパート} 7
&b(){イニシアチブ} -1;&b(){感覚} 〈知覚〉+13

&b(){AC} 10、接触9、立ちすくみ状態10(+1鎧、-1【敏】)
&b(){hp} 31 (7d8)
&b(){頑健} +3、&b(){反応} +2、&b(){意志} +9

&b(){移動速度} 30フィート
&b(){近接} 高品質の銀製ダガー=+5(1d4-1/19~20)
&b(){遠隔} 高品質の銀製ダガー=+5(1d4-1/19~20)

&b(){戦闘中} このエキスパート は、 hides behind his bodyguards or tries to use his &i(){ポーション・オヴ・ インヴィジビリティ} to escape combat. The レイピア he wears is only for show, and he defends himself with his ダガー.

&b(){【筋】} 9、&b(){【敏】} 8、&b(){【耐】} 10、&b(){【知】} 14、&b(){【判】} 12、&b(){【魅】} 13
&b(){基本攻撃} +5;&b(){CMB} +4;&b(){CMD} 13
&b(){特技} 《鋭敏感覚》、《技能熟練:鑑定、威圧》、《説得力》、《鋼の意志》
&b(){技能} 〈威圧〉+11、〈鑑定〉+15、〈騎乗〉+9、〈交渉〉+13、〈職能:商人〉+11、〈真意看破〉+13、〈生存〉+2、〈知覚〉+13、〈知識:地域〉+12、〈知識:地理〉+7、〈知識:歴史、貴族〉+4、〈動物使い〉+6、〈はったり〉+11
&b(){言語} エルフ語、共通語、ドワーフ語
&b(){戦闘用装備} &i(){ポーション・オヴ・キュア・モデレット・ウーンズ}、&i(){ポーション・オヴ・インヴィジビリティ};&b(){その他の装備} 高品質の高品質の銀製ダガーレイピア、&i(){ブレイサーズ・オヴ・アーマー+1}、&i(){クローク・オヴ・レジスタンス+1}、番犬、虫眼鏡、商人の天秤、はみとくつわ、ヘヴィ・ホース(2)、ライトホース(戦闘訓練済み)、荷駄用鞍、鞍袋、四輪馬車、720gp

 A successful merchant is pleasant to customers but often an impatient taskmaster to his employees. He has spent a lifetime thinking of ways to avoid physical work and complains if expected to lend a hand. He considers himself better than anyone dumber or poorer than he is.
 The above stat block can be used for any skilled NPC whose profession relies on observation, intimidation, and diplomacy, such as a diplomat, innkeeper, lawyer, or caravan leader.

***博識の賢者 脅威度6 &small(){Wise Sage}
&b(){経験点} 2,400
&b(){人間のエキスパート} 8
&b(){イニシアチブ} +0;&b(){感覚} 〈知覚〉+1

&b(){AC} 11、接触11、立ちすくみ状態11(+1反発)
&b(){hp} 28 (8d8-8)
&b(){頑健} +2、&b(){反応} +3、&b(){意志} +8

&b(){移動速度} 30フィート
&b(){近接} クオータースタッフ=+5/+0(1d6-1)

&b(){戦闘中} このエキスパート は、 uses magic items to defend herself and escape from combat as quickly as possible.

&b(){【筋】} 9、&b(){【敏】} 10、&b(){【耐】} 8、&b(){【知】} 16、&b(){【判】} 13、&b(){【魅】} 11
&b(){基本攻撃} +6;&b(){CMB} +5;&b(){CMD} 16
&b(){特技} 《技能熟練:知識:神秘学、自然、次元界、魔法装置使用》、《魔法の才》
&b(){技能} 〈鑑定〉+14、〈言語学〉+14、〈知識:貴族〉+5、〈知識:自然、次元界〉+17、〈知識:宗教〉+10、〈知識:神秘学〉+17、〈知識:ダンジョン探検、工学、地域〉+7、〈知識:地理〉+12、〈知識:歴史〉+14、〈呪文学〉+16、〈魔法装置使用〉+16
&b(){言語} アクロ語、エルフ語、火界語、共通語、地獄語、水界語、地界語、天上語、ドワーフ語、奈落語、風界語、竜語
&b(){戦闘用装備} &i(){ポーション・オヴ・キュア・モデレット・ウーンズ}、&i(){スクロール・オヴ・エクスペディシャス・リトリート}、&i(){スクロール・オヴ・グリッターダスト}、&i(){スクロール・オヴ・アイデンティファイ}(4)、&i(){スクロール・オヴ・インヴィジビリティ}、&i(){スクロール・オヴ・メイジ・アーマー}、&i(){スクロール・オヴ・リムーヴ・カース}、&i(){ワンド・オヴ・ディテクト・マジック}(20チャージ)、&i(){ワンド・オヴ・スコーチング・レイ}(10チャージ);&b(){その他の装備} クオータースタッフ、&i(){クローク・オヴ・レジスタンス+1}、&i(){リング・オヴ・プロテクション+1}、消えずの松明、はみとくつわ、ライトホース、荷駄用鞍、628gp

 A wise sage’s cantankerous manner evaporates when she’s expounding on matters of scholarly minutia. The sage’s breadth of general knowledge allows her to speak on most topics, and her precious magic items let her gain enough clues to direct her further research. If she reaches her limit on a topic, she may refer the questioner to a specialist in that field――or she may not, in order to preserve her pride.

