UE > その他の魔法のアイテム > “装備部位・頭部”のその他の魔法のアイテム


UE/その他の魔法のアイテム/“装備部位・頭部”のその他の魔法のアイテム - (2013/08/20 (火) 21:18:42) のソース

// PRDJ-UE/その他の魔法のアイテム/“装備部位・頭部”のその他の魔法のアイテム
// ORIGINAL-http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html
*&aname(head-slot-wondrous-items)“装備部位・頭部”のその他の魔法のアイテム  &small(){[[Head Slot Wondrous Items>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#head-slot-wondrous-items]]}
 The head slot consists of caps, circlets, crowns, halos, hats, helms, hoods, laurels, masks, veils, wigs, and other non-headband slot items that can be worn on the head.
 Anyone can use a head slot wondrous item unless specified otherwise by its description. These wondrous items are usually use-activated or triggered by a command word, but details vary from item to item.

&b(){“装備部位・頭部”のその他の魔法のアイテム &small(){Head Slot Wondrous Items}}
|~ d% |~ 劣った下級の頭部用アイテム |~ 市価 |
| 01~10 | &i(){マスク・オヴ・ストーニー・ディミナー} | 500 gp |
| 11~22 | &i(){キャップ・オヴ・ヒューマン・ガイズ} | 800 gp |
| 23~36 | &i(){キャップ・オヴ・ライト} | 900 gp |
| 37~56 | &i(){ハット・オヴ・ディスガイズ} | 1,800 gp |
| 57~71 | &i(){バッファリング・キャップ} | 2,000 gp |
| 72~85 | &i(){マイザーズ・マスク} | 3,000 gp |
| 86~100 | &i(){ストーカーズ・マスク} | 3,500 gp |
|~ d% |~ 優れた下級の頭部用アイテム |~ 市価 |
| 01~12 | &i(){サークレット・オヴ・パースウェイジョン} | 4,500 gp |
| 13~21 | &i(){グラップラーズ・マスク} | 5,000 gp |
| 22~31 | &i(){ヘルム・オヴ・フィアサム・ミーン} | 5,000 gp |
| 32~40 | &i(){ジンガサ・オヴ・ザ・フォーチュニット・ソルジャー} | 5,000 gp |
| 41~54 | &i(){ヘルム・オヴ・コンプリヘンド・ランゲージズ・アンド・リード・マジック} | 5,200 gp |
| 55~67 | &i(){クラウン・オヴ・ソーズ} | 6,000 gp |
| 68~87 | &i(){マイナー・クラウン・オヴ・ブラスティング} | 6,480 gp |
| 88~100 | &i(){マスク・オヴ・ザ・クレンシャー} | 7,200 gp |
|~ d% |~ 劣った中級の頭部用アイテム |~ 市価 |
| 01~16 | &i(){ヘルム・オヴ・ザ・マンモス・ロード} | 8,500 gp |
| 17~30 | &i(){ヴェイル・オヴ・フリーティング・グランシズ} | 9,000 gp |
| 31~46 | &i(){マスク・オヴ・ア・サウザンド・トームズ} | 10,000 gp |
| 47~63 | &i(){メドゥサ・マスク} | 10,000 gp |
| 64~80 | &i(){キャップ・オヴ・ザ・フリー・シンカー} | 12,000 gp |
| 81~100 | &i(){ヘイロー・オヴ・インナー・カーム} | 16,000 gp |
|~ d% |~ 優れた中級の頭部用アイテム |~ 市価 |
| 01~06 | &i(){キャッツ・アイ・クラウン} | 18,000 gp |
| 07~12 | &i(){モー・オヴ・ザ・ワーム} | 18,000 gp |
| 13~19 | &i(){マイター・オヴ・ザ・ハイエロファント} | 18,000 gp |
| 20~27 | &i(){マジシャンズ・ハット} | 20,000 gp |
| 28~34 | &i(){サークレット・オヴ・マインドサイト} | 22,000 gp |
| 35~42 | &i(){マスク・オヴ・ザ・スカル} | 22,000 gp |
| 43~50 | &i(){ハウリング・ヘルム} | 22,600 gp |
| 51~62 | &i(){メジャー・クラウン・オヴ・ブラスティング} | 23,760 gp |
| 63~72 | &i(){ヘルム・オヴ・アンダーウォーター・アクション} | 24,000 gp |
| 73~79 | &i(){クラウン・オヴ・カンクエスト} | 24,600 gp |
| 80~85 | &i(){バトレイキアン・ヘルム} | 26,000 gp |
| 86~94 | &i(){ヘルム・オヴ・テレパシー} | 27,000 gp |
| 95~100 | &i(){プレイグ・マスク} | 27,000 gp |
|~ d% |~ 劣った上級の頭部用アイテム |~ 市価 |
| 01~14 | &i(){アイアン・サークレット・オヴ・ガーデッド・ソウルズ} | 30,000 gp |
| 15~29 | &i(){ローレル・オヴ・コマンド} | 30,000 gp |
| 30~45 | &i(){レッサー・マスク・オヴ・ジャイアンツ} | 30,000 gp |
| 46~61 | &i(){スチールマインド・キャップ} | 33,600 gp |
| 62~78 | &i(){ストームローズ・ヘルム} | 35,000 gp |
| 79~100 | &i(){レッサー・ヘルム・オヴ・ブリリアンス} | 36,000 gp |
|~ d% |~ 優れた上級の頭部用アイテム |~ 市価 |
| 01~14 | &i(){ジャッジズ・ウィグ} | 59,200 gp |
| 15~39 | &i(){ヘルム・オヴ・テレポーテーション} | 73,500 gp |
| 40~55 | &i(){ヘイロー・オヴ・メネス} | 84,000 gp |
| 56~68 | &i(){グレーター・マスク・オヴ・ジャイアンツ} | 90,000 gp |
| 69~83 | &i(){ヘルム・オヴ・ブリリアンス} | 125,000 gp |
| 84~92 | &i(){ヘルム・オヴ・エレクトリック・レイディアンス} | 125,000 gp |
| 93~100 | &i(){クラウン・オヴ・ヘヴン} | 150,000 gp |
         ([[Iron Circlet of Guarded Souls>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#iron-circlet-of-guarded-souls]]/守られし魂の鉄の額環)
&b(){市価} 30,000 gp; &b(){オーラ} 中程度・防御術; &b(){術者レベル} 11レベル; &b(){重量} 1ポンド


