The Watcher of Ages

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  • The Watcher of Ages
    ...―Part II The Watcher of Ages 数百年前、シェリアックスでかつての強大な要塞が地底に沈み、永遠に破壊された。君は the Collapsed Halls として知られるその遺跡を目録に載せ、噂にあるオシーリオン人の愛妾の隠された墓を発見するためそこに送り込まれた。恐るべき獣たちの遺跡を突破した後、君は以前来た誰よりも深く遺跡を探索し、5000年以上もの間ゴラリオンを監視してきた悪意ある知性を明るみに出す。さらに悪いことに、それは君が来たことを知っている。 The Watcher of Ages は the Echoes of the Everwar シリーズの第2部である。第1部、第2部、第3部はどんな順番でプレイしても良いが、第4部は最後にプレイしなければならない。第3部 Pathfinder Society Scenario 3 ...
  • Echoes of the Overwatched
    Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-07 Echoes of the Overwatched 1-5レベル用パスファインダー協会シナリオ アブサロムの有名なBlakros Museumで働いていたPathginderのエージェントが、恐ろしい古代の悪の犠牲者となった時、解放された恐怖を狩るPCのもとに落ちるならば、狂った天文学者Ralzeros the Overwatchedの遺物を取り戻す前だろう。 著者 James F. Mackenzie このシナリオはパスファインダー協会加盟プレイを遊ぶためにデザインされているが、いかなるワールドで使用するのにも簡単に改変できる。このシナリオはOpen Game License(OGL)が適用され、パスファインダー・ロールプレイング・ゲームの使用が適している。 カテゴリ:Pat...
  • The Faithless Dead
    ...―Part IV The Faithless Dead 最近パスファインダー協会によってオシーリオンに返還されたソシス Sothis の有名な愛妾たちが、その国の首都のパスファインダー協会支部から盗まれた。その力が古代の邪悪を呼び起すために使われる前に彼女たちを見つけ出せるかは、君にかかっている。 The Faithless Dead は the Echoes of the Everwar キャンペーンの第4部かつ最後のシナリオである。第1部は Pathfinder Society Scenario #36 Echoes of the Everwar―Part I The Prisoner of Skull Hill、第2部は Pathfinder Society Scenario #42 Echoes of the Everwar―Part II Th...
  • Pathfinder Society Scenario
    ...lent Tide The Hydra s Fang Incident Murder on the Silken Caravan The Frozen Fingers of Midnight Mists of Mwangi Black Waters Among the Living Slave Pits of Absalom Eye of the Crocodile King Blood at Dralkard Manor The Third Riddle Stay of Execution The Prince of Augustana The Many Fortunes of Grandmaster Torch The Asmodeus Mirage To Scale the Dragon Perils of the Pirate Pact The Trouble with Se...
  • The Prisoner of Skull Hill
    ...r―Part I The Prisoner of Skull Hill 無秩序なオークに支配されたベルクゼンの領土の奥深くにあるシェリアックスの居住地が、その上空に奇妙な炎が燃え上がっているのが見られた後に音信不通となった。君はその消失を調査し、居留地の木造の塔の地下にあると長く噂されていた失われた墓地を発見するため北方へ送り込まれた。到着し、その場がモンスターと星の彼方から来た恐ろしい植物クリーチャーでいっぱいであることを発見した時、君の任務は探検から生存に早変わりする。 The Prisoner of Skull Hill は the Echoes of the Everwar シリーズの第1部である。第1部、第2部、第3部はどんな順番でプレイしても良いが、第4部は最後にプレイしなければならない。第2部 Pathfinder Society Scenari...
  • Sanctum of the Sages
    Pathfinder Society Scenario #5–16 Destiny of the Sands—Part 3 Sanctum of the Sages 3~7レベル用パスファインダー協会シナリオ Uncovering the secrets of a Jeweled Sage reveals that the others are in grave danger, and the PCs set off after notorious jewel thieves before the criminals can disappear with another priceless treasure. When the trail leads to the sages’ hidden sanctum deep within the Pillars of th...
