Ultimate Equipment Pocket Edition

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  • Ultimate Equipment Pocket Edition
    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Equipment Pocket Edition Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipmentで君の武器を選択し大胆な戦いの場へ!この便利な一体型となったリファレンスで、単純なキャンペーンの装備から武器から世界を揺るがすアーティファクトに至るまで魔法のアイテムと冒険の装備を満載の400ページの中に見つけることができる。便利なルール・リファレンス、便利な価格リスト、幅広いランダムでの宝物の作成チャートも用意しており、必要な時に必要なものを見つけるのに非常に役立つ一品だ。この膨大なツールと宝物のカタログで、退屈なドラゴンの宝物庫の時代は終わり、君のヒーローは二度と準備無しで捕らえることができなくなるだろう。 Pathfinder RPG Ultimate EquipmentはPath...
  • 製品リスト
    ...estiary 2 Ultimate Magic Ultimate Combat Beginner Box Bestiary 3 Advanced Race Guide Player Character Folio Bestiary Box Ultimate Equipment NPC Codex Ultimate Campaign NPC Codex Box Bestiary 2 Box Mythic Adventures Bestiary 4 Bestiary 3 Box Bestiary 4 Box Advanced Class Guide Monster Codex Strategy Guide Pathfinder Unchained Occult Adventures Monster Codex Box GM Screen—Alternate Cover 2 Summon...
  • Ultimate Intrigue Pocket Edition
    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Intrigue Pocket Edition 言葉は深く刻まれる 正しい舞台では、1つの容赦のない言葉は毒を塗られた短剣よりも危険なものである。英雄的な戦いと魔法の世界の裏側には、危険と欺瞞が渦巻く弱点が眠っている。個の陰謀の世界は英雄たちが鉄の代わりに言葉で戦い、勇敢な盗みを企み、執拗な勝てない相手に対して意志の戦いに挑むように、冒険の終わりなき可能性を秘めている。影と秘密の一か八かのゲームは支配者への君のものである――君が知恵を持っているのならば!  英雄が大好きな大都会の血しぶき塗れの裏通りにいるのか、女王様と共に優雅な貴族のための攻防を繰り広げているかに関わらず、Pathfinder RPG Ultimate IntrigueはPathfinder RPG Core Rulebook...
  • index&進行度合い確認表/Paizo
    ...estiary 2 Ultimate Magic Ultimate Combat Beginner Box Bestiary 3 Advanced Race Guide Player Character Folio Bestiary Box Ultimate Equipment NPC Codex Ultimate Campaign NPC Codex Box Bestiary 2 Box Mythic Adventures Bestiary 4 Bestiary 3 Box Bestiary 4 Box Advanced Class Guide Monster Codex Strategy Guide Pathfinder Unchained Occult Adventures Monster Codex Box GM Screen?Alternate Cover 2 Summon...
  • Occult Adventures Pocket Edition
    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Occult Adventures Pocket Edition  目には見えない世界が君の回りには存在している。大通りで、権力者のホールで、君の夢の中で、そして多元宇宙の奇妙な次元界の向こうで、蟻の中にいるジャイアントのように歩き回り、古代の知識を求めて現実を彼らの意志によって捻じ曲げる者たちがいる。今、ありふれた世界の幕を引き、これらの心霊のマスターの秘密を学ぶのだ――君に勇気があるのならば!  Pathfinder RPG Occult AdventuresはPathfinder RPG Core Rulebookと対になった必携の一冊である。この想像力に富むテーブルトークゲームは、15年以上のシステム開発と、史上最も売れたファンタジールールに新時代をもたらすという斬新なRPG経験を生み出すために50,000人以...
  • GameMastery Guide Pocket Edition
    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GameMastery Guide Pocket Edition 世界を律せよ プレイヤーたちはパスファインダー・ロールプレイング・ゲームの英雄たちかもしれないが、残りの世界全体はゲーム・マスターの肩にかかっている。GMにとって幸運なことに、the Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide が君を支援するためここにある。値段も付けれないほどのヒントと情報を詰め込んだこの本は、セッションを運営する基本に関する助言から、世界とストーリーラインをかみ合わせて作るより大きな謎まで、君のゲームを次のレベルに上げるのに必要な全てが入っている。君が今まで1回しかゲームをしたことがなくても、1,000回やったことがあっても、この本はページをめくればめくるほど、君をますます鋭敏に、軽快に、そして創造的にし、...