&b(){コスト} 15,000 gp
         ([[Veil of Fleeting Glances>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#veil-of-fleeting-glances]]/儚き視線のベール)
&b(){市価}9,000 gp; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・占術; &b(){術者レベル} 3レベル; &b(){重量} ―


&b(){コスト} 4,500 gp
         (&link(Cat's Eye Crown){http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#Cat's-Eye-Crown}/猫目の王冠)
&b(){市価} 18,000 gp; &b(){オーラ} 中程度・占術; &b(){術者レベル} 10レベル; &b(){重量} 1ポンド

 この細身の銀の王冠は中心を1つのキャッツアイの宝石で飾られている。宝石が王冠に取り付けられている場合、着用者は暗視60フィートを得る、あるいは既にこの感覚を所持している場合には自身の暗視を60フィート増加させる。宝石は取り外し可能で、部屋に転がしたり、穴に落としたり、窓から投げたり、あるいはクリーチャーに埋め込むことができる。1日に1回、命じると、王冠の着用者は&i(){クレアオーディエンス/クレアヴォイアンス}呪文の利益を得るが、呪文の感覚器としてキャッツアイの宝石を使用し、この感覚器を通して見る場合に暗視を得る。石がクリーチャーによって保持あるいは運搬されている場合、袋やその他の容器の中にある場合でさえ、宝石を運搬しているクリーチャーが石の本当の目的、あるいはその存在さえ認識していなくても、王冠を着用したクリーチャーは代わりの感覚器として宝石を運搬するクリーチャーの感覚を使用する。宝石を破壊(硬度8、hp 5)することでリンクを断つことができるが、少なくとも100 gp の価値がある新しいキャッツアイの宝石をこしらえて、王冠と同調させることができる。同調の過程には24時間かかる。

&b(){コスト} 9,000 gp
         ([[Cap of the Free Thinker>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#cap-of-the-free-thinker]]/自由思想家の縁無し帽)
&b(){市価}12,000 gp; &b(){オーラ} 中程度・防御術; &b(){術者レベル} 10レベル; &b(){重量} ―


&b(){コスト} 6,000 gp
         ([[Cap of Human Guise>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#cap-of-human-guise]]/人間の振りの縁無し帽)
&b(){市価}800 gp; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・幻術; &b(){術者レベル} 3レベル; &b(){重量} ―


&b(){コスト} 400 gp
         ([[Cap of Light>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#cap-of-light]]/光の縁無し帽)
&b(){市価} 900 gp; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・力術; &b(){術者レベル} 1レベル; &b(){重量} ―


&b(){コスト} 450 gp
         ([[Crown of Conquest>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#crown-of-conquest]]/征服の王冠)
&b(){市価}24,600 gp; &b(){オーラ} 中程度・心術; &b(){術者レベル} 7レベル; &b(){重量} 3ポンド


&b(){コスト} 12,300 gp
         ([[Crown of Swords>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#crown-of-swords]]/剣の王冠)
&b(){市価}6,000 gp; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・力術; &b(){術者レベル} 3レベル; &b(){重量} 3ポンド


&b(){コスト} 3,000 gp
         ([[Crown of Blasting, Minor>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#Crown-of-Blasting-Minor]]/下級閃光の王冠)
&b(){市価}6,480 gp; &b(){オーラ} 中程度・力術; &b(){術者レベル} 6レベル; &b(){重量} 1ポンド