  • PRD外/クラス/ウィッチ
    ...ook 16ページ:The witch can touch a creature to suppress or protect it from negative conditions. The witch chooses one of the following conditions each time she uses this hex dazzled, fatigued, shaken, or sickened. If the target is or later becomes afflicted with the chosen condition, that condition is suppressed for a number of minutes equal to the witch’s level. Alternatively, the witch can gran...
  • index&進行度合い確認表/Paizo
    ...Offerings The Skinsaw Murders The Hook Mountain Massacre Fortress of the Stone Giants Sins of the Saviors Spires of Xin-Shalast Curse of the Crimson Throne Player s Guide Edge of Anarchy Seven Days to the Grave Escape from Old Korvosa A History of Ashes Skeletons of Scarwall Crown of Fangs Shadow in the Sky Children of the Void The Armageddon Echo Endless Night A Memory of Darkness Descent into...
  • PG/ライズ・オヴ・ザ・ルーンローズ・アニバーサリー・エディション
    ...DUCTION “The town of Sandpoint needs you!”  Those were the first words in the foreword of Pathfinder Adventure Path #1, which premiered the first Rise of the Runelords Adventure, “Burnt Offerings.” This call to arms was followed by two pages titled “Welcome to Golarion,” introducing the town of Sandpoint, the Inner Sea Region, and the world of Golarion itself. That was 5 years ago. Since then...
  • PRD外/クラス/チェナサルド・ウォーデン
    ...e forest. They specialize in neutralizing enemies without being seen, but they are not a threat to be taken lightly even in close-quarters combat.  This title is earned only by those who have overcome insurmountable odds and survived unimaginable danger. There are just a handful of wardens alive at any given time, as it is a position that places one in constant peril. Wardens set themselves...
  • PRD外/クラス/ウィッチ/アーキタイプ
    ...ts 20ページ The Alley Witch archetype s crowd patron grants ventriloquism instead of ears of the city  Some witches find their spark of magic in the long, dark shadows and forgotten places within the city.  Child of the Streets/Child of the Streets:An alley witch gains Bluff and Knowledge (local) as class skills, but loses Knowledge (nature) and Knowledge (planes) as class skills. This alte...
  • PRD外/クラス/ウィッチ/呪術
    ...ook 16ページ:The witch can touch a creature to suppress or protect it from negative conditions. The witch chooses one of the following conditions each time she uses this hex dazzled, fatigued, shaken, or sickened. If the target is or later becomes afflicted with the chosen condition, that condition is suppressed for a number of minutes equal to the witch’s level. Alternatively, the witch can gran...
  • PRD外/魔法のアイテム/下級アーティファクト
    ...グ・モー霧のドーム The Fog Dome ファイナル・ブレード フランマ・ホラカルコン フラッタード・ウィング 3.5 Materialフューネラル・マスク・オヴ・ザ・フォー・ファラオズ・オヴ・アセンション フューネラリー・クラウン・オヴ・ザ・トゥルー・キング ゴッドクロー・ガントレッツ ハープ・オヴ・ナイツ・ホープ ハイカリズ・ハウス・オヴ・カーズ ハート・オヴ・ヌー・アテモン ヘルファイア・ハロー ヘルム・オヴ・ガヴァナンス アワーグラス・オヴ・シャドウズ イド・ポートレート インペリアル・ダイアデム アイウーン・ストーン・サーシローン ジョーンディスド・スカル・アイウーン・ストーン ライフ・ランタン ロータス・ストーン・オヴ・ナムルト マギ・スタッフ・オヴ・ディープ・ブラック マギ・スタッフ・オヴ・マンモス マギ・スタッフ・オヴ・ネクロマンサー マギ・スタッフ・オヴ・スカラ...
  • Mother of Flies
    Pathfinder Adventure Path #29 Mother of Flies(Council of Thieves 5 of 6) Chapter 5 "Mother of Flies" 著者 Greg A. Vaughan 指導者が不在で秩序の乱れたウエストクラウンの街は、地獄の領域からの恐るべき襲撃をうけよろめいている。さらに街路にフィーンドが徘徊している一方、さらに密やかな反乱が水面下で展開している。今、新たな権力がウエストクラウン全ての支配権を主張して立ち上がる! 狂える魔女の予知のみがこの卑劣な攻撃を妨げる助けとなるかも知れない。しかし、廃墟となる瀬戸際にある都市の真の支配者に彼らは立ち向かうことができるのだろうか? パスファインダー・アドヴェンチャー・パスのこの巻は盗賊議会アドヴェンチャー・パスの続きであり、含...