  • PRD外/クラス/ピット・ファイター
    ...e combat (Ultimate Combat 153), with the crowd’s starting attitude being indifferent. He makes performance checks, may use performance feats, and takes bonuses or penalties based on the crowd’s reaction as normal, even if there is no crowd actually watching the fight. Only the pit fighter is affected by this ability. Activating this ability is a swift action. The encounter’s CR determines the D...
  • Advanced Race Guide Pocket Edition
    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Race Guide Pocket Edition  Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guideで君の遺産を最大限に活用しよう!神話やゲームの歴史から30以上もの象徴的な種族の1つをプレイすることによって君の内なるモンスターを抱きしめたり、君自身の全く新しい種族を構築したりできる。古典的な種族が君のスタイルであれば、エルフ、ドワーフなどのその他主要な種族のスレテオタイプなものを超えて、新しいオプションや装備を用意して他の者たちよりも目立ったものしよう。  Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guideは Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook と対になった必携の一冊である。この想像力に富むテーブルトークゲームは、10年以上のシステム開発...
  • Advanced Class Guide Pocket Edition
    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide Pocket Edition 英雄の新時代へ  Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guideを使ってこれまでにない冒険をしよう! 10この新しい基本クラスの20レベルまでの驚くべき能力で勇壮の新しい高みへと探索しよう。信じられないほどのパワーが、百個以上の新しいアーキタイプとクラス・オプションで既存のキャラクターを待っている。今までにない呪文や魔法のアイテムを大量に選んで、最も伝説的なキャラクターの準備をしよう!  Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class GuideはPathfinder RPG Core Rulebookと対になった必携の一冊である。この想像力に富むテーブルト...
  • Advanced Player's Guide Pocket Edition
    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Player s Guide Pocket Edition  君のゲームを次のレベルへ!  Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player s Guide でロールプレイングの新しい未踏の深みを探検せよ! 君の今のキャラクターをパスファインダーRPGの11の基本クラスと7つのコア種族の拡張ルールで強化せよ。あるいは、6つのまったく新しい20レベルまである標準クラスの1つを使って新規にキャラクターを作成せよ。君が謎めいたサモナーとして自らのモンスターのような助け手を設計するにせよ、すすけた街のアルケミストとして厄介なものを合成するにせよ、単に昔馴染みのローグに新しい技を教えるにせよ、この本には君の英雄をよりヒロイックにするのに必要な全てがある。  Pathfinder RPG...
  • PG/パスファインダー協会ロールプレイング組合手引書8期
    ...ractions. Ultimately, you are he final authority at the table, but you must warn any player whose character is deviating from his chosen alignment. This warning must be clear, and you must make sure that the player understands the warning and the actions that initiated the warning. The PC should be given the opportunity to correct the behavior, justify it, or face the consequences. We believe a...
  • PRD外/クラス/ローグ(アンチェインド)/ローグの技
    ...inder RPG Ultimate Intrigue 12). This community can be an entire settlement or portions of a settlement (such as a particular district or neighborhood), depending on the population as allowed by the renown social talent. Anytime she could select another rogue talent, the rogue can also select from the following list of social talents (from pages 10–13 of Ultimate Intrigue), using her rogue leve...
  • PRD外/クラス/ローグ/ローグの技
    ...inder RPG Ultimate Intrigue 12). This community can be an entire settlement or portions of a settlement (such as a particular district or neighborhood), depending on the population as allowed by the renown social talent. Anytime she could select another rogue talent, the rogue can also select from the following list of social talents (from pages 10–13 of Ultimate Intrigue), using her rogue leve...
  • PRD外/クラス/ローグ(アンチェインド)
    ...inder RPG Ultimate Intrigue 12). This community can be an entire settlement or portions of a settlement (such as a particular district or neighborhood), depending on the population as allowed by the renown social talent. Anytime she could select another rogue talent, the rogue can also select from the following list of social talents (from pages 10–13 of Ultimate Intrigue), using her rogue leve...
  • BOTD/神格/マハタラー
    ...inder RPG Ultimate Equipment). Additionally, the DC for entangled creatures to escape a net you wield increases by 1 for every 4 Hit Dice you possess. 3 Cut to the Truth (Su) Whenever you attack a target and have to roll a percent mischance as a result of effects such as concealment, blur, or similar effects, reduce that percent miss chance by 10%. Additionally, when taking the drug adyton, y...