&b(){コスト} 3,240 gp
         ([[Crown of Blasting, major>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#Crown-of-Blasting-major]]/上級閃光の王冠)
&b(){市価}23,760 gp; &b(){オーラ} 強力・力術; &b(){術者レベル} 17レベル; &b(){重量} 1ポンド


&b(){コスト} 11,880 gp
         ([[Crown of Heaven>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#crown-of-heaven]]/天上の王冠)
&b(){市価} 150,000 gp; &b(){オーラ} 中程度・防御術; &b(){術者レベル} 10レベル; &b(){重量} 5ポンド

 &i(){クラウン}、&i(){[[オーブ>UE/その他の魔法のアイテム/“装備部位なし”のその他の魔法のアイテム#orb-of-heaven]]}、および&i(){[[セプター・オヴ・ヘヴン>UE/指輪、ロッド、およびスタッフ/ロッド#scepter-of-heaven]]}──&i(){レガリア・オヴ・ヘヴン}と総称される──は併用することで力を増加する。&i(){クラウン・オヴ・ヘヴン}の着用者が&i(){[[オーブ>UE/その他の魔法のアイテム/“装備部位なし”のその他の魔法のアイテム#orb-of-heaven]]}あるいは&i(){[[セプター・オヴ・ヘヴン>UE/指輪、ロッド、およびスタッフ/ロッド#scepter-of-heaven]]}を使用している場合、着用者の作成する[善]の補足説明を持つ効果は追加で+1術者レベルを得て、着用者は悪のクリーチャーによる攻撃または効果に対する AC およびセーヴに+1の清浄ボーナスを得る。着用者はまた半径20フィートの&i(){[[義憤のオーラ>クリーチャー種別/副種別#aura-of-menace]]}を放射する。このオーラ内のいかなる悪のクリーチャーもレガリアの着用者に攻撃を命中させるまで攻撃ロール、セーヴィング・スロー、および AC への-2のペナルティを受ける(意志・無効、DC 20)。セーヴに成功したクリーチャーは24時間この効果への完全耐性を持つ。オーラが解呪された場合、着用者は1回の標準アクションとしてオーラを修復することができる。
 &i(){[[オーブ>UE/その他の魔法のアイテム/“装備部位なし”のその他の魔法のアイテム#orb-of-heaven]]}および&i(){[[セプター・オヴ・ヘヴン>UE/指輪、ロッド、およびスタッフ/ロッド#scepter-of-heaven]]}の両方の使用中に王冠が着用されている場合、王冠の術者レベルは15レベルに増加し、着用者が作成する[善]の補足説明を持つ効果は追加で+1術者レベルの増加を得て、さらに着用者の AC およびセーヴへの清浄ボーナスは+2増加する。加えて、1回の全ラウンド・アクションとして、着用者は精神集中する限り&i(){神聖のオーラ}を作成することができる。このオーラは悪のクリーチャーによって行われる攻撃あるいは作成される効果に対する AC への+4の反発ボーナスおよびセーヴィング・スローへの+4の抵抗ボーナスのみならず、&i(){マジック・サークル・アゲインスト・イーヴル}および&i(){レッサー・グローブ・オヴ・インヴァラネラビリティ}の利益をを提供する。
 &i(){クラウン・オヴ・ヘヴン}は自身を着用するいかなる悪のクリーチャーにも、王冠の着用中は除去することも克服することもできない負のレベルを1レベル付与する。同じクリーチャーが&i(){[[オーブ>UE/その他の魔法のアイテム/“装備部位なし”のその他の魔法のアイテム#orb-of-heaven]]}あるいは&i(){[[セプター・オヴ・ヘヴン>UE/指輪、ロッド、およびスタッフ/ロッド#scepter-of-heaven]]}を運搬している場合、そのクリーチャーはアイテムごとに負のレベルを追加で1レベル得る。&i(){クラウン・オヴ・ヘヴン}を意図的に着用した悪のクリーチャーは、負のレベルを追加で1レベル負い、さらに即座に&i(){ビストウ・カース}(DC 17)の影響を、王冠を着用する24時間ごとに受ける。中立のクリーチャーはこれらの負のレベルを負うことを避けるために DC 17の頑健セーヴを試みることができる。

&b(){コスト} 75,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、&i(){オーラ・オヴ・ドゥーム} 、&i(){ディテクト・イーヴル}、&i(){ディスペル・イーヴル}、&i(){マジック・サークル・アゲンスト・イーヴル}、&i(){タンズ}
(Grappler’s Mask/)
&b(){市価} 5,000 gp; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・変成術; &b(){術者レベル} 1レベル; &b(){重量} 2ポンド

 This mask is fashioned from dark leather decorated with geometrical patterns that emphasize the wearer’s fearsomeness. It covers the wearer’s face, but leaves his mouth and eyes uncovered. 着用者の突き飛ばしと組みつきの試みは機会攻撃を誘発しなくなる。

