B2 > セイレーン


B2/セイレーン - (2011/07/10 (日) 04:14:47) の1つ前との変更点



// BEGIN_OF-siren.html // ORIGINAL-http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/additionalMonsters/siren.html * セイレーン &small(){[[Siren>http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/additionalMonsters/siren.html]]} >This creature has the body of a hawk and the head of a beautiful woman with long, shining hair. *** セイレーン 脅威度5 &small(){Siren} &b(){経験点 1,600} &b(){CN}/中型サイズの魔獣 &b(){イニシアチブ} +3;&b(){感覚} 暗視60フィート、夜目;〈知覚〉+15 **** 防御データ &b(){AC} 18、接触14、立ちすくみ14(+3【敏】、+1回避、+4外皮) &b(){hp} 52(8d10+8) &b(){頑健} +7、&b(){反応} +11、&b(){意志} +6 &b(){完全耐性} [精神作用]効果 **** 攻撃データ &b(){移動速度} 30フィート、飛行60フィート(良好) &b(){近接} 鉤爪(×2)=+11(1d6) &b(){特殊攻撃} bardic performance、siren’s song、急所攻撃+2d6 &b(){擬似呪文能力} (術者レベル7レベル;精神集中+12) #divclass(statsindent){ 3回/日:&i(){コーズ・フィアー}(DC16)、&i(){シャウト}(DC19)、&i(){チャーム・パースン}(DC16)、&i(){ディープ・スランバー}(DC18) } **** 一般データ &b(){【筋】} 10、&b(){【敏】} 17、&b(){【耐】} 12、&b(){【知】} 14、&b(){【判】} 19、&b(){【魅】} 21 &b(){基本攻撃} +8;&b(){CMB} +8;&b(){CMD} 22 &b(){特技} 《回避》、《かすめ飛び攻撃》、《神速の反応》、《武器の妙技》 &b(){技能} 〈隠密〉+14、〈芸能:歌唱〉+13、〈知覚〉+15、〈知識:歴史〉+10、〈飛行〉+7 &b(){言語} 風界語、共通語 **** 生態 &b(){出現環境} 温暖または暑熱/丘陵 &b(){編成} 単体または小編成(2~7) &b(){宝物} 標準 **** 特殊能力 &b(){Bardic Performance(超常)} A siren may use bardic performance as a 4th-level bard (9ラウンド/日), and can use countersong, distraction, fascinate, inspire competence, and inspire courage. Levels in the bard class stack with this ability. &b(){Siren Song(超常)} When a siren sings, all non-sirens within a 300-foot spread must succeed on a DC 19 Will save or become enthralled (下記参照). The effect depends on the type of song the siren chooses, and continues for as long as the siren sings and for 1 round thereafter. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by any of that siren’s songs for 1 hour. These are sonic, mind-affecting effects. このセーヴ難易度は【魅力】に基づいている。 Enthralled creatures behave in one of the following four ways, which the siren chooses when she begins singing. - &i(){Captivation}: This functions exactly like a harpy’s captivating song. - &i(){Fascination}: Affected creatures are fascinated. - &i(){Obsession}: An obsessed victim becomes defensive of the siren and does all he can to prevent harm from coming to her, going so far as attacking his allies in her defense. The victim is not controlled by the siren, but views her as a cherished ally. This is a charm effect. - &i(){Slumber}: The victim immediately falls asleep, rendering the creature helpless. While the siren is singing, no noise will wake the sleeping creature, though slapping or wounding him does. The creature continues sleeping for 1d4 minutes after the siren stops singing, but can be awakened by loud noises or any other normal method.  These bizarre beings have the bodies of hawks, owls, or eagles, but the heads of beautiful human women. Their faces typically reflect the human ethnicity dominant in the area in which they lair, and they almost always bear a vibrant and youthful countenance.  All sirens are female and long-lived. The oldest known sirens haunt their territories for nearly a millennium, although most only live for a few hundred years. Sirens require male humanoids to mate, and several times per decade either capture or rescue bold or comely sailors who enter their territories. Stories abound of sirens dying—either through heartache or suicide—when sailors they attempted to lure overcame their compelling powers and escaped their grasps. Sirens always live near the sea, where their powerful voices can carry over the waves and attract the attention of unwary sailors who trespass near their isles.  A typical siren has a wing span of 8フィート, and weighs 120 pounds. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

