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OA/アーキタイプ/スピリチュアリスト - (2016/09/18 (日) 01:07:57) のソース

*&aname(occult-adventures-spiritualist-archetypes)スピリチュアリスト &small(){&link(Spiritualist){http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/occultAdventures/archetypes/spiritualist.html#occult-adventures-spiritualist-archetypes}}

**&aname(ectoplasmatist)心霊体使い(アーキタイプ) &small(){&link(Ectoplasmatist){http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/occultAdventures/archetypes/spiritualist.html#ectoplasmatist}}

 &aname(ectoplasmic-lash)&b(){心霊体の鞭(超常)/Ectoplasmic Lash}:1レベルの時点で、心霊体使いは全ラウンド・アクションとして心霊体で作られた鞭を1つあるいは2つ発現させることができる。この鞭はか細く、心霊体でできた触手で心霊体使いとつながっている。鞭を2つ発現した場合、心霊体使いはそれぞれを軽い近接武器として扱う。それぞれは1d6ポイント(心霊体使いが小型ならば1d4)の斬撃ダメージを与え、クリティカル可能域とクリティカル倍率は19~20/×2である。鞭を1つ発現した場合、心霊体使いはそれを片手近接武器(1d8ポイント[心霊体使いが小型ならば1d6]の斬撃ダメージを与え、クリティカル可能域とクリティカル倍率は19~20/×2)か両手近接武器(2d6ポイント[心霊体使いが小型ならば1d10]の殴打ダメージを与え、クリティカル倍率は×2)のいずれかとして発現することができる。心霊体使いだけがこの無知を身に着け、使用することができる。フリー・アクションにより、鞭を1つあるいは2つ消滅させることができる。











 &aname(spiritual-combat)&b(){霊的戦闘(超常)/Spiritual Combat}:3レベルの時点で、心霊体使いは全ラウンド・アクションとして、片手に装備している軽い武器もしくは片手武器の&link_anchor(ectoplasmic-lash){心霊体の鞭}で全ての攻撃を行い、同時に発動時間が1標準アクションのスピリチュアリスト呪文をフリー・アクションとして発動することができる。この呪文発動は、&link_anchor(ectoplasmic-lash){心霊体の鞭}による全ての攻撃の、前あるいは後に行わなければならない。霊的戦闘を使用する際、心霊体使いは攻撃ロールに-2のペナルティを受ける。防御的呪文発動を行う場合、攻撃ロールに【判断力】ボーナスまでのペナルティを追加で受けることで、精神集中判定に同じ値の状況ボーナスを得ることができる。この精神集中判定に失敗すると、呪文は無駄になり、攻撃にはペナルティを受けたままとなる。



 &aname(ectoplasmic-armor)&b(){心霊体の鎧(超常)/Ectoplasmic Armor}:4レベルの時点で、心霊体使いが&link_anchor(spiritual-lash){心霊体の鞭}能力を発現させる際、心霊体でできた触手が使用者の身体を覆い、ACに+4の鎧ボーナスを得る。



**&aname(fractured-mind)砕けた心(アーキタイプ) &small(){&link(Fractured Mind){http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/occultAdventures/archetypes/spiritualist.html#fractured-mind}}

 &aname(emotional-spellcasting)&b(){感情的呪文発動/Emotional Spellcasting}:砕けた心の呪文発動能力は霊界へのつながりからではなく、自分の魂の力から得られたものだ。そのため、発動できる最高の呪文レベル、発動した呪文のセーヴィング・スローDC、1日のボーナス呪文を決定する際、砕けた心は【判断力】ではなく【魅力】を用いる。この能力は[[呪文発動能力>OA/クラス/スピリチュアリスト#spell]]を変更する。

 &aname(emotional-power)&b(){感情の力(擬呪)/Emotional Power}:砕けた心は[[守護霊>OA/クラス/スピリチュアリスト#phantom]]の[[感情の傾倒>OA/クラス/スピリチュアリスト#emotional-focus]]に基づく、いくつかの[[擬似呪文能力>モンスターの共通ルール#Spell-Like-Abilities]]を得る。砕けた心は1つ目の[[擬似呪文能力>モンスターの共通ルール#Spell-Like-Abilities]]を5レベルの時点で、2つ目を7レベルの時点で、3つ目を9レベルの時点で、4つ目を16レベルの時点で得る。砕けた心はこれらの能力それぞれを1日に1回と、その擬似呪文能力を得たレベルを超えるスピリチュアリスト・レベル4毎に追加で1日に1回使用することができる。これらの[[擬似呪文能力>モンスターの共通ルール#Spell-Like-Abilities]]のセーヴィング・スローDCは呪文のレベルによって決定されるのではなく、10+砕けた心のスピリチュアリスト・レベルの半分+【魅力】修正値に等しい。[[感情の傾倒>OA/クラス/スピリチュアリスト#emotional-focus]]毎に得られる[[擬似呪文能力>モンスターの共通ルール#Spell-Like-Abilities]]は以下の通り。









**&aname(geist-channeler)Geist Channeler(アーキタイプ) &small(){&link(Geist Channeler){http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/occultAdventures/archetypes/spiritualist.html#geist-channeler}}
 Some phantoms retain less of their personalities and memories than others. Though most phantoms maintain some semblance of their former selves, others of their kind, known as geists, came close to being lost forever before they became phantoms. Incapable of manifesting in ectoplasmic form and devoid of human emotions, these strange entities are much closer to ghosts than most other phantoms. The spiritualists who work with them, known as geist channelers, are able to call on them in unique ways.