&b(){コスト} 2,500 gp
         ([[Circlet of Persuasion>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#circlet-of-persuasion]]/説得の額環)
&b(){市価} 4,500 gp; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・変成術; &b(){術者レベル} 5レベル; &b(){重量} ―


&b(){コスト} 2,250 gp
         ([[Circlet of Mindsight>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#circlet-of-mindsight]]/)
&b(){市価} 22,000 gp; &b(){オーラ} 中程度・占術; &b(){術者レベル} 9レベル; &b(){重量} ―

 This elaborate circlet of gold-and-platinum filigree bears tiny gems in settings that look disturbingly like human eyes. When worn, the circlet lets the wearer sense the presence of other thinking creatures in her immediate area. The wearer gains the benefits of blindsense 30 feet, but only against creatures with an Intelligence score that are susceptible to mind-affecting effects.
 Undead, constructs, and mindless creatures like most oozes and vermin cannot be perceived when using the circlet, nor can creatures under the effects of &i(){mind blank} or a &i(){ring of mind shielding}.
 The circlet does not interfere with the wearer’s ability to see normally. If the wearer has blindsense or blindsight, he is able to differentiate creatures detected with those senses from creatures detected with the &i(){circlet of mindsight}.

&b(){コスト} 11,000 gp
(Judge’s Wig/)
&b(){市価} 59,200 gp; &b(){オーラ} 中程度・占術; &b(){術者レベル} 7レベル; &b(){重量} ―

 This flowing wig of white ringlets grants its wearer an unmistakable impression of dignity and gravitas. This grants a +4 competence bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks.
 At will, the wearer can concentrate on a creature within 30 feet to scrutinize it with &i(){discern lies}.

&b(){コスト} 29,600 gp
         ([[Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#jingasa-of-the-fortunate-soldier]]/)
&b(){市価} 5,000 gp; &b(){オーラ} 強力・占術; &b(){術者レベル} 15レベル; &b(){重量} 3ポンド

 This conical iron jingasa, or war hat, grants the wearer a +1 luck bonus to AC. Once per day when struck by a critical hit or sneak attack, the wearer can spend an immediate action to negate the critical hit or sneak attack (similar to the &i(){fortification} armor special ability, but without requiring a roll). The damage is instead rolled normally.

&b(){コスト} 2,500 gp
         ([[Steel-mind Cap>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#steel-mind-cap]]/)
&b(){市価} 33,600 gp; &b(){オーラ} 中程度・防御術; &b(){術者レベル} 9レベル; &b(){重量} 3ポンド

 Ruined scraps of various constructs were repurposed and combined to form this ornate iron helmet. Though the helmet is not intelligent, it has a brute mechanical cunning that allows it to assert control whenever the wearer’s mind is overwhelmed. The helmet takes control of the wearer’s body anytime he is dazed or stunned. Whenever the wearer would be dazed, he is instead confused. Whenever the wearer would be stunned, he is instead confused and staggered.
 Time spent under the cap’s influence counts against the duration of the daze or stun effect. The cap functions for up to 5 rounds per day. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. The cap stops asserting control over its wearer when the duration of the daze or stun effect ends, or when the cap’s 5 rounds of duration are expended.

&b(){コスト} 16,800 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、&i(){サーマウント・アフリクション} (&i(){Ultimate Magic})
(Stalker’s Mask/)
&b(){市価} 3,500 gp; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・幻術; &b(){術者レベル} 5レベル; &b(){重量} 1ポンド

 Preserved sections harvested from several different human faces cover this mask. When worn, the mask desaturates the wearer’s color, making him appear shadowy and granting a +5 competence bonus on Stealth checks. Once per day as a full-round action, the wearer can cause the mask’s features to take on the appearance of any creature of the wearer’s basic size and shape within 60 feet that he observes, allowing the wearer to adopt that creature’s appearance for 1 hour. This grants him a +10 bonus on Disguise checks made to appear as the creature. The mask also grants the wearer a +1 bonus on attack rolls and weapon damage rolls made against the creature he is disguised as, as the mask builds upon the wearer’s rage and jealousy of the target’s appearance.

&b(){コスト} 1,750 gp
(Stormlord’s Helm/)
&b(){市価}35,000 gp; &b(){オーラ} 強力・変成術; &b(){術者レベル} 10レベル; &b(){重量} 3ポンド

 Two large horns jut from the sides of this iron helm, each of them carved with runes representing storms, thunder, and lightning. The runes give the wearer the ability to control the elements and bring forth a great storm. Once per day, the wearer can call upon the magic of the helm to call a thunderstorm, as if casting the &i(){control weather} spell. Like that spell, it takes 10 minutes to call the weather and an additional 10 minutes for the thunderstorm to manifest. Once it does, the wearer can &i(){call lighting} (as the spell) for 10 minutes or until the wearer dismisses the thunderstorm with a standard action.

