UE > 装備 > 錬金術武器


UE/装備/錬金術武器 - (2013/07/20 (土) 18:29:09) のソース

*錬金術武器 &small(){[[Alchemical Weapons>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/gear/alchemicalWeapons.html]]}

 Alchemical weapons are designed to harm others, though they may have additional uses. Each of these substances can be made with the Craft (alchemy) skill.

錬金術武器 &small(){[[Alchemical Weapons>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/gear/alchemicalWeapons.html#alchemical-weapons-table]]}
| 軽い近接武器 | 市価 | ダメージ | クリティカル | 射程 | 重量 | タイプ | 特殊 |h
| リキッド・ブレード | 40 gp | 1d6 | 19–20/×2 | ― | 2ポンド | 刺突 | 壊れやすい、本文参照 |
|>|>|>|>|>|>|>| &b(){片手近接武器} |
| 火吹き花火 | 100 gp | 1d8 | ×2 | ― | ― | [火] | 本文参照 |
|>|>|>|>|>|>|>| &b(){遠隔武器} |
| 足留め袋 | 50 gp | ― | ― | 10フィート | 4ポンド | ― | からみつき |
| アルカリ(ビン) | 15 gp | 1d6 | ×2 | 10フィート | 1ポンド | [酸] | 飛散、本文参照 |
| 稲光の瓶詰 | 40 gp | 1d8/1 | ×2 | 20フィート | 1ポンド | [電気]/[音波] | 本文参照 |
| 踊るバンシー花火 | 75 gp | ― | ― | 10フィート | ― | [音波] | 範囲、本文参照 |
| ガストの吐き気ビン | 50 gp | ― | ― | 10フィート | 1ポンド | 毒 | 飛散、本文参照 |
| 雷石 | 30 gp | ― | ― | 20フィート | 1ポンド | [音波] | 範囲、本文参照 |
| 痒み粉末 | 60 gp | ― | ― | 10フィート | 2ポンド | 毒 | 飛散、本文参照 |
| からめ焼き袋 | 150 gp | 1d6 | ― | 10フィート | 5ポンド | [火] | からみつき、本文参照 |
| 球状手榴弾(アダマンティン製) | 150 gp | 1d6/1d6/1d6 | ― | 10フィート | 1ポンド | 殴打/刺突/[火] | 範囲、本文参照 |
| 球状手榴弾(銀製) | 70 gp | 1d6/1d6/1d6 | ― | 10フィート | 1ポンド | 殴打/刺突/[火] | 範囲、本文参照 |
| 球状手榴弾(金属製) | 50 gp | 1d6/1d6/1d6 | ― | 10フィート | 1ポンド | 殴打/刺突/[火] | 範囲、本文参照 |
| 球状手榴弾(冷たい鉄製) | 100 gp | 1d6/1d6/1d6 | ― | 10フィート | 1ポンド | 殴打/刺突/[火] | 範囲、本文参照 |
| くしゃみ粉 | 60 gp | ― | ― | 10フィート | 2ポンド | 毒 | 飛散、本文参照 |
| ケロス油 | 5 gp | 1d3 | ×2 | 5フィート | ― | [火] | 本文参照 |
| 光の粉 | 50 gp | ― | ― | 10フィート | ― | [光] | 範囲、本文参照 |
| 氷液 | 40 gp | 1d6 | ×2 | 10フィート | 2ポンド | [冷気] | 飛散 |
| 酸 | 10 gp | 1d6 | ×2 | 10フィート | 1ポンド | [酸] | 飛散 |
| 紙製ろうそく花火 | 1 gp | ― | ― | 10フィート | ― | ― | 本文参照 |
| 聖水 | 25 gp | 2d4 | ×2 | 10フィート | 1ポンド | ― | 飛散、本文参照 |
| 導火線付手榴弾 | 100 gp | 2d6/1d6 | ×2 | 10フィート | 1ポンド | 殴打/[火] | 範囲、本文参照 |
| 爆発壺 | 35 gp | 1 | ― | 10フィート | 1ポンド | [音波] | 飛散、本文参照 |
| 破片化ジェル | 25 gp | 1d4 | ×2 | 10フィート | 1ポンド | 刺突 | 飛散 |
| 飛翔花火 | 50 gp | 2d6 | ― | 10フィート | 1ポンド | [火] | 範囲 |
| 星灯花火 | 5 gp | 1/1 | 盲目化 | 5フィート | ― | [火]/非致傷 | 本文参照 |
| 星吹き花火 | 500 gp | 1d6 | ― | 10フィート | 100ポンド | [火] | 範囲 |
| 錬金術師の火 | 20 gp | 1d6 | ×2 | 10フィート | 1ポンド | [火] | 飛散 |