  • The Slave Trenches of Hakotep
    ...Path #83 The Slave Trenches of Hakotep Chapter 5 "The Slave Trenches of Hakotep" By Michael Kortes 危機の中へ  「空のファラオ」ハコテップ1世が復活し、ワチの町に対する攻撃を開始した! 英雄たちはこの脅威から守るためにワチへと戻るが、この攻撃はハコテップの空飛ぶ墓場からオシーリオンへの制御されたより大きな侵略の序章に過ぎないことが分かるだけである。ハコテップの奴隷壕を旅し、英雄たちはハコテップの墓場を地表へと引き戻すために古代の武器を作動させる方法を学ばなければならない。英雄たちは空のファラオの空飛ぶピラミッドを倒すのか? それとも彼らの骨はハコテップの奴隷壕の中に崩れ落ちている何千ものスケルトンの一員となってしまうのだろうか? ...
  • PRD外/クラス/ウィッチ/Unique Patrons
    ... figures. They dispense arcane power to those whose interests and mindsets align with their needs, and once a witch drifts from the cause or refuses to pay the price for such power, her patron divests the spellcaster of her powers and depart. Wicked patrons enjoy longer-lasting relationships, however, manipulating the witches’ minds and punishing disobedience in a manner far more personal than ...
  • PRD外/クラス/ローグ/アーキタイプ
    ... grapple. These bonuses increase by 1 for every 3 levels beyond 3rd. This ability replaces trap sense.  ローグの技:The following rogue talents complement the Bekyar kidnapper archetype black market connectionsUC, camouflageAPG, combat trick, rope masterUC, survivalistAPG, and terrain masteryUC.  上級の技:The following advanced rogue talents complement the Bekyar kidnapper archetype crippling s...
  • The Edge of Heaven #3-09 The Quest for Perfection—Part I The Edge of Heaven 1~5レベル用パスファインダー協会シナリオ 遠きティエン・シアの地ではパスファインダー協会のLantern LodgeはRuby Phoenix Tournamentで勝利を確実にするための強力な遺物を探して、放棄されたIroranの修道院へとWall of Heavenの山々の標高の高い地点へエージェントを送った。修道院がthe Master of Mastersを信仰するものによって長く使われていなかったが、全く危険がないというわけではなく、単に古代のアーティファクトを取り戻すだけであることが非常に大規模な探求の始まりであったことにPCたちはすぐに気が付くだろう。 The Edge of HeavenはThe Quest for Per...
  • PRD外/クラス/アルケミスト/アーキタイプ level. The concoction grants the aerochemist a +5 bonus on Acrobatics checks to attempt high jumps or long jumps, and he is always treated as having a running start when attempting long jumps. In addition, the aerochemist gains the benefits of feather fall for the concoction’s duration. At 6th level, the aerochemist gains the benefits of fly for the concoction’s duration. At 10th level, the ...
  • PRD外/種族/チェンジリング tasks. They share a vivacity, an addiction to new sights and experiences, and a tendency to collect souvenirs wherever they go. 祖先 アニス・ハグ 一般的な属性 混沌にして中立 能力値修正 +2【筋力】、+2【魅力】、 –2【耐久力】 ハグの種族特性 アニスボーンは 近接攻撃によるダメージに+1の種族ボーナスを得る。 目覚めたハグの遺産 あなたのギザギザした爪はぽっかりとした傷の原因となり、クリティカル・ヒットの際に1ポイントの出血ダメージを与える。 アッシュボーン(炉の女)Ash-Born (Hearth May) 出典 Blood of the Coven 5ページ  Possessed of a blazing inner f...
  • PRD外/クラス/インクィジター/アーキタイプ
    ...movement. These rounds don’t need to be consecutive. Activating this ability is an immediate action.  This ability replaces discern lies. Cold Iron Warden Cold Iron Warden 出典 Demon Hunter s Handbook 15ページ  The natural enemies of demoniacs and other cultists of fiendish forces, cold iron wardens are inquisitors who dedicate their lives to eradicating the taint of demonkind from Golar...
