

コアトル - (2009/11/26 (木) 22:30:32) のソース

// BEGIN_OF-couatl.html
// ORIGINAL-http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/monsters/couatl.html
* &spanid(couatl){コアトル} &small(){[[Couatl>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/monsters/couatl.html#couatl]]}

>This great serpent has multicolored wings and eyes that glimmer with intense awareness.

*** コアトル 脅威度10 &small(){Couatl}

''イニシアチブ'' +7;''感覚'' 暗視60フィート、ディテクト・イーヴル/グッド/ケイオス/ロウ;〈知覚〉+23

**** 防御

''アーマー・クラス'' 22、接触13、立ちすくみ18(+3【敏】、+1回避、+9外皮、-1サイズ)
''ヒット・ポイント'' 126(12d10+60)
''頑健'' +9、''反応'' +13、''意志'' +14

**** 攻撃

''移動速度'' 20フィート、飛行60フィート(良好)
''近接'' 噛みつき=+16(1d8+7、加えて“つかみ”および“毒”)
''接敵面'' 10フィート;''間合い'' 5フィート
''特殊攻撃'' 締めつけ(1d8+7)
回数無制限:ディテクト・ソウツ(難易度15)、イセリアル・ジョーント(CL 16th)、インヴィジビリティ、プレイン・シフト(難易度20)

**** 一般データ

''基本攻撃'' +12;''戦技ボーナス'' +18(組みつき+22);''戦技防御'' 32(足払いされない)
''特技'' 《鋭敏感覚》、《回避》、《呪文威力強化》、《物質要素省略》&sup(){B}、《イニシアチブ強化》、《鋼の意志》、《神速の反応》
''技能'' 〈軽業〉+18、〈はったり〉+9、〈交渉〉+18、〈飛行〉+20、〈知識:秘術〉+9、〈知識:宗教〉+12、〈知覚〉+23、〈真意看破〉+15、〈呪文学〉+15、〈生存〉+16、〈魔法装置使用〉+18
''言語'' 天界語、共通語、ドラゴン語; テレパシー 100フィート

**** 生態

''出現環境'' 暑熱/森林
''編成'' 単体、2体、小編成(3~6)
''宝物'' 標準

**** 特殊能力

''呪文'' A couatl casts spells as a 9th-level sorcerer, and can cast spells from the cleric list as well as those normally available to a sorcerer. Cleric spells are considered arcane spells for a couatl, meaning that the creature does not need a divine focus to cast them.
''毒(変則)'' 噛みつき・致傷型;頑健セーヴ・難易度16;頻度=1回/分(10分間);効果=1d4【筋】;治療=2回連続のセーヴ成功。この難易度は【耐久力】に基づいている。

Couatls are servants of lawful and good deities, though some operate independently of any greater being. Respected and admired for their wisdom and beauty, they try to steer mortals onto the right path and use their powers to fight evil, particularly those known to shift between the planes. Some couatls are viewed as benevolent gods by isolated societies, and while most couatls cringe at the thought of pretending to be a god, they allow such misconceptions to continue since they allow the couatls to guide and coax these societies onto paths of peace and cooperation with their neighbors. A couatl is about 12 feet long, with a wingspan of about 15 feet. It weighs 1,800 pounds.

As native outsiders, couatls must eat. They prefer the same foods as true snakes, such as mammals and birds, though they have been known to eat evil humanoids.

As they would rather spend their time promoting their agenda than hunting, couatls appreciate offers of food, particularly small boars and large game fowl.

A couatl sometimes shows its favor to an adventurer or party that has done it a service by gifting the group with 1d4 of its brightly colored feathers. Such a freely given feather, if used as an additional material component, allows a spellcaster to cast planar ally to conjure that specific couatl without expending the typical payment of gold or other valuables—provided the the couatl approves of the service asked for by the spellcaster.
