B4 > ディノサウルス


B4/ディノサウルス - (2015/02/03 (火) 00:01:06) のソース

*&aname(dinosaur-dimorphodon)ディノサウルス:ディモルフォドン &small(){[[Dinosaur, Dimorphodon>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary4/dinosaur.html#dinosaur-dimorphodon]]}
>The head of this colorful red and purple flying reptile is overly large, and its jaws are lined with tiny sharp teeth.

***ディモルフォドン 脅威度1 &small(){Dimorphodon}
&b(){経験点 400}
&b(){イニシアチブ} +3; &b(){感覚} 夜目、鋭敏嗅覚;〈知覚〉+5

&b(){AC} 14、接触13、立ちすくみ11(+3【敏】、+1外皮)
&b(){hp} 11(2d8+2)
&b(){頑健} +4、&b(){反応} +6、&b(){意志} +1

&b(){移動速度} 10フィート、飛行30フィート(標準)
&b(){近接} 噛みつき=+3(1d6+3、加えて“毒”)
&b(){特殊攻撃} 毒

&b(){基本攻撃} +1; &b(){CMB} +3; &b(){CMD} 16
&b(){特技} 《かすめ飛び攻撃》
&b(){技能} 〈知覚〉+5、〈飛行〉+7

&b(){出現環境} 暑熱/沿岸または森林
&b(){編成} 単体、2体、または編隊(3~9)
&b(){宝物} なし

 &b(){毒(変則)/Poison} 噛みつき・致傷型; &i(){セーヴ} 頑健・DC12; 頻度 1回/ラウンド(4ラウンド間); &i(){効果} 1d2【筋】; &i(){治療} 1回のセーヴ成功。

 The dimorphodon’s jaws contain two separate rows teeth: several large fangs near the front (used to grip prey and inject poison) and numerous smaller, sharp teeth along the rest of the jaw.
 Dimorphodons are known for being easy to train. Handle Animal checks to train dimorphodons are attempted with a +4 bonus, and a dimorphodon can know one bonus trick chosen by its trainer once the creature has been fully domesticated.
 A dimorphodon’s wingspan is between 4 and 5 feet long.

*&aname(dinosaur-diplodocus)ディノサウルス:ディプロドクス &small(){[[Dinosaur, Diplodocus>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary4/dinosaur.html#dinosaur-diplodocus]]}
>This enormous, long-necked quadruped moves with an uncanny grace, holding its lengthy, whiplike tail out level behind it.

***ディプロドクス 脅威度12 &small(){Diplodocus}
&b(){経験点 19,200}
&b(){イニシアチブ} +6; &b(){感覚} 夜目、鋭敏嗅覚;〈知覚〉+32

&b(){AC} 25、接触4、立ちすくみ23(+2【敏】、+21外皮、-8サイズ)
&b(){hp} 190(20d8+100)
&b(){頑健} +17、&b(){反応} +14、&b(){意志} +11

&b(){移動速度} 30フィート
&b(){近接} tail lashes(×2)=+22(4d6+15/19~20)
&b(){接敵面} 30フィート; &b(){間合い} 60フィート
&b(){特殊攻撃} 蹂躙(2d8+22、DC35)

&b(){基本攻撃} +15; &b(){CMB} +38(+40突き飛ばし); &b(){CMD} 50(対突き飛ばし52、対足払い54)
&b(){特技} 《イニシアチブ強化》、《技能熟練:知覚》、《強打》、《クリティカル強化:尾 lash》、《クリティカル熟練》、《突き飛ばし強化》、《鋼の意志》、《ふっとばし攻撃》、《迎え討ち》、《よろめき化クリティカル》
&b(){技能} 〈知覚〉+32

&b(){出現環境} 暑熱/平地
&b(){編成} 単体、2体、または群れ(3~14)
&b(){宝物} なし

 &b(){Tail Lash(変則)/Tail Lash} The diplodocus prefers to attack with its tail. The dinosaur can snap its incredibly long tail with surprising speed like an enormous whip――this is a primary attack that deals bludgeoning and slashing damage. A diplodocus can make two separate attacks with its tail lash as a full-attack action.

 The diplodocus is one of the longest dinosaurs, capable of reaching lengths of 100 feet or more. Much of this length is taken up by the diplodocus’s tremendously powerful whiplike tail, a devastating weapon capable of striking at a considerable range.

