ACG > クラス・オプション > ハンター


ACG/クラス・オプション/ハンター - (2015/01/31 (土) 21:20:07) のソース

*&aname(hunter-class-options)ハンター &small(){[[Hunter>]]}

**&aname(divine-hunter)神の狩人(アーキタイプ) &small(){[[Divine Hunter>]]}
 &b(){属性}: 神の狩人の属性はその信じる神格と秩序―混沌方向か善―悪方向に1段階しかずれていないこと。その他の点では神の狩人はいかなる属性にもなることができる。 
 それに加え、神の狩人は1レベルの領域呪文をその習得している呪文リストに加える。6レベルの時点で2レベル領域呪文を、9レベルの時点で3レベル領域呪文を、 12レベルの時点で4レベル領域呪文を、 15レベルの時点で5レベル領域呪文を、 18レベルの時点で6レベル領域呪文を加える。
 &b(){異界の相棒(超常)/Otherworldly Companion}:3レベルの時点で、ハンターの相棒は異界の特徴を纏う。神の狩人が善属性(あるいは善の神格を信仰している)である場合、動物の相棒はセレスチャル・テンプレートを得る。神の狩人が悪属性(あるいは悪の神格を信仰している)である場合、動物の相棒はフィーンディッシュ・テンプレートを得る。ハンターが中立属性 (あるいは中立の神格を信仰している)である場合、セレスチャルまたはフィーンディッシュ・テンプレートを選択しなければならず、この選択は一度行うと変更することはできない。この能力はハンター戦術と置き換える。 

**&aname(feral-hunter)野生の狩人(アーキタイプ) &small(){[[Feral Hunter>]]}
 &b(){野生象形(超常)/Feral Focus}:1レベルの時点で、野生の狩人は自らの姿を動物の混ざった形に変える限定的な能力を得る。これはハンターが常に動物象形を自分自身に付与できる事と、この能力の効果時間に制限が無い事を除けば、動物象形クラス特徴と同様に機能する。この能力はフリー・アクションとして終了させることができる。
 &b(){精密なる召喚動物(変則)/Precise Summoned Animal}:これはハンターが《協調挟撃》をボーナス特技として選択した場合に、 &i(){サモン・ネイチャーズ・アライ}で召喚した全ての動物にそれを付与することを除けば、 精密なる相棒クラス能力と同様に機能する。この能力は精密なる相棒を変更する。
 &b(){自然の化身(超常)/Wild Shape}:4レベルの時点で、野生の狩人は姿を変える能力を得る。この能力は、ハンターは動物の形態しか取ることができない(エレメンタルまたは植物の形態を取ることができない)ことを除けば、ドルイドの自然の化身能力と同様に機能する。ハンターの有効ドルイド・レベルはそのクラスレベルに等しい。この能力はボーナス芸、共感的リンク強化、上級共感的リンク、 master of the wild、レイズ・アニマル・コンパニオンクラス能力と置き換える。 
 &b(){群れ召喚(擬呪)/Summon Pack}:6レベルの時点で、野生の狩人は&i(){サモン・ネイチャーズ・アライ}呪文リスト唱えて1頭または複数の動物を召喚する際はいつでも,同じタイプの動物を1頭追加で召喚する。召喚されたクリーチャーは動物で、ハンターの現在の相と同一または類似のタイプでなければならない(ベアは熊の相、ドッグやウルフ は狼の相、グレートキャットは虎の相など)。ハンターが別の相を選択したり、野生象形能力を終了させた場合、追加のクリーチャーは即座に消滅する。この能力は6、9、12、15、18レベルのチームワーク特技と置き換える。 A feral hunter has forged a bond with nature that's so strong that she doesn't merely channel the aspects of animals—she actually becomes an animal herself. Though she lacks an animal companion, a feral hunter is in tune with the beast lurking within her flesh and spirit, and lives in a near-wild state of being. A feral hunter often resembles a lycanthrope, but her power comes from her own nature and is not influenced by moonlight or silver.
 &b(){Solitary}:Unlike most hunters, a feral hunter does not gain an animal companion.
 &b(){Feral Focus(超常)/Feral Focus}:At 1st level, a feral hunter gains a limited ability to change her shape into hybrid animal forms. This functions as the animal focus class feature, except that the hunter always applies the animal aspect to herself, and there is no limit to this ability's duration. She can end this ability as a free action.
 When a feral hunter uses this ability, her body takes on cosmetic aspects of an animal, such as furry skin, longer nails, elongated teeth, and oddly colored eyes; these changes do not grant her any abilities other than what is stated in the animal focus, and end when she takes on a different aspect or ends the ability. This physical change is a polymorph effect, though the effects of the animal focus are not.
 This ability replaces the 動物 focus, hunter tactics, and speak with master class abilities.
 &b(){Precise Summoned Animal(変則)/Precise Summoned Animal}:This functions like the precise companion class ability, except if the hunter chooses Outflank as a bonus feat, she grants it to all animals she summons with &i(){summon nature's ally}. This ability alters precise companion.
 &b(){自然の化身(超常)/Wild Shape}:At 4th level, a feral hunter gains the ability to change shape. This ability functions like the druid wild shape ability, except the hunter can take only animal forms (not elemental or plant forms). The hunter's effective druid level is equal to her class level. This ability replaces the bonus tricks, improved empathic link, greater empathic link, master of the wild, and raise animal companion class abilities.
 &b(){Summon Pack(擬呪)/Summon Pack}:Starting at 6th level, whenever a feral hunter casts a &i(){summon nature's ally} spell to summon one or more animals, she summons one additional animal of the same type. The summoned creature or creatures must be animals and must be of the same type as the hunter's current aspect or of a similar type (bears for bear aspect, dogs or wolves for wolf aspect, great cats for the tiger aspect, and so on). The additional creature immediately vanishes if the hunter chooses a different aspect or ends his feral focus ability. This ability replaces the teamwork feats gained at 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, and 18th levels.