***冷徹な法律家 脅威度7 &small(){Cutthroat Lawyer}
&b(){経験点} 3,200
&b(){ハーフエルフのエキスパート} 9
&b(){イニシアチブ} -1;&b(){感覚} 夜目;〈知覚〉+12

&b(){AC} 9、接触9、立ちすくみ状態9(-1【敏】)
&b(){hp} 40 (9d8)
&b(){頑健} +3、&b(){反応} +2、&b(){意志} +9;心術に対して+2

&b(){移動速度} 30フィート
&b(){近接} 高品質のレイピア=+6/+1(1d6-1/18~20)

&b(){戦闘中} このエキスパート は、 fights defensively with her レイピア, and attempts to persuade her opponents that it is in their best interest to stop fighting and let her escape.

&b(){【筋】} 9、&b(){【敏】} 8、&b(){【耐】} 10、&b(){【知】} 12、&b(){【判】} 12、&b(){【魅】} 16
&b(){基本攻撃} +6;&b(){CMB} +5;&b(){CMD} 14
&b(){特技} 《鋭敏感覚》、《技能熟練:はったり、交渉》、《軍用武器習熟:レイピア》、《説得力》、《鋼の意志》
&b(){技能} 〈威圧〉+20、〈言語学〉+6、〈交渉〉+23、〈職能:法律家〉+13、〈真意看破〉+15、〈知覚〉+12、〈知識:地域、貴族〉+9、〈知識:歴史〉+8、〈呪文学〉+8、〈はったり〉+21
&b(){言語} エルフ語、共通語、地獄語、天上語、ドワーフ語、ノーム語、ハーフリング語、竜語
&b(){その他の特殊能力} エルフの血
&b(){戦闘用装備} &i(){ポーション・オヴ・キュア・モデレット・ウーンズ}、&i(){ポーション・オヴ・ヒロイズム};&b(){その他の装備} 高品質のレイピア、&i(){サークレット・オヴ・パースウェイジョン}、&i(){エリクサー・オヴ・トゥルース}、耐毒剤、廷臣の服、ライトホース(2)、屋根つき四輪馬車、

 A cutthroat lawyer is a master of loopholes, doublespeak, intimidation, and litigation. She prides herself on doing whatever it takes――within the law――to win her case. Though this means she won’t use illusions to falsify evidence or enchantments to alter a witness’s memories or coerce a judge or juror to change a vote, it leaves her many opportunities to enhance her own ability to persuade and investigate. Given enough gold and access to the right potions, she destroys the opposition’s arguments, eradicates the witnesses’ credibility, discovers conflicts of interest in judges and jurors, digs up obscure laws that invalidate the charges of which her client is accused, suggests plausible conspiracies or mistaken identities, points fingers at other possible suspects, bogs down trial proceedings, and offers plea bargains to a trivially smaller sentence in order to get trials over with.
 She loves the intellectual and magical challenge of defeating her opponent within the bounds of the law, much as a paladin enjoys a victory without resorting to dishonorable tactics. She thrives on the attention and her ability to manipulate others to see things as she wants them to. If she worked as a prosecutor, her conviction record would be nearly perfect, but because she loves a good profit, she prefers aggressive litigation and defending the accused. Any magic she uses to achieve a win is added to her bill, and her favorite clients are rich adventurers because they have the deepest pockets.
 The lawyer does have standards, and will not defend those accused of crimes against children. Likewise, she prefers clients who are not actually guilty, or are guilty of crimes against property rather than against people.
 The lawyer has a network of contacts, observers, and expert witnesses ready to follow people, investigate crime scenes, badger city guards for information, testify in trials, and otherwise make themselves useful for her profession. She usually has the assistance of one or more less skilled lawyers (use the successful merchant stat block, expert 7) hoping to gain some prestige by association, and payrolls two or three investigator wizards (human diviner 4) at any one time. All of these agents are people she believes she can trust not to violate any laws in the pursuit of information, for one slip-up can invalidate her entire case and――worst of all――embarrass her professionally. An agent who shows a lack of discretion or discipline in this matter is cut off and disavowed; depending on the infraction, she might bring her litigious powers to bear against that person, in which case it is usually best for the target to flee the city, change his or her name, and attempt a new life somewhere else.

