

スコーピオン - (2009/11/26 (木) 22:48:07) のソース

// BEGIN_OF-scorpion.html
// ORIGINAL-http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/monsters/scorpion.html
* &spanid(scorpion){スコーピオン} &small(){[[Scorpion>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/monsters/scorpion.html]]}

* &spanid(scorpion-giant){スコーピオン:ジャイアント・スコーピオン(巨大サソリ)} &small(){[[Scorpion, Giant>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/monsters/scorpion.html#scorpion-giant]]}

>The sixteen-foot-long scorpion scrabbles forward, ferocious claws raised in challenge, stingered tail arched over its back.

*** ジャイアント・スコーピオン(巨大サソリ) 脅威度3 &small(){Giant Scorpion}

''イニシアチブ'' +0;''感覚'' 暗視60フィート、振動感知60フィート;〈知覚〉+4

**** 防御

''アーマー・クラス'' 16、接触9、立ちすくみ16(+7鎧、-1サイズ)
''ヒット・ポイント'' 37(5d8+15)
''頑健'' +7、''反応'' +1、''意志'' +1
''完全耐性'' [精神作用]効果

**** 攻撃

''移動速度'' 50フィート
''近接'' 爪(×2)=+6(1d6+4、加えて“つかみ”)、針=+6(1d6+4、加えて“毒”)
''接敵面'' 10フィート;''間合い'' 10フィート
''特殊攻撃'' 締めつけ(1d6+4)

**** 一般データ

''基本攻撃'' +3;''戦技ボーナス'' +8(組みつき+12);''戦技防御'' 18(対足払い30)
''技能'' 〈登攀〉+8、〈知覚〉+4、〈隠密〉+0;''種族修正'' +4〈登攀〉、+4〈知覚〉、+4〈隠密〉

**** 生態

''出現環境'' 暑熱または温暖/砂漠、森林、平地、または地下
''編成'' 単体
''宝物'' なし

**** 特殊能力

''毒(変則)'' 針・致傷型;頑健セーヴ・難易度17;頻度=1回/ラウンド(6ラウンド間);効果=1d2【筋力】ダメージ;治療=1回のセーヴ成功。このセーヴ難易度は【耐久力】に基づいており、+2の種族ボーナスを含んでいる。

Giant scorpions are monstrous versions of the more common desert scorpion. They are likely to attack any creature that approaches. Giant scorpions usually charge when attacking, grabbing prey in their pincers, then lashing their segmented tails forward to kill their victim with injected venom.

Giant scorpions are just over 8 feet long from head to the base of the tail; the tail adds an additional 8 feet or so, although it is usually curled up over the scorpion's back. Giant scorpions weigh between 2,000 and 6,000 pounds.

Giant scorpions normally feed on other giant vermin, as well as large mammals that they paralyze with their venom, but they will attack and eat any living creature that ventures too close. In turn, giant scorpions are preyed upon by purple worms and other large predators.

Giant scorpions engage in complex courtship rituals when they mate, grasping each other's pincers, arching their tails, and performing a circular “dance.” Soon after mating, the male usually retreats to avoid being cannibalized by the female.

Female scorpions do not lay eggs; they give birth to live young in broods of a dozen or so. The mother carries her brood on her back until the young are old enough to fend for themselves and hunt their own prey.

Giant scorpions live in underground burrows, either as solitary hunters or in small colonies, and will sometimes take up residence in man-made ruins or dungeons if food is plentiful. Giant scorpion colonies are usually made up of scorpions from the same brood that have yet to strike out on their own.

Other species of scorpions exist as well, some smaller but most quite a bit larger and favoring different terrains, such as forests, plains, or even underground. You can adjust the stats for the giant scorpion by changing Hit Dice and size(adjusting Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution as appropriate)to represent a wide range of species. The following table lists the most common variants.

| 種類                                   | 脅威度 | サイズ | ヒット・ダイス |
| グリーンスティング・スコーピオン       | 1/4   | 超小型 | 1d8            |
| ゴースト・スコーピオン                 | 1/2   | 小型   | 2d8            |
| ケイヴ・スコーピンオン                 | 1      | 中型   | 3d8            |
| デッドフォール・スコーピオン           | 8      | 超大型 | 10d8           |
| ジャイアント・エンペラー・スコーピオン | 11     | 巨大   | 16d8           |
| ブラック・スコーピオン                 | 15     | 超巨大 | 22d8           |