**&aname(packmaster)Packmaster(アーキタイプ) &small(){[[Packmaster>]]}
 Some hunters form bonds with packs of well-trained creatures. Whether such a hunter is a northern berserker running with a pack of timber wolves or a savage warrior dashing through the jungle alongside her herd of dimetrodons, the packmaster revels in the thrill of the hunt and the glory of the kill. A packmaster is more comfortable in groups than alone, and although her animal companions may be weaker than a typical hunter's, what they lack in strength they make up for in numbers.
 &b(){Pack Bond(変則)/Pack Bond}:A packmaster can have more than one animal companion, but she must divide her effective druid level between her companions to determine the abilities of each one. For example, a 4th-level packmaster can have one 4th-level animal companion, two 2nd-level companions, one 3rd-level companion and one 1st-level companion, or four 1st-level companions.
 When a packmaster gains a level, she must decide how to allocate the increase among her animal companions, including whether or not to add a new 1st-level companion. Once a hunter level is allocated to a particular companion, it cannot be redistributed while that companion is in the packmaster's service. She must release the companion or wait until the companion dies to allocate its levels to another companion, which she can then do the next time she refreshes her spell slots for the day. The share spells animal companion ability applies to only one animal companion at a time—the packmaster cannot use it to cast a spell that affects only a single target and have the spell affect all of her animal companions.
 A packmaster's precise companion, woodland stride, and teamwork feats apply to only one of her animal companions at a time. (For example, a packmaster can apply precise companion to one companion, woodland stride to another, and a given teamwork feat to a third, but cannot apply any of those to two animal companions at once.) As a swift action, she can change which companion gains any or all of these benefits. This ability replaces animal companion.
 &b(){Pack Focus(超常)/Pack Focus}:This ability functions like animal focus, with the following exceptions. A packmaster can apply her animal aspect to only one of her animal companions at a time without it counting against the number of minutes per day she can use that ability. When using animal focus on herself or her other animal companion, the ability counts against her minutes per day as normal. She can have only two animal aspects in effect at a time—one that counts against her minutes per day and one that doesn't—and they can't both target the same companion. Unless both her companions are dead, the hunter can't apply the companion's aspect to herself (and thereby gain the benefit of its unlimited duration). This ability replaces animal focus.
 &b(){チームワーク特技(変則)/Teamwork Feat}:At 3rd level or any level at which a packmaster would gain a bonus teamwork feat, she can instead increase the number of her animal companions that gain the benefits of her precise companion, woodland stride, and teamwork feats by 1. She can select this ability multiple times. This ability alters teamwork feats.
 &b(){Second Pack Focus(超常)/Second Pack Focus}:At 8th level, the hunter gains an ability that functions like the second animal focus, but the hunter can either assign each companion one aspect each or assign both aspects to the same companion. The foci on the companions don't need to be the same, nor do they need to be the same as the one assigned to the packmaster. This ability replaces second animal focus.
 &b(){Master of the Pack(変則)/Master of the Pack}:At 20th level, a packmaster and her animal companions can always move at full speed while using Survival to follow tracks without penalty. Each day when a packmaster gains new spells for the day, she chooses one animal focus to be active on herself or one of her animal companions for the entire day (if all of her animal companions are dead, she instead chooses two animal foci to be active on herself for the entire day). This focus is in addition to her pack focus class ability. This ability replaces master hunter.