  • PRD外/特技/アイテム作成特技
    ...ts  出典 Ultimate Wilderness 109ページ  You combine a natural green thumb and knowledge of magic in order to grow magic plants.  前提条件:Brew Potion, Craft Wondrous Item, Knowledge (nature) 1 rank.  利益:You can cultivate magic plants. Cultivating a magic plant takes 1 week per 1,000 gp in its base price. When you create a magic plant, you make the same choices that you would normally make wh...
  • PRD外/クラス/ガンスリンガー
    ...inder RPG Ultimate Equipment 45) as her battered firearm. This ability alters gunsmith. Wild Card(変則)/Wild Card:A firebrand uses her Charisma instead of Wisdom to determine the number of grit points she gains at the start of each day and to determine the DCs of her gunslinger deeds. A firebrand treats direct hits with her bombs as firearm attacks for the purpose of regaining grit (see t...
  • PRD外/クラス/ファイター/アーキタイプ
    ...inder RPG Ultimate Equipment 105), the opportunist can take a 5-foot step, even if he has already moved this round. He can use this ability only if he has not already taken a 5-foot step this round, and only if the smoke from his alchemical tool conceals his starting location.  Poison Use(変則)/Poison Use:The opportunist no longer risks poisoning himself when applying poison to a weapon. ...
  • Paizoブログ/グランド・ロッジからの雑多な情報
    グランド・ロッジからの雑多な情報 Hodgepodge from the Grand Lodge! 2019年5月20日月曜  Well, this is it. Years back, I began my freelance career with Paizo on a little book called the Giant Hunter s Handbook. Here I am years later actually working at Paizo and getting to close the book on the Player Companion line. It s kind of a bittersweet moment as I ve come to grow the line, but I know its new, younger sibling, th...
  • PRD外/クラス/ファイター
    ...inder RPG Ultimate Equipment 105), the opportunist can take a 5-foot step, even if he has already moved this round. He can use this ability only if he has not already taken a 5-foot step this round, and only if the smoke from his alchemical tool conceals his starting location.  Poison Use(変則)/Poison Use:The opportunist no longer risks poisoning himself when applying poison to a weapon. ...
  • PRD外/クラス/スピリチュアリスト/アーキタイプ
    ...inder RPG Ultimate Magic 47) except as noted on the Phantom Weapon Progression table on page 6 and in the descriptions below. A phantom blade with this class feature can’t have a phantom of any kind, even from another class.  This replaces phantom, phantom recall, spiritual bond, and dual bond.  Spell Combat(変則)/Spell Combat:A phantom blade can cast spells and wield her phantom weapon at the ...
  • PRD外/クラス/スピリチュアリスト
    ...inder RPG Ultimate Magic 137–138). Deactivating the aura is a free action. The phantom can use this ability in either ectoplasmic or incorporeal form.  Suffer in Stead(超常)/Suffer in Stead:When the spiritualist reaches 12th level, as an immediate action when her phantom is fully manifested and within 30 feet of her, she can transfer any of the following conditions to the phantom that would a...
  • BOTD/神格/ハーゲンティ
    ハーゲンティ Haagenti  出典 Inner Sea Gods 320ページ /The Whispers Within 詳細 属性 混沌にして悪 神殿 デーモン・ロード 関心のある範囲 Alchemy, invention, transformation 領域 Artifice, Chaos, Evil, Strength 副領域 Alchemy (Artifice)*, Construct, Demon (Chaos), Demon (Evil), Resolve, Self-Realization (Strength)*, Toil * 〔外典の侍祭〕の信仰特徴が必要である。 好む武器 バトルアックス 聖印 Philosopher's stone 神聖な動物 Bull 神聖な色 Gold, lead gray 恭順 Obedience...
  • PRD外/クラス/オカルティスト
    装具 Implements Sacred Implements Sacred Implements  Outsiders and divine servants leave especially lasting impressions when they interact with the Material Plane, and many occultists seek out the resulting sacred implements to augment their existing powers. A sacred implement is always a specific kind of object, though not necessarily unique.  An occultist can adopt a sacred implement wheneve...