&b(){コスト} 17,500 gp
         ([[Howling Helm>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#howling-helm]]/)
&b(){市価} 22,600 gp; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・召喚術; &b(){術者レベル} 5レベル; &b(){重量} 2ポンド

 The wearer of this helm, crafted from a beast’s skull, gains the ability to communicate with dogs, wolves, dire wolves, foxes, jackals, coyotes, and similar canine animals as the &i(){speak with animals} spell. The wearer gains a +2 competence bonus on Diplomacy checks and Charisma checks to influence wolf-like magical beasts such as blink dogs, winter wolves, and worgs.
 On command three times per day, the wearer can unleash a terrifying howl. When he does so, he makes a single Intimidate check to demoralize all opponents within 30 feet that can hear the howl. At the start of the wearer’s following turn, 1d3 wolves appear as if summoned by the spell &i(){summon nature’s ally III}. They act on the wearer’s initiative and follow her instructions (or attacking her opponents, if she cannot communicate with them) for 5 rounds before vanishing in a swirl of pine needles and snow.

&b(){コスト} 11,300 gp
         ([[Hat of Disguise>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#Hat-of-Disguise]]/変装帽子)
&b(){市価} 1,800 gp; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・幻術; &b(){術者レベル} 1レベル; &b(){重量} ―


&b(){コスト} 900 gp
         ([[Buffering Cap>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#buffering-cap]]/)
&b(){市価}2,000 gp; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・召喚術; &b(){術者レベル} 1レベル; &b(){重量} 1ポンド

 This cloth hat is floppy and shapeless. It offers its wearer an unusual amount of protection against particularly devastating blows. Once per day when struck by a critical hit, the wearer can spend an immediate action to convert the bonus damage of the critical hit into nonlethal damage. The cap has no effect if the wearer is immune to nonlethal damage.

&b(){コスト} 1,000 gp
         ([[Batrachian Helm>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#batrachian-helm]]/)
&b(){市価}26,000 gp; &b(){オーラ} 中程度・変成術; &b(){術者レベル} 10レベル; &b(){重量} 3ポンド

 This oily bronze helm is fashioned in the shape of a frog’s head. Three times per day as a swift action, the helm fires an unerring tongue of force at a visible target within 20 feet.
 If the target is an unattended object weighing 250 pounds or less, it is pulled 20 feet toward the wearer. If the target is a creature of the wearer’s size or smaller, the wearer may make a combat maneuver check as a free action to pull the target 20 feet toward him.
 If the target is a creature larger than the wearer, an unattended object weighing more than 250 pounds, or an immobile structure such as a wall, the wearer is pulled 20 feet toward the target. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and the object or creature stops if the movement would move it into a solid object or creature.

&b(){コスト} 13,000 gp
         ([[Plague Mask>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#plague-mask]]/)
&b(){市価} 27,000 gp; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・死霊術; &b(){術者レベル} 5レベル; &b(){重量} 2ポンド

 This stylized bird mask consists of a pair of goggles attached to a ceramic beak that covers the nose and mouth. The goggles are not magic and can be replaced with other goggles or eye slot items. It grants the wearer a +4 resistance bonus on saving throws against disease. Once per day on command, the user can &i(){remove disease} (as the spell) on a single creature touched.

&b(){コスト} 13,500 gp
         ([[Halo of Inner Calm>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#halo-of-inner-calm]]/)
&b(){市価}16,000 gp; &b(){オーラ} 強力・防御術; &b(){術者レベル} 15レベル; &b(){重量} 1ポンド

 This silvery ring looks like a halo. When worn by a tiefling it hovers just above his head, though it still uses the head magic item slot. It helps to calm the baser emotions and the dark whispers that plague tieflings, granting the wearer a +4 resistance bonus on saving throws against all spells with the emotion descriptor. When worn by a tiefling of a good alignment, it provides spell resistance 13 against spells with the evil descriptor and a +2 sacred bonus on saving throws.

&b(){コスト} 8,000 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、&i(){ホーリィ・オーラ}, 作成者は善属性のティーフリングでなければならない
         ([[Halo of Menace>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#halo-of-menace]]/)
&b(){市価}84,000 gp; &b(){オーラ} 強力・心術; &b(){術者レベル} 9レベル; &b(){重量} 1ポンド

 When placed over the head, this halo of shimmering polished steel floats above it, though it still takes up the head slot. The halo constantly radiates a 20-foot-radius aura from its wearer. Any hostile creature within the aura must succeed at a DC 20 Will save or take a –2 penalty on attack rolls, on saving throws, and to AC for the next 24 hours or until it hits the wearer with an attack or damages it with a spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability. Chaotic creatures take a –2 penalty on this saving throw. A creature that has resisted or broken the effect of the &i(){halo of menace} cannot be affected by the same wearer’s aura for 24 hours. The aura is a mind-affecting effect.