***酸 &small(){[[Acid>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/gear/alchemicalWeapons.html#acid]]}
&b(){市価} 10 gp;&b(){荷重} 1ポンド

***錬金術師の火 &small(){[[&link(Alchemist's Fire){http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/gear/alchemicalWeapons.html#Alchemist's-Fire}}
&b(){市価} 20 gp;&b(){荷重} 1ポンド

 直接命中した場合は1d6ポイントの[火]ダメージを与える。命中した場所から5フィート以内の全てのクリーチャーは、飛沫により1ポイントの[火]ダメージを受ける。命中した次のラウンドでも、対象は1d6ポイントの追加ダメージを受ける。望むなら、対象は1全ラウンド・アクションを消費して、追加ダメージを受ける前に炎を消そうと試みることができる。炎を消すのはDC15の反応セーヴである。地面を転がることでセーヴに+2のボーナスを得る。肉体より大きな水に飛び込んだり魔法で炎を消せば、自動的に消える。このアイテムの製作は DC 20の[[〈製作〉>技能の詳細/2#Craft]]判定である。
***アルカリ(ビン) &small(){[[Alkali Flask>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/gear/alchemicalWeapons.html#alkali-flask]]}
&b(){市価} 15 gp;&b(){荷重} 1ポンド

 This flask of caustic liquid reacts with an ooze’s natural acids. You can throw an alkali flask as a splash weapon with a range increment of 10 feet. Against non-ooze creatures, an alkali flask functions as a normal flask of acid. Against oozes and other acid-based creatures, the alkali flask inflicts double damage. Crafting this item is a DC 20 Craft (alchemy) check.
***踊るバンシー花火 &small(){[[banshee ballerina firework>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/gear/alchemicalWeapons.html#banshee-ballerina-firework]]}
&b(){市価} 75 gp;&b(){荷重} ―

 This small firework burns brightly and makes a loud, eerie whistling sound. It can be thrown to target an intersection as a splash weapon. Any creatures within 5 feet of the noise are effectively deafened while they remain in the area, as even the loudest sounds they make are drowned out by the piercing sound. A banshee ballerina firework burns for 1d4+1 rounds before extinguishing itself with a quiet puff of smoke. Crafting this item is a DC 30 Craft (alchemy) check.
***稲光の瓶詰 &small(){[[Bottled Lightning>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/gear/alchemicalWeapons.html#bottled-lightning]]}
&b(){市価} 40 gp;&b(){荷重} 1ポンド

 Electricity crackles along a metal filament inside this small glass bottle. You can open the bottle as a standard action, unleashing a small bolt of lightning toward an enemy within 20 feet of you. This is a ranged touch attack that deals 1d8 points of electricity damage. Any creature in a line between you and the target (including the target) takes 1 point of sonic damage from the terrific clap of thunder the bolt generates (Reflex DC 15 negates). Crafting bottled lightning is a DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check.
***爆発壺 &small(){[[Burst Jar>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/gear/alchemicalWeapons.html#burst-jar]]}
&b(){市価} 35 gp;&b(){荷重} 1ポンド

 This simple clay pot has two sealed, airtight inner chambers containing alchemical liquids. The jar is thrown as a splash weapon. It shatters on impact, covering the target with a mixture of the two liquids. One round later on your turn, the liquids react and explode with concussive force. The target takes 1 point of sonic damage, is deafened for 1d4 rounds, and must make a DC 12 Fortitude save or be stunned for 1 round. Creatures within 5 feet of the explosion take 1 point of sonic damage. The target can use a full-round action to scrape or wash off the liquid before it detonates, depositing the material in its square or an adjacent square; the material detonates as normal, though the original target only takes damage as if it were within 5 feet of the explosion. Crafting this item is a DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check.
***火吹き花火 &small(){[[Flame Fountain Firework>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/gear/alchemicalWeapons.html#flame-fountain-firework]]}
&b(){市価} 100 gp;&b(){荷重} ―

