B4 > アルゴス


B4/アルゴス - (2015/07/15 (水) 00:28:14) のソース

*&aname(argus)アルゴス &small(){&link(Argus){http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary4/argus.html#argus}}
>This misshapen giant is covered in horns, tumorous tentacles, unsightly warts, and strange, staring eyes.

***アルゴス 脅威度13/神話ランク6 &small(){Argus}
&b(){経験点 25,600}
&b(){イニシアチブ} +12&sup(){M}; &b(){感覚} 全周囲視覚、&i(){アーケイン・サイト}、暗視60フィート、&i(){ディテクト・スクライング}、limitless vision、mistsight、暗闇を見通す、&i(){トゥルー・シーイング};〈知覚〉+29
&b(){オーラ} 畏怖すべき存在(40フィート、DC16)

&b(){AC} 30、接触12、立ちすくみ28(+2【敏】、+4洞察、+18外皮、-4サイズ)
&b(){hp} 184(13d8+126)
&b(){頑健} +10、&b(){反応} +6、&b(){意志} +9
&b(){防御的能力} absolute readiness、岩つかみ; &b(){DR} 10/エピック; &b(){完全耐性} 視覚喪失、dazzled; &b(){抵抗} [冷気]30、[火]30
&b(){弱点} fascination and sleep に対する脆弱性

&b(){移動速度} 40フィート
&b(){近接} 爪(×2)=+20(3d6+14、加えて“つかみ”)、噛みつき=+19(2d8+14)
&b(){遠隔} 岩=+8(3d6+14)
&b(){接敵面} 20フィート; &b(){間合い} 20フィート
&b(){特殊攻撃} accurate strikes、締めつけ(3d6+14)、eye gouge、恍惚の凝視、mythic power(6回/日、迫り詰め+1d8)、かきむしり(爪(×2)、3d6+21)、岩投げ(200フィート)
&b(){擬似呪文能力} (術者レベル14;精神集中+20)

&b(){基本攻撃} +9; &b(){CMB} +27(+31組みつき); &b(){CMD} 43
&b(){特技} 《イニシアチブ強化》&sup(){M}、《鋭敏感覚》&sup(){M}、《擬似呪文能力高速化:&i(){トゥルー・ストライク}》、《技能熟練:知覚》、《武器熟練:爪》、《迎え討ち》&sup(){M}、《腕力による威圧》
&b(){技能} 〈威圧〉+30、〈真意看破〉+23、〈水泳〉+24、〈知覚〉+29(視覚に基づく〈知覚〉判定は+37)、〈知識:歴史〉+10、〈登攀〉+24、〈動物使い〉+6; &b(){種族修正} +8視覚に基づく〈知覚〉判定
&b(){言語} アクロ語、共通語、天上語

&b(){出現環境} 気候問わず/地上
&b(){編成} 単体
&b(){宝物} 標準

 &b(){Absolute Readiness(変則)/Absolute Readiness} An argus is never surprised or flat-footed. It can act in the surprise round as if it were a normal round.
 &b(){Accurate Strikes(変則)/Accurate Strikes} An argus's attacks ignore the AC bonus granted to targets by any cover less than total cover, and the miss chance granted to targets by any concealment less than total concealment.
 &b(){Eye Gouge(変則)/Eye Gouge} If an argus rends or pins an opponent, as a swift action it can attempt a dirty trick maneuver to blind the target. If its combat maneuver check exceeds the DC by 10 or more, the opponent is permanently blinded.
 &b(){恍惚の凝視(超常)/Fascinating Gaze} A creature within 40 feet of an argus must succeed at a DC 16 Will saving throw or be fascinated for 5d6 rounds. If the creature has 4 or fewer Hit Dice, it is instead dazed for 5d6 rounds. An argus can't use this ability in the same round it uses frightful presence. The save DC is Charisma-based.
 &b(){Limitless Vision(変則)/Limitless Vision} An argus takes no distance penalties on Perception checks.

 An argus is an ancient creature related to the titans, transformed by a deity into a vigilant and restless sentry, usually as a punishment for some affront or rebellion. Within its hideous and misshapen body lies a lonely heart that craves music and beauty to comfort it in its forlorn and unending vigil. It might talk peaceably with visitors if they promise to sing songs or tell stories(and it believes its guests don't intend to harm it or steal what it guards). If insulted or mocked, an argus is quick to anger, dispatching foes so it can go back to brooding in peace.
 An argus stands 25 feet tall and weighs 18,000 pounds.