&b(){コスト} 42,000 gp
         ([[Helm of Underwater Action>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#helm-of-underwater-action]]/水中活動の兜)
&b(){市価} 24,000 gp; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・変成術; &b(){術者レベル} 5レベル; &b(){重量} 3ポンド


&b(){コスト} 12,000 gp
         ([[Helm of Electric Radiance>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#helm-of-electric-radiance]]/)
&b(){市価} 125,000 gp; &b(){オーラ} 強力・さまざま; &b(){術者レベル} 13レベル; &b(){重量} 3ポンド

 The &i(){helm of electric radiance} is similar to a &i(){helm of brilliance}, except its spells focus on electricity rather than fire. Other aspects of the helm, such as detecting and damaging undead, remain unchanged. The helm has 10 sapphires that can be used for &i(){chain lightning}, 20 pieces of amber that can be used for &i(){lightning bolt}, 30 pieces of petrified wood that can be used for &i(){shocking sphere} (as &i(){flaming sphere} but dealing electricity damage), and 40 opals that can be used for &i(){daylight}. In addition, the wearer gains resistance to electricity 30 and his weapons become &i(){shocking} weapons instead of &i(){flaming} weapons.

&b(){コスト} 62,500 gp
         ([[helm of comprehend languages and read Magic>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#helm-of-comprehend-languages-and-read-magic]]/言語理解と魔法解読の兜)
&b(){市価}5,200 gp; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・占術; &b(){術者レベル} 4レベル; &b(){重量} 3ポンド


&b(){コスト} 2,600 gp
         ([[Helm of the Mammoth Lord>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#helm-of-the-mammoth-lord]]/)
&b(){市価}8,500 gp; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・変成術; &b(){術者レベル} 5レベル; &b(){重量} 3ポンド

 This hide helm is set with plates of ivory carved with primitive runes, with a pair of tusks curving down on either side of the wearer’s face for cheek guards. The tusks of the helm provide a gore attack dealing 1d6 points of damage for a Medium wearers (or 1d4 points of damage for Small wearers) and counts as a magic weapon for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.
 The &i(){helm of the mammoth lord} also protects the wearer from cold environments as the &i(){endure elements} spell. Furthermore&i(){}, it provides a +5 competence bonus to Handle Animal, Ride, and wild empathy checks with elephants, mammoths, mastodons, and other similar elephant-like creatures.
 On command, the wearer may use &i(){detect animals or plants}, but can only detect elephant-like creatures. On command, the wearer may use &i(){speak with animals}, but only to communicate with elephant-like creatures.

&b(){コスト} 4,250 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、&i(){ビースト・シェイプI、チャーム・アニマル、ディテクト・アニマルズ・オア・プランツ、スピーク・ウィズ・アニマルズ}、creator must have 5 ranks in Handle Animal and Ride
         ([[Helm of Telepathy>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#helm-of-telepathy]]/精神感応の兜)
&b(){市価} 27,000 gp; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・占術および心術; &b(){術者レベル} 5レベル; &b(){重量} 3ポンド


&b(){コスト} 13,500 gp
         ([[Helm of Teleportation>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#helm-of-teleportation]]/瞬間移動の兜)
&b(){市価} 73,500 gp; &b(){オーラ} 中程度・召喚術; &b(){術者レベル} 9レベル; &b(){重量} 3ポンド

 A character wearing this helm may &i(){teleport} three times per day, instantly transporting himself and objects he might be carrying on his person to a designated destination, exactly as if he had cast the spell of the same name.

&b(){コスト} 36,750 gp
         ([[Helm of Fearsome Mien>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#helm-of-fearsome-mien]]/恐るべき表情の兜)
&b(){市価} 5,000 gp; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・死霊術; &b(){術者レベル} 1レベル; &b(){重量} 4ポンド


&b(){コスト} 2,500 gp
         ([[Helm of Brilliance>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#helm-of-brilliance]]/輝きの兜)
&b(){市価} 125,000 gp; &b(){オーラ} 強力・さまざま; &b(){術者レベル} 13レベル; &b(){重量} 3ポンド






&b(){コスト} 62,500 gp
         ([[Helm of Brilliance, Lesser>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#Helm-of-Brilliance-Lesser]]/)
&b(){市価} 36,000 gp; &b(){オーラ} 中程度・さまざま; &b(){術者レベル} 5レベル; &b(){重量} 3ポンド

 This helm functions like a &i(){helm of brilliance} but is lower-powered. Instead of the standard helm’s allotment of gems, the lesser helm has 10 diamonds (&i(){fireball}, 10d6 damage, Reflex DC 20 half), 20 corals (&i(){flaming sphere}), 30 garnets (&i(){scorching ray}), and 40 agates (&i(){light}). It still glows near and harms undead, has the &i(){flaming} weapon special ability, and provides fire resistance (though only 20 instead of 30).
 Just like the standard helm, the wearer risks detonation if damaged by magical fire; diamonds become &i(){fireballs} centered on the wearer, corals become &i(){flaming spheres} in and adjacent to the wearer’s space, garnets become &i(){scorching rays} that fire randomly at creatures in range, and the agates and the helm itself are destroyed.