 This hollow metal or wooden tube contains slow-burning powder. When you light the fuse (a move action), it creates a 3-foot-long, blazing fountain of red-hot fiery sparks. You wield this fountain of sparks as if it were a heavy mace. Attacks with the fountain are melee touch attacks. The fountain deals 1d8 points of fire damage (your Strength modifier does not apply to the damage).
 The fountain sheds light as a torch and can ignite combustible materials such as parchment, straw, dry sticks, and cloth. Once ignited, it lasts for 1 minute. If extinguished before this time, the remaining duration is wasted. Crafting this item is a DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check.
***光の粉 &small(){[[Flash Powder>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/gear/alchemicalWeapons.html#flash-powder]]}
&b(){市価} 50 gp;&b(){荷重} ―

 This coarse gray powder ignites and burns almost instantly if exposed to flame, significant friction, or even simple force such as throwing it against a floor (a standard action). Creatures within a 10-foot-radius burst are blinded for 1 round (Fortitude DC 13 negates). Crafting this item is a DC 20 Craft (alchemy) check.
***導火線付手榴弾 &small(){[[Fuse Grenade>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/gear/alchemicalWeapons.html#fuse-grenade]]}
&b(){市価} 100 gp;&b(){荷重} 1ポンド

 This hollow clay container holds a small charge of black power and a slow-burning fuse. Lighting the fuse is a move action; 1d3 rounds later the grenade explodes, dealing 2d6 points of bludgeoning damage and 1d6 points of fire damage in a 10-foot-radius burst (Reflex DC 15 halves). You throw a fuse grenade as if it were a splash weapon. Crafting this item is a DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check.
***ガストの吐き気ビン &small(){[[Ghast Retch Flask>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/gear/alchemicalWeapons.html#ghast-retch-flask]]}
&b(){市価} 50 gp;&b(){荷重} 1ポンド

 Harvested and concentrated from the remains of slain ghasts, this foul-smelling powder is kept in tightly sealed flasks. It is thrown as a splash weapon and the flask breaks on impact, releasing noxious dust. The target is nauseated for 1 round and sickened for 3 rounds after that. A successful DC 12 Fortitude save prevents the nauseated condition, but not the sickened condition. Creatures within 5 feet of where the flank hits are sickened for 1 round. This is a poison effect. Crafting this item is a DC 20 Craft (alchemy) check.
***聖水 &small(){[[Holy Water>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/gear/alchemicalWeapons.html#holy-water]]}
&b(){市価} 25 gp;&b(){荷重} 1ポンド

***痒み粉末 &small(){[[Itching Powder>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/gear/alchemicalWeapons.html#itching-powder]]}
&b(){市価} 60 gp;&b(){荷重} 2ポンド

 This fine gray powder causes targets to suffer from uncontrollable itching until they spend at least 1 round washing it off. Throwing a packet of itching powder is a splash attack with a range increment of 10 feet. Anyone standing on the square of impact must succeed at a DC 12 Fortitude save to resist the powder, while those in adjacent squares must make a DC 8 Fortitude save. Creatures that fail the save take a –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks until they wash the powder off. This is a poison effect. Crafting this item is a DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check.
***ケロス油 &small(){[[Keros Oil>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/gear/alchemicalWeapons.html#keros-oil]]}
&b(){市価} 5 gp;&b(){荷重} ―

 Also known as firebreather’s oil, this bitter liquid is harder to ignite than common oil but burns quickly at a low temperature, making it ideal for exotic performers such as fire-spinners and flame-spitters. You may spit a mouthful of keros oil past an open flame (such as a candle, tindertwig, or torch) to ignite it, creating a brief burst of fire. If you use it to attack, the attack is a ranged touch attack with a maximum range of 5 feet that deals 1d3 points of fire damage. If you roll a 1 on your attack roll, you accidentally inhale or swallow some of the burning fuel; you take 1d6 points of fire damage and are nauseated for 1 round. A bottle of keros oil holds enough for 10 mouthfuls; taking a mouthful from the bottle is a standard action (the Rapid Reload feat reduces this to a move action). Crafting this item is a DC 15 Craft (alchemy) check.
***リキッド・ブレード &small(){[[Liquid Blade>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/gear/alchemicalWeapons.html#liquid-blade]]}
&b(){市価} 40 gp;&b(){荷重} 2ポンド

