B5 > ラミドレフ


B5/ラミドレフ - (2016/09/19 (月) 05:36:49) のソース

*&aname(ramidreju)ラミドレフ &small(){[[Ramidreju>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary5/ramidreju.html#ramidreju]]}
>This long, serpent-bodied weasel has tusks and a snout similar to that of a boar and a body covered with soft, green fur.

***ラミドレフ 脅威度1/2 &small(){Ramidreju CR 1/2}
&b(){イニシアチブ} +2; &b(){感覚} 暗視60フィート、夜目、鋭敏嗅覚;〈知覚〉+6

&b(){AC} 12、接触12、立ちすくみ10(+2【敏】)
&b(){hp} 11(2d10)
&b(){頑健} +3、&b(){反応} +5、&b(){意志} +1

&b(){移動速度} 40フィート、穴掘り10フィート、登攀 20フィート
&b(){近接} 噛みつき=+4(1d6、加えて“つかみ”)
&b(){特殊攻撃} 吸血(1【耐久力】)、締めつけ(1d6)
&b(){擬似呪文能力} (術者レベル3;精神集中+3)

&b(){基本攻撃} +2; &b(){CMB} +2(+6組みつき); &b(){CMD} 14(足払いされない)
&b(){特技} 《武器の妙技》
&b(){技能} 〈隠密〉+8、〈脱出術〉+8、〈知覚〉+6、〈登攀〉+8; &b(){種族修正} +6〈隠密〉、+6〈脱出術〉
&b(){言語} 森語(話せない)
&b(){その他の特殊能力} 収縮、pit digger、smell gold

&b(){出現環境} 気候問わず/地上
&b(){編成} 単体
&b(){宝物} ×3(gold items)

 &b(){Pit Digger(変則)/Pit Digger} A ramidreju can dig a 20-foot-deep pit in normal ground or soft earth (not solid stone) and cover it with branches, grass, and twigs. This pit is identical to a CR 1 pit trap. It takes a ramidreju 4 hours to dig a pit, though the creature is not required to complete all the digging in the same day.
 &b(){Smell Gold(変則)/Smell Gold} A ramidreju can use its scent ability to detect and pinpoint the location of gold within 90フィート. The ramidreju can smell buried gold, gold held inside a container (like a backpack or treasure chest), or even gold deposits inside solid rock. The ramidreju knows neither the amount of gold nor if the gold is carried or guarded by a trap or creature.
 Ramidrejus are snake-bodied weasels with a talent for digging pit traps and sniffing out gold. Most ramidrejus have green fur, often patterned with darker and lighter shades of green and brown suggestive of a poisonous snake's scales. Though not venomous, ramidrejus are fully capable of crushing small prey or biting and draining the blood from larger foes.
 Ramidrejus are sometimes born into the litters of normal or giant weasel families who live near wild areas touched by fey magic. Belligerent and feisty, they are usually killed or driven off by their birth mothers, who are unnerved by their otherworldly nature. Ramidrejus that survive their infancy grow quickly to adulthood in the space of a week and live solitary lives sometimes lasting 300 years or more.
 Due to their fey influence, all ramidrejus instinctively understand a small amount of Sylvan and can respond through facial expressions or tapping their feet, if not actual words.
 Ramidrejus are unnaturally attracted to gold and often decorate their burrows with gold nuggets, gold coins, and stolen gold jewelry, which they protect with a savage ferocity. Unscrupulous gold miners have been known to capture ramidrejus and force them to sniff out and dig up caches of gold, though the creatures' unpredictable tempers often cause this arrangement to end in bloodshed. Kinder souls who bribe a ramidreju with gold rather than force it into captivity find that the creatures will occasionally form a powerful lifelong friendship with such a benefactor, though the ramidreju's desire for gold can mean that its ally makes little profit from this arrangement.