&b(){コスト} 18,000 gp
(Miser’s mask/)
&b(){市価} 3,000 gp; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・占術; &b(){術者レベル} 1レベル; &b(){重量} 1ポンド

 This wooden mask depicts the sunken face of a miser with an upturned nose. The mask grants the wearer the scent ability (&i(){Bestiary} 304), but she can use it only to sense coins and gems. Each type and quality of gem has its own unique aura to the wearer, granting her a +5 competence bonus on Appraise checks made to ascertain the value of gems.

&b(){コスト} 1,500 gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、&i(){ブラッドハウンド} 、the creator must have 4 ranks in Appraise
         ([[Mitre of the Hierophant>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#mitre-of-the-hierophant]]/)
&b(){市価} 18,000 gp; &b(){オーラ} 中程度・占術; &b(){術者レベル} 9レベル; &b(){重量} 2ポンド

 This ostentatious hat functions only for a wearer who can cast divine spells. The wearer gains a +5 competence bonus on Diplomacy and Knowledge (religion) checks. Once per day on command, the wearer can ask a single question of her patron deity, as if by using &i(){commune}. Once per week on command, the wearer can touch a creature, atoning it for past misdeeds as if using an &i(){atonement} spell.

&b(){コスト} 9,000 gp
(Magician’s Hat/)
&b(){市価} 20,000 gp; &b(){オーラ} 中程度・変成術; &b(){術者レベル} 10レベル; &b(){重量} ―

 Mystic symbols embroidered in gold thread decorate this conical hat. Three times per day as a free action when casting a spell, the wearer can shift metamagic feats on prepared spells. The wearer can either move a metamagic feat from another prepared spell to a spell being cast or from the spell being cast to another prepared spell. In either case, the spell that gains the metamagic feat can’t exceed the spell slot of the spell that originally had the metamagic feat. For example, a wizard with &i(){detect thoughts}, &i(){silent dispel magic}, and &i(){dimension door} prepared could cast a &i(){silent detect thoughts} (and would now have &i(){dispel magic} prepared), but could not cast &i(){silent dimension door}. Moving metamagic feats does not increase spell casting time, even for quickened spells. The hat provides no benefit to spontaneous casting or spell-like abilities.

&b(){コスト} 10,000 gp
         ([[Mask Of A Thousand Tomes>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#mask-of-a-thousand-tomes]]/)
&b(){市価} 10,000 gp; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・占術; &b(){術者レベル} 5レベル; &b(){重量} 1ポンド

 The random snippets of script that write across the surface of this parchment-colored eyeless mask hint at the knowledge of the many tomes stored within. The mask grants its wearer a +10 competence bonus on all Knowledge skill checks, but the wearer is blinded while wearing the mask. The mask must be worn for 10 minutes before the wearer gains its bonus.

&b(){コスト} 5,000 gp
         ([[Mask of the Krenshar>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#mask-of-the-krenshar]]/)
&b(){市価} 7,200 gp; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・幻術; &b(){術者レベル} 3レベル; &b(){重量} 1ポンド

 This simple leather mask depicts an earless catlike creature. When worn, it melds into its wearer’s face and vanishes, leaving the wearer’s face just as it looked before. Three times per day the wearer can command the mask to appear to retract the wearer’s skin, revealing an illusion of the wearer’s glistening skull and musculature. Creatures within 100 feet who see this display must succeed at a DC 13 Will save or become frightened (if the target has 6 or fewer Hit Dice) or shaken (if the target has more than 6 HD) for 1d4 rounds. This is a mind-affecting fear effect and a glamer. Anyone who can see through illusions (such as by &i(){true seeing}) is unaffected.

&b(){コスト} 3,600 gp
         ([[Mask of the Skull>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#mask-of-the-skull]]/ドクロの仮面)
&b(){市価}22,000 gp; &b(){オーラ} 強力・死霊術および変成術; &b(){術者レベル} 13レベル; &b(){重量} 3ポンド

 This fearsome-looking mask of ivory, beaten copper, or pale wood is typically fashioned into the likeness of a human skull with a missing lower jaw, allowing the bottom half of the wearer’s face to remain visible when the mask is worn.
 Once per day, after it has been worn for at least 1 hour, the mask can be loosed to fly from the wearer’s face. It travels up to 50 feet away from the wearer and attacks a target assigned to it. The grinning skull mask makes a touch attack against the target based on the wearer’s base attack bonus. If the attack succeeds, the target must make a successful DC 20 Fortitude save or take 130 points of damage, as if affected by a &i(){finger of death} spell. If the target succeeds at its saving throw, it nevertheless takes 3d6+13 points of damage. After attacking (whether successful or not), the mask flies back to its user. The mask has AC 16, 10 hit points, and hardness 6.


