B5 > ミューズ


B5/ミューズ - (2016/11/20 (日) 00:22:14) のソース

*&aname(muse)ミューズ &small(){[[Muse>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary5/muse.html#muse]]}
>This beautiful, woman moves with impossible grace, a knowing smile on her lips.

***ミューズ 脅威度16 &small(){Muse CR 16}
&b(){イニシアチブ} +12; &b(){感覚} 擬似視覚120フィート、夜目;〈知覚〉+22
&b(){AC} 32、接触28、立ちすくみ23(+9反発、+8【敏】、+4鎧)
&b(){hp} 229(17d6+170)
&b(){頑健} +19、&b(){反応} +27、&b(){意志} +21
&b(){防御能力} muse's ward、この世のものならぬ美; &b(){DR} 15/冷たい鉄; &b(){完全耐性} [音波]
&b(){移動速度} 60フィート
&b(){近接} 叩きつけ=+16(1d4+3、加えて1d6[音波])
&b(){遠隔} sound strikes(×5)=+16遠隔接触(4d6[音波])
&b(){特殊攻撃} バードの呪芸49ラウンド/日(即行アクション;16レベル・バードとして)
&b(){修得バード呪文} (術者レベル16;精神集中+25)
&b(){基本攻撃} +8; &b(){CMB} +10; &b(){CMD} 46
&b(){特技} 《イニシアチブ強化》、《技能熟練:芸能:全ておよび製作:全て》、《持続する呪芸》、《呪芸時間追加》、《追加hp》、《武器の妙技》、《不調和の声》、《防御的戦闘訓練》
&b(){技能} 〈隠密〉+28、〈芸能:全て〉+37、〈言語学〉+13、〈呪文学〉+23、〈製作:全て〉+34、〈脱出術〉+28、〈知覚〉+22、〈知識:全て〉+17、〈魔法装置使用〉+27
&b(){言語} エルフ語、共通語、天界語、ドワーフ語、ノーム語、ハーフリング語、森語;テレパシー100フィート;真言
&b(){その他の特殊能力} art is life、変身(小型または中型の人型生物; &i(){オルター・セルフ})、霊感
&b(){出現環境} 気候問わず/地形問わず
&b(){編成} 単体または集会(2~9)
&b(){宝物} ×3
 &b(){Art is Life(変則)/Art is Life} A muse is the master of all forms of art; she counts Craft and Perform as single skills and all Knowledge skills as class skills. She can use versatile performance as a bard for all categories of Perform. A muse's blindsight is sound-based.
 &b(){霊感(超常)/Inspiration} A muse can inspire art and passion in her targets, as per a nymph's inspiration. The muse has a constant &i(){ステイタス} spell cast on the creatures she is inspiring, and can project her senses to one of them, or teleport to a location within 100フィート of one of them, as a standard action. She can inspire a number of creatures equal to her Charisma bonus.
 &b(){Muse's Ward(超常)/Muse's Ward} A muse incorporates solid music into her jewelry and clothing, granting her (but not others) a +4 armor bonus to AC and allowing her to add half her Charisma bonus to her Constitution bonus when calculating hit points. The notes also act as masterwork instruments for all types of Perform.
 &b(){この世のものならぬ美(超常)/Unearthly Grace} A muse adds her Charisma modifier as a racial bonus on saves, and as a deflection bonus to AC.
 Muses are the fey incarnation of inspiration, rousing poets, musicians, and artists to greater works of beauty.