Paizoブログ > アズラントの信仰


Paizoブログ/アズラントの信仰 - (2018/05/17 (木) 20:23:35) のソース

*アズラントの信仰 &small(){&link(Faith in Azlant){}}
 Subscriberは既にメールを受信したと思うので、Ruins of Azlant Adventure Pathの三つ目の記事のページをめくり始めたことだろう、そして手元に届いた人が見聞きする最初のものの一つは古代アズラントの神に関するページだろう。もう少し詳しく説明するが、今はPathfinder Adventure Path #123: The Flooded Cathedralの他の刺激的なものをここに見るだろう。
 Adventure Pathのこの時点では、ほんの少しの遭遇でPCは水没する場所に対処しなければならないだけであったが、これは浮袋を取り去り、浸水した大聖堂へと冒険者を深い所へ落としていくだろう――君の想像通りだ。しかしまだ怖がらなくてもいい!大聖堂全体はまだ浸水しておらず、冒険すべてが一箇所で行われるわけではない。この冒険は英雄たちがAncorato近くの島のアマズネン/Amaznenの寺院を探索するときにアズラントの秘密を明らかにしていく。内部にいる間彼らはクロックワークによる巻取り式の装置、地震波による動力発生装置、知的なクロックワーク、解析機関などの死した神の聖職者によって設計された驚くほどの神秘を見つけるだろう。
 I also got the chance to explore religion in ancient Azlant with a full pantheon of gods commonly worshiped during the height of the empire. With the utter destruction of Azlant, it's a wonder that any knowledge of these gods carried through to the current age. That many did is a testament to faith. Some of these gods are familiar faces that were worshiped slightly differently over 10,000 years ago, while others deities in the article are new and mostly unknown to the Inner Sea and current day Golarion. In this article you can learn about how Shelyn was depicted as being in mourning after her brother left for places unknown, and how Pharasmins during the height of Azlant still trusted in prophesy.
 Some people who've already read this article have commented that the details on Nurgal don't exactly add up to what's mentioned in Pathfinder RPG Book of the Damned. Much of this is due to the focus of the pantheon article, where I was focusing on how things were close to the end of the Azlanti Empire. The ancient origin of Nurgal as presented in Book of the Damned happened long before the empire's collapse, and frankly an expansive origin story for that demon lord deserves to be in the Book of the Damned where it has more space than a single column in an Adventure Path.

**古代アズラントの神々  &small(){Gods of Ancient Azlant}
|神格|属性|Areas of Concern|領域|好む武器|h
|Acavna|CN|Companionship, defensive battle, the moon|Chaos, Darkness, Protection, Repose, War|スピア|
|[[アチャイケク/Achaekek>アチャイケク]]|LE|Monsters, murder, natural disasters|Death, Evil, Law, Trickery, War|ソートゥース・サーベル|
|Aesocar|LG|Creation of life, health, medicine|Artifice, Good, Healing, Law, Protection|マンキャッチャー|
|アマズネン/Amaznen|LN|Invention, magic, secret knowledge|Artifice, Knowledge, Law, Magic, Protection|ライト・ハンマー|
|[[デズナ/Desna>デズナ]]|CG|夢、幸運、星、旅人|Chaos, Good, Liberation, Luck, Travel|スターナイフ|
|Elion|CG|Colonization, discovery, exploration|Chaos, Community, Good, Travel、天候|ロングボウ|
|[[グロトゥス/Groetus>グロトゥス]]|CN|Empty places, oblivion, ruins|Chaos, Darkness, Destruction, Madness, Void|ヘヴィ・フレイル|
|Jaidi|NG|Agriculture, hard work, self-sufficiency|Animal, Glory, Good, Plant, Sun|サイズ|
|[[リサーラ/Lissala]]|LN|Duty, fate, reward for service, runes|Knowledge, Law, Nobility, Rune|ウィップ|
|Myr|LG|Charity, lineage, physical perfection|Glory, Good, Law, Nobility, Strength|ロングソード|
|Nurgal|CE|Deserts, senseless warfare, the sun|Chaos, Evil, Fire, Sun|ヘヴィ・メイス|
|Onos|N|元素、大使、他次元界の旅|Air, Earth, Fire, Travel, Water|チャクラム|
|[[ファラズマ/Pharasma>ファラズマ]]|N|誕生、死、運命、予言|Death, Healing, Knowledge, Repose, Water|ダガー|
|Scal|NE|Annihilation, catharsis, purity|Destruction, Earth, Evil, Liberation, Void|メテオ・ハンマー|
|Sicva|LE|Domination, invasive species, oppression|Animal, Evil, Law, Nobility, Strength|ラッソ|
|Ulon|NE|Conspiracy, isolation, manipulation|Charm, Community, Evil, Knowledge, Trickery|ハンド・クロスボウ|
|Zura/ズーラ|CE|血、人肉食、吸血鬼|Chaos, Death, Evil, Madness|レイピア|

 I hope everyone's been enjoying the Ruins of Azlant Adventure Path. There's still more to come!

Adam Daigle