  • Pathfinder Society Scenario
    Pathfinder Society Scenario Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play Season 0 scenario Silent Tide The Hydra s Fang Incident Murder on the Silken Caravan The Frozen Fingers of Midnight Mists of Mwangi Black Waters Among the Living Slave Pits of Absalom Eye of the Crocodile King Blood at Dralkard Manor The Third Riddle Stay of Execution The Prince of Augustana The Many Fortunes of Grandmaste...
  • index&進行度合い確認表
    ... +Ultimate Magic UM/メイガス UM/呪文発動クラス・オプション UM/呪文発動クラス・オプション/アルケミスト UM/呪文発動クラス・オプション/インクィジター UM/呪文発動クラス・オプション/インクィジター/アーキタイプ UM/呪文発動クラス・オプション/ウィザード UM/呪文発動クラス・オプション/ウィッチ UM/呪文発動クラス・オプション/オラクル UM/呪文発動クラス・オプション/オラクル/アーキタイプ UM/呪文発動クラス・オプション/クレリック UM/呪文発動クラス・オプション/サモナー UM/呪文発動クラス・オプション/サモナー/アーキタイプ UM/呪文発動クラス・オプション/ソーサラー UM/呪文発動クラス・オプション/ソーサラー/アーキタイプ UM/呪文発動クラス・オプション/ドルイド UM/呪文発動クラス・オプション/ド...
  • PRD外/クラス/ウィザード/アーキタイプ
    ...any-tool (Ultimate Equipment 323). The tool has the same AC and durability as a spiritual weapon and lasts for 10 minutes. The circumstance bonus the tool of force grants to appropriate skill checks starts at +2 (as masterwork tools) and increases to +3 at 9th level, and by an additional +1 every 4 levels thereafter, to a maximum of +5 at 17th level. A bonded wizard can only have one instan...
  • PRD外/クラス/モンク/アーキタイプ
    ...inder RPG Ultimate Combat, and rules for style feats are on page 78 of that book.  At 6th level, while the elemental monk is using a genie style feat, she also gains the benefits of a feat from the following list, as appropriate for that style’s feat path Djinni Spirit, Efreeti Stance, Janni Tempest, Marid Spirit, and Shaitan Skin.  At 10th level, while the elemental monk is using a ge...
  • PRD外/クラス/オカルティスト/装具
    装具 Implements Sacred Implements Sacred Implements  Outsiders and divine servants leave especially lasting impressions when they interact with the Material Plane, and many occultists seek out the resulting sacred implements to augment their existing powers. A sacred implement is always a specific kind of object, though not necessarily unique.  An occultist can adopt a sacred implement wheneve...
  • PRD外/クラス/ミーディアム/アーキタイプ
    ...inder RPG Ultimate Magic 33), or the 1st-level domain power of one of the following cleric domains Air, Animal, Community, Darkness, Death, Destruction, Earth, Fire, Healing, Knowledge, Protection, Rune, Strength, Sun, Trickery, War, Water, or Weather. The uda wendo has an effective cleric or druid level equal to 1/2 his medium level (minimum 1st) for the purpose of this ability. In addition, ...
  • PRD外/クラス/ローグ
    ...inder RPG Ultimate Intrigue 12). This community can be an entire settlement or portions of a settlement (such as a particular district or neighborhood), depending on the population as allowed by the renown social talent. Anytime she could select another rogue talent, the rogue can also select from the following list of social talents (from pages 10–13 of Ultimate Intrigue), using her rogue leve...
  • PRD外/クラス/モンク
    ...inder RPG Ultimate Combat, and rules for style feats are on page 78 of that book.  At 6th level, while the elemental monk is using a genie style feat, she also gains the benefits of a feat from the following list, as appropriate for that style’s feat path Djinni Spirit, Efreeti Stance, Janni Tempest, Marid Spirit, and Shaitan Skin.  At 10th level, while the elemental monk is using a ge...
  • PRD外/クラス/オカルティスト/アーキタイプ
    ‌オカルティストの‌アー‌キ‌タ‌イ‌プ‌ ‌Occultist Archetypes‌ ‌ ‌Construct Collector‌ ‌Construct Collector‌ ‌ ‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Construct Handbook 11ペー‌ジ‌‌ ‌  Trapped within each construct is a spiritual presence, be it a bound elemental or raw magical energy. Construct collectors draw out that presence and use it to gain unlikely power in the battlefield.  Constructed Focus(超常)/Constructed Focus:At 3rd level, a cons...