**&aname(primal-companion-hunter)Primal Companion Hunter(アーキタイプ)  &small(){[[Primal Companion Hunter>]]}
 Most hunters are skilled at awakening the primal beasts inside themselves. However, some can instead activate the primal essence within their animal companion. These primal companion hunters bestow upon their companions the ability to suddenly manifest new and terrifying powers—throwbacks to long-extinct beasts, bizarre mutations from extreme environments, or new abilities crafted from generations of selective breeding.
 &b(){Primal Transformation(超常)/Primal Transformation}:At first level, a primal companion hunter can awaken a primal creature from within his animal companion as a swift action. The animal companion gains a pool of evolution points that can be used to temporarily give the companion evolutions as if it were an eidolon. A primal companion hunter uses her hunter level to determine the number of evolution points gained, limitations on how often an evolution can be selected, and so on. Whenever she gains a level, she must decide how these points are spent, and they are set until she gains another level.
 Activating these evolutions on the animal companion is a swift action. A primal companion hunter can use this ability for 1 minute per day per hunter level. This duration need not to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments. An animal companion transformed in this way cannot exceed the maximum number of attacks available to the eidolon of a summoner whose class level equals that of the hunter. While transformed in this way, the animal companion's type changes to magical beast, though the primal companion hunter still treats it as an animal for the purpose of the Handle Animal skill.
 If a primal companion hunter's animal companion is dead, she can apply these evolutions to herself instead of to her animal companion. Uses of this ability count toward the hunter's maximum daily duration of evolution use. This ability replaces animal focus.
 &b(){Primal Surge(超常)/Primal Surge}:At 8th level, once per day as a swift action, a primal companion hunter can touch her animal companion and grant it one evolution that costs up to 4 evolution points. The companion must meet the prerequisites of the selected evolution. Unlike the evolutions from primal transformation, this evolution is not set; it can be changed each time the hunter uses this ability. Using primal surge activates the primal transformation ability on the companion if it isn't already active. This effect lasts until the hunter ends the primal transformation. This does not allow a companion to exceed its maximum number of natural attacks.
 This ability can grant only one evolution at a time, even if the chosen evolution could be selected multiple times.
 This ability can grant an evolution that allows additional evolution points to be spent to upgrade that evolution (such as damage reduction or flight), and any points left over can be spent on such upgrades. This ability cannot be used to grant an upgrade to an evolution that the companion already possesses. This ability replaces second animal focus.
 &b(){Primal Master(超常)/Primal Master}:At 20th level, a primal companion hunter becomes in tune with his primal nature. He can activate his companion's primal aspect as a free action. When using primal surge, he can grant his companion two evolutions instead of one (each costing up to 4 evolution points). This ability replaces master hunter.