 You can empty the contents of this palm-sized metal tube with a quick flick of your wrist (a move action), causing the bubbling transparent liquid within to instantly solidify into a jagged crystalline blade. By holding the tube, you can then use the crystalline blade as if it were a Medium short sword with the fragile quality (see page 22). The blade lasts for 10 minutes, after which it evaporates, leaving nothing behind but the tube. You can add one dose of poison to the liquid in the bottle, which acts like applying a dose of poison to a weapon except it is a full-round action; when the liquid turns into a solid blade, the weapon includes one application of that poison. When the blade evaporates, the poison does so as well. Crafting a liquid blade is a DC 15 Craft (alchemy) check.
***氷液 &small(){[[Liquid Ice>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/gear/alchemicalWeapons.html#liquid-ice]]}
&b(){市価} 40 gp;&b(){荷重} 2ポンド

 Also known as “alchemist’s ice,” this sealed jar contains crystalline blue fluid that immediately starts to hiss and evaporate once opened. During the 1d6 rounds after it is opened but before it evaporates completely, you can use it to freeze a liquid or to coat an object in a thin layer of ice. You can also throw liquid ice as a splash weapon. A direct hit deals 1d6 points of cold damage; creatures within 5 feet of where it hits take 1 point of cold damage from the splash. Crafting this item is a DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check.
***紙製ろうそく花火 &small(){[[Paper Candle Firework>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/gear/alchemicalWeapons.html#paper-candle-firework]]}
&b(){市価} 1 gp;&b(){荷重} ―

 This finger-sized explosive detonates noisily 1 round after lighting. Anyone in the same square as a paper candle when it explodes must make a DC 15 Fortitude save or be dazzled for 1d4 rounds. Crafting this item is a DC 20 Craft (alchemy) check.
***球状手榴弾 &small(){[[pellet Grenade>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/gear/alchemicalWeapons.html#pellet-grenade]]}

|~ 種類 |~ 市価 |~ 重量 |
| 金属製 | 50 gp | 1ポンド |
| 銀製 | 70 gp | 1ポンド |
| 冷たい鉄製 | 100 gp | 1ポンド |
| アダマンティン製 | 150 gp | 1ポンド |

 This variant of a fuse grenade has most of the black powder replaced with metal pellets. When it explodes, it deals 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage, 1d6 points of piercing damage, and 1d6 points of fire damage in a 10-foot-radius burst (Reflex DC 15 halves). A typical pellet grenade uses iron pellets, but they can instead be packed with silver, cold iron, or adamantine, bypassing damage reduction as appropriate to that material type. Like ammunition, the pellets are destroyed after one use. Crafting a pellet grenade is a DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check.
***破片化ジェル &small(){[[Shard Gel>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/gear/alchemicalWeapons.html#shard-gel]]}
&b(){市価} 25 gp;&b(){荷重} 1ポンド

 This vivid green gel instantly crystallizes into needle-like shards upon contact with the air. You can throw a flask of shard gel as a splash weapon. A direct hit deals 1d4 points of piercing damage as the shards penetrate the target’s flesh. The target’s square and each square adjacent to it are covered in shards that function like caltrops. The caltrops last for 5 rounds before dissolving into harmless green sludge. Any effect that deals sonic damage to an area (such as <<sound burst>> or <<shout>>) immediately destroys all gel shards in that area. Crafting a flask of shard gel is a DC 20 Craft (alchemy) check.
***飛翔花火 &small(){[[Skyrocket Firework>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/gear/alchemicalWeapons.html#skyrocket-firework]]}
&b(){市価} 50 gp;&b(){荷重} 1ポンド

 When lit, this foot-long wooden tube begins to shake and emit a handful of white sparks, shedding light as a torch. One round later it takes flight, moving at a speed of 90 feet for 1d6 rounds before loudly exploding in a burst of light and sound, dealing 2d6 points of fire damage in a 10-foot-radius burst (Reflex DC 15 halves). Anyone who takes damage from the explosion is either blinded or deafened (50% chance of either) for 1 round. Crafting this item is a DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check.
***くしゃみ粉 &small(){[[Sneezing Powder>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/gear/alchemicalWeapons.html#sneezing-powder]]}
&b(){市価} 60 gp;&b(){荷重} 2ポンド

 This coarse yellowish-red powder is a splash weapon that causes uncontrollable sneezing for 1d4+1 rounds. Anyone standing in the square of impact must succeed at a DC 12 Fortitude save to resist the powder, while those in adjacent squares must make DC 8 Fortitude saves. Creatures affected by sneezing powder must make a DC 10 Fortitude save every round for the duration or be staggered until their next turn. This is a poison effect. Crafting this item is a DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check.
***星灯花火 &small(){[[Star Candle Firework>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/gear/alchemicalWeapons.html#star-candle-firework]]}
&b(){市価} 5 gp;&b(){荷重} ―