&b(){コスト} 11,000 gp
         ([[Mask of Giants, greater>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#Mask-of-Giants-greater]]/)
&b(){市価} 90,000 gp; &b(){オーラ} 強力・変成術; &b(){術者レベル} 13レベル; &b(){重量} 1ポンド

 A &i(){greater mask of giants} has all the powers of a &i(){lesser mask of giants}, plus it grants additional abilities in giant form. If the form has any of the following abilities, the wearer gains the listed ability: rend (2d6 damage), regeneration 5 (acid or fire), rock catching, rock throwing (range 60 feet, 2d6 damage). If the chosen giant form has immunity or resistance to any energy type, the wearer gains resistance 20 to that energy type when in giant form. If the giant form has vulnerability to an energy type, the wearer gains that vulnerability when in giant form. In giant form, the wearer gains a +6 size bonus to Strength, a –2 penalty to Dexterity, a +4 size bonus to Constitution, and a +4 natural armor bonus.

&b(){コスト} 45,000 gp
         ([[Mask of Giants, lesser>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#Mask-of-Giants-lesser]]/)
&b(){市価} 30,000 gp; &b(){オーラ} 中程度・変成術; &b(){術者レベル} 6レベル; &b(){重量} 1ポンド

 This wooden mask depicts a leering humanoid with an oversized nose and ears. If the wearer has the wild shape class feature, the mask allows her to use wild shape to take the form of a humanoid with the giant subtype. The forms allowed by a l&i(){esser mask of giants} are ogre, troll, fire giant, frost giant, and stone giant. If the form has any of the following abilities, the wearer gains the listed ability: darkvision 60 feet, low-light vision, scent. In giant form, the wearer gains a +4 size bonus to Strength, a –2 penalty to Dexterity, and a +1 natural armor bonus.

&b(){コスト} 15,000 gp
         ([[Mask of Stony Demeanor>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#mask-of-stony-demeanor]]/)
&b(){市価} 500 gp; &b(){オーラ} 中程度・変成術; &b(){術者レベル} 6レベル; &b(){重量} 4ポンド

 When worn, this mask transforms the wearer’s face into a stone statue and its voice into an emotionless monotone. Though it allows the wearer to speak, its facial expressions and voice betray little emotion, granting a +10 competence bonus on Bluff checks made to lie and a +5 competence bonus on Bluff checks made to feint, but also imposing a –5 penalty on Bluff checks made to pass a hidden message.

&b(){コスト} 250 gp
《ロッド作成》、&i(){イノセンス} 、&i(){ストーン・シェイプ}
         ([[Medusa Mask>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#medusa-mask]]/)
&b(){市価}10,000 gp; &b(){オーラ} 中程度・変成術; &b(){術者レベル} 11レベル; &b(){重量} 1ポンド

 This intricate mask is made of gold-plated iron. Writhing snake tails radiate from a gemstone upon the brow, almost as if they were medusa-like hair. The mask grants a +4 bonus on all saving throws against visual effects, including gaze attacks and sight-based illusions. Once per day as a standard action, the wearer can cause the central gemstone to glow with pale green light, at which point she may target any one creature within 30 feet. The targeted creature must succeed at a DC 15 Fortitude save or be petrified for 1 minute, as if by &i(){flesh to stone}.

&b(){コスト} 5,000 gp
         ([[Maw of the Wyrm>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#maw-of-the-wyrm]]/)
&b(){市価} 18,000 gp; &b(){オーラ} 中程度・力術; &b(){術者レベル} 7レベル; &b(){重量} 3ポンド

 This fearsome helm, wrought into the shape of a roaring dragon’s maw, has dozens of glittering dragon scales across its surface. The helm’s wearer gains a +4 competence bonus on Intimidate checks and a +4 insight bonus on saves to resist a dragon’s frightful presence aura.
 Each helm is modeled after a particular type of chromatic or metallic dragon. Once per day on command, the wearer can breathe out a blast of energy, as the &i(){dragon’s breath} spell to mimic the breath weapon of the dragon the helm is modeled after (7d6 points of damage, Reflex DC 16 half).

&b(){コスト} 9,000 gp
         ([[Laurel of Command>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/wondrousItems/head.html#laurel-of-command]]/)
&b(){市価} 30,000 gp; &b(){オーラ} 微弱・心術; &b(){術者レベル} 3レベル; &b(){重量} ―

 Laurel leaves crafted from fine gold decorate this circlet that imparts powers of persuasion and leadership. The wearer’s voice carries great authority and can inspire others to victory. As a swift action, the wearer can speak words of encouragement or advice to an ally within 30 feet. That ally gains a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks until the start of the wearer’s next turn. The wearer can use the laurel to grant this bonus to himself. A creature cannot gain this bonus more than once per day.

&b(){コスト} 15,000 gp