 &aname(geistform-phantom)&b(){Geistform Phantom(超常)/Geistform Phantom}:A geist channeler's phantom can't manifest in ectoplasmic form, and is limited to manifesting in incorporeal form. As a result, the phantom has no Strength score, and has a starting Wisdom score of 12. Instead of gaining two slam attacks, it gains only a single slam attack that deals 1d8 points of damage. The slam attack's damage increases to 1d10 points at 5th level, to 2d6 at 10th level, to 2d8 at 15th level, and 2d10 at 20th level (assuming the phantom is Medium). The phantom does not gain the magic attacks ability at 4th level.

 While manifested incorporeally, a geist channeler's phantom can attack only other incorporeal creatures. Because the phantom is incorporeal, the damage it deals to such creatures is not reduced as a result of them being incorporeal. At 5th level, the phantom can take a swift action to infuse itself with trace amounts of ectoplasm so it can attack corporeal creatures for 1 round. During that time, it deals half damage to corporeal creatures with its slam, and corporeal creatures with nonmagical weapons deal half damage to the phantom. At 10th level, when the phantom infuses itself, its attacks deal normal damage to corporeal creatures.

 This ability alters the phantom.

 &aname(emotionless)&b(){感情がない(超常)/Emotionless}:A geist channeler's phantom doesn't have an emotional focus; instead, it is cold and devoid of emotions. The phantom gains a number of ranks in Knowledge (arcana) and Knowledge (religion) equal to its Hit Dice. While confined in the geist channeler's consciousness, the phantom grants the geist channeler Skill Focus in each of these skills. The phantom has good Reflex and Will saves, and gains Iron Will as a bonus feat, as well as the following abilities.

 &aname(unnerving-touch)&i(){Unnerving Touch(超常)/Unnerving Touch}:As a standard action, a geist channeler's phantom can make a melee touch attack against a living creature, even if that creature is corporeal. If the attack hits, the target is shaken for 1d4+1 rounds. A successful Will save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the phantom's Hit Dice + the phantom's Charisma modifier) negates this effect. At 5th level, when the phantom can damage corporeal creatures with its slam attack, its slam attacks against living corporeal creatures gain this ability. Multiple attacks against the same creature don't cause the creature to become frightened. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.

 &aname(plotergeist-s-knack)&i(){Poltergeist's Knack(擬呪)/Poltergeist's Knack}:At 7th level, a geist channeler's phantom can use &i(){telekinesis} as a spell-like ability. It can use only the sustained force and violent thrust versions of this spell. The phantom can use this ability three times per day, plus one additional time at 10th level and every 3 levels thereafter (maximum seven times per day at 19th level). Its caster level for this spell-like ability is equal to the phantom's Hit Dice.

 &aname(spectral-protection)&i(){Spectral Protection(超常)/Spectral Protection}:At 12th level as a standard action, while a geist channeler's phantom is confined within his psyche, he can call upon its power to project an aura of spectral energy that prevents incorporeal creatures from approaching him. This takes the form of a 30-foot-radius emanation centered on the geist channeler. Any incorporeal creature attempting to enter this area must succeed at a Will save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the geist channeler's spiritualist class level + the geist channeler's Wisdom modifier) or be unable to do so. This ability can be used only defensively, not aggressively; forcing the aura against an incorporeal creature collapses the aura. The geist channeler can use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to his spiritualist level. The minutes don't need to be continuous, but must be spent in 1-minute increments.

 &aname(malevolent-possession)&i(){Malevolent Possession(擬呪)/Malevolent Possession}:At 17th level, a geist channeler's phantom can invade the bodies of other creatures. This functions as &i(){possession}. To use this ability, the phantom must be adjacent to the target. The target can resist the effect with a successful Will save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the phantom's Hit Dice + the phantom's Charisma modifier). The phantom can use this ability once per day.

 This ability modifies the phantom and replaces the phantom's emotional focus.

 &aname(spiritual-manifestation)&b(){Spiritual Manifestation(超常)/Spiritual Manifestation}:Because of the nature of her phantom, a geist channeler can use the bonded manifestation ability to manifest his phantom only in incorporeal form. This ability alters bonded manifestation.

**&aname(haunted)悪霊憑き(アーキタイプ) &small(){&link(Haunted){http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/occultAdventures/archetypes/spiritualist.html#haunted}}
 The haunted are a dangerous breed of spellcasters bound to temperamental and unpredictable phantoms that leech power from their spiritualists.