  • PRD外/クラス/ヴィジランテ
    ...inder RPG Ultimate Combat 14), using his vigilante level as his effective ninja level.  This ability replaces the vigilante talent gained at 2nd level.  Teisatsu Talents/Teisatsu Talents:A teisatsu selects vigilante talents as normal. He can’t select the rogue talent vigilante talent. He can, however, select either of the talents below, which are unique to the teisatsu.  This abilit...
  • PRD外/クラス/メイガス
    ...inder RPG Ultimate Magic 64ページ)。追加のレンジャーの罠は15ページに記載している。このメイガスの秘奥を選択するとき少なくとも10レベルでなければならない。 射程延長魔法/Reach Magic 出典 Ranged Tactics Toolbox 13ページ:メイガスは、《呪文射程伸長》APG特技によって修正されるかのように1日毎に呪文の1つを発動することができる。これは呪文の発動時間やレベルを増加させない。 射程延長呪文撃(超常)/Reach Spellstrike 出典 Heroes of the Streets 11ページ:メイガスは遠隔呪文撃を用いて接触の遠隔呪文を近距離の最大射程(25フィート+5フィート/2術者レベル)で放つことができる。このメイガスの秘奥を選択するとき少なくとも9レベルでなければならず、遠隔呪文撃を持っていなけ...
  • PFS/キャンペーンにおける記述の明確化
    ...inder RPG Ultimate Combat 231). In the exalted boon Visitors from Abaddon, the ceustodaemons follow your commands perfectly for 1 round per Hit Dice. The DC of the Sentinel ability Tragic Accident is equal to 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice + your Charisma modifier. The number of negative levels your target gains on a hit in the Unfairness of the World is equal to 3 + 1/2 your Hit Dice unless it succeed...
  • PRD外/クラス/ウィッチ/アーキタイプ
    ...inder RPG Ultimate Campaign.  Whether a changeling in the process of succumbing to her mother’s call, a witch cursed by a hag to become her instrument of torment, a vain and petty witch overeager for power, or some other unfortunate soul, a hagbound witch finds its soul has been infected by a hag’s spite and powerful, corrupt arcane magic. Her mind and body begin to transform to reflect her n...
  • PRD外/クラス/ミーディアム
    ...—agonize (Ultimate Magic 205), 4th—greater infernal healing (Pathfinder Campaign Setting The Inner Sea World Guide 295), 5th—true seeing, 6th—banishment. This ability alters divine surge.  Supernatural Aid(上級、超常)/Supernatural Aid:Once per day, you can call an outsider with a number of Hit Dice equal to or less than yours (maximum 18 HD) as if casting the appropriate planar ally spell. You do ...
  • PRD外/クラス/ウィザード
    ...pell from Ultimate Magic. Void Magic:Add the following spells to your wizard spell list at the listed spell level 1st—keen senses, 3rd—twilight knife*, 4th— wandering star motes*, 6th—true seeing, 8th— moment of prescience. Void Awareness(超常)/Void Awareness:Your ability to recognize the void allows your body to react to magical manifestations before you’re even aware of them. You gain ...
  • PRD外/クラス/タイム・シーフ
    タイム・シーフ Time Thief The time thief does just what her name suggests?she steals bits of time. Mostly she steals boring, unneeded time from her own future, saving tiny split-seconds she can use to make her life easier in the present. As her powers grow, the time thief can learn to manipulate bigger slices of time, giving her more options to enhance her actions or even alter the timeline of enemies ...
  • PRD外/クラス/オラクル/アーキタイプ
    ...inder RPG Ultimate Magic 53), lore, nature, occult (Pathfinder Campaign Setting Occult Mysteries 53), time (Ultimate Magic 56).  クラス技能:A cyclopean seer adds Linguistics and all Knowledge skills to her list of class skills. These replace the additional class skills granted by her mystery.  Oracle’s Curse:A cyclopean seer must choose the haunted, hunger (see above), powerless prophecy (s...
