B5 > ガーディアン・スクロール


B5/ガーディアン・スクロール - (2016/09/19 (月) 05:27:21) のソース

*&aname(guardian-scroll)ガーディアン・スクロール &small(){[[Guardian Scroll>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary5/guardianScroll.html#guardian-scroll]]}
>This innocuous-looking scroll flits about with serpentine grace, baring its razor-sharp edges.

***ガーディアン・スクロール 脅威度3 &small(){Guardian Scroll CR 3}
&b(){イニシアチブ} +2; &b(){感覚} 暗視60フィート、夜目;〈知覚〉+0

&b(){AC} 15、接触15、立ちすくみ12(+2【敏】、+1回避、+2サイズ)
&b(){hp} 27(5d10)
&b(){頑健} +1、&b(){反応} +5、&b(){意志} +1
&b(){DR} 5/魔法; &b(){完全耐性} 殴打、crushing、および落下ダメージ、人造の種別特性
&b(){弱点} [精神作用]効果に対する感受性、[火]に対する脆弱性

&b(){移動速度} 10フィート、飛行40フィート(完璧)
&b(){近接} slice=+9(1d4+3、加えて1d2“出血”および“つかみ”)
&b(){接敵面} 2・1/2フィート; &b(){間合い} 0フィート
&b(){特殊攻撃} 出血攻撃(1d2)、締めつけ(1d4+3)、つかみ(中型)、smothering wrap

&b(){基本攻撃} +5; &b(){CMB} +5(+9組みつき); &b(){CMD} 18
&b(){特技} 《回避》、《かすめ飛び攻撃》、《神速の反応》
&b(){技能} 〈軽業〉+4、〈飛行〉+20
&b(){言語} 共通語(話せない)

&b(){出現環境} 気候問わず/地形問わず
&b(){編成} 単体、2体、または収蔵品(3~6)
&b(){宝物} なし

 &b(){Smothering Wrap(変則)/Smothering Wrap} When a guardian scroll grapples a creature, it entirely covers its opponent's head with an airtight grip. A creature grappled by the scroll cannot see, speak, or cast spells with verbal components, and it must hold its breath (see Suffocation on page 445 of the &i(){Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook}). Creatures that don't speak or breathe through their heads aren't affected in this manner, nor are those blinded who can see through other means. Any attacks targeting a guardian scroll while it's grappling deal half damage to the scroll and the other half to the grappled creature.
 &b(){[精神作用]効果に対する感受性(変則)/Susceptible to Mind-Affecting Effects} As an intelligent construct, a guardian scroll is subject to mind-affecting effects.
 Guardian scrolls are deceptive constructs created from enchanted paper or papyrus, designed to protect the lairs, libraries, and sacred texts of magical practitioners. When an intruder enters a proscribed area or touches a prohibited object without first speaking a password or otherwise signaling permission to enter, the guardian scroll attacks.At rest, guardian scrolls appear identical to any number of different types of magical or nonmagical scrolls. When a guardian scroll becomes active, it rises in the air and unfurls to a length of almost 4フィート. It wafts through the air with casual ease as it approaches its target. When it attacks, it stiffens its edges, making them blade-sharp. It races past its target and draws its entire length across any exposed flesh, leaving a long, deep, and painful slash that bleeds badly afterward. This is not the scroll's only means of attack, however. It can also wrap itself around a Medium or smaller creature in the blink of an eye, constricting it. While the strength of its constriction is not as intense as that of a giant snake, the guardian scroll is intelligent enough to strategically wrap itself around the face of its target to blind and asphyxiate the creature.

**&aname(guardian-scroll-construction)作成法 &small(){[[Construction>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary5/guardianScroll.html#guardian-scroll-construction]]}
 A guardian scroll's body is usually made of paper crafted from the body of a living, intelligent tree or plant creature; the complex process of extraction normally destroys the creature. For this reason, the creation of a guardian scroll is usually an evil act. A Large or Medium creature can provide more than enough paper to create dozens of guardian scrolls. The paper used for this purpose can also be produced alchemically from normal sources of pulp at greater expense with a successful DC25 Craft (alchemy) check. The additional price and cost for this alternative process are listed in parentheses in the stat block below.

***ガーディアン・スクロール &small(){Guardian Scroll}
&b(){術者レベル} 8レベル; &b(){市価} 5,000gp(7,500gp)

&b(){必要条件} 《人造クリーチャー作成》、&i(){ブルズ・ストレンクス}、&i(){フォールス・ライフ}、&i(){フライ}、&i(){レッサー・ギアス}、&i(){マジック・ウェポン}、&i(){メイク・ホウル}; paper made from an intelligent plant creature that dies or is slain during the paper-making process、or a more costly alchemically treated paper; 作成者は術者レベル13でなければならない〈言語学〉を5ランク持っていなければならない; &b(){技能} 〈製作:能書法〉DC15; &b(){コスト} 2,500gp(3,750gp)