  • PRD外/クラス/アルケミスト
    ...capstone. The following section provides new capstones for characters to select at 20th level. A character can select one of the following capstones in place of the capstone provided by her class. Some capstones are for specific classes, while others are for a range of classes that qualify for them. In some cases, a capstone specifies what ability it replaces. A character can’t select a new cap...
  • PRD外/種族/グリーン・マーシャン
    ...een them. The green Martians have ever been at war with the red. black, yellow, and white inhabitants of Barsoom. Legends speak that once, long, long ago, the races of Mars shared a common ancestor, but today most civilized red Martians of city-states like Helium and Zodanga consider green Martians dangerous. subhuman raiders. Their tall frames, four arms. and battle ferocity nonetheless make t...
  • PRD外/クラス/レンジャー/アーキタイプ
    ...e or die. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + half the ranger’s level + the ranger’s Wisdom modifier. An Abendego diver can instead deal an additional amount of nonlethal damage equal to the creature’s current hit points. A successful save negates this damage. An Abendego diver can use this ability once per day against each of his favored enemy types but not against the same creature more than...
  • PRD外/クラス/ローグ
    ... 1 round. The DC of this saving throw is equal to 10 + 1/2 the rogue’s level + the rogue’s Intelligence modifier. Sacred Sneak Attack(超常)/Sacred Sneak Attack 出典:Champions of Purity 25ページ:When making a sneak attack against an undead creature or evil outsider, the rogue’s sneak attack damage is considered good-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Normal weapon damage is una...
  • PRD外/クラス/ディヴァイン・サイオン
    ...e scions. The spark of divinity animates their every deed, and voices whisper secrets and commands that were never meant for the ears of others. Divine scions may frustrate the orthodox hierarchy of their faith, as they represent an end-run around the ecclesiastical structures of the church. Their calling comes directly from their deity, and their orders supersede any earthly authority. Of cour...
  • PRD外/毒
    ... effects. The first time after an affected character triggers the poison and fails a saving throw to resist the poison, the character suffers the initial effect. If the affected character fails any subsequent saving throws, he suffers the secondary effect. Unless noted otherwise, a triggered poison that isn’t triggered after 1 day has no effect. + 目次 毒 PoisonsBlackfrost Blackfrost Blue ...
  • PRD外/クラス/ファイター/アーキタイプ
    ...attacker. The aerial assaulter must be flying to use this ability.  This replaces armor mastery.  High Ground Mastery(変則)/High Ground Mastery:At 20th level, whenever an aerial assaulter threatens a critical hit with an attack made from higher ground, he automatically confirms the critical hit, and the weapon’s damage multiplier is increased by 1. In addition, all bull rush, dirty trick,...
  • PRD外/クラス/レンジャー
    ...ジ  効果 The target is splattered with acid, taking a number of points of acid damage equal to 1d6 + 1/2 the ranger’s level to the triggering creature (Reflex negates). If it is an extraordinary trap, the ranger must supply a dose of acid when setting the trap.  Magical Component scroll of corrosive touch Anchoring Trap*(超常)/Anchoring Trap 出典 Demon Hunter s Handbook 11ページ  効果 This tra...
  • PRD外/クラス/ウィザード/系統
    ...r 29ページ  The prestigious Egorian Academy of the Magical Arts in Cheliax’s capital city teaches a full spectrum of magic, both specialized and universalist, but the college is best known for its Infernal Binding program in the school of conjuration. An infernal binder learns the Names of Hell, and can use those powers to summon and bind devils to do her bidding. If she makes a single mistake in...
  • PRD外/麻薬
    ...der #110 The Thrushmoor Terror 14ページ 種別 摂取;中毒 軽症、頑健・DC14 価格 15GP 効果 3時間;+1d6 alchemical bonus on a single Knowledge (any one), Perception, or Sense Motive check once per minute for the duration of the effect Onset 30 minutes ダメージ 1d4【魅】  These small mushrooms, grown in dark forests, have red caps dotted with white spots. Able to induce strong hallucinogenic states, they have long been use...