  • PRD外/クラス/バランスド・スケイル・オヴ・アダバル
    3.5 Materialバランスド・スケイル・オヴ・アダバル Balanced Scale of Abadar  出典 Dark Markets - A Guide to Katapesh 54ページ  Balanced scales of Abadar fulfill a specialized role in Katapesh. In addition to utilizing their powers of mercantilism, balanced scales seek out lost, unclaimed, or wrongly seized wealth among the many tombs and ruins of the Katapesh desert. Balanced scales of Abadar develop unique powers th...
  • PRD外/クラス/アーケイニスト
    アーケイニストの秘技 Exploits Altered Shifting(超常)/Altered Shifting 出典 Advanced Class Origins 7ページ Strength Normal When the arcanist is under the effect of a spell of the polymorph subschool that she cast, she can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to change to another valid form allowed by the spell. This reduces the spell’s caster level by 1, which can take the spell’s caster level below the min...
  • PRD外/クラス/メイガス/メイガスの秘奥
    ...inder RPG Ultimate Magic 64ページ)。追加のレンジャーの罠は15ページに記載している。このメイガスの秘奥を選択するとき少なくとも10レベルでなければならない。 射程延長魔法/Reach Magic 出典 Ranged Tactics Toolbox 13ページ:メイガスは、《呪文射程伸長》APG特技によって修正されるかのように1日毎に呪文の1つを発動することができる。これは呪文の発動時間やレベルを増加させない。 射程延長呪文撃(超常)/Reach Spellstrike 出典 Heroes of the Streets 11ページ:メイガスは遠隔呪文撃を用いて接触の遠隔呪文を近距離の最大射程(25フィート+5フィート/2術者レベル)で放つことができる。このメイガスの秘奥を選択するとき少なくとも9レベルでなければならず、遠隔呪文撃を持っていなけ...
  • PRD外/クラス/ドルイド
    ...omain 出典 Ultimate Wilderness 46ページ、Inner Sea Monster Codex 35ページ  領域能力:You see the perfection of nature in the spindly limbs and strange forms of all vermin, great and small alike.  Vermin Whisperer(超常)/Vermin Whisperer:You can use your wild empathy ability on vermin. When you do so, you impart a modicum of implanted intelligence on the vermin, allowing you to interact with vermin as if t...
  • PRD外/クラス/アルケミスト
    ...gnatogen (Ultimate Magic 15), his effective caster level temporarily increases by 2. In addition, while under the effects of a cognatogen, the alchemist may use augury once as a spell-like ability (caster level equal to his alchemist level). At 10th level, he can use divination instead. An alchemist must be at least 4th level and must have the cognatogen discovery before selecting this discover...
  • PRD外/クラス/サイキック/念術修養
    念術修養 Psychic Disciplines Bleaching Bleaching 出典 Heroes from the Fringe 18ページ  You draw power from a void in your emotions, a yawning and empty chasm where your hopes and dreams and fears should be. It is very rare for any creature besides a gnome to have this psychic discipline—usually a bleachling or a gnome with a particularly strong fear of the Bleaching—but in occasional cases members of...
  • PRD外/クラス/インクィジター/アーキタイプ
    ...inder RPG Ultimate Magic 150) as a bonus feat but must choose either outsider (chaotic) or outsider (evil). At 9th level, she gains Favored Judgment as a bonus feat a second time and must choose either outsider (chaotic) or outsider (evil). This ability replaces the teamwork feats gained at 3rd and 9th level.  Bane(超常)/Bane:A cold iron warden reduces the amount of bonus damage dealt when us...
  • PRD外/クラス/ローグ/アーキタイプ
    ...inder RPG Ultimate Intrigue 212) as a spell-like ability, using her rogue level as her caster level. She can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time per day for every 5 rogue levels she has (to a maximum of five times at 20th level).  At 12th level, she can spend two uses of this ability to disintegrate a corpse entirely as a full-round action, leaving behind only a trace of...
  • PRD外/クラス/メスメリスト/アーキタイプ
    メスメリストのアーキタイプ Mesmerist Archetypes Autohypnotist Autohypnotist 出典 Psychic Anthology 17ページ  An autohypnotist has incredibly powerful psychic abilities that he can’t entirely control. As a result, maintaining his powers against an opponent hinders him as much as his target.  Autohypnosis(超常)/Autohypnosis:At 1st level, an autohypnotist has mastered techniques that make his hypnotic stare ab...
  • @wiki全体から「Ultimate Equipment Pocket Edition」で調べる

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