*&aname(dinsaur-styracosaurus)ディノサウルス:スティラコサウルス &small(){[[Dinosaur, Styracosaurus>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary4/dinosaur.html#dinsaur-styracosaurus]]}
>This bulky, four-legged dinosaur has a long nasal horn and a crest studded with additional horns sweeping back from its skull.

***スティラコサウルス 脅威度5 &small(){Styracosaurus}
&b(){経験点 1,600}
&b(){イニシアチブ} +1; &b(){感覚} 夜目、鋭敏嗅覚;〈知覚〉+11

&b(){AC} 19、接触10、立ちすくみ18(+1【敏】、+9外皮、-1サイズ)
&b(){hp} 52(7d8+21)
&b(){頑健} +10、&b(){反応} +6、&b(){意志} +5
&b(){防御的能力} 凶暴性

&b(){移動速度} 40フィート
&b(){近接} 突き刺し=+11(2d8+9)
&b(){接敵面} 10フィート; &b(){間合い} 5フィート
&b(){特殊攻撃} 強力突撃(突き刺し、4d8+9)、reflexive strike

&b(){基本攻撃} +5; &b(){CMB} +12; &b(){CMD} 23(対足払い27)
&b(){特技} 《頑健無比》、《強打》、《鋼の意志》、《武器熟練:突き刺し》、《迎え討ち》&sup(){B}
&b(){技能} 〈知覚〉+11

&b(){出現環境} 暑熱/平地
&b(){編成} 単体、2体、または群れ(3~16)
&b(){宝物} なし

 &b(){Reflexive Strike(変則)/Reflexive Strike} A styracosaurus can make three additional attacks of opportunity each round――combined with its bonus Combat Reflexes feat, this allows the dinosaur to make up to five of these attacks of opportunity per round. The dinosaur makes these attacks with its horned crest, but they are treated as normal gore attacks.

 The styracosaurus is a bulky dinosaur with a solid frame and a very distinctive skull――a horned frill extends back from its head, protecting its neck and serving as a highly effective natural weapon that allows it to make attacks of opportunity. It is notorious for its ill temper, savagely attacking any creature that it perceives as a threat or even as an irritant.
 A styracosaurus is 18 feet long and weighs nearly 3 tons.

*&aname(dinosaur-velociraptor)ディノサウルス:ヴェロキラプトル &small(){[[Dinosaur, Velociraptor>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary4/dinosaur.html#dinosaur-velociraptor]]}
>This small, sleek dinosaur has vicious, snapping jaws and feet that end in large talons for gutting prey.

***ヴェロキラプトル 脅威度2 &small(){Velociraptor}
&b(){経験点 600}
&b(){イニシアチブ} +7; &b(){感覚} 夜目、鋭敏嗅覚;〈知覚〉+10

&b(){AC} 15、接触14、立ちすくみ12(+3【敏】、+1外皮、+1サイズ)
&b(){hp} 22(3d8+9)
&b(){頑健} +6、&b(){反応} +6、&b(){意志} +3
&b(){防御的能力} 身かわし

&b(){移動速度} 60フィート
&b(){近接} 噛みつき=+6(1d4+1)、鉤爪(×2)=+6(1d6+1/19~20)
&b(){特殊攻撃} leaping charge

&b(){基本攻撃} +2; &b(){CMB} +2; &b(){CMD} 15
&b(){特技} 《イニシアチブ強化》、《武器の妙技》
&b(){技能} 〈隠密〉+15、〈軽業〉+11(跳躍は+23)、〈知覚〉+10; &b(){種族修正} +4〈軽業〉(跳躍は+16)、+4〈知覚〉、+4〈隠密〉

&b(){出現環境} 暑熱/森林または平地
&b(){編成} 単体、2体、または小さな群れ(3~12)
&b(){宝物} なし

 &b(){Leaping Charge(変則)/Leaping Charge} A velociraptor can jump while charging, allowing it to ignore difficult terrain when it charges. When a velociraptor makes a charge in this way, it deals double damage with its talons.

 A smaller cousin of the deinonychus, the velociraptor is a swift, cunning pack hunter. It has no fear of Medium or even Large creatures. Its leaping charge attack grants it a significant advantage against foes in thick underbrush.
 A velociraptor is around 1-1/2 feet tall and 7 feet long, and weighs 35 pounds.