  • PFS/作成済みキャラクター/キネティシスト
    ...c threat. Then、just before her eighth birthday、Yoon s father and grandmother took her to Oda for a fireworks festival that honored Desna. As the fireworks faded、though、Yoon saw flames shooting from the building where her father had gone to meet with fellow Desnan dissidents、who were unhappy with Minkai s harsh imperial regency. Just when the imperial soldiers moved to cut them down、Yoon s grand...
  • BOTD/神格/メスタマ
    ...agic (Su) The Mother of Witches imbues you with the darkest power of witchcraft. You gain a grand hex, chosen from any of those available to witches. This hex’s DC is equal to 10 + half your level + your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier (whichever is highest); if you are a witch, you can use your hexes’ DC instead. If you are not a witch or a hag, you can use this hex only once per da...
  • PFS/キャンペーンにおける記述の明確化
    ... a roll). The damage is instead rolled normally. This ability functions once, though the jingasa continues to grant its deflection bonus even after the other ability is expended." パスファインダー・アドヴェンチャー・パス#67:The Snows of Summer  73ページ—Replace the text of the snowball spell with the following. School evocation [cold, water]; Level bloodrager 1, druid 1, magus 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, sum...
  • PRD外/クラス/使い魔
    ...s 20ページ  The secret of the arcane amplifier familiar was first discovered in Irrisen, where the winter witches used white-furred foxes or hares to strengthen their spells. More recently, the practice has spread to Nex and Cheliax, and to haunted Ustalav where necromancers use black-eyed ravens for their spells.  Echo(超常)/Echo:Once per day when delivering a touch spell, an arcane amplifier can...
  • PRD外/クラス/ドルイド
    ...Darkness. The potent magic of an ancient predator spirit flows through you.  Hunter s Senses(変則)/Hunter s Senses:You gain the ability to augment your senses on command. As a standard action, you grant yourself the scent special ability and improved vision. If you have normal vision, you gain low-light vision. If you have low-light vision, you gain darkvision out to a range of 30 feet. If yo...
  • Pathfinder Adventure Path
    ...Offerings The Skinsaw Murders The Hook Mountain Massacre Fortress of the Stone Giants Sins of the Saviors Spires of Xin-Shalast Curse of the Crimson Throne Curse of the Crimson Throne Player s Guide Edge of Anarchy Seven Days to the Grave Escape from Old Korvosa A History of Ashes Skeletons of Scarwall Crown of Fangs Second Darkness Shadow in the Sky Children of the Void The Armageddon Echo E...
  • PRD外/クラス/ドルイド/アーキタイプ
    ...ー‌ジ‌‌ ‌  The ashvawg tamer is a variant class that allows a druid to bond with strange and monstrous creatures. Given the unusual nature of these companions, the tamer also learns ways to strengthen his valuable ally. Most tamers worship Lamashtu, the Demon Queen, though a few have discovered these practices independently. Tamers develop a stronger bond with their companion than some of the mo...
  • PRD外/クラス/ハロワー
    ...are real. The harrower uses the ancient art of fortune-telling to harness destiny and thus augment her spellcasting abilities, infusing them with power by drawing cards from her Harrow deck and letting fate decide what elements of her magic need augmentation.  Several of the harrower’s powers require the drawing of cards from a Harrow deck. You can use an actual Harrow deck for this act (Ha...
  • PRD外/腐敗/デーモン
    ... take it. The action might include wanton destruction and violence, or merely tempting someone to behave in a chaotic evil manner. You must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC = 15 + your manifestation level) or succumb to this temptation and perform the action. What counts as significant is up to the GM. If something prevents you from performing this act, the GM chooses a time over the next wee...
  • PRD外/種族/シセイリア
    ...rom life. They take pleasure in new experiences, from trying new land fare to meeting a previously unknown race and exploring unknown waters. From the waist up, cecaelias resemble humans with agile but muscular builds. Their eye, hair, and skin coloring tends to mimic that of surfacers in nearby communities; this natural adaptive trait allows them to more easily form social bonds with neigh...
  • PRD外/クラス/キャヴァリアー/騎士団
    ...Tapestry. There are no colleges or universities where an aspiring cavalier can learn the ways of the order of the beast; it is a corruption of the other cavalier orders, and its secrets are whispered in the dreams of unbalanced youths by dark beings and passed down in forbidden rituals.  On Golarion, order of the beast cavaliers are most often found leading orc tribes on raids from within t...