***練達の演芸家 脅威度8 &small(){Master Entertainer}
&b(){経験点} 4,800
&b(){ノームのエキスパート} 10
&b(){イニシアチブ} +1;&b(){感覚} 夜目;〈知覚〉+2

&b(){AC} 12、接触12、立ちすくみ状態11(+1【敏】、+1サイズ)
&b(){hp} 45 (10d8)
&b(){頑健} +3、&b(){反応} +6、&b(){意志} +7;幻術に対して+2
&b(){防御的能力} 防衛訓練(巨人に対するACに+4回避ボーナス)

&b(){移動速度} 20フィート
&b(){近接} ダガー=+7/+2(1d3-2/19~20)
&b(){遠隔} ダガー=+10/+5(1d3-2/19~20)
&b(){特殊攻撃} ゴブリン類および爬虫類の人型生物に対する攻撃ロールに+1
&b(){ノームの擬似呪文能力} (術者レベル10レベル;精神集中+13)
&b(){戦闘中} このエキスパート は、 uses thrown ダガー and alchemical items to keep opponents at bay.

&b(){【筋】} 7、&b(){【敏】} 12、&b(){【耐】} 10、&b(){【知】} 12、&b(){【判】} 10、&b(){【魅】} 16
&b(){基本攻撃} +7;&b(){CMB} +4;&b(){CMD} 15
&b(){特技} 《近距離射撃》、《神速の反応》、《速射》、《早抜き》、《武器熟練:ダガー》
&b(){技能} 〈軽業〉+14(跳躍時+10)、〈芸能:お笑い〉+16、〈芸能:管楽器〉+8、〈芸能:舞踏〉+11、〈真意看破〉+5、〈製作:絵画〉+10、〈脱出術〉+9、〈知覚〉+2、〈知識:地域、貴族〉+9、〈手先の早業〉+14、〈はったり〉+11、〈変装〉+9、〈魔法装置使用〉+16
&b(){言語} エルフ語、共通語、ノーム語、森語
&b(){戦闘用装備} &i(){ポーション・オヴ・キュア・モデレット・ウーンズ}、&i(){スクロール・オヴ・キャッツ・グレイス}(2)、&i(){スクロール・オヴ・メジャー・イメージ}、&i(){スクロール・オヴ・シュリンク・アイテム}、&i(){ワンド・オヴ・インヴィジビリティ}(10チャージ)、&i(){ワンド・オヴ・プレスティディジテイション}(20チャージ)、&i(){ワンド・オヴ・パイロテクニクス}(10チャージ)、&i(){ワンド・オヴ・サイレント・イメージ}(10チャージ)、錬金術師の火(2)、雷石(2);&b(){その他の装備} ダガー(8)、&i(){エリクサー・オヴ・ラヴ}、&i(){ハット・オヴ・ディスガイズ}、&i(){マーヴェラス・ピグメンツ}、高品質の職人道具、高品質のパンパイプ、発煙棒(2)、火おこし棒(4)、335gp

 Accomplished as an acrobat, clown, dancer, juggler, and piper, a master entertainer augments her performance with magical effects for audiences that pay high enough ticket prices. Odd-looking even by gnome standards, she is adept at making herself appear male or female, a human or elf child, or even something monstrous like a goblin or tiefling. When augmented by her magic cap, the disguise is instantaneous and flawless. It is often her practice to create a mundane disguise, then use the cap to create an identical disguise over it, so that any who magically detect or penetrate the disguise see the same thing underneath, leading them to believe their magic is erratic.
 If working for a wealthy patron, she uses her funding to create surreal and amusing backdrops, stages, and costumes, sometimes with colors only visible to certain races, or concealing words and images that appear only when viewed with darkvision. She uses these props to perform whimsical narratives that are suitable for children, but that can easily be altered into something haunting, disturbing, or even erotic or blasphemous with a word from her employer. She has been known to employ illusionists to add or subtract elements from a performance, or (like her habit with disguises) create identical illusions on top of actual scenery, perhaps altering it slightly to give the performance a sense of heightened unreality.
 Because of her experience traveling with unsavory characters, she has no qualms about being bribed to help with many crimes, such as smuggling goods into or out of a city, faking a person’s death as an on-stage "accident," or mocking an effigy or caricature of a public official in a performance in front of hundreds of witnesses.
 She may travel alone or as part of a troupe of actors or musicians (use the journeyman carpenter stat block, expert 4), tavern singers (bards 1), street performers (bards 2), or laborers (use the ruffian stat block, commoner 7). During most of her travels she is content to cavort and entertain, but from time to time she sneaks out to burgle or rob the rich and split the money with her companions.
 The above stat block can be used for any kind of skilled nonmagical performer or artisan, such as an actor, musician, painter, or singer. Alter the NPC’s magic items to suit the particular role; for example, &i(){scrolls of eagle’s splendor} instead of &i(){scrolls of cat’s grace}.