 When lit, this foot-long wooden tube launches a flaming pyrotechnic “candle” every round for 4 rounds. The projectiles deal 1 point of nonlethal damage and 1 point of fire damage if they hit; on a critical hit, the target is also blinded for 1 round. The projectiles shed light as candles for 1 round and have a range increment of 5 feet. Attacking with a star candle is a ranged touch attack and always has a –4 nonproficiency penalty. Crafting this item is a DC 20 Craft (alchemy) check.
***星吹き花火 &small(){[[Starfountain Firework>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/gear/alchemicalWeapons.html#starfountain-firework]]}
&b(){市価} 500 gp;&b(){荷重} 100ポンド

 This tree stump-sized bundle of tubes immediately begins to emit arcs of multi-colored sparks when lit. Starting 1d6 rounds after lighting, it loudly releases brightly colored streaks of tiny flaming particles for 4 rounds. Outdoors, these particles soar far up into the sky before dispersing. Indoors or in a closed area, the ricocheting fireworks deal 1d6 points of fire damage each round in a 20-foot-radius spread (Reflex DC 15 halves). Creatures who fail their save are blinded for 1d4 rounds and deafened for 1 hour. Crafting this item is a DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check.
***からめ焼き袋 &small(){[[Tangleburn Bag>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/gear/alchemicalWeapons.html#tangleburn-bag]]}
&b(){市価} 150 gp;&b(){荷重} 5ポンド

 This sack contains tanglefoot bag materials and alchemical powders that burn at a high temperature. It functions like a tanglefoot bag, plus a direct hit on a creature deals 1d6 points of fire damage, and the creature must make a DC 20 Reflex save or catch on fire. If it catches on fire, for the next 2 rounds extinguishing the flames is a DC 25 Reflex save instead of a DC 15 save, and using water to extinguish the flames creates a burst of burning material equivalent to alchemist’s fire making a direct hit on the target (including splash damage). After the initial 2 rounds, the flames may be extinguished as normal. Crafting this item is a DC 30 Craft (alchemy) check.
***足留め袋 &small(){[[Tanglefoot Bag>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/gear/alchemicalWeapons.html#tanglefoot-bag]]}
&b(){市価} 50 gp;&b(){荷重} 4ポンド

 床に接着された(または飛行できない)クリーチャーはDC17の【筋力】判定に成功するか、斬撃武器で粘体に15ポイントのダメージを与えることで自由になれる。自身から粘体をこすり落とそうとしたり、他のクリーチャーがそれを手伝ったりするには攻撃ロールは必要ない。粘体には自動的に命中し、どれだけこすり取れたかを確認するためにダメージ・ロールを行なう。自由になったクリーチャーは半分の速度で移動できる(飛行を含む)。からみつかれた状態のクリーチャーが呪文を発動しようとする場合、DC15+呪文レベルの精神集中判定に成功しなければ呪文を発動できない。粘体は2d4ラウンドの後にもろくなり、ひび割れ砕け、その効果を失う。貼りついたクリーチャーに&i(){[[ユニヴァーサル・ソルヴェント>UE/その他の魔法のアイテム/スロットなし#universal-solvent]]}を使用すれば、錬金術の粘体は即座に溶ける。このアイテムの製作は DC 25の[[〈製作〉>技能の詳細/2#Craft]]判定である。
***雷石 &small(){[[Thunderstone>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/gear/alchemicalWeapons.html#thunderstone]]}
&b(){市価} 30 gp;&b(){荷重} 1ポンド

 射程単位20フィートの遠隔武器としてこの石を投擲できる。この石が硬い表面にぶつかったとき(または強く叩かれたとき)、耳をつんざくような爆発音を響かせる。これは[音波]攻撃として扱い、半径10フィート拡散以内の全てのクリーチャーは、DC 15の頑健セーヴに成功しなければ1時間[[聴覚喪失状態>状態#Deafened]]になる。[[聴覚喪失状態>状態#Deafened]]のクリーチャーは明らかな影響に加え、イニシアチブ判定に-4のペナルティと、音声要素を持つ呪文を発動するときに20%の確率で失敗して呪文を失う可能性がある。
 特定の目標に命中させる必要はなく、単に5フィート平方の特定のマスを狙うことができる。目標のマスの AC は5とみなす。このアイテムの製作は DC 25の[[〈製作〉>技能の詳細/2#Craft]]判定である。