  • PRD外/クラス/クレリック/アーキタイプ
    ... receive. The angelfire apostle receives one fewer spell slot at each spell level. When an angelfire apostle gets no spells per day at a spell level, he can cast domain spells of that level normally, but can only cast nondomain spells of that level if he gets them as bonus spells.  This ability alters the cleric’s spellcasting.  Extra Channel/Extra Channel:At 1st level, the angelfire apostle ...
  • PRD外/クラス/シャーマン/アーキタイプ of it. The benefactor uses her shaman level as her caster level for the purpose of this hex. Crystal Tender Crystal Tender 出典 Heroes of the Darklands 22ページ  Crystal tenders are most often found among subterranean races and races bearing a strong connection to the earth. A crystal tender focuses on the spirits of metal and stone, using crystals as a means to focus the power of the spi...
  • PRD外/魔法のアイテム/“装備部位・全身”のその他の魔法のアイテム
    ...重量 1ポンド  These magical sets of clothing can take many forms. In Segada, notable examples range from the ornate costumes of the Festival of Flowers to the flamboyant, birdlike costumes of the Waning Light Festival. When a wearer of a festival garment dances, he can get onlookers into a festive, celebratory mood. A wearer of a festival garment can attempt a Perform (dance) check instead of a Dip...
  • BOTD/神格/マモン
    ... 318ページ /The Argent Prince 詳細 属性 秩序にして悪 神殿 アークデヴィル その他の神殿 Kobold Deities 関心のある範囲 Avarice, watchfulness, wealth 領域 Artifice, Earth, Evil, Law 副領域 Construct, Devil (Evil), Devil (Law), Metal, Toil * 〔外典の侍祭〕の信仰特徴が必要である。 好む武器 ショートスピア 聖印 Devil-faced coin 神聖な動物 Rat 神聖な色 Gold, silver 恭順 Obedience  Shake a purse containing at least six coins of any minting rhythmically while recounting...
  • PRD外/種族/アクアティック・エルフ
    ...and seas. They establish small communities, uniting with other aquatic elves as needed for protection but remaining largely independent. Some of these communities are built partly above and partly below the water, with half-elves of aquatic descent living in the open air, while their aquatic kin make their homes below. An example of such a settlement is Acisazi, off the coast of the Chelish arc...
  • PRD外/クラス/ガンスリンガー
    ... enemies. The daredevil fighting style of the black powder vaulter has arisen simultaneously in two places—among Mana Wastes gunslingers inspired by the graceful fighting styles of Mwangi tribes, and among pirates from Tian Xia and the Shackles who encountered and inspired one another. 発露:A black powder vaulter gains the following deeds. Mobile Reload(変則)/Mobile Reload:If a black powde...
  • PRD外/クラス/インクィジター
    ...movement. These rounds don’t need to be consecutive. Activating this ability is an immediate action.  This ability replaces discern lies. Cold Iron Warden Cold Iron Warden 出典 Demon Hunter s Handbook 15ページ  The natural enemies of demoniacs and other cultists of fiendish forces, cold iron wardens are inquisitors who dedicate their lives to eradicating the taint of demonkind from Golar...
  • The Dagger of Trust
    Pathfinder Tales The Dagger of Trust 著者 Chris Willrich 戦争の霧 Gideon Gullは二重生活を送っている:片方はRhapsodic Collegeの優秀な若きバードとして、もう片方はタルドールの悪名高きLion Bladesでスパイとして訓練しているShadow Schoolの学生として。不思議な霧がタルドールとアンドーランの国境沿いに一般人を殺意に満ちた暴徒へと変化させ始めた時、謎を解決するのはGideonとその仲間のパフォーマーたちである。しかし、片手で数えられるほどのエンターテイナーで本当に勃発しようとしている戦争を止めることができるのだろうか? Chris Willrichが贈る、Pathfinder Roleplaying Game の世界を舞台とする新たな陰謀、諜報、秘術の神秘の冒険譚。...
  • @wiki全体から「The Watcher of Ages」で調べる

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