 &aname(usurp-manifestation)&b(){Usurp Manifestation(超常)/Usurp Manifestation}:At 3rd level, the haunted's phantom begins to subtly subvert the relationship with its master, gaining rather than granting power from the connection. When fully manifested in ectoplasmic form, the phantom can use its usurp manifestation ability to draw upon the haunted's body to strengthen its ectoplasmic might, temporarily weakening the spiritualist in order to increase its own power. The phantom must activate this ability as an immediate action at the start of the spiritualist's turn, and it can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to 3 + the haunted's spiritualist level. The rounds don't need to be consecutive, and the phantom can dismiss the effects of a usurped manifestation as a free action on its turn. While this ability is in effect, the haunted's features become sunken and withdrawn, and she gains the nauseated condition until the effect ends. Conversely, the phantom surges in size and power, becoming one size category larger (as if affected by an &i(){enlarge person} spell) and increasing its natural armor bonus to AC by 2 for the effect's duration. If the spiritualist prevents or mitigates the nauseated condition, the phantom is unable to siphon energy and doesn't gain the benefits of usurp manifestation.

 At 8th level and every 5 levels thereafter (13th and 18th levels), the phantom gains new abilities while using usurp manifestation.

 &aname(usurp-spell)&i(){Usurp Spell/Usurp Spell}:At 8th level, while using usurp manifestation, the phantom can leech spell slots from the haunted to increase its own power. The phantom can reach through the etheric tether as a swift action to drain the nauseated haunted's psychic spell energy, effectively taking any touch spell or spell with a target of "you" that the haunted knows and casting it on itself (assuming the haunted has not yet used up her allotment of spells per day for the spell's level). This ability consumes two of the haunted's spell slots of the appropriate level and otherwise follows the rules for the share spells and deliver touch spells abilities.

 &aname(teleplasmic-surge)&i(){Teleplasmic Surge/Teleplasmic Surge}:At 13th level, when using usurp manifestation, the phantom gains a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks.

 &aname(ferocious-phantom)&i(){Ferocious Phantom/Ferocious Phantom}:At 18th level, when using usurp manifestation the phantom gains DR 10/slashing and spell resistance equal to 11 + the haunted's spiritualist level (this spell resistance doesn't apply to spells originating from the spiritualist or from the usurp spell ability).

 This ability replaces bonded manifestation.

 &aname(usurped-bond)&b(){Usurped Bond(超常)/Usurped Bond}:At 17th level, the haunted's phantom can use usurp manifestation for a number of rounds per day equal to 3 + double the haunted's spiritualist level. This ability replaces dual bond.

**&aname(onmyoji)陰陽師(アーキタイプ) &small(){&link(Onmyoji){http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/occultAdventures/archetypes/spiritualist.html#onmyoji}}
 Though most spiritualists are chosen by their phantoms, others deliberately call phantoms to them through years of careful preparation and study in obscure divine traditions. These spiritualists, known as onmyoji, form close bonds with their phantoms, as any other spiritualist does, but see the phantoms as partners and tools in their work. Onmyoji serve as emissaries between the mundane world and the spiritual one, either working to ensure that troubles in the spiritual world do not spill over into the world of mortals, or stirring up spiritual trouble in order to achieve their ends among the living.

 &aname(divine-spellcasting)&b(){Divine Spellcasting/Divine Spellcasting}:An onmyoji's spellcasting ability comes from divine rather than psychic power. As a divine caster, the onmyoji's spells use verbal components instead of thought components, and somatic components instead of emotional components, and she uses an ofuda as a divine focus. Ofudas are scrolls with holy writings written on parchment, cloth, or wood (having the same cost as a wooden holy symbol) or metal (having the same cost as a silver holy symbol). This ability alters spellcasting.

 &aname(spiritual-resitance)&b(){Spiritual Resistance(超常)/Spiritual Resistance}:An onmyoji's phantom provides her with protection from supernatural forces. While the phantom is confined within the onmyoji's consciousness (not stranded on the Ethereal Plane or fully manifested), it grants her a +2 bonus on saving throws against the spell-like and supernatural abilities of fey, outsiders, and incorporeal undead. At 6th level and every 6 levels thereafter, this bonus increases by 1 (to a maximum of +5 at 18th level). This ability replaces shared consciousness and fused consciousness.

 &aname(divine-teachings)&b(){Divine Teachings(超常)/Divine Teachings}:An onmyoji gains the ability to call upon her phantom to help her cast spells she normally couldn't. At 4th level and every 3 levels thereafter, an onmyoji can choose a single spell from the cleric spell list with a spell level she is currently able to cast, and add that spell to her list of spells known, at the same spell level as it appears on the cleric spell list. Because the onmyoji relies on her phantom's influence in order to cast these spells, she can cast spells added in this way only while the phantom is confined within her consciousness (not stranded on the Ethereal Plane or fully manifested). This ability replaces spiritual interference and greater spiritual interference.