**&aname(verminous-hunter)Verminous Hunter(アーキタイプ) &small(){[[Verminous Hunter>]]}
 A verminous hunter calls on the ceaseless, single-minded dedication of vermin to hunt and overwhelm her prey. Where other hunters invoke the cunning, animalistic powers of the alpha predators, she calls on the powers of the lowest life forms, reaching out to the spider instead of the monkey, the mantis instead of the snake, or the moth instead of the owl.
 &b(){Vermin Companion(変則)/Vermin Companion}:At 1st level, a verminous hunter must choose a vermin companion instead of an animal companion. This ability alters animal companion. The hunter tactics class ability allows a verminous hunter to grant her teamwork feats to a mindless vermin companion.
 &b(){Vermin Empathy(変則)/Vermin Empathy}:A verminous hunter gains the wild empathy ability, but can use it only to influence vermin (not animals or magical beasts). This ability alters wild empathy.
 &b(){Vermin Focus(超常)/Vermin Focus}:A verminous hunter can take on the aspect of a vermin. This functions as animal focus, but allows only the following choices.
 &i(){Ant}:The creature gains a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength. This bonus increases to +4 at 8th level and +6 at 15th level.
 &i(){Beetle}:The creature gains a +2 enhancement bonus to its natural armor bonus. This bonus increases to +4 at 8th level and +6 at 15th level. (A creature without natural armor has an effective natural armor bonus of +0.)
 &i(){Centipede}:The creature gains a +2 competence bonus on Climb checks and a +2 bonus to CMD against pull, push, reposition, and trip combat maneuvers. These bonuses increase to +4 at 8th level and +6 at 15th level.
 &i(){Cockroach}:The creature gains a +4 bonus on saves against cold dangers, disease, heat dangers, starvation, thirst, and on Constitution checks to avoid suffocation. These bonuses increase to +6 at 8th level and +8 at 15th level.
 &i(){Crab}:The creature gains a +4 competence bonus on Swim checks and a +2 competence bonus on grapple combat maneuver checks. These bonuses increase to +6 and +4 respectively at 8th level, and +8 and +6 at 15th level.
 &i(){Flea}:The creature gains a +4 competence bonus on saves against disease and Acrobatics checks to jump. These bonuses increase to +6 at 8th level and +8 at 15th level.
 &i(){Fly}:The creature gains a +2 bonus on Perception checks and on Acrobatics checks to balance or fall safely. These bonuses increase to +4 at 8th level and +6 at 15th level.
 &i(){Leech}:The creature gains a +2 competence bonus on grapple combat maneuver checks, and deals 1 point of bleed damage every time it succeeds at a grapple combat maneuver check to damage an opponent (this bleed stacks with itself). These benefits increase to a +4 bonus and 3 points of bleed at 8th level, and a +6 bonus and 5 points of bleed at 15th level. Bleed damage from this ability does not stack with itself.
 &i(){Mantis}:The creature gains a +2 bonus on attack of opportunity attack rolls and a +2 competence bonus on grapple combat maneuver checks. These bonuses increase to +4 at 8th level and +6 at 15th level.
 &i(){Moth}:The creature gains darkvision to a range of 60 feet. At 8th level, the range increases by 30 feet. At 15th level, the creature gains blindsense to a range of 10 feet.
 &i(){Phasmid}:The creature gains low-light vision and a +4 competence bonus on Stealth checks in forests or plains. This bonus increases to +6 at 8th level and +8 at 15th level.
 &i(){Scorpion}:The creature gains a +2 competence bonus on Stealth checks and grapple combat maneuver checks. These bonuses increase to +6 and +4 respectively at 8th level, and +8 and +6 at 15th level.
 &i(){Spider}:The creature gains a +2 competence bonus on Stealth checks, saving throws against web effects (magical or otherwise), and checks to break free of webs. This bonus increases to +4 at 8th level and +6 at 15th level.
 &i(){Wasp}:The creature gains a +4 competence bonus on Perception checks. This bonus increases to +6 at 8th level and +8 at 15th level.
 &i(){Worm}:The creature gains fast healing 1 and a 25% chance to treat any critical hit or sneak attack as a normal hit (as the &i(){fortification} armor special ability). This increases to fast healing 2 and 50% at 8th level, and fast healing 3 and 75% at 15th level.
 This ability replaces 動物 focus.
 &b(){Swarm Stride(変則)/Swarm Stride}:At 5th level, a verminous hunter learns to move through vermin without danger. He can safely pass through swarms of vermin and does not take swarm damage while within a vermin swarm's space. In addition, he is immune to a swarm's distraction ability. If the hunter or his animal companion attacks a swarm, they lose this protection against only that swarm. This ability replaces woodland stride.